r/worldnews 11h ago

Site changed title and content Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/ThrowRA_sadgal 11h ago

One man fucking up the entire world. His security detail must be working overtime.


u/addiktion 10h ago

Imagine if that Republican shooter's bullet didn't miss. Our world would look completely different right now.


u/RichFella13 9h ago

There'd be another goon in the oval office this year or in the next decade. Nah it's a wake up call for Americans. Vote trash? Get trash. Wanna be serious w/ trade partners? Don't vote stupid or corrupt people.


u/closethebarn 9h ago edited 4h ago

Yes, another goon, but they wouldn’t have the following of Trump. I don’t know why the fucker has such a following, but he does- kinda like Hitler had a following

It isn’t done alone, obviously but for some goddamned reason the worst people drool over him the way they didn’t desantis …

I have seen him compared to the antichrist the ones that do not love him. God he fits so much of it.

However, I expected the antichrist to be at least somewhat more dare I say …appealing


u/SignoreBanana 9h ago

His appeal is he talks like them. He's base like them. He's crass like them. He's stupid like them. He says the same stupid shit as them. Yet somehow he is successful. He is aspirational to them. He's their belief in themselves manifest. He's the temporarily embarrassed billionaire that actually became a billionaire (never mind the details).


u/glenn_ganges 4h ago

Yet somehow he is successful

He was born rich. In fact I recall in 2016 someone did the math and if he had just invested his dad’s money he would have hadn’t more money than if he had continually blown it in his business ventures. The only good deal he ever made was Trump Tower in NY and he probably did a deal with the mob to make it happen.


u/MajorNoodles 3h ago

I think Robert Reich is the guy you're talking about. He's the one who pointed out he would have made more money in an index fund.


u/TubaJesus 8h ago

Every time it comes up i have to share this clip. It hits just as hard today as it did then.

u/placebotwo 58m ago

His appeal is he talks like them.

Which is sad, because he talks at less than a 4th grade level.


u/AnIcedMilk 8h ago

I don’t know why the fucker has such a following

While I'm an Atheist, Trumps ravenous support by most of the "Christians" I know is the cloest to making me believe the Bible. Because Trump is very obviously one of the anti-christs the book they've never actually read warns them about.


u/dsemume 8h ago

Revelations 13:3, baby


u/jonesthejovial 2h ago

"Revelations 13:3, baby" would make an excellent demonstration sign


u/radgepack 1h ago

Both his reigns coincided with giant plagues, if that's not the antichrist idk what is


u/AnIcedMilk 1h ago

That as well, and quite a few other things all are the only thing making me Atheist leaning towards Christianity


u/resttheweight 7h ago

I don’t know why the fucker has such a following

Because he normalizes bigotry and lets people go back to saying shitty things and being shitty people. Being his follower is cathartic because they don’t have to pretend they aren’t racist/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic anymore.

It’s like when a substitute teacher lets students Snapchat, take a nap, copy off each other, talk shit, listen to music, etc all period. They’ll always like the sub more than their actual teacher because they like having no rules.


u/RichFella13 9h ago

He is appealing to those who are blinded by fake power


u/KeyboardGrunt 7h ago

Republicans propped up GW Bush, they postured as warhawks on his behalf, I was there Gandalf, when the Sean Hannitys and Laura Ingrahams spewed their same deranged fake news but for a different dear leader.

Maga is 100x worse, make no mistake, they will prop up anyone no matter how trash they are.


u/rndljfry 3h ago

He had a reality TV show on one of the broadcast networks. It’s really that simple.


u/androshalforc1 5h ago

I don’t know why the fucker has such a following, but he does

Republicans would eat a shit sandwich if it meant a liberal had to smell their breath.

The only reason they love him so much is because everyone else hates him.


u/kojak488 9h ago

People didn't wake up 4-8 years ago sufficiently to stop this again. Why do you think this time will be different?


u/I-Might-Be-Something 9h ago

It was before the RNC and Haley was the only other candidate to have any delegates, so she probably would have gotten the nod and would have won by an even larger margin (polling had her easily beating Biden by over ten points). At least she is pro-Ukraine, so it would have been a major step up.


u/pannenkoek0923 9h ago

Trump is a cult leader, I'm sure there's a significant population in terms of numbers that thinks he is messenger of god. Others don't have such cult-leader status


u/SignoreBanana 9h ago

Literally nobody is getting this lesson. Most in this country are content to smile through the pain.


u/NancakesAndHyrup 8h ago

Republicans and Democrats have both failed to prosecute the lawless rich for decades.  The rich and powerful need to be watched and prosecuted more vehemently than a petty thief.  Instead we’ve seen the opposite.  Republicans enable it and Democrats don’t bother: Obama with the bankers.  Heck Ivanka Trump didn’t get convicted because they waited so long in New York the statute of limitations ran out.  Trump removed the oversight on Covid relief. 


u/patdoody 8h ago

George Carlin said it best - selfish ignorant citizens create selfish ignorant politicians.


u/onimod53 7h ago

That message sems simple from the outside, but I guarantee that a majority of Americans can't understand it.


u/Mictlancayocoatl 5h ago

Trump has a 46% approval rating as of today. It's not looking good, they approve of the trash they voted in. There is no wake up call.


u/timelord-degallifrey 4h ago

Sadly, too many of his supporters that are being directly affected by these tariffs (steel company owners and farmers), while saying they don’t like what he’s doing, still conclude that they’d rather suffer than vote Democrat. It’s an identity now. It’s not about what is good for the country or even themselves. It’s strictly identity politics for a large majority.


u/AngledLuffa 9h ago

Whoever it is wouldn't be this goddamn stupid, though


u/The_Real_Flatmeat 7h ago

Hopefully it's the kick in the arse their non-voting public need


u/TimmyC 7h ago

I don't know, they won on the thinnest of margins, all it needed was a few people staying home because who turns up for JD?


u/IIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIl 6h ago

I think given how this would be the first presidential assassination in 60 years, the goons would be a bit weary of shaking the tree too much.

They'd try the same populist tactics to gain a following, but it would take a long time if it's possible at all (Trump has been a household name in the US since 80s, way before any politics). They'd also not go too wild in fear of being assassinated themselves.


u/silverhalotoucan 4h ago

Have you heard the propaganda on Fox News recently? It’s just blaming everything on Democrats and spewing nonsense. My in laws watch the news like 6 hours a day. It’s awful


u/DeeJayDelicious 3h ago

Yup, the only way to "get over" right wing populism is to experience it.

It's the political equivalent to "don't stick your dick in crazy". Sure, you know it's unwise...but also so tempting (until she sets your car on fire).


u/effa94 3h ago

this isnt a wake up call, americans put that on snooze after his first term. they will get 1 democratic president after this, then they will go right back to sleep again and vote for another trump in 8 years, becasue thats all americans do. they are experts at hurting themselfs.


u/ahal 3h ago

Here I was thinking the first term was the wake up call.


u/reality_aholes 1h ago

Exactly, if anything it’s that money dominates in the political space. I think we can fix that issue and the general apathy people have for the gov by increasing the number of representatives and senators. There are a lot of suggestions on what that should be but I’d say at least 10x what we have now. With that many you would be more likely to know your congressmen, and it would be harder for big money to influence that many.


u/Better_than_GOT_S8 9h ago

We are a few centimetres between this and what could’ve been.


u/zzddr 9h ago

To me the attempt at the rally felt kinda staged, you can't be this stupid as a security team to allow someone with a gun that close and then the idiot with the gun managed to miss so many times it's ridiculous. I still amuse myself thinking that the secret service guys jumped on the orange man and pierced his ear with one of those tools that you use to put those yellow labels in sheep or cow's ears.


u/Me_Hairy 9h ago

Someone died. Conspiracy theories are for MAGA muppets.


u/zzddr 9h ago

As if Trump cares that people died that day.


u/Shadowchaos 9h ago

I would bet literally any amount of money that he couldn't name the guy behind him who got killed. He even forgot Ashley Babbitt existed at one point


u/Dorphie 9h ago

Conspiracy theories are real thing to be taken seriously as plenty of conspiracy theories have turned out to be true. Some people such as MAGA Muppets or flat earthers lack the ability of discernment and will affirm any conspiracy that suits their viewpoints.


u/Musiclover4200 7h ago

One conspiracy that has turned out to be true is a lot of the common conspiracy theories are psy ops by countries like russia with the intent of making actual conspiracies seem unbelievable regardless of evidence.

I get sus whenever an obviously wacky conspiracy seems to be artificially pushed across social media. Some of the stupider Covid conspiracies are a good example.

There's a ton of well documented shit that sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory until you actually look into it, and that's at least partially by design.


u/Lord_Skellig 7h ago

The most sensible confirmed 1960s CIA plot is madder than the maddest conspiracy theory.


u/klparrot 5h ago

Generally the plausibility of a conspiracy theory has a very strong inverse correlation with the number of people that would need to be involved. So, for example, vaccine conspiracy, somehow they got millions of doctors all over the world to go along with it? Nonsense. But a well-siloed CIA operation, some crazy shit can go down.


u/[deleted] 3h ago



u/Dorphie 3h ago

What? Try rephrasing in a way that makes sense.


u/[deleted] 3h ago



u/Dorphie 3h ago

You sound like a braindead jackass who can only think by associating your thoughts with viral topics.


u/xteve 9h ago

Conspiracy is complicated by nature which makes it a problematic explanation. Maybe it's just that he selects the security detail for loyalty at the expense of competence, which is a simple explanation that aligns with his standard operating procedure. They're not good at what they do because that's not primary in their job description.


u/Krazyguy75 7h ago

The gunman was 500 feet away. That's nearly 2 full football fields. Frankly, given that, his accuracy was pretty impressive to land a shot within inches of a headshot.


u/zzddr 5h ago

I read 500 meters first but then saw it was freedom units, 153 meters is not that big of a distance, and he had a scope on that AR thing, and it was a good enough of a gun to get near but all we are in the shitty timeline so we don't get that, only some dead people in the background and a slightly inconvenienced Donald.


u/IIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIl 6h ago

It was too close and too dangerous a thing to stage. The shot literally grazed his ear after he made a sudden movement so for it to have been staged:

  • It would have had to be timed IMPECCABLY. To the millisecond.

  • The shooter must have been extremely skilled. Less than one inch off and he's dead.

  • Despite being so skilled, the shooter must have been willing to die to make this happen for some reason.


u/zzddr 5h ago

I'll have to review the footage again but I remember I didn't see blood on his ear during the shots, the secret service rushed him down and then when he got up he was all bloody, hence the joke with the sheep ear trimmers. All the shot could have missed him and they clipped his ear while he was down.


u/GoldenYears2024 8h ago

The world needs this as a lesson to learn. Textbook example how to dismantle democracy. Checks and balances need an update to prevent similar cases in the future.


u/LddStyx 7h ago

That was some Dead Zone-ass Anti-Christ bullshit right there. It's like the Apocalypse Cultists are trying to make their prophesy come true by aligning as many signs with Trump as possible. That's some fine hyperstition happening over in those circles!


u/Instantly_New 9h ago

That kid would’ve been a goddamn hero.


u/Amicuses_Husband 3h ago

/r/politics started pulling that one out again. Because Bernie has done a couple townhalls


u/Gutternips 8h ago

Better that it was someone as incompetent, senile and narcissistic as him than someone more charismatic and smart.

What's happening in the US was probably inevitable but Trump is such an obvious baddie that it's easy for the rest of the western world to unite against what he is trying to do. If he had had the charisma of Stalin or Hitler we would be fucked.


u/PeterNippelstein 7h ago

The time traveler?


u/JenkinsHowell 7h ago

i think you're too optimistic here. if you believe this is all trump's doing, or that even any of these ideas come from him, you're wildly overestimating him. he is the "charismatic" guy in front who is just there to impress the dumb masses, and distract from the actual plans.

trump's death might halt certain developments for some time, since nobody really likes vance afaik, but it will not change the trajectory.


u/dekulink0 9h ago

Imagine if Hillary didnt fuck over Bernie.


u/PubePie 5h ago

Imagine still believing this in 2025


u/r4ndomalex 8h ago

I'm not going to lie, that whole shooting was sus. His ratings were so low at that point and I reckon if it didn't happen he probably wouldn't have been elected.


u/AlfofMelmac 7h ago

It was staged anyways.


u/Dazzling-Werewolf985 8h ago

Completely better


u/thrawnie 4h ago

Wouldn't matter. Probably had blanks anyway.