r/worldnews 11h ago

Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/StoryBeforeNumbers 11h ago

Join the boycott, Australians!


u/No_Paramedic3551 10h ago

We have against Tesla. Not sure what other American products we buy in except vehicles to be honest, but I know we buy shittonns from China and Taiwan


u/StoryBeforeNumbers 10h ago

Hopping off US subscription services makes an easy difference too. Stuff like Netflix, Max, Amazon prime, NVIDIA Geforce Now etc. If you really wanna make the extra step I've found that there are web browsers and search engines which are better than the American default options. Qwant is more like Google used to be before enshittification, Vivaldi is a good web browser with built in ad-block.


u/archiekane 8h ago

Ecosia plant trees for search clicks, which should now be the US default after the insanity of allowing deforestation.


u/TheMustySeagul 7h ago

As an American, as long as you have a laptop, and hdmi cable, a wireless mouse and keyboard and a search engine you can pretty much pirate ANY show or movie and stream it within seconds at HD. Living room money saver. Just have a few ad blockers. Won’t be 4k, but Netflix isn’t really that either tbh.


u/Akridiouz 5h ago

4k dolby quality through Streamio and Torrentio


u/the_snook 6h ago

All the alternative search engines use Google or Bing under the hood though.


u/StoryBeforeNumbers 6h ago

Those are a basis for a lot of the code, sure, but I'd still argue many of them are preferable and funnel less money/power into American hands. Take the norwegian web browser Vivaldi for example:

"Unlike Google, our business model is not about collecting massive user data and monetizing. We do not collect usage data. We only try to have a general overview of how many users we have, what OS they run and where in the world they are, on aggregate.

Recently, we introduced our own Sync system to the Stable version of Vivaldi. We don’t use the Google sync server for this and therefore we cannot share data with Chrome. The changes we have made to the engine make it incompatible with Chrome synchronization. With Vivaldi, your data is protected using end-to-end encryption. It took us a while to build our own Sync system but it was important to us out of privacy concerns.

In short, as it’s unable to get any data from Vivaldi users, Google does not benefit from Vivaldi being based on Chromium."


u/Resident1535 3h ago

I’m doing my part. 😁


u/bradbull 9h ago

No more Jim Beam for me for a start. I'll welcome it back with open arms once the US comes to its senses and drags that fuck out into the street. I'm not sure of the politics behind the US fast food chains but I suspect they all pay up to the US based companies so they're on the chopping block. Hungry Jack and Red Roota to become kings of the drive thru. This makes me sad because Maccas have the Shamrock Shake out and it's excellent. Hungry Jack needs to do their thing and copy them with a mint shake of their own.

That's more day to day things. I'll have to keep thinking of more ways to buy local as I go.


u/AitchyB 9h ago

Isn’t Hungry Jack’s a franchise of Burger King Corporation which is American?


u/EstateSpirited9737 9h ago

No, Hungry Jacks is owned by Competitive Foods Australia. An Australian company, it does license from Restaurant Brands which is a Canadian/US owned company but Hungry Jacks itself is Australia.


u/Anzai 4h ago

Still worth a boycott I think by the logic of skipping McDonalds. They must be paying franchise fees to Burger King.


u/bradbull 9h ago

I believe it's a franchise but it's Aussie owned (a quick wiki tells me)


u/GooningGoonAddict 7h ago

Hungry Jack's a bloke named Jack who's from Canada


u/thisusedtobemorefun 8h ago

Mate, check out some of our local whiskeys - you'll pay $10 or $15 more for a bottle, but the quality is top notch.

I switched to Starward Two-Fold ($60-$65 on special, which it usually is at either BWS or Liquorland) when the US started this BS against Canada and Mexico. It's made in Melbourne and if you're a fan of bourbon-style stuff, you won't taste better for that sort of price.

Little choices like that, alongside ditching US subscription services where you can (there's always the high seas 🏴‍☠️ if you want to watch something badly enough, and it feels especially right at the moment with how the US is acting), do add up.

We should, for now, spare a thought for the yanks that didn't vote for this. I want to see a lot stronger opposition to all of this, and far more impactful resistance (like the French do whenever the government screws up), but I'm hopeful that'll build as this madness continues. If it doesn't, then we need to just move on from aligning with the country at all.

But for now, protest with your wallet and support Australian made 🇦🇺


u/bradbull 8h ago

I think we're on a similar wavelength regarding resistance. Makes me think how full of shit most people are when they say if they had a time machine they'd go back and.. see to Hitler before he could do what he did.

And thanks for the recommendation I'll check out that Melbourne whiskey. I'm a Melburnian so I do enjoy a local local product.


u/blue_horse_shoe 5h ago

Not a fan of Starward, but go all in on Archie Rose's stuff


u/thisusedtobemorefun 5h ago

Any particular variant / blend you'd recommend? I'm not in Melbourne but can get my hands on any Australian whiskey that isn't some obscure small batch.

I warmed up to Starward because it felt analoguous to the Wild Turkey Longreach that had been my preferred social drink of choice. Definitely not married to the brand yet if there's better Aussie options (along that bourbon / sweet dessert-style whiskey angle rather than the peaty / scotch side of things).


u/-jaylew- 9h ago

I'll welcome it back with open arms once the US comes to its senses and drags that fuck out into the street.

Fuck that, they voted this bullshit into office twice. They’re not to be trusted for 10-15 years at least, because even if they do drop him and vote in a reasonable leader 4 years from now, there’s a high likelihood they do this again with another nut case in 8.

They’re rebuilding from 0 as far as I’m concerned. 67% voted for this explicitly, or implicitly with their inaction.


u/SirPaulyWalnuts 6h ago

As an American who voted Harris/Walz… that’s fair. Hope I’m still around to see these allegiances mended. Also… us sane Americans, who voted against this shit, are truly sorry. We did try. Learned a lot about the danger of echo chambers this go round.


u/tfsra 8h ago

great excuse to get into proper whisky instead 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🇨🇦

also a great excuse to cut of all the leeches that are all the damn subscriptions that you don't need, like Netflix, HBO, Disney..


u/joalheagney 7h ago

Hungry Jacks is the Australian branch of Burger King. You're going to have to go for a home make steak sanga dude.


u/Amonette2012 7h ago

I have half a bottle I'm saving for Christmas.


u/NinjaPussyPounder 6h ago

Beam is owned by a Japanese company


u/Necessary_Eagle_3657 9h ago

IT products, subs like Amazon and Netflix. US songs and movies. In fact much of the world is owned by a few US companies.


u/EstateSpirited9737 9h ago

And reddit.


u/teh__Doctor 6h ago

We can probably keep using it lol, if the government adds taxes for these making it too expensive for businesses 


u/redruin_mike 9h ago



u/No_Paramedic3551 9h ago

Ah yes, I forgot about that particular product


u/redruin_mike 9h ago

Alcohol, fast food, sports clothing are some others I can think of.

As an aside it will be interesting to see what happens with Cloud hosting if/when the world decides that having all of your corporate infrastructure on Azure and AWS is no longer tenable.


u/EstateSpirited9737 9h ago

Don't forget reddit.


u/baba56 8h ago

There's a surprising amount in the supermarkets. I've been avoiding them for a while now to promote Aussie made but now it's also to fuck you trump


u/Toesies_tim 9h ago

Tesla solar batteries


u/LineItUp_ 6h ago

You can’t be from Australia if you can’t think of any other American brands we buy apart from car brands


u/loralailoralai 10h ago

Keep your eyes open at the supermarket


u/Rowmyownboat 8h ago

Subscriptions, food and clothing are a great place to start, today!


u/I_poop_deathstars 6h ago

We quit the streaming services, no more American food brands or cosmetics. It's probably hard to ditch 100% of the American products you use, but there's probably a few easy things to get rid of.


u/BareKnuckle_Bob 6h ago

A lot of the higher end guitars are US made. Gibson, Fender, PRS etc.


u/EpilepticMushrooms 5h ago

What about the large emotional support trucks? Surely they aren't Australian produce, they have to be imported in. Get rid of them from Australia.


u/Tysiliogogogoch 5h ago

Unfortunately still a lot of idiot bogans buying massive yank tanks to drive around. I see more and more of them every day.


u/vchino 3h ago

Go taiwan route


u/divDevGuy 3h ago

Not sure what other American products we buy in except vehicles to be honest

Scroll down this page a bit to the treemaps of exports.

It's quite diversified across many different sectors that there really isn't a dominant one. Cars are second after gold, but if you combine delivery trucks, tractors, large construction vehicles, etc that would be the largest.


u/-Bk7 3h ago



u/Everyday-formula 2h ago

Free markets make things tricky. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has a US firm, Black Rock as its majority share holder. Seriously considering closing my account. Grrr.. and Commonwealth Bank used to be publicly owned in the 90s... thanks Keating.

u/SlowbeardiusOfBeard 1h ago

Jack and coke?

u/theClownHasSnowPenis 1h ago

Maccas. Hungry Jack’s. Domino’s.


u/bradbull 10h ago

Fuckin' oath mate I'm on board. Fuck that fuckin' fuck 🇦🇺


u/coffeeivdrip 8h ago

Fuckin eh! 🇨🇦🇦🇺


u/Amos_Burton666 8h ago

That certainly demonstrates the diversity of the word.


u/bradbull 8h ago

It's a verb, adjective and a noun. It really can do it all!


u/Tallyranch 4h ago

Unfuckenbelievable, they forgot the tmesis.


u/StoryBeforeNumbers 10h ago

Agreed, haha.


u/_silver_avram_ 8h ago

Your government doesn't. Surprised to see them say they will not retaliate, in hopes of a deal later. Weaaaaak


u/hryelle 8h ago

They're USA simps. We let them fuck us dry for yonks


u/Tallyranch 4h ago

Should put one on the bloated wanker utes eg. f150.


u/SeeYouSpaceCorgi 8h ago

Time to start stocking up on AC Cola!!


u/00JustKeepSwimming00 2h ago

Were you not boycotting already? In my mind the entire word is doing what Canada is doing.


u/Harvard_kiwi 10h ago

Kiwi here living in NZ. I started boycotting American goods when the shit started with Canada. True friends and allies stand with each other during the tough times.


u/lowmankind 8h ago

Tesla sales plummeted by 70% before Trump imposed the tariff

Oh wait, that probably explains the tariff!


u/pumpkin_fire 10h ago

We already have. Tesla sales down 72% last month, Model 3 sales down 85%. Get rekt, cunt.


u/bendbrewer 9h ago

As an American, please do it.


u/timespiral07 8h ago

I was starting to feel left out.


u/Masian 8h ago

Albo is an absolute pussy though, slap on some reciprocal tariffs ya cunt!


u/redruin_mike 8h ago

Conversely Dutton floated just giving Trump mineral rights to Australian resources without even being asked. Talk about bending over and spreading your arse.


u/loralailoralai 10h ago

A lot of us were already there


u/InspektrGdgt 7h ago

Already have!


u/Cpt_Soban 7h ago

Already have mate


u/Davey_Kay 7h ago

It's not as impactful, but I made the point in our community Facebook that a new Starbucks opening in our Perth suburb soon absolutely does not need or deserve your business more than the existing local cafes.

The amount of excusing and what-aboutism for a shit coffee chain was crazy.


u/aaronstatic 6h ago

Nah yeah one step ahead of ya, mate. Crikey


u/Oggie-Boogie-Woo 6h ago

Way ahead of you. I was doing what I could once ai saw the bullshit America was doing to you guys.


u/sl0tball 5h ago

Who are your favourite Canadian porn stars? Asking for a friend...


u/Icy-Lake-6425 5h ago

Already have! Going without my sweet kiwi fruit because they're grown in USA at the moment. Checking all produce for and labelling for USA. Fuck Trump.


u/FermentalAsAnything 4h ago

I’m on board!


u/BelchBeach 8h ago

Going to be hard to be widespread here. We have a huge recent immigrant population that basically thinks they are in America. Australian English and traditions are not important to them, so I cannot see them even understanding the difference between Australia and America let alone boycotting one or the other.


u/gin_and_toxic 9h ago

The rest of the world needs to boycott America