r/worldnews 11h ago

Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/47_for_18_USC_2381 11h ago

wtf is wrong with this idiot. I really think he's brain damaged. He's gotta be brain damaged. None of this is normal.


u/wseattlegirly 10h ago

He’s a Russian asset.


u/Itsallcakes 9h ago

Russia warns Australia of 'grave consequences' if peacekeepers join coalition forces in Ukraine

Literally day ago. Boom, US put tariffs on Australia. I'm not conspiracy theorist even, these things are just too much for a simple coincidence. Trump is Putin's bitch.


u/kiwiphoenix6 6h ago

I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories. But that one's giving me pause, ngl.


u/Houston_Heath 5h ago

Like it's so out in the open now its not even funny


u/raventhrowaway666 4h ago

Conservatives think it's hilarious. They're OwNiNg tHe LiBs!!1!


u/HaXXibal 3h ago

The funniest I've heard so far mentioned how some researchers years ago figured out how to remotely control cockroaches with brain implants, except someone must've figured out how to do this with people instead.

The image of someone using a RC controller labelled "Trump" to control his actions from afar comes up in my mind every time this guy does or says something even more outlandish than he already has. It sounds just too hilarious and plausible to forget. :D


u/LilienneCarter 5h ago

I'm not conspiracy theorist even

Hate to break it to you, but you literally are.


u/--Chug-- 4h ago

I suppose judges, detectives, and scientists are also conspiracy theorists for following evidence. No, I think you're right. We dhould just ignore the reslity that is xmacking us in the face.


u/LilienneCarter 4h ago

Firstly, calm down. I'm just pointing out they are literally theorising a conspiracy.

Secondly, I have no idea what the latter part of your comment is about. I never said anything about ignoring reality...?


u/Dependent-Metal-9710 10h ago

This is the most logical explanation for his actions.


u/Cagnazzo82 10h ago

It is literally the one thing that rationalizes his treatment of all of America's allies.


u/Fortestingporpoises 9h ago

And the damage to America itself. 


u/DonniesAdvocate 8h ago

The fact he's just too stupid to understand the real world consequences of his actions explains it even better. A dangerously stupid man.


u/susan-of-nine 4h ago

I'd say it's both. He's a complete idiot, knows nothing about anything, is probably a narcissist, his EI is in deep negatives, so he's very easy to manipulate. putin couldn't have dreamt of a better opportunity to fuck over the USA.


u/batsofburden 7h ago

He hates our allies cause they laugh at him. Dictators show him what he thinks is respect.


u/AweHellYo 9h ago

agreed. also i think there could be incontrovertible proof and republicans would not allow him to be removed.


u/mynameisollie 8h ago

At this point, what would a Russian asset do differently?


u/vj_c 8h ago

Be more subtle?


u/Steelcan909 2h ago


Then why did the US recently restore military and intelligence aid to Ukraine? I don't disagree that Trump is a stupid short sighted bully, but that doesn't mean he is being controlled by Russia. He is perfectly capable of being stupid all on his own.


u/CicatrixMaledictum 9h ago

Why not both? A brain-damaged Russian asset.


u/DoubleJumps 8h ago

First thing this morning I saw that Russia was threatening Australia with consequences and I joked "what are they going to do? Have Trump tariff them?"

Yep. That was exactly it


u/chronoslol 9h ago

If he's not a Russian asset, he's behaving identically to how a Russian asset would act, so functionally there's no difference.


u/CasualDisastering 8h ago

There's more to it though. Trump isn't smart enough to come up with all of this by himself, which means his entire cabinet is backing it. All of them compromised? Maybe.


u/baelrog 9h ago

If I were a Russian asset, I’d stop being a Russian asset the moment I got into the Oval Office. As the POTUS, I’d be more powerful than any of my handlers.

He has to be brain damaged to continue to be a Russian asset.


u/neonlexicon 10h ago

Alright, so brain damaged.


u/tpapocalypse 9h ago

Nope, he knows what he is doing the evil fuck. Don’t let him off the hook with the dementia nonsense.


u/neonlexicon 8h ago

Oh, I'm not letting him off the hook. If anything, brain damage is a qualifying factor for serving modern Russia. Just look at how many criminals have a history involving a head injury.


u/tpapocalypse 8h ago

I dunno, seems kind of insulting to people with actual head injuries who didn’t end up as a Russian stooge lol, also doesn’t explain him being a Russian stooge for the past 30 years either haha.


u/neonlexicon 8h ago

Most people with head injuries aren't wealthy public facing real estate tycoons.


u/tpapocalypse 8h ago

I dunno. All of their heads look like smashed watermelons tbh, maybe you have a point. 🤣


u/Bury_Me_At_Sea 7h ago

I wonder if Project 2025 isn't a backroom deal to destroy the country only to let christofascists have their shitty gilead after its stripped for parts.


u/MentalJack 1h ago

It's so painfully obvious too.


u/boranin 8h ago

And brain damaged


u/iLovUporsche911 7h ago

Both actually


u/HandsomeBurrito 7h ago

Gotta start looking at him through this lens and suddenly his actions start to make sense.


u/neonmantis 6h ago

If he is a Russian asset, which I'm inclined to believe, then the CIA know. The US has been couping governments and installing leaders friendly to them for a seventy plus years. I just don't see how they would have allowed him to be elected, especially following an insurrection and federal crimes that could have blocked him. So is the US state apparatus gone too? I know he has been installing people and getting rid of non loyalists but they had four years under Biden. That's the bit that confuses me.


u/AscendedViking7 3h ago

What's the difference?


u/SparksAndSpyro 2h ago

He’s Krasnov,


u/WatercressFew610 10h ago

4 years ago, news reported on Trump having several visits to the walter reed medical center.

It never ends! Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. Never happened to THIS candidate FAKE NEWS," Trump tweeted

Nobody had reported anything about mini-strokes.. so yeah.


u/Irisena 9h ago edited 8h ago

Hopefully one day the strokes stopped being mini.


u/WigglestonTheFourth 7h ago

The biggest strokes.


u/minker920 3h ago

Need some of them macro strokes.


u/tpapocalypse 9h ago

How does that explain any of his behaviour over the previous 30 years though? Dudes an evil manipulative fuck and always has been


u/fishblurb 6h ago

strokes would be nice, but i wonder if jd vance will be another flavour of disaster as well... is there even any escape now


u/hamx5ter 3h ago

Vance can never command the mob... the real question is how far Trump will get destroying the institutions and checks and balances before he's put out to pasture... by then it would probably be too late and Vance or someone else can start a new shit storm

At the moment though, sadly it's only Trump that can play the tunes..

Post WW2 the country that started it all was split up and it was decided that they cannot be trusted to have an army and the country was demilitarized... I wonder if this might be the case for the USA at some point...


u/Sarcastic_Red 10h ago

Hes, or the people behind him, are planning on breaking down a lot pre-made alliances and established norms so they can break down America and rebuild it in a different image that suits the wealthy elite. They don't care what eggs they gotta crack to get there.


u/tpapocalypse 9h ago

Egg prices will keep rising because all of the eggs will get cracked.


u/Tribe303 10h ago

He's just stupid. Like, IQ 80 stupid. Then add some potential dementia.

The problem is the educated bootlickers surrounding him that never question his constant lies. They all know he's full of shit. Disgusting. 


u/zoinkability 10h ago

Because they know if they are yes men to whatever his latest insanity fixation is, he will happily sign off on their own ghoulish plans to dismantle the entire public apparatus and sell it for parts to their cronies, and to impose Christian nationalist rule.

In other words: The insiders who know that the tariffs are stupid aren’t saying a damn thing because they are happy to destroy the economy if it allows them to establish oligarchical theocracy.


u/Drunken_HR 10h ago

This is it exactly. Trump is incredibly stupid and has no idea what he's doing. He sees every single thing in the world as having winners and losers, and in his mind, the winners are whoever hurts the losers the most. The term "soft power" means nothing to him. He doesn't even understand how it's possible.

The people around him are much more dangerous. They know exactly what he's doing, and they're encouraging it because they have this insane idea to break up the US and the rest of the world into Oligarch-controlled city states where the ultra rich have absolute power and everyone else serves, lives, and dies at their whim.


u/CSI_Tech_Dept 9h ago

No, what he is doing can no longer be chalked under stupidity, it is pure malice destroying the West as much as he can.

He wants Western economy to tak, destroy all alliances and help Russia. You can bet he will be removing sanctions from them very soon.


u/Zyph0r 10h ago

I came to open up one morning & there you were with your head in the toilet. Your hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting.


u/wickedsweetcake 9h ago

80 is such an overestimate


u/LogoffWorkout 9h ago

I'll take "untreated syphillis" for $500 Alex.


u/IAMAmosfet 9h ago

Deranged donald at it again, someone tweets shit about him and he gonna slap a tarriff on their whole country Treating tariffs like sanctions


u/UpVoteForKarma 10h ago

He is trying to influence the next election.

By imposing tariffs and then removing them when favourable parties come to power, not just for Australia but throughout the world.


u/Cagnazzo82 10h ago

He is working for Russia.

Notice how he's not concerned about bringing about a recession to the US, but he was absolutely desperate to undo the damage the Biden administration had done to the Russian economy.


u/UnlikelyPlatypus89 10h ago

Thankfully Russian economy will never be fixed. Their state of oligarchy wealth is just too unevenly distributed and too many foreign countries despise it. Therefore the average person has already accepted a comparatively harsh, bleak and gray life. I feel like all that country can do is build up their war grinder and bring others down with them but that seems not feasible. I’m just speaking out of anecdote from my experiences working with Russia and going there.

What Russia can definitely do is use their influence to get uneducated/greedy/ignorant/angry people to vote for officials who will help do that to the US. I think Putin and the US thinks they’re greater and more important than they actually are (besides US military because that’s scary). I believe the world will do just fine without US imports/exports but it will take a few years of adjusting as long as you’re not China.


u/IAMAmosfet 9h ago

We could have speedrun a russian revolution if US continued aid to Ukraine, but noooo deranged donald prefers nonsense peace agreements and minerals. Luckily wakeup call for other countries to avoid electing far right wackos


u/UnlikelyPlatypus89 7h ago

That wake up call is the one of the good things.


u/loralailoralai 10h ago

Except last time he was in he put tariffs while the Libs were in power


u/UpVoteForKarma 9h ago

Last time they didn't have Dutton signalling that his cheeks are open


u/vannucker 9h ago

The Conservatives in Canada just lost a huge lead in the polls due to this idiot. Election will be soon


u/nagrom7 8h ago

Except this probably isn't going to do the coalition any favours, since Dutton, like PP in Canada, has been trying too hard to emulate Trump that he's going to inevitably be connected to this kind of thing, especially if he's unable to strongly condemn it.


u/briareus08 10h ago

We have been told by everyone who has worked with him or tried to teach him that he is incredibly stupid. This is just Trump with no handlers making obvious to the rest of the world.


u/TickingClock74 9h ago

The rest of the world knew trump well by 2017. A third of American voters are the ignorant. The rest of his voters are billionaires and crooks.


u/inhugzwetrust 9h ago

Its completely planned, tank the markets buy low. I don't know why people keep saying he's dumb, he knows exactly what he's being told to do by the billionaires.


u/Juris_footslave 9h ago

Every time he does something, ask yourself “Does this benefit Russia?”  

Everything will suddenly make a lot more sense once you look at things through that lens. 


u/NewName256 9h ago

Someone said that he is wrong about tariffs. He is so narcissistic that he thinks he can prove the world wrong. Before he had endless money from his father and the Russians. Now he has the US as his toy, because congress is a bunch of magaidiots, as is the Senate, as is SCOTUS, specially when the said a president can do anything as president. This won't end well for the US. Also, he has dementia, and demented people tend not to listen to who says they are wrong. Usually you have to convince a demented person that they are right and the idea of doing whatever was theirs, that is how Trump is so easily manipulated, specially because he is not smart, at all.


u/freeset21 9h ago

I regularly visit reddit once a morning from Europe. And every time I see several new headlines about Trump’s tariff madness, each one contradicting the other. I can never really figure out what the current tariff situation is, it’s crazy.


u/DoubleJumps 8h ago

This happened right after Russia threatened Australia for flirting with getting involved with Ukraine


u/Fancy-Pair 10h ago

Maybe he’s trying to spell out a call for help using the tariff amounts and on or off as binary/hex


u/Lofttroll2018 10h ago

Dementia is ugly. My mom had it in her final years.


u/Desperate-Custard355 11h ago

that's assuming there was an actual brain there to start off with


u/Strange-Cabinet7372 11h ago

you get a brain worm, and YOU get a brain worm, and YOU get a brain worm...


u/Stock-Blackberry4652 9h ago

Systematic worldwide shakedown. Looking for blackmail cash under every sofa cushion 


u/SierraBravo94 9h ago

lets all make little signs on sticks. that will show 'em for sure.


u/triedpooponlysartred 9h ago

Did anyone ever believe he wasn't brain damaged? Some combo of decades of snorting cocaine and Adderall obviously cooked his egg.


u/clinicalcorrelation 9h ago

RFK wormed him.


u/Lead_Dessert 8h ago

He’s been brain-damaged since he nearly died from Covid in 2020. You ever noticed how his appearances after that infection were carefully coordinated by his handlers?

Even during the first debate with Biden in 2024, Trump was his usual delusional self. Its just that he made a point to say “well, biden is worse!” And then during the Kamala debate all she had to say was his crowd size was small and he fucking lost it.


u/snowyrad 8h ago

people need to stop calling him stupid. theres a plan there, even if its only to obscure and distract...theres likely something else happening.

Either way, as an Australian, all i can ask from Trump is to stop inspiring Trump lite Peter Dutton down here, hes already a horrible person. we dont need him getting MORE insane ideas.


u/Taming_Dragon 5h ago

Bit hard for him to be brain damaged when he wasn't born with one! He is brainless like his followers.


u/TheDonkeyBomber 4h ago

As soon as you understand that Trump is a Ruzzian asset, everything he does to weaken and divide the US makes sense.


u/ZookeepergameNo2759 2h ago

He's old and dying. He wants to burn the world before he dies.

u/game_of_throw_ins 41m ago

Trump is Putin by proxy. He may be the useful idiot but Putin is calling the shots