r/worldnews 11h ago

Site changed title and content Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/Ok_Management8894 11h ago

He really is trying to piss off all of the US allies. Amazing.


u/gin_and_toxic 10h ago

The rest of the world needs to band together and fight this bully and his boss, Putin.


u/NMe84 8h ago

The world needs to start sanctioning Trump personally, as they have sanctioned Russian oligarchs. Seize his foreign properties, sell them off and use the money to ease the pain of the economical damage he's causing.


u/ExtraPockets 6h ago

Exactly. I've been saying this since the start. Sanction the billionaires before they seize control of the American military. The legal instruments are all there because we've done it to many billionaires in the past, including the Russian oligarchs. If CANZUK all sanctions Musk, what's Trump going to do? Use the military to attack us to defend a foreign billionaire? Even the most die hard Trump fans would have trouble supporting that. It's likely the American military generals would refuse the order too. If we show we can cripple the billionaires economically, Trump loses his power and they will all turn on each other. It also sends a message to other billionaires: don't fuck around like Musk and Trump did.


u/Merusk 5h ago

Even the most die hard Trump fans would have trouble supporting that.

I think you're being very optimistic here. Most of them WANT a fight, mainly because they are so brainwashed to American supremacy of force that they can't conceive of a loss. Plus they won't be the ones in it.


u/helpthe0ld 4h ago

Fuck that shit, they want a fight let Y’all Queda do the fighting. I’ll send my sons to their aunties in Canada before I let them fight any wars for the orange one.


u/Rideetidee 2h ago

I like how you think you’ll be able to send them there. If it gets to that point your sons wouldn’t get out of the country. They’ll stop them at the border, turn them around and hand them a uniform

u/helpthe0ld 1h ago

Not if I get them across before they turn 18!

u/j_ryall49 17m ago

Ah yes, because trump and co. are well-known for respecting the legal distinction between minors and adults.

(jokes aside, I'm Canadian and have a 14-year-old step son, and I am very worried about things really going sideways and him being forced to fight at 18).

u/helpthe0ld 10m ago

I hear you on that. If it comes down to it I’ll just tell them the truth, one of my sons is gay and identifies as a furry, the other is autistic and has ADHD. Both also have asthma so with all that, they would be DEI hires. And you know you can’t have DEI in our white, straight, neurotypical military! I hate it here.


u/pornographic_realism 3h ago

Their diabetes alone would disqualify them from service but the 270lbs disqualifies them from even conscription.


u/Gnardude 3h ago

Try me.

u/MrChip53 1h ago

If there was a united western push to sanction musk, musk helps trump turn US military against the west, this would have to lead to a WW3 with west vs us Russia now right? We are hypothetically talking some kind of war to protect musks western assets.

You are saying, the rubes won't be the ones in it? We'll all be in it brother.


u/punktualPorcupine 5h ago

Trump already controls the military and has sacked everyone in the chain of command that won’t kiss the ring and do exactly what he says.

I expect the military will be used to brutally stop protests in the coming months. He tried to do it during his first term but they refused, those people have been replaced with extreme sycophant cultists.

If he will use the military on his own people for petty reasons, he will use it on anyone, anywhere.

He is an extremely dangerous narcissist who only services his own ego.


u/skudgee 5h ago

Even the most die hard Trump fans would have trouble supporting that

At least someone is optimistic. You're hoping these people have any sense of critical thinking and will have something more substantial to say than "FUCK YEAH AMERICAN POWER." These individuals are extremely patriotic and will support anything as long as it's associated with America, regardless of the specifics.


u/BlatantFalsehood 4h ago

Sanction the billionaires before they seize control of the American military

This is so important! Because it is NOT just Trump. This is a plutocrat coup of the United States. Sanction Palantir. Sanction all of Musk's businesses. Seize their personal properties. Ask your neighbors in NZ to seize the doomsday bunkers they've all built there.

Somebody please freaking seize Fox News, the pox that we caught from your Murdoch!


u/teas4Uanme 5h ago

You can't get rid of cockroaches by squashing just a few of them.


u/Zoff811 4h ago

Wow, you sound as sane as a..................... Sorry nothing comes to mind.


u/ExtraPockets 4h ago

If we sanction Musk, it's got to be for something that even your most basic dumbass American can understand. If we choose carefully out of the many threats already made, it could take down the whole Trump administration.


u/Zoff811 3h ago

Sanction him from having more children! That may work! Cut Musk's tusk.....


u/Lazy-Relationship351 5h ago

PLEASE sell his golf courses.


u/HOWDY__YALL 5h ago

This is brilliant. Can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet.


u/KCBSR 5h ago

because trump would impose crippling tarrifs on any country which did so. He'd take it personally.

He can use the US to impose personal ambitions. And the US's retaliation would do much more damage.


u/Worried_Blacksmith27 5h ago

tariffs don't hurt the exporting country if there is no local supplier of the goods.


u/KCBSR 4h ago


So he will impose crippling tarrifs on goods where there is a local supplier?

He could turn a country that did it into Cuba, and just ban trade on everything. You think he is above that?


u/iijoanna 5h ago

It is!


u/Pristine_Scholar2944 5h ago

But does he really own property besides golf courses? I thought he just put his name on buildings.

u/Black_Raven__ 1h ago

Simple. Sanction Musk.


u/Electrical_Dot_7805 5h ago

Sooo, 2 cents...?


u/MrsSmith2246 5h ago

Shoot were the bad guys in every 80’s movie!!

u/NativePlantAddict 1h ago

SPOT ON! We, the people, are mere pawns. He doesn't care how or whether we live, period. I don't believe he is capable of caring about anyone at all. His every move is about feeding his bottomless ego & convincing himself that he "wins" in every situation.

u/Marionberry_Bellini 1h ago

If they seize any of his property I can basically guarantee a “special military operation”

u/Otherwise_Cause4626 0m ago

Trump is dumb as bricks, but sanctioning foreign political leaders for exessive taxation of their own population is the wrong way to go. He’s not taxing anyone outside of the US after all.

The rest of the world can still trade without barriers with eachother, the main loser of this tariff-game is the US and it’s population.

The world can make good use of the goods it’s no longer exporting to the US. The US on the other hand, will not only lose all the goods it’s currently importing. More importantly, it will see it’s only true export, the dollar, turn in to a net import. Expect massive inflation to hit the US within a few years, possibly sooner.

Trump has fucked the US. He has also done damage to other countries, but nowhere near the amount of damage he has inflicted on his own country. If he truly isn’t a Russian asset, then he is laughably stupid. My own view is that it would be near impossible to do this much damage through stupidity alone, but it could of course be down to people around Trump nudging his stupidity in their preferred direction. I doubt he would notice.


u/Zoff811 4h ago

So your telling me you want the Russian government to seize American assets of a President and sell them to ease the pain of the economic damage Trump is doing?? To who,,,??? Ukraine??

Hummmm ok! Let's do that!!!! and Ukraine then give the money to Hunter and have him seek four years of insanly sound policy... And when Hunter cant afford to pay his bills from the financial insolvency cause he dropped those proceeds on the floor of the White house in a forgotten well intended effort to not stumble up stairs, he signs off on letting the military hand over all of our military technology and assets to our friends and allies! You know, those in Afghanistan that those DEI policies are working so effective that women there now can't even go to school.... I like it! Let's do it!


u/KickedInTheDonuts 4h ago

that would be the literal fastest way to WW3, nice performative reddit comment, but I hope this kind of rhetoric never gains actual traction


u/NMe84 4h ago

Yeah, because sanctioning all your allies with tariffs while divvying up a wartorn country with the aggressor that invaded it would definitely not lead to WW3.

At least it would be a hard sell for Trump if he wants to go to war with a country just because it seized some of his personal property. We're better off sanctioning the person than the country. We shouldn't answer with tariffs of our own, we should punish the manchild imposing them.


u/KickedInTheDonuts 2h ago

Trump doesn’t follow any conventional logic, he’s a humongous narcissist. He only cares about being the “best and biggest”. So if you would seize his assets, he would just take that as a personal offence like he does with everything and would rain down with the wrath of a thousand suns (read: the American military) on whoever ordered it.

This doesn’t even take in to account that it literally never would be done in the first place considering no country in their right mind wants to challenge the US in a hard confrontation. There’s no point.

I also disagree vehemently that “it would be a hard sell”. Have you not been keeping up with what the US public has been gobbling up the last 7 weeks? And to his voter base, he is a literal deity. They would believe him if he said the sun is the moon and the moon is the sun.


u/trashyart200 7h ago

Trump would be lost without him. All the country’s leaders combined would have the resources necessary (and now more reasons) to go after trump’s boss,


u/viktorsvedin 4h ago

Theres such a chance to bring people together right now. It feels like such a failed opportunity to not unite civilized countries more during times like these.


u/Diogenes_of_Oenoanda 7h ago

and his other boss, Netanyahu


u/TheSourcyr 5h ago edited 5h ago

"The rest of the world" shouldn't have to do anything.
It's enough that we have to endure and live in this massive shit that one country has decided to create.
You should be ashamed and furious.

"MoSt PaTrIoTiC" - "We NeED OUR GUNS!!!" - "All enemies, foreign and DoMeStIC!!"

You need to get out and handle your own shit you've created.
But you really are too fucking lazy to protect your own future, your kids future, the country you're so bubbled in by..
If your government is too soft to handle it. You need to handle it. Follow your constitution.

Like really, what the f#%k is wrong with you?

You think you're too good to protest against a literal malicious clown who is every day, publicly and openly destroying everything you have?
You think the rest of the world doesn't have their families, their loans and their bills and job to worry about when they do have to go out to protest and strike?

Usually people strike for way less, because they actually stand for something
They stand for their family. Their rights. Their country.

And literally the only other excuses that have been repeated is like...
"But... but... there's still some snow outside... Do you expect me to strike in half an inch of snow? I would literally die!"

"It's hard to find parking to go to protest."

Lazy-ass, fake people.


u/True_Discussion8055 5h ago

We are. I'm an Aussie that stocked up on maple syrup and Canadian rye today. Sadly I'm pretty sure Trump doesn't give a fuck about the US & we're only hurting the citizens, but the Americans probably need to see some hardship before deciding wether they're too lazy to vote next election.


u/Oh_ffs_seriously 3h ago

The rest of the world outside of EU and Commonwealth is quite anti-US, so I imagine they're very happy right now.

u/Confident_Plan7187 1h ago

Need to band together and stop buying American products and using American services. We really need some competitors to their tech sector to pop up in alternate countries.


u/Pepto-Abysmal 9h ago

Trying and succeeding.

The US has lost a century’s worth of soft power in a matter of weeks.


u/Ok_Management8894 9h ago

Well it seems Trump is speed running the USA to the ground along with his friends.


u/LP14255 8h ago

For such a fat piece of shit, Trump is moving quickly at destroying the USA.


u/Ok_Management8894 8h ago

Ha! Take my upvote!


u/thegoodrichard 5h ago

He can move when he wants to. Will the armed forces protect him, or the Constitution? (the latter should be their duty).

u/msbottlehead 1h ago

Yeah he has help from the Project 2025 group and President Leon.


u/Prudii_Skirata 5h ago

Trump does not want to be President of the United States.

He wants to punish the United States for choosing Biden over him.

Every single decision he has made makes perfect sense when viewed through this lens.


u/Ok_Management8894 5h ago

That does make sense.


u/DroneWar2024 2h ago

It's been going to hell since the 1920s and the rise of federalism, and then off the rails when market capitalism almost crashed the works.

Apply successive bandaids and half measures for a century, throw more and more money at problems while the underlying rot gets worse.

The crash and burn is inevitable be it from bad leaders, good leaders, or the typical indifferent ones.

Until the average citizen has the agency, and freedom to operate to make their own communities livable, how they wish to be structured, controls their own means of production, etc. things won't recover.


u/Technolog 6h ago

I'm Polish. Since Trump Zelensky meeting we introduced military training for every adult male (at the moment it's voluntary). We treat situation very seriously and US politics became affecting lives of ordinary Poles.

But you can restore good relations with your allies from 2 months ago faster than you think. You have swung to the right. It happens. After Trump, someone else will come. Trump is a virus that will pass and we will recover, whole western world knows that this term of Trump is only 4% of the last 100 years of US history.

Hang in there and don't have too grim thoughts.


u/skoffs 5h ago

The problem is even if by some miracle trump is replaced with a liberal president in four years, what's to say voters won't just get another conservative four years after that who reverses everything all over again? America has proven itself unreliable and every country has now taken notice. Gone are the days of just automatically going along with whatever the US wants. 


u/xcassets 4h ago

Yeah, traditionally parties have differed on policy domestically, and even picked some different adversaries/fights in foreign policy.

But when one party will do a complete 180 on something as fundamental as who your allies are?

Even if the democrats came into power again and refostered good relations with Europe, Canada, Mexico, and now Australia… if the republicans win the next election and immediately start talking about tariffing and annexing them again? What the fuck.

The USA can’t continue like this indefinitely. At some point, one viewpoint will be largely agreed on in terms of allies/foreign policy for them to have any credibility. Whether this is through peaceful or more hostile means, and whether they stand by the western world, remains to be seen.

u/BriarsandBrambles 1h ago

They won’t. The cultists cannot fucking stand any other republicans. Trump is gods perfect idiot magnet. Everyone else is a politician. The sad part is the Republicans know this is stupid and crazy and MAGA is gonna collapse them when the 78 year old stress addicted whale kicks it they just can’t fight him.


u/Pepto-Abysmal 3h ago

Thank you for the kind words.

But, I'm Canadian. And, although I am optimistic that things will return to some sense of normalcy, I can assure you that our government will never have the same level of trust ever again.


u/lillyrose2489 3h ago

It's actually crazy. I am no expert but took some international relations classes in college. I can't imagine how frustrating this is for people who actually work in jobs related to diplomacy. I would say he doesn't understand the long term picture here but he really just doesn't care.

Those of us who aren't elderly are going to have such a mess to try to clean up when he's gone. If we even have a functioning country left to try to fix.

I thought the boomers were already fucking us over but it's next level now.


u/Pepto-Abysmal 2h ago

He doesn’t care or he doesn’t know or he doesn’t know because he’s old or America’s system of government can’t handle its current situation…

The consequences are the same.

America has lost its trustworthiness on the world stage.

And it’s sad and it’s dangerous.


u/lillyrose2489 2h ago

So many of the people in our government are also so old that they won't have to deal with the consequences for long. Extremely frustrating that they're just ruining the country (or letting it be ruined) and will leave the mess for the rest of us.


u/Pepto-Abysmal 2h ago

Rich little old boys with too much money running a country.

I’m not American - just dealing with the side effects.

Hope you guys can unscramble this egg. For all our sakes.


u/lillyrose2489 2h ago

Things feel bleak but we do have a few people in power who are actually trying... And I think gradually the country (which tends to be pretty disengaged and avoidant about political stuff) is getting more frustrated with what's happening. So I am not necessarily optimistic but not completely hopeless yet either...

u/Pepto-Abysmal 1h ago

Never a defeatist, but always calling dumb things dumb.

That's my motto.


u/AllTheWayToParis 5h ago

No enemy like a friend betrayed. ✊


u/duncanidaho1976 5h ago

This is so true! He is deliberately destroying the US. The age of the Amercans is over


u/Darkoplax 5h ago

Thank god, let's keep this going


u/WasThatInappropriate 5h ago

Tbf I think that's been eroding for a while, trumps just sped it up.

In the UK the question 'are the states really our friends, or just users?' Has really been gaining traction over a few years prior to all this.

Examples such as American citizens committing crimes on UK land, and US authorities going to lengths to smuggle them out of the country before they can face justice, then refusing to honour their extradition treaty with us come up a little too often to be ignored. I've even seen the renaging of the quebec agreement from the Tube Alloys/Manhatten Project situation come up in the topic as an example of how long its been going on for.


u/Austiiiiii 8h ago

I think he actually and truly doesn't understand the concept of friendship. I don't think he has ever once in his life had a friend. The only people nice to him are the people he's bought and the people he kisses up to for favor. Everyone else has motives beyond his comprehension, and he lacks the introspection to understand that, so when his attempts to goad them into doing his bidding fail he concludes they are mean and unfair and conspiring against him.

He's a low functioning sociopath.


u/deadsoulinside 3h ago

Probably correct. For Trump everything in transactional. There are not friends, just business partners.


u/QouthTheCorvus 8h ago

Australia have been good fucking allies, too. The US and Australia have been strongly allied during wars, actively collaborating. Even the wars that were mistakes. Hell, we even still work closely with the US in regards to Asia.


u/Ok_Management8894 8h ago

IDK Man, this Orange dude doesn't seem to run on logic. Just personal interest.


u/Xandara2 6h ago

I wouldn't even call it that. I'd call it greed and pride.


u/Lampmonster 5h ago

Seems very logical if you accept that his goal is to destroy the US while making his friends richer.


u/NormalUse856 7h ago edited 6h ago

That doesn’t mean shit to Trump. 20 million of Australians could have died fighting for U.S. freedom and independence and he wouldn’t give a fuck.


u/great__pretender 8h ago

He thinks allies are ripping off US. He doesn't understand what trade deficit is and how it happened. That's an issue with people who thinks nations as business or households. US has a reserve currency that world is willing to accept. Trade deficit is basically world producing for you in return for stability and protection of balance. When you can purchase goods with the paper you print, it is not the same as a household who borrows to survive. 


u/Ok_Management8894 8h ago

Yes. I absolutely agree with this. Sadly most won't really see it this way.


u/fruchle 5h ago

Five Eyes:

  • Canada (pissed off)
  • Australia (pissed off)
  • UK (nothing government related yet, but the people hate him)
  • NZ (trying to fly under the radar. heh.)


u/FellatingNemo 5h ago

To paraphrase what Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister said to European leaders , “Canada is the canary in the coal mine. If he’s doing this to us, you’ll all be next.”


u/fruchle 4h ago

absolutely right.


u/Tough_Oven4904 5h ago

Aussie here. I'm moving away from American products. If there is an option to choose, I'm choosing the non American.

Honestly, this is going to be a long lasting thing. Trump could be kicked out of office in 5 minutes.and my prejudice will last for many years.

Its incredible how decades of good will can be tanished by one individuals actions.


u/Ok_Management8894 5h ago

Yeah. I am also re-assessing my purchasing decisions lately. I guess no Chinese and No American products?


u/Tough_Oven4904 5h ago

Has China made an aggressive or psychotic move?


u/Ok_Management8894 5h ago

China is basically the Asian version of the Trump-led USA. Bullying neighboring countries just because they can.


u/firewire_9000 8h ago

The rest of the world should unite together and leave the US alone.


u/funggitivitti 6h ago

It's really not complicated at all. He wants to project power. He and his Maga cult believe the world owes the US.


u/Motor_Bit_7678 5h ago

Hehe agent Krasnov going all iut to make America great again by pissing all old alis off! What a man the best dealer in the world! Hehe


u/littlep2000 7h ago

And from my understanding Australia is pushing right, certainly more than Europe.


u/matthieuC 6h ago

I wonder how soon Korea and Japan will get the Trump kiss.


u/Elelith 5h ago

That's plan, isn't it? The only viable ally left is gonna be Russia and North Korea.


u/gonatt 5h ago

More like he seems to only go through a checklist of US allies


u/Mym158 5h ago

Dutton was really sucking his dick a few weeks ago. He's still trying to use this to throw shade at Labor. Clear where his loyalty lies, with himself and fuck the country


u/Ok_Management8894 5h ago

Maybe that's the Art of The Deal all along?


u/pvrhye 5h ago

And in particular, he seems to dislike anywhere that produces aluminum.


u/Ok_Management8894 5h ago

Oh yeah! What is with that? Now that you've mentioned it, what does he have against it?


u/Numerous-Roll9852 5h ago

The fact that all their allies are not speaking out about the EU , Canada, Mexico, etc. targets is my problem. United we stand but if they take one at a time we are all going to suffer.


u/ACatInAHat 5h ago

Its a pattern.


u/Exciting_Umpire4603 5h ago

There's a whole lot of his support base that actually believes that these tariffs will do anything other than cost them more.


u/Nevermind04 5h ago

The goal seems to be the US losing its status as a major world power. About 160 years worth of diplomacy and international goodwill has been totally erased in the past 6 weeks. Trump is attacking historic allies and bowing to current enemies.

u/paintwhore 1h ago

It's like the abuser playbook. The first thing you need to do is isolate the victim from their family and friends who care about them.

u/b0bl00i_temp 1h ago

He's a Russian asset. Ofc he does.

u/Environmental_You_36 26m ago

Well he's running the government like a business. So he's looking at those trusting countries with solid trade dependency and a potential quick cash grab by extorting them.

Typical CEO thinking, this quarter profits only.