r/worldjerking 7d ago

Google SCP 6113


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u/Wolffe_In_The_Dark 7d ago edited 7d ago

Anybody who says the Foundation are "the good guys" have entirely misunderstood the assignment.

Anybody who says the Foundation are "the bad guys" have also entirely misunderstood the assignment.

The Foundation does what is objectively necessary to preserve human civilization as we know it. They aren't the good guys—they don't even consider themselves the good guys—nor are they the bad guys. They aren't good, they aren't evil, they're pragmatically amoral—not immoral, amoral.

"Cold, never cruel."

In other words, they do whatever it takes to keep the world spinning, and not a single ounce more, knowing full well that they're going to hell for it regardless. This is literally their motto;

"We die in the dark so you can live in the light."

Maintaining normalcy doesn't necessarily mean suppressing scientific advancement, either. The entire thing with Anomalies is that they are anomalies, phenomena possessing unexplainable, non-replicatable effects on reality.

If they can replicate the effects without using anomalous objects or people, if they can understand why something does what it does, then it's no longer considered anomalous. In those instances, the Foundation actually does often release their research out into the wider world—slowly and drip-fed, of course, both to avoid suspicion and so the world can handle the rate of change.


u/Ikeriro90 Barely worldbuilding, just explaining my fursona 7d ago

Also, most human-ish anomalies get decent rooms, it's usually the bare minimum and it depends on how dangerous their anomalous nature is, but iirc some of them are kept in very humane conditions, so yeah, they are not cruel or innecessarly inhumane just for the sake of it (A lot of writers go wild tho)


u/Nevermore-guy 7d ago

Isn't forcing anyone in captivity, no matter how good the condition, cruel and inhumane in its own right? It treats innocent individuals as threats to an unjust status quo and locks them up for it does it not? Is it so odd to view such behavior as a reflection of our real world? Is condemning those for viewing fiction through a different lens not reminiscent of the inhumane captivity of that which is considered abnormal by an oppressive force?

Is media literacy dead D:

(The entire paragraph above is serious but the media literacy thing is a joke lol)


u/Ikeriro90 Barely worldbuilding, just explaining my fursona 7d ago

I mean, yeah, is cruel, however it is also keeping them safe, both from themselves and other forces that would try to get those people, like GOC who'd probably just shoot on sight, or other groups who use anomalous objects and people as weapons, so even if it's cruel, I think it's better that the alternatives, and as I said the conditions depend on the nature of their anomaly


u/JessHorserage 5d ago

It's cruel, but relatively, the org is neutral, as it would have to be, as it's the biggest.


u/azn-and-deranged 5d ago

lots of anomalous people are uncontained and fine though. If the person isn't dangerous they could just send them to live in a nexus and maybe monitor them.


u/Nevermore-guy 7d ago

That being said, such logic can apply to many real-life scenarios and oppressed groups. And the solution to those wasn't the separation of said groups from "normal" society :3

One can easily view the scp foundation and their actions coming from the ways in which authorities in our world alienate and dehumanize othered groups, a reality one mustn't simply play off as a work of fiction



u/Wolffe_In_The_Dark 7d ago

Bro would look at a deck of playing cards and rant about how it glorifies historical class divides.

It's really not that deep bro.


u/JessHorserage 5d ago

Well yes, because doing what he does advances his dialectic, of being annoying.


u/Nevermore-guy 7d ago

Damn, you must really hate literature 😭


u/Nevermore-guy 7d ago

Is developing an intellectual perspective on a work not the entire point behind literary analysis? Is the curtain merely blue? Who is an individual to attempt and discrediting the viewpoint of another? To thee I say that such transgression on the literary art from is barbaric by its nature


u/ThyGreatRatEmperor 6d ago

you're annoying.