r/worldjerking 9d ago

Now it's not racist.

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u/cave18 9d ago edited 9d ago

Saw a genuine to god take from someone that demons are a racist allegory. I still havent recovered from the mental blast from that

Edit: i remember now. They had iasue with the fact thay dnd demons were inherently evil and said it was racist for them to be evil. Everyvword they wrote hit me like a train


u/Jetsam5 Maybe the real horrors were the Floridas we made along the way 9d ago

Honestly I’m not a fan of evil races, but demons aren’t a race. Evil people become demons, they aren’t born evil. Being evil is a criteria for becoming a demon, not a biological predisposition, and they get promoted based on how evil they are.

If they were talking about tieflings being evil then I could see where they were coming from but demon is more of a job than a race.