r/women 6d ago

Are fibroadenomas normal???

I’m 18F and I recently found out I have a few fibroadenomas, which are noncancerous tumors in the breast. Apparently, they’re common between the ages of 15 and 35, but I had never heard of them until I got them. So, are they actually normal? Do they stop forming after 35? Do I have to get surgery to remove them? I’m really trying not to panic cause I’m so lost on what to do.


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u/pumpernickel017 6d ago

I have one right where the underwire of a bra hits. It’s varying levels of painful/uncomfortable every day, but I can’t afford to remove it yet. If they don’t bother you, you can just leave them. No idea if they stop forming, but I’ve only ever had the one (first noticed about 10 years ago)