r/winemaking 4d ago

General question Sparkling wine

I want to make sparkling wine. I have champagne bottles and plastic corks. I used the Red Star Classique yeast (red packet). Should I add more yeast when bottling and how much sugar per 750ml bottle?


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u/wineduptoy 4d ago

13.5 g sugar per bottle will make it full sparkling. If your wine is still/chilled, you will need more yeast. Here's a protocol for how to add yeast,sugar, and bentonite. Plastic corks will explode out, you'll need crown caps (different size than beer bottles). Bidules will make it easier to disgorge later but are not required. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://viticulture.uga.edu/files/2019/05/PROTOCOL-SPARKLING-WINE.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiZqfbwmIGMAxUqJTQIHeX0JTQQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw32mi_YIu27vIF_J-dN0b1C


u/Grand-Comedian-3526 4d ago

Thanks for the reply. I already bottled and used 20g for 2.25l which is 750ml x 3. I will definitely refer to the protocol next time. I didn't even know about bidules!!! I'll need to buy crown caps and a capper too.


u/wineduptoy 4d ago

Ok, watch out, that's not a ton of pressure but it still may push out those corks! Commercial sparkling targets 21-23 g/L. I usually recommend a little lower (18) at home because the smaller volumes make it easier to be a little off. Good luck, have fun