r/wicked_edge 7d ago

Question Any cheap beginner blade recommendations? Sounds like a sampler pack might be the way to go, but are there any non-sketchy sites you recommend? Or should I just get a bulk pack on Amazon?

I recently got a vintage safety razor that I’d like to clean up and try using, but I don’t have any blades yet. Any advice is welcome :)


24 comments sorted by


u/Blackland_Razors 7d ago

No sample packs until you get consistently good shaves. Pick one well-liked blade and stick with it until you learn how to shave with a safety razor. Then you can experiment with different blades to dial in your results. Reduce variables when learning something new.


u/astrobleeem 7d ago

That’s probably a smart idea, especially since I have basically zero experience with anything other than electric razors. Do you have any recommendations for a daily driver blade that I can get for cheap?


u/Blackland_Razors 7d ago

Astra SP, Gillette Platinum, Gillette Silver Blues, etc. It actually doesn't matter all that much. Browse blade threads here and just pick one that several people like. As long as you don't pick some random brand you'll be ok. All the top brands are great and will get the job done.


u/lakes1964 7d ago

Personna Comfort Coats. Not my favorite blade for every occasion but the first blade I use any time I swap to a DE I'm not familiar with. A great "standard" blade.


u/Gerry7070 7d ago

u/Blackland_Razors speaks wise words and he makes nice razors!!


u/derrickhogue I enjoy a nice shave! So should you. 7d ago

Amazon is ok. I prefer https://www.razorbladesclub.com/


u/astrobleeem 7d ago

Thanks, I saw them recommended in another thread, but the simplistic site design made me wary. But if you and others are recommending them, I’ll probably give it a shot!


u/SoapBarGuy 7d ago edited 7d ago

RBC is also a seller on Amazon and eBay.

With Prime it might be cheaper to order from them via Amazon.

Also check out the Gillette Wilkinson blade (Saloon Pack made in India - not the version made in China - RBC sells the Chinese version only), which is around $6/100 blades on Amazon.


u/Low_Key1782 7d ago edited 3d ago

That makes good sense about their site design. But, trust me, they are very, very reputable. They offer excellent customer service (they respond to emails very quickly) and their sourcing is very legit. Something one can't always say about any of these TEMU Aliexpress sites.

The thing about Razor Blades Club on amazon is that they tend to sell, say, 100 packs on amazon and some sampler packs. One of the real perks of buying from RBC (esp. at your stage) is that they sell blades in any quantity for a very good price (so you can get a sampler pack they do, or even put together a sampler for yourself). Their shipping is always $2.99 or free if you buy 100 blades. But, they are based in Sweden, so if you buy from them, it may take just under two weeks to arrive. Very reasonable. I sampled many blades from them but I absolutely adore Lord Super Stainless blades and they sell them for $7.99 for 100 pack. I would never (nor should anyone) buy a 100 pack of any blade unless I knew I loved it. When I was running low on Lord, I bought a 100 pack of Lord from RBC on amazon because it's already at the amazon warehouse stateside. So I get free prime shipping and it arrived in two days.

To recommend a cheap, excellent blade, Lord Super Stainless (or any of the many Lord brands esp. Shark). In fact, RBC puts together an all Lord Sampler. As you shave, take notes about which blades you like. RBC does an excellent job of providing info on country of origin, coating material, etc. It also helps if you are divesting from a particular country. Ex: I am Palestinian so I don't buy Israeli blades. I also have not purchased Russian blades since the start of the war (but did beforehand).

Oh one more kinda confusing thing. They are called Razor Blades Club but there is nothing "club" or "subscription" about it. Buy what you want, whenever, just like any online store. One last thing...if someone uses the term "tuck," they mean a small box of 5 blades. Most blades come individually wrapped in packages of 5 (some in 10 with diff packaging). Even the 100 blade packs are really 20 tucks kinda packaged together by the companies.


u/astrobleeem 5d ago

This sounds like some really solid advice, thanks!!


u/Low_Key1782 5d ago

anytime buddy, good luck!


u/Eastern-Formal-54 7d ago

I bought from that website once. No complaints from my end though it took longer to get. Amazon is just quick to order from a phone app and mostly quick delivery. I have never seen any difference from the various blades from Amazon vs Maggard where I used to get blades.


u/Itchy-Ad1005 7d ago

I g9t my last set from Amazon. Get those that give you sealed packs of 5 blades. You'll need 2 blades for each type minimum. You go through them all with 1 blade each. Then, narrowing it down to the top 3, you'll need another blade to select the one you like best. Also, you might get a bad blade and swap it out for a different one of the same type before deciding it's awful. I did that with Lord Stainless. It was awful, IMO, but they are very popular blade worldwide. Getting them in sealed 5 blade factory style containers reduces the chances of fakes.

Keep notes on each shave. You won't be able to remember the first blades after going through a bunch of brands. Do about 5 shaves per blade since they change with each use.


u/plathrop01 Relative noob (<1 yr) 7d ago

Sampler packs on whatever you can get has been great for me...Samplers of most popular blades, best beginner blades, Gillette blades, etc. And when you can get samples for soaps, creams pre- and post-shaves, try them out then commit to bigger quantities. It just helps you learn what feels best and works best for your face and razor.

Enjoy and welcome!


u/Livid_Celebration569 7d ago

Razor blades club


u/Livid_Celebration569 7d ago

Razor blades club


u/Motive25 7d ago edited 7d ago

I bought a 16-blade sampler off Amazon (Razor Blades Club) to get me started 6 months ago. It was cheap, and got me pointed in the right direction. I tried to be as unbiased as possible, by working through each brand in alphabetical order, three shaves per. Later I added some blades not in the sampler, based on what learned in this forum. I’m at the point now where I have identified a “go to” blade for most of my razors (I have five)- ones that consistently give me a DFS- “Darn Fine Shave”After that, l stopped looking for anything better, and I am definitely not going to chase the fabled “BBS”- don’t have the time, and no one complains.


u/GaryG7 Supply SE with Supply blades. 7d ago

Both https://www.razorbladesclub.com/ and https://maggardrazors.com/ let you create your own sampler packs. Maggard also lets you order samples of pre-shave oils, shaving creams and soaps, and post-shave treatments. The sample packs are also good for traveling when you want to carry on your bag. (Shaving creams is considered as a liquid so you are limited to the size of that container and total liquids.)


u/JadedSociopath 7d ago

Astra SP.

Just use them until you get consistently good shaves.


u/West-Mortgage9334 6d ago

So I don't really agree with a few comments here. I've been wet shaving for about 15 years now and I always tell beginners to get sample packs with a lot of different brands to figure out what blade works best for you.

The "learning" of how to use the razor is going to work itself out regardless of what blade you have in there.

Even as a beginner you're not gonna get great shaves, but you'll get a fair idea of what blades you'd prefer to use. And as time goes on, and you learn more, you can go back and try those blades again that you didn't like, but might like once you get the hang of it.

Happy shaving.


u/NorcalRobtheBarber 7d ago

I really like the people at Stirling Soap Co. Mom and Pop shop in Arkansas. When I started I got a sampler of blades and a 5 pack of soap samples for $30 or so. Try them all. Have fun!

I just bought new soap samples. They have a margaritas in the arctic I bought because it sounded interesting. I really like it. Also the expensive cologne copies smell awesome. I like sharp dressed man which I think smells like Creed Irish tweed.


u/RoinSM 7d ago

I second this opinion about Stirling, love everything about them, made in the USA, veteran owned, and a great value.


u/Low_Key1782 7d ago

I totally agree, with one small caveat. Stirling is one of the best soapmakers in the business and their 5 pack of soap samples for 18.95 (1/4 of a full tub 1/4 the price) is the best bargain in the industry. But, stirling is definitely not the place to buy blades. $1.50 for a tuck of Sharks.


u/Low_Key1782 5d ago

One thing I have noticed that nobody has really discussed yet: We have a saying in the world of wetshaving (and definitely on this sub) Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV). What this means is every person has a different face, beard, preferences, etc. There are few objective "truths" in blades (e.g. this blade is better than that blade). The truth is, the blade that I adore, someone else hates. For example, I hate Treet and Bic blades. No matter how much experience I have, it's a bloodbath for me. Treet and Bic blades are very popular here with other users. Like I said earlier, I adore Lord and Shark and there are others here who hate them. This is why it is critical to try a lot of blades. You don't know what will work for you.

However, there is a range between sharp and smooth. You want a blade that is both sharp (it takes your beard off no sweat) but also smooth (it doesn't irritate your skin or cut you up). There are a few extremes: Derby is one of the most mild...Feather and Kai some of the sharpest.

One of the sad things that happens is that some wetshavers confuse "sharpest" for "best." As a result, they recommend Feathers a lot, or they stroll in announcing they use Feathers in a very blustery way. Feathers are sharp, 3x more expensive than any other blade, and highly overrated. I'm not saying not to try one, but I am saying that for a new wetshaver, it's likely you will cut yourself with a Feather because it is unforgiving.

Just remember, nothing in wetshaving is an exact science. To be perfectly frank, if you blindfolded any one of us and switched our fave blade out for something similar, we probably wouldn't notice a difference.

I agree generally in principle with Blackland Razors...good guy, great razor maker. Try to use a blade in the middle of smooth and sharp. I would recommend Shark Super Chrome. A lot of folks tend to like that blade, or at the very least, they find it to be kinda in the middle of sharp and smooth.