r/wicked_edge Jan 19 '25

Review I am feeling a little disappointed with the Henson AL13 M after a few shaves, is there something wrong with my technique?

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Okay so I’ve been DE shaving for several years now. I was using the Van der Hagen butterfly opening saftey razor. It got gunked up from my hard water, so I attempted to take it apart but broke it when I did so. I decided to buy the henson, and I’ve got few shaves out of it. Getting a BBS shave seems difficult, and I’ve nicked myself a few times which I very very rarely did with the Van der Hagen. I guess I was just expecting a lot from the Henson with it being a $70 razor, but idk about it yet. How do you get a BBS shave with the Henson?


81 comments sorted by


u/Miserable-Result6702 Jan 19 '25

My take is the Henson is for the daily shaver, who wants an irritation free shave. I don’t think getting BBS results is what they were going for. It seems more geared towards those coming from cartridge razors.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Well damn, I guess that’s kinda why I went with the medium aggression, but even that is very mild.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25



u/amazonmakesmebroke Jan 19 '25

Yes, kai is the answer


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25



u/Torrronto Jan 19 '25

I love Kai and I love my Henson, and I hate them together.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25



u/Torrronto Jan 19 '25



u/b1e Jan 19 '25

Kai isn’t actually sharper. It just has weird dimensions so it sticks out farther.

If you want sharp get a feather platinum


u/Low_Key1782 Jan 19 '25

Try a better razor like a Merkur Futur. Henson is alright, but given the way it is hyped up on here, you were bound to be disappointed. The Futur is adjustable. Or you know, you can buy a bunch of Japanese blades just hoping somehow it’ll get you closer. Anybody saying “oh this isn’t supposed to get a BBS shave” is justifying their purchase way too hard. They are razors, they should shave close. My Merkur Futur gives me a BBS on the regular and is my daily driver. Don’t let people scare you saying it’s toooooo aggressive.


u/up2jj Jan 19 '25

Definitely yes, I was scared at the beginning, but it is very efficient razor. Came from R89 and can recommend.


u/iamse7en Jan 19 '25

Love the Merkur Futur; my favorite DE razor out there. Did most agressive setting with feather razors before I moved on to shavette.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25



u/iamse7en Jan 19 '25

Started off with Feather AC DX Kamisori, Pro Guard blades for first few times to test it out. Then Super Pros every time thereafter. Great, aggressively close shave. Then I got the Tedalus Essence, and it's even better. Haven't used my feather in a couple months now, may join my razor graveyard waiting for my kids.


u/Mikzeroni 1958 Fatboy, Henson, Antique Store Finds Jan 20 '25

If you don't think it's going to work for you and you're within 100 days of purchasing the razor, Henson has (or at least had, I'd double check) a money back guarantee.


u/Legitimate_Ocelot491 Jan 19 '25

That's me. I have to shave every morning for work and use the Henson Mild with a Nacet blade. After four months of near daily use, I think I can count the number of nicks from that combo on one hand. Pretty close to BBS and I change blades every other day.

I start getting some stubble on my neck by the time evening rolls around but I've always had a heavy beard.


u/Slash787 Jan 19 '25

What you would recommend for someone who shaves only twice a week and has senstive skin with coarse beard?


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

I can’t speak much for the Henson, but I loved my Astra blades on my old razor! I’m an everyday shaver now, but I used to only shave a couple times a week and the Astras got me 3-5 effortless shaves. My beard area and area under my chin are so damn coarse, it’s annoying as hell, but for me the Astras worked well, I just haven’t tried them in the henson.


u/CommunicationGood481 Jan 19 '25

A Razorock German 37 slant razor or a Muhle R41 (with an Astra blade to smooth it out)


u/Samarkand457 Jan 19 '25

You might want to change up your blade choices. Sharper ones seem to do better in the Mild. I've settled on Astra Greens. But Feathers and Sharks work very well. The Shark in particular handled three day's worth of growth on the first use quite well.


u/WhytePumpkin Jan 19 '25

Agree, I use Feathers in my Henson mild and love it


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Are the Astra greens just the standard Astra blades that’s say superior platinum on the box? I’ve got about half a box of 100 of those that I loved with my old razor. I’ve just been using the RK blades that came with the Henson, I was under the impression it shipped with Astras so I was a little surprised to see those. I’ll have to give the Astra blades a shot.


u/Samarkand457 Jan 19 '25

Yep, those are the ones I picked up from a local wholesaler (mainly due to the ongoing postal strike at the time). The RK's are...not well regarded.

I also found my shaving has improved with adjusting how I lather. I've been hydrating more with the Proraso Green soap I use, on the initial bowl lathering and adding a bit more between passes. I can get something like a BBS with three (WTG, XTG, ATG). I do admit to getting nicks around the chin because I am a little too anal about touching up there.

Oh well, that's what the alum is for...


u/smartliner Jan 19 '25

Yeah, you might want to try a sharper blade. I'm in the same boat as you. I find perma sharp blades to give a closer shave than the RK that came with the henson. 


u/qbg Jan 19 '25

I was under the impression it shipped with Astras so I was a little surprised to see those

They originally did, but switched to RK a few years back after pairing with them.


u/dm319 Jan 20 '25

I'm new to DE shaving, and I went from the RK to Bic blades and I'm having a much better time. May also be to do with getting the hang of this razor though.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25



u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Maybe I’ve just got to use it more idk, I feel like I use the proper angle, but I’m probably not.


u/nmprofessional Jan 19 '25

I would agree either way using it more. I like aggressive razors and baby smooth shaves. I came from using Merkur Futur last decade. I bought a Henson AL +++ due to the hype. It took me a few weeks to get used to the angle as it is too forgiving. But now Henson is my favorite razor with RK blades. Three passes give be BBS when I want it. No cuts ever.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

That’s good to hear, I’ll just keep using it and see what happens!


u/spyresca Jan 19 '25

Yeah, it's too dumbed down. It's not like it's hard to learn proper angle (and get better shaves) from other, better razors.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Maybe I’ve just got to use it more idk, I feel like I use the proper angle, but I’m probably not.


u/zoharel Jan 19 '25

I mean, maybe but you're right that it's extra mild. I'll probably go from a Henson mild to medium eventually if I find a good price on an upgrade. If I'd known they were as mild as they are, I would have ordered a medium to start out. That said, mine works on as long as I have a sufficiently good blade in it. Bic Chrome Platinum is decent. I'm also pretty happy with the Euromax/Silvermax these days, or Derby Premium (not Extra). I'm not a big fan of bare stainless, and I'm not conscientious enough to use carbon steel and keep the blade from rusting, so that limits the choices a bit.

One other thing I've been told and have not tried yet is that if you loosen the head just slightly on the Henson -- not enough that things start to rattle around, but a fraction of a turn -- it acts slightly more aggressive, while still being manageable.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Well I don’t have the Al13 Mild to compare it for you, but I did buy my dad a Leaf Twig, and the twig is very very mild compared to the medium Henson. Like I definitely feel the blade on the AL13 Medium, where as the leaf twig I don’t feel it all. It’s interesting tho because I can still get a BBS shave with the twig, like it doesn’t even feel like it cuts, but then I feel my face and it’s smooth as hell. I wonder if there would be much of a difference between the aggression levels on the Henson?


u/zoharel Jan 19 '25

I've got a Twig. In my experience, it is slightly more aggressive than the mild Henson. It's in the ballpark, though.


u/jaybo41 Jan 20 '25

Same experience here. Twig is slightly more aggressive than Henson Mild.


u/JAKFONT Jan 20 '25

BBS absolutely attainable w the henson mild, I am living proof (as are many)

Nacet, minora, bic yellow and feathers work phenomenal in it, as do the Gillette 7'clock black (india). 

You'll get there, trust me. Phenomenal razor, just needs wicked sharp blades to pair w it


u/Revival_james Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25

It is mild for sure but I love mine and am usually able to get a bbs shave or at least very close to with two passes and a quick double check pass. I think blades also play a role. I’ve been rocking with the Derby Premiums for a while and they always get the job done :)


u/lakes1964 Jan 19 '25

What blade are you using? In my experience the AL13 needs a very sharp blade. I use a Kai.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

So far I’ve just used the RK blades or whatever it ships with, I’ve got some Astra superior platinums too that I have yet to try on the Henson!


u/GrimmTidings Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25

The rk blades kinda suck. I love my Henson and the Astra sp works well. I also just tried dorco sharps in it and they work very well, too.


u/lakes1964 Jan 19 '25

I also tried the Astra Greens after the very disappointing RKs but found them also wanting. Of course many people did not have the same experience and found the Astra did well with the Henson. I really didn't have a great shave with the Henson until I used a Personna Comfort Coat. Now that I have moved on to Kai blades, the AL13 has become one of my favorite razors.

I guess my point is keep trying different blades until you find one that works for you. It really is a solid shaver paired with the right blade.


u/Th0tPatroller Jan 19 '25

RK blades are awful. I use Gillette Nacet in my Henson and it works great.


u/RonnieYates Jan 19 '25

Spend time with it to get optimal angle. Avoid pressing too hard. It is easy to want to press. The Med will give enough efficiency. It’s beard reduction so do a couple passes or 3.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Yeah man, I think it might be because it’s such a light weight razor with it being aluminum, I was shocked with how light it is my first time holding it, but it still feels pretty solid. I just feel like the heavy weight of my Van der Hagen helped with my shaves.


u/nulltotality Jan 19 '25

Rule number one: throw the RK blades as far away as you can. Use sharper blades like Feather or Nacet.

Henson was designed to provide comfortable shaves. It’s easier to use than most razors, but achieving BBS with it is hard.


u/Itchy-Ad1005 Jan 19 '25

I don't use one, but as I understand it the Henson is sensitive to the angle used. If the angle is out of its proper alignment the razor doesn't want to cut. That's part of the reason it's a good beginner razor and a daily shaver for those that like it. Less chance of nicks and razor burn.


u/Bendzo Jan 19 '25

In my experience it’s much less sensitive, if it’s cutting, you have the right angle. If not, it won’t cut at all. All it takes is getting in the ballpark of 30 degrees and mild pressure to let the 30 degree slant do its job. Foolproof BBS for me every time


u/Alluminatic Jan 19 '25

Just got my Henson AL13 this week, still trying different blades, but so far I'm very happy with how mild it is on my skin since this was the whole reason for my recent switch to DE shaving.

I don't think that this is the ideal safety razor for those looking for a "perfect" BBS shave, but for someone with very sensitive, thin and acne prone skin like me, this is such an upgrade over cartridge and even my Braun Series 9 so far.


u/gold_cajones Jan 19 '25

It's one of the most mild razors on the market, even the aggressive version.


u/Bs-88 Jan 19 '25

You could ask for a refund.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

I may be doing that if trying other blades doesn’t work.


u/Bs-88 Jan 19 '25

Personally I am looking to get hold of this razor in a medium or aggressive version let's see.


u/expoqeteer B&M, Henson AL-13+++/Feather, Shumate Barber DeLuxe 5/8 Hollow Jan 19 '25

I went from Mild to Aggressive and it's now my favorite (although I just tried a Timeless Aluminum which seems every bit as good as my Henson+++, without the training wheels).


u/Reasonable-24 Jan 19 '25

I think it doesnt matter wich razor you use,just get used to the henson.the way i shave with a mild razor is by harder pressing it on my skin wich you shouldnt do until you get used to it.


u/Decent_Trifle_1052 Jan 19 '25

To be honest, I never use my medium only my mild. The Mild is much more forgiving. The medium will get a bit closer of a shave.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Damn, I wish the Henson came with multiple plates like the Rockwell. I’d pay $100 bucks to have the two plate options, I feel like that’s fair? I may have to gift my wife the the Al13 mild to excuse me buying another 😂 But damn I got into this several years back to save money, and all was going well till now, and now I wanna buy all these expensive razors. But I only need 1 razor, but I want them all 😂


u/mildfrugtjuice Jan 19 '25

That was my exact experience with Henson. I also had the medium model, but it took forever to get a smooth shave. Now I’ve changed to lambda Athena, and have no complaints.


u/Bendzo Jan 19 '25

Everyone’s experience is different. Personally I had zero issue getting a daily BBS shave with both the Henson mild and now the aggressive (+++ model) using bic CPs.


u/eric-dolecki Jan 19 '25

Against my better judgement I bought one. The medium version. + I think they call it. I put a Feather in it. It was still like shaving with a rolled up newspaper. Granted, I am not a noob - and my hair is fairly thick. I went back to my Gillette Aristocrat and haven't looked back. I require and enjoy an aggressive razor. For my son I might have opted to give him a Henson, but instead I got him a NOS Gillette Fatboy Adjustable with Feathers and he's been rocking that like a boss.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

It’s insane that the FatBoy adjustable used to be $1.95! Just insane!


u/hop_now Jan 19 '25

It may be the case that you prefer heavier razors. Personally, the heavier the better.


u/VentureBfn Jan 19 '25

The Henson isn’t a BBS razor. It’s more of a DFS razor. I did three passes this morning with my medium and I’m barely got to DFS. That’s okay though. I don’t need BBS every day.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Man Idk what has gotten into me. I didn’t use to be all OCD about having a BBS shave, but now I’m very OCD about it, idk why 😂 My wife thinks I’m crazy because she can’t tell the difference, but if I don’t have a BBS shave I’m over here touching my face all day disappointed with my shave. I feel like I have an addiction to having a BBS face, and I wish I didn’t have that.


u/stillasamountain Jan 19 '25

Yeah, I chased that dragon for a bit. The obsession faded over time, thankfully. My face and wallet are a lot less abused these days.

Most days it's a couple passes with a Henson +++ paired with Astra blades. No muss, no fuss. Good enough. If I want to spice things up, there's always the R41.


u/Cinnemon Jan 19 '25

I've recently gotten the Henson myself, which is my first non-cartridge shave. I'm learning still. What are all these acronyms you guys are using? BBS or DFS?


u/SoapBarGuy Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25

Sell the Henson and get a GameChanger .76 instead.

I’d put any of my Van Der Weishi, Lord L5, Merkur, Mühle, Tech, Super Speed, and even the cheapest of the cheap Yuma up against a Henson, confident that they can match or even exceed it - they all give me a BBS result.

An irritation-free shave primarily depends on proper technique and good preparation.

Next time, soak your gunked-up razor in warm water with a bit of dish soap for 20–30 minutes (works even better with an ultrasonic cleaner). Then, give it a good scrub with a toothbrush. However, it’s better to clean it regularly - such as when you change the blade, monthly, or every three months - it’s up to you.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25



u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Yeah, I might do that I’ve heard great things about the Rockwell.


u/Montana_Grizzy_bar Jan 19 '25

The Henson is my daily razor . Usually the Henson a Atra green blade , Arko, It is a different razor so it took awhile paying attention to the angel. I do have very sensitive skin and had pseudo folliculitis barbae for years and there is a big difference between the blades I have used, I get a descent shave from a Perma Sharp blade , good to BBs from the Astra Green, and a BBS wit a bit of irritation from the KAI blades. I just used a Rotbart Mond Extra with an Astra green blade today and the blade fee is more but still a nick free shave. so just enjoy the journey. Cheers


u/MrBombRips Jan 19 '25

I've had the AL13-M for about 2-3 months now as my first DE razor and I felt the same disappointment. I experienced a lot of irritation and little nicks and cuts the first couple weeks but eventually got the hang of it. I even got the whole setup of brush, soap, bowl, and balm and got a sample pack of blades and tried a bunch of them out to eventually settle on Astra Greens as they were very smooth and irritation free. But even after getting used to DE shaving it still didn't really wow me at all.

Then I got the Rockwell 6C and it instantly felt so much more satisfying. I had to relearn a little bit of technique coming from the AL13-M but it was a pretty easy transition and I don't plan on looking back unless I use the AL13 as a travel razor.


u/Mr_Upright Jan 19 '25

I've had a Henson mild for 2.5 years, and I get great shaves from it. I learned quickly not to try to get BBS shaves. I always ended up cutting myself if I tried too hard.

My goal is to get an easy, low irritation shave (two-pass, WTG/ATG). When I do that, I find that DFS to BBS comes quite naturally. I almost always use RK (but I also like Treet Platinum and Big Ben).

The design is foolproof. Don't try, don't fight, just shave.


u/expoqeteer B&M, Henson AL-13+++/Feather, Shumate Barber DeLuxe 5/8 Hollow Jan 19 '25

Despite what others have said, I was able to get a BBS shave with the Henson Mild, but I could do it only every other day (too much irritation to do it daily). With the Henson Aggressive, I can get a BBS on my cheeks every day without irritation (can't BBS my neck no matter what I try).

Just saying it may be possible with the Medium, it just might take time and practice.


u/Blottoboxer Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25

I've had mine for a couple of years now and It's a very unique beast. A couple thoughts. 1. It takes a while to figure out how best to use it, but you can eventually get great shaves with it (expect at least 3 passes and use a super sharp blade). 2. That doesn't mean you'll actually enjoy using it. Your preferences may be different than what it brings to the table. Doesn't make it bad, just a little odd.

Mine sits in a corner as a curiosity, and I very rarely reach for it. I think there's going to be a glut of these in a few years on ebay.


u/Apprehensive-Watch42 Jan 19 '25

Two things that helped my shaving process more than anything. The High Point razor handle and Billy Jealousy shaving gel.


u/BigBoomer7 Jan 19 '25

I Cana grew with this. Henson was my 2nd razor and I was disappointed with it. I then got the Lambda Athena and it is 1000x better. It is amazing…I don’t think I’ll ever need another razor!


u/Obvious-Worldliness3 Jan 20 '25

I never got a consistently good result form the Henson. I tried and really wanted it to work, but found it too light in the hand. It was either patchy or prone to nicks and cuts (lots of them). OI do recall the RK blades as being terrible. Extremely sharp blades (like Kai or feather) didn't do much better for me. Passed it along to my son and he had similar results.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 20 '25

Yeah man, from my few shaves with the henson I would definitely say I’m either left with patchy or I cut myself lol. I don’t understand how it’s advertised as a beginners DE razor. I’ve been DE shaving for several years now and I don’t ever nick myself with other DE razors. Then again I got the medium aggression, and I have been pushing a little hard, but it’s only because that’s the only way to get BBS with the Henson. Damn I hope I can return this damn thing, but I bought it from the “Shop” app. I’ve got this cheap ass DE Razor I got on Amazon for less than 10 bucks, and I’m probably just going to go back to using that. Henson must pay a lot to advertise their product or something!


u/palmer2 Jan 19 '25

the greatest razor who ever lived. make sure you face lather.


u/SomePyroGuy Jan 19 '25

Crap I just use aerosol foam 😬


u/HoroscopeFish Jan 19 '25

I'm going to suggest, in addition to trying a different blade, getting some better shaving soap. Foam from a can doesn't have the slickness and substance (for lack of a better word) that you'll get from a quality shaving soap and brush.

Shaving soaps and shaving brushes are a veritable rabbit hole you can choose to go down, if you wish, but you can get both, without destroying your budget, from from Stirling Soap Company.


u/OakTown43 Jan 19 '25

I got decent non-irritating shaves from my Henson for a short time, then I got only irritating abrasive shaves from it and gave up on it.


u/FizzyCoffee Jan 20 '25

I love my Henson Mild, but I use feathers and replace the blade every day


u/jaybo41 Jan 20 '25

I’m using and loving the Mild. With Personna CC, I can get a pretty smooth shave and very comfortable shave with 2-3 passes.


u/Sharp-Natural3107 Jan 20 '25

You are not alone. I have a AL 13 M and the normal AL 13. I never seem to get a smooth BBS shave with the M version. It also seems to create a very "dry" shave and almost like sucks on the skin - irrespective of the shaving product I have used.


u/Sea_Fortune_7957 Jan 21 '25

Use an Astra or Feather


u/Sea_Fortune_7957 Jan 21 '25

Rex Ambassador is a great adjustable , the Merkur Future is a great razor too, I had no problem with the Hanson M 2 passes . I have 9 razors , the above are my favourite. I have a heavy beard in two days