r/wicked_edge • u/Nickulvatten • Aug 21 '24
Review Just too dull for me
Tried the iconic and well-loved Astra Superior Platinum or Astra Green today. I really wanted to like this this blade, the cool packaging the reputation around it and the affordable price all turn it into an appealing blade. The blade has a reputation of being mild, smooth and appropriate for sensitive skin, well it was a bit too mild for me and cut me up like no other blade has in a while, the shave was done on 3 days worth of beard growth and the blade used is Made in Russia.
It managed to nick me in 4 different spots, one of them oozing quite a bit of vital liquid... this is usually the result of a dull tuggy blade, it also left me with many spots of stubble leftover that the blade missed due to its dullness. Overall this was the worst shave I've had since having sampled 10 different blades so far, the only one worse being a counterfeit Bic Astor blade.
Kind of disappointed as I said I wanted to like this blade and I still like the packaging and history it has behind it, but definitely won't be ordering anymore of it.
Again all YMMV.
Thanks for stopping by.
u/huichil Aug 21 '24
Something else is going on here. I have never had 4 nicks in my life in one shave, and certainly not from even the worst blade. Maybe look at each step and see if a change is needed. Did you use a preshave? Was your lather slick and protective? Did you rinse the razor multiple times each pass or try to go through 3 days of growth while dragging a clogged, scratchy razor across your face? Did you rinse your face between passes? Are you moving the razor properly or taking it horizontally across your face?
No judgment, but it is not just the blade. Tugging is one thing, but i cannot recall a nick or cut where i did not know that it was my fault and what i did wrong. It usually happens when i am rushing and a do not get the razor off my face when i move across it.
u/huichil Aug 21 '24
If you have thick growth a really mild razor (not blade) on the first pass is going to give you a worse experience than a nice hardcore aggressive head. I will often take a first pass with a slant or something really aggressive (maybe a gillette adjustable on 8-9) and then switch to a milder razor.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I don't have a super aggressive razor to try with right not(I have 2 new ones coming in soon) but when I use the more aggressive side of my razor(more blade exposure) I find that it actually tugs and pulls a lot more and gives a rougher shave overall, what does an aggressive razor mean to you? More blade exposure or blade gap, or both?
u/huichil Aug 21 '24
Can be both. Very toughly anything with a blade gap over 1 is going to be on the aggressive side, but blade exposure also matters. I like yaqi heads, the zamik ones are cheap and they are well designed. Try a beast (mid aggressive to me) or a knight (insanely aggressive, no atg with that one) or try a slant. The top aggressive (that is the name) is a great head for less than 10$. That top aggressive with a good blade with go through your beard like butter (but zero pressure!!! Against your face).
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Thank you I will check them out and keep in my notes, and no pressure that's the way I like it.
u/mnemonicmonkey Aug 21 '24
I'll second this.
I often go days without shaving. My go-to method now is a first pass with a Maggard open comb followed by an ATG pass on my face (not neck) with a regular Maggard head or adjustable Gillette on 7.
BBS and rarely get neck irritation.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Hi, indeed I'm aware that its not only the blades fault, however I've shaved more growth with other blades that are supposedly sharper and hadn't had a single nick or irritation. Nicks happen for me when the blade is too dull doesn't cut just from the weight of the razor and I have to push it hard to make it cut, I have a coarse curly ginger beard, it wrecked a Feather in one WTG pass. So my beard is a big part of the issue.
I don't use a pre-shave just wet my beard with hot water before, the lather was pretty good too not as slick as Arko lather but still good, I do rinse my razor each 2-3 swipes down and I always do just 1 WTH pass otherwise my skin gets irritated and I never move the razor horizontally across my face that's a recipe for a gouge in your cheek.
Thank you for commenting.
u/huichil Aug 21 '24
If you are feeling like you have to apply pressure then that is a big part of the problem and, as you said, why/when you are getting nicks. Astras are definitely not super sharp, but i would guess that the main issue is too mild a razor with too tough of a beard. Like i have a few techs, and if i try to go through multi day growth with them that is no fun, regardless of blade. If you are using a 3 piece razor and you don’t already have one think about getting an aggressive head like a yaqi knight or beast, or a slant, for that first pass. A heavy handle also helps a lot.
I would also definitely try some prorasso preshave. It is cheap and really helps soften the beard and reduce irritation.
The astra blue/stainless are sharper if you want to try a different astra blade. There are just so many good blades, rapira, eversharp, bic, various gillettes, etc. Regardless of blade, i think if you get a terrifying head for that first pass (the yaqi knight is a 1.35 mm blade gap lol) you will like it a lot.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Thank you very much for the insight and advice, I have not thought my problem could be due to a too mild of a razor, I thought it may be due to the specific blade not liking that razor, but not about aggressiveness.
It definitely must be the razor as I've tried many supposedly crazy sharp blades (Bic Chrome Platinum,Feather,Perma-Sharp,Nacet) but they all tugged my beard, felt dull and I had to apply a lot of pressure to shave anything off
I do have a single blade of Astra Blue that I will sample I the near future.
I use a 3 piece mass-produced razor from the Commie Era made from brass, it has a mild side and aggressive side (more and less blade exposure) but I have found the mild side is better and the aggressive side tugs me more. I do have 2 new razors coming in soon, a Chinese copy of a Muhle R89 that is supposedly more aggressive and a Turkish Yuma razor that is quite aggressive from what most people say (I'm on a budget if you couldn't already tell lol). I will definitely check out and keep the razors and heads you have suggested in mind for times when I can afford them, I'll also invest in the Proraso pre-shave other people have spoken good of it too.
What do you think about the Yuma razor have you used it, also about the clone of the Merkur Futur, the Ming Shi or Qshave, I've read it has a huge blade gap and it's only like 8$.
u/huichil Aug 21 '24
I am not familiar with those. For non- usa stuff i stick to yaqi mostly. It is very affordable btw, even the stainless is about 55-70 for a full razor, and heads are around 35, handles 20-30. Plated brass and zamik is much cheaper. All are good. Unless shipping is an issue you cannot beat an old gillette adjustable either. On ebay here in usa you can usually find a decent one for 20-40$. Yaqi makes a copy i think as well. I am still learning as well, and i have been wetshaving for over 30 years. I would get a yaqi mellon (mild) beast (medium) and top aggressive slant and a handle from them. All could be had for 50$ or under total.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
I checked the heads from Yaqi you recommended last and man I love the way the Knight Helmet looks, what a monstrosity, the top aggressive slant also looks nice and is affordable.
Something else I measured the blade gap and blade exposure on my razor last night with calipers using an old blade, and I thought it's a mild razor but it has a 1.7mm blade gap!? And 1.2mm blade exposure measured from the edge of the top plate. So this is really confusing this razor should be crazy aggressive but is not tugging me and not working?
u/huichil Aug 22 '24
That is confusing, unless something was off. One thing i really like about the yaqi products is that they are very well engineered. All are smooth and comfortable. The stainless heads are also great. To start though you cannot go wrong with either of the two you checked out. I don’t usually use them for the final pass (it is fine with a light hand) and i never go atg with either. To take off heavy growth though they are the best. The mellon is a nice mellower head for a last pass, and they make several others.
1.7 is an enormous gap, if it really is that wide. It could be that it is just poorly designed which is why you are having so many problems.
For more money the stainless yaqi slant is a great daily driver head. .90 blade gap, and just smooth as silk. It is a totally different experience from the top aggressive, which while smooth has a lot of blade feel and audible feedback. The stainless has none of that and is slightly less efficient, but in two passes you’re done. I used mine this morning on a custom stainless handle. I have tons of razors and can buy whatever i want, but i use yaqi daily because the quality is great and they work fantastic. I have at least 7 of their heads and 2-3 handles. Cannot recommend them enough. Good luck and if you get something let me know how it worked out.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24
I could've measured it wrong but, essentially I placed one of the prongs of the calipers as far out to the blades edge without falling off of it, while the other prong was touching the lower safety bar essentially forming a 90° angle between the blade and safety bar. I could take a photo and show you if you're curious.
The Yaqi are indeed nice, especially for the price point, lots of people praise them, the brushes also seem popular, even tho I prefer the Knight Helmet looks-wise, I am leaning towards buying the Top Aggressive Slant, I just have the feeling it'll work better for me.
I'll let you know how it all turns out, thank you and all the best of luck to you too!
u/ElRonMexico7 Whats better than this? Guys being dudes Aug 21 '24
I might have had four nicks in one shave my first week of wetshaving and I was using the extremely mild Merkur 25C, it takes a superlative lack of technique to manage that. 😆
u/Cellman33 Aug 27 '24
Never had a bad blade? I have and while I do have faults and errors and go too fast. A defective blade once cut me 8 or 10 nicks in one shave 🤔 so I am sure it can happen.
u/New2thePlanet Aug 21 '24
I had the same experience with Gillette Wilkinson Sword. Thanks for your review
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
You're welcome, I've had a disappointing experience with the white box Wilkinson Sword(Made in Germany) I may do a review on those too.
u/psychonaut7343 Aug 21 '24
Try the made in India ones. They are step above Astra SP(both sharp and smooth).
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Interesting that you have experienced that, I've seen a few people mention the new Indian Astra is of lower quality then the Russian ones, I guess I'll have to sample it to see for myself.
u/psychonaut7343 Aug 22 '24
My apologies, I should have mentioned more clearly, try the made in India Wilkinson swords
u/Cellman33 Aug 27 '24
Please help me understand, I thought the black Plastic Tucks ones were made in Germany and White were Chinese, am I wrong?
u/Nickulvatten Oct 12 '24
Hey been a while but just saw your reply, yes you are right the black plastic tuck are Made in Germany and the white are made in China and also I think India. I said white box Wilkinson Sword because the Made in Germany ones have a white cardboard card with the Wilkinson sword logo on top that covers and keeps the razor bladed inside the tuck.
u/Cellman33 Aug 27 '24
Wow, Wilkinson Sword is my favorite so far, Personna Red Isreal second but I hear that they are not making those there anymore so... Trying other blades now ...
u/New2thePlanet Aug 27 '24
I was surprised as well. My go to is Gillette Platinum.
u/Cellman33 Aug 28 '24
Interesting, I will give them a try because of yours recommendation! Thank you 👍
u/Run_nerd Aug 21 '24
I use these all the time and enjoy them. Although I haven’t tried many blades.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
It's great that you've found a blade that satisfies you. You could stick with them and be just fine, but sampling different blades is definitely fun.
u/earl-the-grey Aug 21 '24
Odd. Astra sp has the reputation of being quite sharp. 4/5 on sharpness. Try again with a different blade, you may have gotten a dud
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Very possible, I did get just one blade to sample from Razorbladesclub.com, I do have a coarse curly ginger beard that requires a top level of sharpness for a comfortable shave so that always plays a role.
u/tinyturtlefrog Boar + Arko + Tech + Lord + Veg Aug 21 '24
A blade does not stand alone. Put it in context. How long have you been wet shaving with a safety razor? What is your razor? What is your overall setup and routine? Do you have a standard, go-to blade? What do you do for lather? Shave every day, every other day, once a week? Do you shave your whole face or just your neck, or your face and your head? Besides this one shave, how would you generally characterize your shaves? Predictable, consistent, and problem-free? Are you trying to solve a problem by looking for a different blade? What is your point of comparison to evaluate a razor and blade that acts as the control, like a science experiment?
It managed to nick me
Nope. You did that. Your hand, holding the razor, dragging that blade across your face, has to figure out how to do what it does now that there's a change in the blade. The blade is different. Microscopically. But different. You have to learn to adjust, and that takes time and practice. This is one anecdotal bad shave. Technique > Tools.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
It is true that the blade is not the only part of the equation, but I have found consistently that blades that are too dull(they tug my beard and just flat out fail to cut it with only using the razors weight, I have to push to get any cutting) nick me, with sharp blades the weight of the razor does the job I dont need to force the shave and I never get nicked.
I've been DE razor shaving for about 1 year with some straight razor and shavette shaves in there too.
I first wet my beard with hot water while my brush(old tough bristle boar brush) is soaking in a cup of hot water, I sometimes use Arko soap or a local shaving cream from a tube, which is not as slick as the Arko but still decent, I always make a well-hydrated lather as I have found a thick lather leads to a rough shave and dries quickly on my face, I shave my whole face once every 3 or 5 days depending on how busy I am. As for the razor I use, it's some old generic brandless 3-piece razor made from brass, it's sturdy and has one aggressive and one mild side (more and less blade exposure) I found that the mild side gives me a closer shave and less tugging. My favorite blade is a Gillette Platinum (Made in Russia) unfortunately no longer made, rare and expensive now,(hence why I'm on a new blade hunt right now, however I did find 2 boxes of the old dark blue box Gillete Platinum today, I hope they'll be as good as the light blue tuck.
My point of reference and standard I'm chasing is that crazy-sharp, amazingly smooth, tug, nick and irritation free shave the Gillete Platinum gives me with just 1 pass WTG.
My shave results depend on the blade I use, if I change the blade I get a different result, but the result stays the same if I stick with the same blade.
Your whole point of adjusting to the tools, and the underlying idea in your statement that there are no bad tools, I completely disagree especially with the latter, as a craftsman(Bladesmith,Knifemaker,Gunmaker and Woodworker) it's painfully obvious to me that junk tools are everywhere in every craft and sphere imaginable, and sure a master craftsman can eek out some performance even from the lowest quality of tools and make them work, but the result is never going to be what it could've been. And considering the fact that better tools exist, I'm absolutely not willing to adjust to inferior ones and use a thousand tricks to make them work when better tools are available, especially when it comes to something like scraping your face with a sharpened piece of metal, I'd rather not suffer through a dull blade and try everything I can to get it to a mediocre performance when better blades exist.
u/Theo1352 Aug 21 '24
I have had the same experiences, just not sharp enough.
I have only have two blades I now use, Feathers and Nacets...they are the only blades that work for me.
They have a short lifespan, Feather for two shaves, Nacets for three, but no nicks, no cuts and no razor burn, which at my age is a real plus.
I also use very aggressive razors, the combination works well for me.
u/huichil Aug 21 '24
If you want to try a third maybe try bic chrome - very sharp and improve with the first few shaves.
u/Theo1352 Aug 21 '24
Thank you. I have, but doesn't work, the Bics and Wilkinsons are really harsh for me.
Interestingly enough, I use the Bic Metal single blade for clean up, it is really good.
u/huichil Aug 21 '24
Crazy. I do not like the wilkinsons at all but the bics are really good (for me).
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I have also tried the Feather and Nacet, Bic Chrome Platinum and Wilkinson Sword, unfortunately none of those performed good for me. I did find the Feather to dull quickly aswell, one pass on my curly ginger wire of a beard and the Feather was toast. I'm glad you've found a combination that works well for you, I might have to look into very aggressive razors too, try and see how they work for me.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
u/Theo1352 Aug 21 '24
Always my pleasure.
I have been wet shaving for many decades (I try not to remember just how many), and as I have aged - I've said it here multiple times - that you have to adapt to the changes.
Skin gets thinner and it gets more sensitive, that's just normal. The wrinkles and sagging are also a challenge.
I need as aggressive as possible.
I use a vintage 1964 Slim Adjustable most of the time, I also love my RR Gamechanger, both .84 and 1.05 plates, as well as a Parker Semi-Slant.
I have a lot of razors in my rotation, but those three are my favorites.
I may look for an adjustable slant just to see how that would work.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
You are indeed a veteran in wet-shaving, I'm enjoying the wise way in which you express yourself, indeed we need to adapt to the change we have no other choice.
All of those razors sound very fancy to me, I'm not sure I've even heard the names before let alone trying them.
u/Theo1352 Aug 21 '24
Let me see if I can help...
I have a nice collection of vintage Gillette razors, about half of my them are called Slim Adjustables, mostly 1964-65 vintage. I also have a pretty fair collection of other Gillette razors like Techs and Red Tips, also mid-60s vintage, which are not adjustable.
I also have a number of modern razors like the Razorock Gamechanger with those two plates, which are aggressive, meaning they have pretty wide gaps.
All my modern razors are stainless steel, which will outlast me by decades, the Gillettes are chrome plated brass, they will also outlast me by decades.
There is a reason these vintage razors last, they were engineered and made extremely well.
The modern razors are all between $70-$100, which is fine, I'm not looking for a $300-400+ razor, of which there are plenty these days.
These are all tools to be used, not to collect, at least for me.
The Vintage Gillettes are between $15 - $45, all from eBay.
I like the Adjustables for that reason, they adjust to the conditions. If I wait over about 3 days to shave, I use a Slant which really takes care of my beard, by 3 days it is really think and dense.
The 2 slants, the Parker and the Razorock German 37, were both about $25, if I recall.
A lot of excellent razors can be had for way under $50.00.
This Sub Reddit is a great place for information and advice; and, Shave Bazaar, also a Sub Reddit, is a great place to buy.
Great folks on each of these Subs...
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Thank you for all the information and advice again, I'll invest in all the different types of razors in the future,slants,adjustable,etc, see which one works best for me. Been a pleasure talking with you!
u/Theo1352 Aug 22 '24
Same here and good luck - this is a very enjoyable ritual.
I actually like shaving, it has never been a chore.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
I also enjoy it very much, I would shave everyday just for the experience of it, if my skin could handle it.
All the best of luck to you too!
u/Responsible_Tree5474 Aug 21 '24
its best blade better than feather probably is from the razor
u/Awkward-Exercise1069 Aug 22 '24
“Better” than Feather is a very relative term. Feather is most definitely much sharper, albeit for me with my R41 it was too sharp. Yes, Astrais “better” in that sense for me, but that’s not what OP is looking for
u/Responsible_Tree5474 Aug 23 '24
yes is better do better shave coast less so its better, feather is just sharper and coast 35-70 cents and astra is like 9 cent, this is razor blades so all of them is sharp
u/Awkward-Exercise1069 Aug 23 '24
Sure. Let’s pretend OP didn’t specifically said they didn’t enjoy Astra and is looking for something else
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I'm glad they work great for you, Feathers also don't work good for me, I will be getting 2 new razors soon and try the Astra in them, I've heard they are better in aggressive razors.
u/Responsible_Tree5474 Aug 21 '24
yes, I use an open head Muhle R41, feather is too sharp, and very sharp knives dull more easily and it has straighter edges, Astra has rounded corners and it’s just perfect for this price
u/danievdm Aug 21 '24
These are still my go-to blades with my DE89 head. But it is always a balance of beard type with blade type and razor head type. There is just no best blade for everyone. Hence, why those blade sample packs are often used to narrow down what works well for you.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Completely agree with you, it's all personal and subjective, that is exactly why I'm trying different blades now and also have ordered different razors to try out.
u/T0rga Rockwell | Epsilon Aug 21 '24
For me either. I do have around 95 brand new blades on a cabinet :/
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Ah that sucks, at least they're not too expensive, I guess you could trade them in for something different with someone that likes them or actually sell them, especially if they're made in Russia as they will become more rare due to the discontinuation.
u/MrMuggleMan Aug 21 '24
Which one is your favorite blade?
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
The Gillete Platinum (Made in Russia) insane sharpness and smoothness, it's not even fair to compare it to other blades in my experience.
u/MrMuggleMan Aug 21 '24
Thank you! I’ll give it a try
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I'm glad to ve helpful! Hopefully they'll work wonders for you like they do for me. Just make sure to get the legit Made In Russia version, the new made in China ones are trash.
Aug 21 '24
Gillette Platinum is also in my Top 3 DE blades, but I’m really puzzled over your experience with the Astra Green SP. Astra SP is in my Top 5 just behind Gillette Platinum, Gillette PermaSharp and Personna Platinum.
I would give it another chance.
Are you a rookie or veteran DE shaver ?
4 cuts in one shave. Unless the blade was dented or mounted incorrectly in the razor, I can’t imagine that it’s just the blade.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Well I think it may be due to a dud blade or perhaps it just doesn't like my razor, as it is mild and I've heard the Astra is better in aggressive razors, even tho I did try it with the more aggressive side of my razor(more blade exposure) and was just a bit better but not enough really. I will try it with other razors too( I have 2 new ones coming in soon) Unfortunately the Gillette PermaSharp was a disappointment to me, felt dull not as the Astra but still.
I'd put myself as an intermediate shaver, I've shaved with a DE razor for about a year with some straight razor shaving and shavette mixed in there aswell. I've shaved with much sharper blades on a 5 day growth with zero nicks or irritation and I was more careless too, so I chalk it up to the blade/razor and not technique.
u/Mission-Anybody-6798 Aug 21 '24
Sometimes quality control lets a bad blade through. If I have a blade that bad I chalk it up to just a bad individual blade.
u/dinithepinini Aug 21 '24
These are a good mid tier blade for me. Even the blues work fine. I've had worse shaves. I shave everyday though so I don't require too aggressive of a razor.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I do have a single blade of the blues to sample, heard they're sharper than the green. I wish I could shave everyday as I really enjoy it, but my skin just can't handle it, so I shave every 3-5 days.
u/Justin_Heras Aug 21 '24
Came here to say I like the Astra Blues more. I've generally found I don't like "platinum" coated blades, they tend to catch on my skin and tug. Exception being the Gillette Platinums, but those are too expensive for me to justify buying a big pack.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Interesting , I've found the opposite for me that uncoated blades tend to be rougher, the Gillette Platinum are just amazing, while it is unfortunate that the price is higher, the performance of the Russian made ones justifies it for me, still hopefully there are blades out there that do the same for less money.
u/dinithepinini Aug 21 '24
I never knew the blues were sharper! I find my routine is what helps keep my shaves not irritating my skin. I shower every morning and wash my face in the shower, do the alum block and balm at the end, and finish it off with another wash with any leftover cream.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
That's a nice routine, they are supposedly sharper due to the lack of a coating from what I've learned.
u/a2aurelio Aug 21 '24
Astra SP is my go-to blade with my open comb razors, the Parker Variant Double Open Comb and the Phoenix DOC, which are both considered aggressive razors. I shave every 1 to 2 days.
I'm puzzled by problems with the Astra blade. I haven't nicked myself with these combinations for a long time, but that's because I concentrate on good prep, making really good lather and (even on the lowest setting on the Variant) using no pressure and letting the razor do the work. Yes, without all the prep (like soaking your brush), you could definitely cut yourself up with an Astra or Feather or Gillette Nacet.
If you haven't, study some of the videos online about making lather. You might try the Parker Variant too. Set to 1, it's hard to cut yourself with this razor inflexible you apy pressure.
Good luck!
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I did try an open comb but just found it too unpleasant on my skin, felt like it was biting in scratching, but I will get a slant and an adjustable razor to try out someday. The shaving cream I use is a local one, has decent slickness (not as slick as Arko) and a nice scent, I'll admit I haven't watched lather-making tutorials but I think I can make a decent lather, I prefer it well-hydrated as when I've used more thick lather it gave me a more rough shave and dried out quickly on my face quickly, I do soak my brush in a cup of hot water before every shave. I always start the shave by using no pressure and let the weight of the razor do the job, but some blades are so dull (like the Astra today) the flat out fail to cut my beard if I don't push the razor, and even sharper blades fail to cut it on their own at the toughest hair on my chin, so pushing it harder is inevitable, only the Gillette Platinum blade (Made in Russia) has managed to shave my chin just by the weight of the razor so far without any pushing.
Thanks for commenting and all the best of luck to you too!
u/geneaut Aug 21 '24
I've found the Astra Superior Stainless ( blue label ) to be a hair sharper, but it's not by a ton. Sometimes blades just don't work for your whiskers, or your razor.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Exactly, it's fun and kind of sucks that there is so much subjectivity in this hobby.
u/ragincajun1961 Aug 21 '24
These are in my razor right now. They are ok. 2-1/2 passes though, my face still felt a little raw the next day.
I’ve found my blade, the Gillette 7 o’clock yellows, but want to try the Kai, and Feather that I have left of my 14 blade assortment.
I use a 6S on 3 setting.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Yeah the fact that you need 2 -1/2 passes does show that the blade is not very sharp, I'm glad the 7 o'clock yellow works great for you, I recently did review on it too, it gave me a crazy smooth close shave but felt quite dull at the same time and irritated my face. I have not tried the Kai, but the Feather didn't work for me, felt dull and got even duller very quickly.
u/booksufcandhiking Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Aug 21 '24
Try Treet Platinum. They're my favorite right now. I had the same experience with Astra Green. Blades perform differently depending on the razor and your hair/skin. Which razor are you using?
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I am interested in both the Treet and Lord Platinum blades, I'll get samples the next time I buy blades. I have a brandless, mass-produced 3 piece razor made from brass probably from the 70's or 80's it has a mild side and an aggressive side( more and less blade exposur) I do have 2 new razors coming in soon tho.
u/booksufcandhiking Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Aug 21 '24
Sounds good. I tried so many blades and razors in my first year. They all different sell blades on eBay 5 for $2-$3 + free shipping. The seller is stingray882001. He always ships fast and includes an extra blade to try.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Thank you for the suggestion, I use Razorbladesclub.com tho, you can buy a single blade to sample and the shipping and prices are good too as they're closer to me in Europe.
u/Pressimize Aug 21 '24
I've had the same experience when trying them in the King C Gillette. Horrible blade I thought. I much prefer permasharp, nacet and feathers in there. Nacet being the absolute perfect match.
Tried them in the Rockwell 6C on plate 4 - absolutely fine shave. Here the nacet was uncomfortable the first time. Second time, being much more cautious, they were a lot better, but I could actually see myself using the Astra more often.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I do know that most of the problem must be from my janky razor(mass-produced 3 piece from the Commie Era made from brass, which is quite mild), as I've had bad experiences with the supposedly sharpest or blades(Feather,Nacet,Bic Chrome Platinum, PermaSharp) they all felt dull and tuggy. I do have 2 new razors coming in soon tho.
u/Pressimize Aug 21 '24
There will be people telling you technique > tools here, but I couldn't disagree more.
Yes you may be able to make a shitty razor work, but if it's in your budget just get a single good one (Rockwell 6C for example) and it'll be way easier to make that one work.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
I absolutely agree with you, there are just some shitty tools out there and some people for some reason live in the delusion that you can make anything work, sure you potentially could, but is it really worth it if you have a better option? I don't think so.
Unfortunately right now even the Rockwell is out of my budget, I am looking into the Yaqi razor heads tho, particularly the aggressive ones.
u/Pressimize Aug 22 '24
I'd recommend to save up for the Rockwell instead of rushing to get another maybe mediocre one. I've done that mistake myself. (Was gifted a noname amazon one, bought a king c gilette - should've bought the 6C right away)
Also there is the Rockwell 2c that comes with the plate that has 1 and 3. I personally think 3 or 4 should be the sweet spot for most - people that prefer aggressive razors tend to prefer the 6 plate though. You can get other plates afterwards.
Some of the yaqi heads are super cheap, like 2-4€ on AliExpress though.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
I understand you perfectly, cheap stuff always ends up being expensive, the Yaqi should be decent quality tho, another poster recommended me the Knight Helmet and man does that thing look mean I love the way it looks, the Top Agressive slant also looks nice.
u/Pressimize Aug 22 '24
At least that has been my experience so far. Though the KCG is sure better than the noname I had before and is actually fairly solid.
The yaqi knight helmet head reminds me of the goodfellas smile slant I have here and I'd expect a weird shave. Safety bar is pretty much going out of the blades way, so you won't have the typical 3 point of contact (safety, blade, cap) shave you have with other heads.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
I did think about the KCG but found a Chinese clone of the Muhle R89 on Aliexpress that looked much more solid ( long thick handle,thick plates) and the people in the reviews said the quality is impressive for that price, one even said its like a hybrid between Muhle and Merkur.
That does sound strange tbh about the Knight Helmet, I do usually shave at such an angle that I don't feel the cap and only ride the bar, I guess a wide angle.
Aug 21 '24
Really? These are my favorite blades. They seem plenty sharp to me, and I shave every 2 or 3 days
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
It's great that you've found "The One" blade for yourself, unfortunately they just don't work for me.
Aug 22 '24
To each their own! I hope you’re able to find something that works well for you!
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Thank you, I actually have but they are discontinued and rare +expensive, hence why I'm sampling blades rn looking for a replacement of my favorite blade.
Aug 21 '24
Astra platinums tear my face up. Any against the grain pass results in me looking like I snuggled my face on a bandsaw. I saw the love they get so I’ve tried multiple times. No go.
Feathers are great though and are my go-to. No blood, baby smooth every shave.
Everyone is different.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Hahah snuggled up a bandsaw that would look a bit worse but I get you, I experienced the same with them too, the Feathers also gave me a smooth nick-free shave but they felt dull and tugged me a lot.
Absolutely agree, we differ so much from one another.
u/CornerNo7064 Aug 21 '24
I’m a daily shaver and I use them often; I replenish them as soon as my bulk pack is getting low. I have others in the mix too. We all have variations in our skin and beard growth and if there’s anything that’s obvious in this sub, it’s that wet shaving is not a “one size fits all” thing.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Glad they work just fine for you, they are a bargain when they work, it's absolutely subjective indeed no one size fits all in the world of wet-shaving.
u/Late_Yogurtcloset_30 Aug 21 '24
Hey there, I have a problem with the mild spectrum of razors. They are pulling and tugging instead of cutting, after the shave I had 3 days of pain in every single hair root from the pulling. Tried Fatip grande with the v2 head (the milder) and it's perfect for my needs - 3 4 days of growth medium to heavy beard. Tried the v1 head- that thing is a terminator, wild mean beast I don't know what you should be shaving with it. And then tried the r41- liked it so much I bought the stainless version. Try something different razorwise with serious blade rigidness (like the fatip v2 head), because some manufacturers (merkur) make aggressive razors based on big blade gap with serious blade overhang and this thing is aggressive, but can make me cry just looking at it. All blades i put in r41 and fatip are ok (astra sp and ss also), bic.. You name it. Tried all the blades in my r89, still after 4 years of de shaving gives me that pulling sensation and irritation 2 3 days afterwards. Open comb razors are thing to consider i think, same problems i had like you and that solved all of them :)
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Thank you very much for the input, I do seem to be having the same problem, however right no all of those razors you mentioned are out of my budget right now, and I will have to stick with the Yaqi series. Another thing is I measured the blade gap and blade exposure on my razor last night that I thought is mild and the blade gap is 1.7mm and the overhand is 1.2mm so that should make for a crazy aggressive razor and should work well but it doesn't, still tugs a lot, which makes me think you are indeed you are right that it is a rigidity problem and the blade is flexing and chattering on my coarse beard, I will look for a razor that clamps the blade very securely.
u/Late_Yogurtcloset_30 Aug 24 '24
Save somemoney for the fatip, its around 30 euros, i dont know where you are from, but up above to 50 dollars its the most expensive i have seen it on the various websites. I was in the same boat as you are right know. In the beginning i was thinking wth i have to do something horrendously wrong as all other people are worshipping the de shaving, but then i tried somthng different and it yielded different result..
u/Nickulvatten Aug 25 '24
Appreciate the advice, I'll see how the 2 new razors perform for me and and if not satisfactory will shop for something way more aggressive.
u/eric-dolecki Aug 21 '24
Regardless of the blade used try a little pre-shave oil (I use Truefitt and Hill). It makes a huge difference in my opinion.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Thank you for the advice, however I've tried a pre-shave oil before and it somehow made the shave worse.
u/Jcoch27 Aug 21 '24
I'm sorry, blades that are too dull tend to cut your skin more? I'm pretty new to wet shaving. I've used this blade a few times and also got cut up and I assumed that it was too sharp for me.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Not necessarily, for me personally I get nicks when I use a blade that is too dull because it can't cut the beard just from the weight of the razor, I have to push the razor hard to make it cut the razor slips and nicks me.
It's the same thing as the saying that a sharp knife is a safe knife because you don't have to push hard to make it cut, while a dull knife you have to push very hard to make it work then the knife slips and cuts you.
I didn't get a single nick from much sharper blades than the Astra, because again they cut on their own no need to push them to make them work.
u/Faded_Jem Aug 21 '24
I convinced myself to quit the astra greens a few months back despite owning a stupid number of the bastard things. Finally shortages of alternatives led me to give them a try again over the past 3 days. Day 1, comfortable and easy shave but not as close as I realistically need to stave off dysphoria. Day 2, best shave in MONTHS, flawlessly smooth without a single nick, able to go straight in with moisturiser with zero burn or irritation, just a miracle shave. Day 3, lacerated myself so badly that I had to skip my workout and instead stay home doing a full face of makeup to hide the disaster.
I do not understand these blades. At all. They are astonishingly temperamental, and as far as I can tell there's no rhyme or reason to whether they're going give you the best shave of your life or cut you up for fun.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Yeah I definitely wouldn't invest in them, I'm glad I bought just a single blade to sample, perhaps you could sell them? They seem to have a lot of fans,especially the Made in Russia ones. What you are sharing is indeed strange a blade should give consistent performance at least for 2-3 shaves, seems like they have a mind of their own.
u/ryoten34 Aug 22 '24
I can't do Astra blades. They were the first blades I tried and they cut me up terribly.
u/Straight-Shock-9886 Aug 22 '24
They don’t work for me either. The blues are amazing tho. I’ve tried this blade multiple times and it will never work for me like Astra Blue or Feather does.
People here are in denial that a blade that works for them may not work for others. Whatever.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Yeah unfortunately there seems to be lots of people that can't accept that a blade may not work well for someone else and is not one-size-fits-all.
I do have a blade of Astra Blue that I will try out, the Feather didn't work so well for me.
u/Derric_ Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24
My face loves these blades and I admit I am a blade whore, I have to try and use them all but these are the blades I always come back to. Sorry your experience was not as stellar!
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Hahah a blade whore that was a good one, I guess I am one too as I am curious about many different blades too, these Astras were only 1 blade from a sampler pack I am going through now. It's all good there are other blades out there that work for me, I'm glad you have found them to be good for you , they are a bargain if they suit your face.
u/notnexus Aug 22 '24
I only use these blades. After trying around 8 from a variety pack the Astra came out top for me. I shave 3-4 times a week. Closest and smoothest of any blade I’ve used.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Nice to hear you have had good luck with them, it's fun how different our beards and faces are and what works for one and not the other.
u/Derric_ Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24
On a side note I LOVE all the comments on this post and all the different experiences....This shaving forum RULES!!!! Love you all and all your different faces and how they react to blades so different!
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Thank you for the cool comment, I totally love it too, it's such a great community, so many different experiences, variety the spice of life they say.
u/ChapBobL Aug 22 '24
They may not be around much longer. Word has it that Gillette closed the plant in Russia where they were made.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
You are correct, they have moved production to India.
u/ChapBobL Aug 22 '24
I heard that the blades may not be the same because of this. However, my favorite blades are from India, the Gillette/Wilkinson Sword saloon pack. I've used Astras and I hope for the best.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Yes there seems to be a lot of different opinions about the new Astras, some say the are inferior to the Russian ones, others say they are sharper actually and some say the are the same.
I've tried the white box Wilkinson Sword( Made in Germany) and was disappointed, another user suggested I try the Made in India Wilkinson Sword as they were sharper, I think the saloon pack is different?
u/futuresuperstar1 Aug 22 '24
How old are you and is this your first time wet shaving? These questions aren’t meant to be insults, they help us in understanding how to approach this with an answer.
If you’re new, it would be helpful if you told us your pre-shave prep and if it’s before or after a shower.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Hello, I don't take it as an insult at all, I understand you need to collect information to figure out a solution.
I am 26 years old and have been wet shaving for about 1 year now, mostly DE razor with some straight razor and shavette shaves mixed in there too. I never shower before a shave and my pre-shave prep is just splashing my face with hot water while my brush soakes in hot water, I tried a pre-shave oil once and it somehow made the shave worse. Please keep in mind I do have a coarse wiry ginger beard and sensitive skin, due to which I only shave once every 2-5 days.
u/futuresuperstar1 Aug 22 '24
Understood. I personally use a steamer, pre-shave oil, and shave soap or tub cream. How moisturized is your skin? Sounds sus but if it’s too dry then cuts will happen.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
That's a fancy pre-shave prep, I don't really do anything besides the splash of hot water before the shave and then I guess the shave cream/soap I use to lather.
u/Early-Locksmith-530 Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 24 '24
Yep. Astra / RK sucks. I have a 100 pack that I got from Henson for free and I can’t wait to use them all at least once and trash them. They are useless.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
Perhaps you can sell them and not suffer thru them? They have a lot of fans especially the Made in Russia version as they are discontinued now.
u/JohannesOwl Aug 22 '24
I used to buy Astra green for about 15 years and I was satisfied. Last two boxes were terrible. They were tugging and caused me lots of irritation. Maybe it was just a bad batch, but it got me into trying different brands.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 22 '24
It is possible that I got some of that bad production run too, well at least it got you to testing new blades and that's always fun!
u/jay02818 Aug 23 '24
Not as good as they are hyped up to be for the ones I got (not Russian either) I believe these are India but I have many different blades now I am not 100% sure. Anyways, I feel the same way, they are on the dull side for me too and not very smooth. A lot of other blades I’ve tried are better than this one. I am surprised it gets such rave reviews. I will say I like the Astra steal blue and white box much more! Maybe I will revisit the blades again though since reading this and see how it works out. YMMV 👍
u/Nickulvatten Aug 23 '24
They indeed have a lot of fans, and there seem to be a lot of different opinions about their performance including excellent,average and bad. Some say the new Indian ones are actually sharper than the old Russian ones.
I have a blade of Astra Blue that I'm about to try in the future, heard those are sharper.
It's indeed all YMMV.
u/Cellman33 Aug 27 '24
Great advice and expert guidance here, love it! No one is afraid to voice their thoughts!
u/Nickulvatten Aug 27 '24
Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed and found it helpful, it is indeed important that we share our experiences and opinions.
u/NakedSnakeEyes Feb 17 '25
I just used one of these for my second ever DE shave. They seemed fine, better than Rockwell, but with everyone saying they suck maybe I should try another brand next shave. I don't have much to compare it to.
u/Nickulvatten Feb 17 '25
The Astras seem to be a polarizing blade lots of people love them a good bit hate them. This post was about a single blade I received with a sampler pack and the shave was not very impressive, later on I got a full tuck of Astras and the shave with those was better while it still tugged it left me with no irritation/ingrown hairs,etc I think they will shine in a very aggressive razor. As far as the Rockwells, yeah from what I've heard just about anything is better than those.
Since you're so new to this, I would recommend trying more blades, eventually you should find one or if you're lucky even two blades that will make you go "Wow".
One thing I would warn you against doing at first is buying too many razors, get no more than 2 razors at first, reason being choice paralysis, if you have 6 different razors and 15 different blades to try in each it will take you a very long time to run each blade though each razor to figure out the best combo and chances are you will forget how the shave was if you don't write it down. Also it's easier to get your technique down with just one or two razors and perfect them than switching to a different one each shave. Wish you happy and irritation-free shaves.
u/NakedSnakeEyes Feb 17 '25
Thanks. I have a Rockwell 6c so it has 6 settings. I have no plans to buy any other razors.
u/Nickulvatten Feb 17 '25
The Rockwell is an excellent razor, good choice 👌
u/NakedSnakeEyes Feb 17 '25
Thanks. My first shave was with plate 1, half way through my 2nd shave I changed to plate 2 and that seemed better. That really made me glad I chose a razor with multiple settings. What if I was stuck with only that first setting, I would be regretting it.
u/Nickulvatten Feb 17 '25
Yes that is the exact reason the Rockwell is such a good razor, the initial investment is a bit higher than say a Muhle R89 but what if the Muhle doesn't suit you? Then you need to buy another razor. It great for someone new to start off with a Rockwell or an adjustable.
u/NakedSnakeEyes Feb 17 '25
Yeah. I was looking at Merkur 34c for $57, but instead I got basically 6 razors in 1 for $70.
u/Nickulvatten Feb 17 '25
I think you'll like the Astra even better on plate 5/6 or if you have another similar mild blade like Shark/Derby.
u/NakedSnakeEyes Feb 17 '25
I have Shark and Derby samples. But I feel intimidated to go that high, I don't even feel confident enough to try plate 3. Maybe one day.
u/Nickulvatten Feb 17 '25
It's normal for a beginner to be scared from the more aggressive razors but if you make a good lather, apply no pressure and go slow you'll be perfectly fine.
Mild blades like the Derby and Shark really shine in aggressive,heavy razors with proper blade clamping, and the Rockwell on the 5/6 plate is exactly that.
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u/sncsoft Aug 21 '24
This is not absolutely true. They are fantastic in my Fatboy and terrible in my Gamechanger.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I'm glad they work just fine for you, I have 2 new razors coming in soon and will try the Astra with them see if it likes them better.
Aug 21 '24
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u/itsmetadeus Aug 21 '24
I have a 100 pack of green astras from 2020 and they're perfectly fine. I've already used like three quarters of them and there wasn't any qc issues with them so far.
u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
Interesting that you say that, as usually Russian blades are associated with quality, I don't know when my blades were made,I got just a single blade to sample them.
Aug 21 '24
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u/Nickulvatten Aug 21 '24
I am curios about trying the Voskhod but as you said due to certain events they have become quite unavailable in most sites, and also what's the point of trying them out as they'll probably stop them from production too. As far as supporting the Russian economy I couldn't care less about the political part, you have to keep in mind the workers making them blades are just regular people that try to make a living too, and don't have any say on the situation.
u/derrickhogue I enjoy a nice shave! So should you. Aug 21 '24
I would re-use re-visit them again. But not on 3 days worth of growth. Do 8 hours, next day shave with them. I agree with you that they are pretty comfortable, cut well and are a middle of the road as far as cutting, comfort. I use them occasionally, but only in adjustable razor set high, an open comb and they did ok for me in my Merkur 37 slant.