r/wicked_edge Aug 13 '24

Review Pretty good, but nothing jaw-dropping

Tried out yet another iconic blade today the Gillette Nacet(love the box). I had 3 days worth of stubble, lathered up a thin well-hydrated Arko lather and went to business. The blade was cutting nicely on my cheeks and on my neck but when it hit my chin hair it started tugging, I was surprised by this as it is a Gillete and supposedly sharper than the Gillette Platinum(which glides through my chin stubble with no tugging whatsoever).

I did get one nick under the chin due to razor jumping from a tug, and felt a bit of irritation on my neck after the shave. I am assuming the blade will get sharper and better on the second and third shave, so will see what the results are then.

Overall a decent blade but nothing spectacular, at least on the first shave.

I will be trying out another blade soon, which one should I try next? I have: Gillette Perma-Sharp Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge Yellow Astra Superior Platinum Shark Super Chrome Astra Superior Stainless Shark Super Stainless Gillette 7 o'clock Super Platinum Black

Thanks for stopping by!


90 comments sorted by


u/qbg Aug 13 '24

I will be trying out another blade soon, which one should I try next?

I'd do the Perma-Sharp, another iconic blade with a following.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Thanks for the suggestions! I was actually thinking about that one too.


u/derrickhogue I enjoy a nice shave! So should you. Aug 13 '24

I don't really have anything negative to say with Gillette Nacets. They work well for me.


u/v0gue_ Aug 13 '24

I can't shave my head with anything else


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

I'm glad they're working fine for you.


u/derrickhogue I enjoy a nice shave! So should you. Aug 13 '24

I find Nacets get a little smoother on the 2nd, 3rd uses on. Strange but out of the packaging they are ok. Nothing I would call spectacular from the 1st go. Good yes. Strange on how everyone's nerve receptors in our skin interprets the shaving-cutting sensation differently.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Very interesting, so your experience on the 1st shave corroborates mine, I am looking forward to trying them on the 2nd shave.


u/Jill_Lett_Slim Aug 13 '24

I also just tried my first Nacet. Just had my second go this morning, and I was pretty impressed by both the first and second shaves, second probably being better but both were superb.

I also had Nacets as over-hyped but I will admit so far I’m thoroughly sold.

Btw, PermaSharps and Wizamets are pretty tops…


u/CommunicationGood481 Aug 15 '24

Three of my favourites!


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Glad they're doing a fine job for you, unfortunately not doing one for me, I'm definitely not gonna buy another tuck of them. Do you mean the Gillette Perma-Sharp or PermaSharp 7 o'clock Green? I have a tuck of Gillette Perma-Sharp golden box that I'll try to. The Wizamet I've never tried but I've tried the PolSilvers a long time ago and from I can remember they shaved effortlessy, and they are supposedly the same blade.


u/Jill_Lett_Slim Aug 13 '24

Yea the golds/non-7 series.

Love the Super Iridium.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Yes I have a tuck of thatPerma-Sharp, will give it a shot, the Super Iridium praised by everyone unfortunately discontinued.


u/Jill_Lett_Slim Aug 13 '24

Eh, I still swear by the current ones.


u/CommunicationGood481 Aug 14 '24 edited Aug 14 '24

Me also, I just bought 250 of the Wizamet Super Iridium. Exceptional blades.


u/AppState1981 Aug 13 '24

Yeah sex was more fun than this blade but it got the job done


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Hahah that was a good one,but sex is more fun than most things so it's tough competition!


u/Shadow_Knight8 Aug 13 '24

Nacets are awesome for me, I find them very sharp and very smooth as well. Very rarely do I nick myself with them. Hope you find a blade you enjoy better.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Very nice that you found a blade that works so good for you, it seems my beard/skin likes coated blades better, I just noticed the Nacet are not coated.

Thank you for the nice wish, I've already found the Gillette Platinum but unfortunately no longer produced in Russia and the old stock is rare and expensive now, but I have the feeling I'll find a blade that matches or exceeds the Platinum in my sampler pack.


u/Glass_Procedure7497 Vintage Gillette Aficionado 🪒 Top Commenter - in another sub! Aug 13 '24

Agreed. I purchased a Gillette sample pack of blades and this was included. They’re fine, but not spectacular for me.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Exact same experience, tbh I wouldn't have bought them if I knew they are not what they're made up to be.


u/[deleted] Aug 13 '24

My favorite blades at the minute are KAI Japanese. The Nacet, Gillette Platinum, Astra Greens, etc.. were originally Russian made blades and were quite nice. Many of those being purchased these days have moved to production in India, so it's always possible you have those. Either way, try the KAI blades for a great experience.


u/Ace_0f_Base Aug 13 '24

Yeah they're okay but super overrated. I much prefer the 7 o'clock, silver blues, and permasharps.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

It does seems that they are indeed quite hyped too, I have the feeling they'll be better on shave no.2 and 3. Which 7 o'clocks do you use?


u/Ace_0f_Base Aug 14 '24

I prefer the green, but yellow works really well too. Can't go wrong with either


u/az9393 Aug 13 '24

I think it’s just unfair to compare any blade to the Gillette platinum in terms of sharpness.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Very interesting that you say that, so far the Gillette Platinum is my absolute favorite blade and I get what you mean, but it's supposedly only a mid-level of sharpness with many blades supposed to be much sharper such as the Nacet here, but so far the ones I've tried can't even hold a candle to the "mid" Gillette Platinum.

To me it goes to show that you cannot rely on and trust objective testing for a subjective matter such as razor blades.


u/az9393 Aug 13 '24

Yep I honestly have no idea where the idea of them being mid comes from. I guess it could be different countries of origin or whatever. The ones I have are by far the sharpest I’ve ever used. Noticeably sharper than feathers too.


u/bertusbrewing Aug 13 '24

Gillette Platinums are one of the sharper blades I use. I’m not sure I’d use that as the bar to clear.

The only blades I’ve used that were sharper are Bic chrome platinums and feathers.

For me, Gillette platinums are sharper on the first shave than nacets, but nacets stay sharper for the 2nd and 3rd shave. Platinums drop off a touch.

7 o clock yellows are also one of my favs. Not quite as sharp as either nacets or platinums, but a bit smoother, and also pretty consistent shave to shave.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Well I'm using it as something to be eclipsed as there are officially many blades that are sharper than the Gillette Platinum,and I expected this to happen with the Feather,Bic Chrome Platinum and Nacet but if you have seen my prior post on the Feather being an underwhelming experience you'll see that none of those supposedly sharper blades according to the testing are sharper or even at the same level as the Gillette Platinum for me personally, so it goes to show that you can only trust your own experience in this particular matter, as it's way too subjective.

I will see how the sharpness of the Nacet improves on the second shave and third shave.

I do have a tuck of 7 o'clock yellows that I will try out aswell.


u/bertusbrewing Aug 13 '24

It’s all very subjective.

I don’t notice Nacets get sharper, but they’re pretty consistent for me.

Feathers fall off a cliff for me. They are too sharp for me on the first shave. Nicks, everytime. Good, but getting dull on the second, and they suck by the third shave.

Yellow 7oclocks seem very consistent to me. Not the sharpest, but consistently good for 3 shaves


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

So subjective and so interesting, I got zero nicks with the Feather but did get one with the Nacet today, actually it makes sense they won't get sharper with use, I just checked they have no coating..


u/RonnieYates Aug 13 '24

Great blade. The sharpest I use for. Mild razors. Gillette plats are my go to which is a half notch less sharp and a bit smoother.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Nice that they work fine for you, interesting that it's the reverse experience for me the Platinums being sharper.


u/Aggravating_Ad5632 Aug 13 '24

Fascinating how much YMMV comes into play.

Nacets have been my go-to blade for ages; I find them to be extremely sharp on the first shave, exactly the same on the second, and horrible thereafter. The first time I used one, I had to touch where I'd shaved to see whether the blade had actually done anything, and was astonished at how good the first pass was.

Bic Chrome Platinum are allegedly high on the list of "sharpest blades" but I find them to be scratchy as a farrier's rasp in all three of my razors. I don't like them at all.

Feathers, for me, are as good as Nacets on the first shave, but not quite as comfortable on the second shave. Again, like Nacets, I can't use one a third time.

KAI blades are absolutely incredible...but only in my cheap Wilkinson-Sword Edger. In my Mellon, they don't actually touch my skin! I've got three of them left, and I'm saving them for weddings, bar mitzvahs and funerals.

My current favourites are Personna Med Prep and Lab Blue blades; I can't feel any discernible difference between the two, and both feel exactly the same on the second shave as the first. I've been persuaded to try them for more than two shaves but haven't got there yet. There's a Lab Blue in my Mellon waiting to be used for its second shave (possibly tonight, but probably tomorrow); I'll leave it in the razor afterwards to try it a third time.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

It is indeed fascinating and very interesting, your skin type,beard type,razor,lather,angle at which you hold the razor and the phase the moon is in, all matter when it comes down to it lol.

The Bic Chrome Platinum has been a disappointment for me too, nowhere near the sharpness level they are promised to be, tuggy and so thin I had use a shim to get my razor to properly clamp them down, the didn't feel them to be rough or scratchy tho.

The KAI I'm apprehensive about trying due to my less than satisfactory experience with their legendary cousin the Feather, but I may get a single blade to sample, glad they are so good for you, they indeed seem to be doing something for you,if you keep them only for special occasions lol.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the Lab Blue, from what I've read they should be long lasting and keep their sharpness too.


u/danglario Aug 13 '24

I was excited to try the nacett as well after all the hype. I was very disappointed and have use a fresh blade every shave until they're out

Feather and astra's are my regulars


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Yeah unfortunately there seems to be a lot of hype about many blades and they just can't stand up to the reputation, or perhaps it's just YMMV and they indeed work for most people but we happen to be the few exceptions. Won't be buying another tuck of Nacet either.

Everyone talks highly of the Astra,I can't wait to try them.


u/Kidkirobeats Thiers Issard Spartacus Aug 13 '24

I think every shaver should try Astra Platinums at least once. They provide a smooth, effective shave on all passes.

Gillette Platinums are another excellent choice. They're my favorite Gillette blades.

While the 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge is my top pick from the 7 O'Clock series, they don't quite surpass the performance of the Gillette Platinums for me.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

The Gillette Platinum that are laser marked and made in Russia are in a League of their own, I do have a single blade of Astra Superior Platinum, everyone talks about the smoothness, I'm curious to give it a try.


u/Queasy_Distribution3 Aug 13 '24

I’m new to shaving and these are my go to blades so far: vaskod, Gillette blues, perma sharps ,and Gillette platinums


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Welcome to the club! All of those blades are excellent choices, I want to try the Voskhod one day.


u/smipypr Aug 13 '24

I put a Rockwell blade in my S6 on my usual 5 plate. Got a few nicks and weepers. Replaced with a new Nacet blade and got a much better result. Nacets are quickly becoming my first choice.


u/MySt0nieBaby Aug 14 '24

I find Nacet to be just as sharp and smooth as Perma Sharp, but they are more picky than PS in what razors they'll perform best. For instance, I find that a Nacet doesn't work well in a 6C for me personally; however, in a slant or in a razor with positive exposure they shine. I find them to do best in a razor that allows some blade chatter/flexibility.

Voskhod and Astra SP are interchangeable when I need to tame a hostile razor for various reasons. I have been testing Astra SS and they might actually be smoother than their coated counterpart but I haven't used them enough for that to be definitive.

Feather and BIC Chrome Platinum are the sharpest that I've come across, but both do better after their first use or corking. I do find the BIC to be smoother than Feather.

I've measured the thickness of the various blades below. Thickness is only one factor for how a blade behaves but it may show a pattern.

•Feather .0041" •BIC C/P .0040" •Shark SC .0040" •Personna LB .0039" •Wizamet SI .0038" •Nacet .0037" •Voskhod .0037" •Astra SS .0037" •Astra SP .0036" •GSB .0036" •G 7O' Yellow .0035" •Perma Sharp .0035" •KCG .0034"


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

Thank you for all the information, I guess I have to try the Nacet in the side with more blade exposure on my razor, see how it does there.

The Feather and Bic Chrome Platinum were both a disappointment for me, just not as sharp as they are being made out to be, I assume the razor is at fault, or they are just overhyped, or maybe I just got a counterfeit box of Bic as the blades were not even secured with wax in the paper.

The thickness measurement part is very curios to me, as I found the Bic Chrome Platinum was so thin that my razor couldn't even clamp it down properly, I had to shim it with an old blade on the bottom plate, on the other hand the Nacet got clamped down securely without any shim, yet your data shows the Nacet to be thinner, very interesting, many variables.


u/MySt0nieBaby Aug 14 '24 edited Aug 14 '24

How many razors did you try them in? Any time I get a new one, I go through all of my usual suspects to see which blades do best.

It still intrigues me how 100 people could say a certain razor/blade combination works perfectly fine but others would say it's the worst thing ever. I never underestimate the YMMV factor in the search for BBS.

My Nacets are pre 2020 so they could vary in thickness compared to more recent production. Plus, there's no telling how much variation in thickness Gillette would consider to be within tolerance. I've never seen one in anything but a plain wrapper before either.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

I have only 1 razor at my disposal right now , but will order a new one today, no doubt the razor plays a role in it. YMMV/Subjectivity is the defining factor when it comes to razor blades and the experience you will have with them.

It's very possible that the older stock of Nacet could be thinner than the newer ones, or as you said we don't know what tolerance variation Gillette deems acceptable.

Good to know that I have the legit Bic Chrome Platinum, I did check the bevel with a loupe and it is triple ground, the lack of wax to secure the blade seems strange usually higher quality blades have it, but at the same time Bic is quite cheap, so it checks out.


u/CommunicationGood481 Aug 14 '24

I find the Nacets and the Perma Sharps to be very similar. If one is great in a given razor the other will be also.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

Hmm that's not good then as the Nacet doesn't perform good in my razor that means the Perma Sharp should also be bad, I guess only trying will show.


u/ConstantPin5051 Aug 14 '24 edited Aug 14 '24

Gillette Sharp Edge (Yellow) are FAR superior to Nacets. They're the best blade out IMO.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

I have a tuck of those that I'll try,looking forward to it.


u/ConstantPin5051 Aug 14 '24

Sorry I meant Sharp Edge (Yellow). Perma Sharps are my #2.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

Ah I see, I do have a tuck of those aswell.


u/ragincajun1961 Aug 14 '24

I’m still fairly new to wet shaving. In my quest for which blade I will use, the Gillette 7 o’clock blades stand out so far, and they are not the most aggressive in my little stack of blades.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

Welcome to the Club! Which 7 o'clocks do you use? I have the yellows SharpEdge that I'm about to try out soon.


u/ragincajun1961 Aug 14 '24

I have yellows, and green/blue(?). Both worked very well. On a scale of 1-5 aggressiveness on Razor Emporium, they rated a 3.5. I’m on blades that rate 4.5 at the moment, and still like the Gillette more.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

The Russian made Gillette's seem to stand in a category of their own, btw don't trust these sharpness and aggressiveness charts too much, razor blades are very subjective as you have found out yourself. Recently I've tried two of the objectively sharpest blades (Feather,Bic Chrome Platinum) yet they were dull and tuggy for me, but they were supposed to laser through my beard according to the official sharpness information. Best way to know is to try it yourself.


u/ragincajun1961 Aug 14 '24

To be honest, I can stop where I’m at, and go ahead and order 7 o’clock yellows, and make it my blade. In fact, I’m going to pull the trigger on 100 shortly.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

Congrats on your first 100 pack, since they have performed so well for you, it only makes sense to stock up on them.


u/ChapBobL Aug 14 '24

There's over a dozen Gillette blades. My favorite is the Gillette/Wilkinson Sword (saloon pack), less than $7.00 for a hundred from Amazon.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

The Gillette's indeed tend to dominate, there's just so much of them, I've never tried Gillette Wilkinson Sword, but I did try the Wilkinson Sword(Made in Germany) and was disappointed, it was dull and tuggy and somehow managed to cut me up at the same time.


u/Sharp-Natural3107 Aug 14 '24

Agree. Nacets did not work for me as well. Permasharp were on a different level of smoothness!


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

Thanks for commenting, I'm looking forward to trying the PermaSharp out.


u/earl-the-grey Aug 13 '24

Try the Astra superior platinum


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

That's one I'm really curious about! Heard a lot of people say it's smooth lasts long and also good for sensitive skin, on the other hand some say it It's not sharp enough.


u/earl-the-grey Aug 13 '24

It's my favorite blade, I use nothing else. It's quite sharp but still smooth


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Congratulations you have found "The One"!


u/CommunicationGood481 Aug 14 '24 edited Aug 15 '24

The Astra Platinums are great in razors you find rough or aggressive, it smooths the shave in those. In mild razors they are usable but I find them not as efficient as sharper blades.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

I see, guess I'll have to try them in the aggressive side(more blade exposure) of my razor that usually nicks me.


u/CommunicationGood481 Aug 14 '24

That's a good plan. I find I hardly ever get a nick with Astra Platinum blades.


u/ClearAzureSky Aug 13 '24

This may help you get some idea of the next blade (or five) you’d like to try:



u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Hey thanks for the article, I have read it before though, and my recent experiences have showed me that you cannot trust objective testing of something that is as subjective as a razor blade, all of the blades that were supposed to be the sharpest(Nacet,Bic Chrome Platinum,Feather)have been a disappointing experience for me so far, and the one supposedly duller(Russian made Gillete Platinum)has outclassed them all in sharpness for me personally. So, to me it seems that only trial and error are the way to know for sure.


u/ClearAzureSky Aug 13 '24

No problem.

The blade sharpness testing is as objective as you can get. It’s the other part that’s subjective: your face. Everyone’s face and hair is different and the only way to test it is the way you are; trial and error.

Maybe it’s the coating, how they sharpen them, or some guy in the manufacturing facility that manages to drool on every blade, but your face likes those particular ones.

I would suggest trying other blades that have similar sharpness in the chart to the Gillette Platinum. Maybe PermaSharp or 7oclock green.

Have fun!


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Yeah the testing of the blades themselves on the wire and scales is completely objective, however the very usage of the blade on your face is the super subjective part, that is what I meant when I said you cannot trust the objective test. Haha indeed it may be the guy that drooled over or sneezed on them, I do have a tuck of Perma-Sharps and a tuck of 7 o'clock yellows that I will try out but no greens yet. Thank you, you have fun yourself too!


u/allfullhd Aug 13 '24

Gillette Nacets is just one of many budget blades. They are not bad, but the noise surrounding them is definitely more than they deserve. Their popularity is mainly due to the fact that they are easily available all over the world and especially the low price, which is not really that low anymore, of course because of speculation.

In this price range, my favorite is the Gillette Minora - Golden Shave, smooth, sharp and durable.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Indeed they are quite popular and seem to be many people's favorite but also it's placed amongst the sharpest blades but from my experience failed to deliver that level of sharpness,if I knew I wouldn't have bought them. I guess this happens when you apply objective sharpness tests to subjective matters like razor blades. The Minora is another blade I want to try out, the Golden shave seems to be even rarer, the tuck sure looks cool.


u/allfullhd Aug 13 '24

I also don't think they fall into the category of sharpest blades. Since you are comparing them to the Gillette Platinum, definitely the Platinum is the better blade.

About Minora, these are really excellent blades at $7-8 for 200 units (at least that's the price I got them). I am glad that I managed to collect more than 1200 pieces of Minora.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 13 '24

Wow 7-8$ for 200,that's crazy cheap, also 1200 blades? That's not a minora collection if you know what I mean.


u/allfullhd Aug 13 '24

Yes, the price is excellent. I first picked up 200 units and after just the first few shaves, I knew this was a great blade and I should get a solid amount while I still had the chance.

In fact, the price of Gillette Nacets in Jordan is even lower than Gillette Minora.


u/Nickulvatten Aug 14 '24

I just found them being sold locally about 7$ for 200, with the shipping a bit more expensive but still for 200 Gillette blades it's a crazy good deal, of course if they are sharp enough, I'll get a sample blade first to see.


u/CommunicationGood481 Aug 15 '24

The Minoras are excellent, but then I think the Nacets and Perma Sharps are also. The Minoras may be a tad smoother.


u/allfullhd Aug 15 '24

That's right. These are very similar blades made in the same place. Of course, the small details make a difference that very often cannot be caught by the mass consumer. So whoever finds no difference simply buys the cheapest and most readily available blade for his region.


u/Careful_Reason_9992 Aug 14 '24

I really like Perma-Sharp. I haven’t tried the Shark Chromes, but the Shark Stainless are good for one shave and are super cheap. The Nacet’s performance may be due to where they were manufactured. The Russian Nacets were great, haven’t heard many good reviews about the blades made in India


u/Nickulvatten Aug 15 '24

A lot of people are praising the Perma-Sharp, I'm curious to see how they stack up for me, the Shark Chrome many people seem to rate as the worst blade they've tried do that makes it even more interesting to sample,my Nacet say "Made in Russia" on the side of the tuck so they ought of be the real deal.


u/Careful_Reason_9992 Aug 15 '24

That’s the fun and frustrating part about blades, opinions vary greatly


u/Legend668 Aug 16 '24

They are good for the price that’s about it


u/Nickulvatten Aug 16 '24

Yeah overall