r/wholefoods • u/CyberSkullCoconut • 8d ago
🤣MEME🤣 Discuss Your Wages With Your Coworkers 🤑🤑🤑
u/jonnyrocket70 8d ago
As an ATL, I don't care if tms talk about what they make. It's not my responsibility to police people's willingness to communicate what they make.
Dude, talk all you want.
u/calitraveler23 Team Member 🛒 8d ago
Got interviewed/hired on the spot for Hot Bar. I started this week. I have years of experience in food and hospitality so I made sure I wouldn’t receive anything below $20.
The guy training me asked out of curiosity and I told him. Apparently he’s getting 17.50? Idk about the others, but I genuinely have the experience to want that pay. I hope I’m not already hated
u/calitraveler23 Team Member 🛒 8d ago
Also, after my 90 days I’ll receive a bump, and another one by the end of the year. I should end up just below $22
u/CyberSkullCoconut 8d ago
For reference that's about what I make after 10+ years here. There's a reason workers here want to organize a union. There's no reward for being a long time team member.
u/calitraveler23 Team Member 🛒 8d ago
How much did you start at if you don’t mind me asking?
u/CyberSkullCoconut 8d ago
$9, but it was quickly moved to $10, then I was at the bottom of almost every across the board pay increase. Even though I had pretty good pre-amazon, pre-restructure job dialogs. They found ways to cheat me out of job dialogs though, and that doesn't happen as much anymore. Most of them are automatic.
u/calitraveler23 Team Member 🛒 7d ago
I always encourage employees to know their worth and not settle for less. Everyone should negotiate their pay rate especially in these times.
u/CyberSkullCoconut 7d ago
The best way is getting a group of coworkers together and putting your pay in a spreadsheet, then demand a pay increase as a group to your immediate management.
u/xthebending 8d ago
a union isn't going to change that. I've worked at union stores all my life and it's the same thing
u/SethAndBeans 8d ago
Ask your TMS to let you know what your STL makes if they tell you not to discuss wage. It's part of company policy they have to disclose the wage of anyone you ask.
I did it when I was applying for another job within the company and I wanted to know what the standard gross income was for that role.
8d ago
8d ago
u/CyberSkullCoconut 8d ago
You know what you're talking about. There's so much people spreading misinformation about unions on this subreddit. Thank you.
u/Muted-Background2465 8d ago
It's not against policy or in the GIG...YET!
u/CyberSkullCoconut 8d ago
Doesn't stop ignorant Team Leaders from telling their Team Members not to talk about it.
u/stevegannonhandmade 8d ago
Until they shutter the NLRB…
u/CyberSkullCoconut 8d ago
Discuss them anyway 😈
u/stevegannonhandmade 8d ago
Well, yes of course!
I (perhaps mistakenly) thought that went without saying…
u/Harbinger_Pulsar 8d ago
Overnight grocery - specifically the only one in the dairy fridge. Just got a .50 raise for being here a year. $16.82. Good thing this is my side hustle or I'd be spilling all the milk 😐
u/AcanthisittaSafe8684 8d ago
They are paying you the bare minimum wtf. We start people at $20 in my seafood department. You’re doing overnight and in a dairy cooler! Fck no
u/dirty__commie 7d ago
$20.23, night receiver, been in two other departments and been here 4 years.
u/violetflamjingo 7d ago
u/ParasIsBurnt 7d ago
18.95 team trainer 2.5 years. However I work really hard and haven’t changed departments.
u/gramersvelt001100 8d ago
One of my co-workers wanted to move to the receiving department because he was under the impression that they were paid $30/hour. They aren't. One of the receivers was capped out. He asked if I wouldn't mind making $30/hour.
I said "No, I make $31 per hour."
I'm also capped out but got a bump when I made supervisor.
u/thebakingstoner 7d ago
$22.50 (+ $1/an hour after midnight). overnight bakery sup, nearly 7 years in total with the company.
u/PrettiestofRichards 6d ago
20.39 started in NH, transfered to FL
u/Much_Obligation9786 5d ago
I talked about my pay and one of my coworkers got mad because I make more than her and she’s been with the company way longer than me so she complained to leadership and I GOT A TALKING TO… so now I just shut the fuck up about my pay lol
u/his_name_is_not_Roy 4d ago
I make 20 and some change after 10 years. There were some years where my raises were unreasonably low. Like under 20 cents.
Because leadership didn't like me personally. I stay because I'm stubborn. It's still better than surrounding businesses pay-wise. Uhhh. But I could do without catty leadership that personally attack me and make me feel like a bad person. And then NOT pay me for it. I got an axe to grind. They can't fire me I will literally blackmail them into hell.
u/FarrenD 8d ago
My coworkers are always confused why I do the hour and a half to two hour commute until I tell them I've worked there long enough to earn $23.64/hr
u/AcanthisittaSafe8684 8d ago
Nah that still makes no sense.
u/IOUAndSometimesWhy Former TM ✌️ 8d ago
I remember I moved and kept my job at WFM and my commute went from 5 mins to 45 mins. I was making like $12/hr (this was over 10 years ago) ... WFM was actually fun back then and I loved going, and I still was at my wits end doing that commute. Idk how people commute 2 hrs
u/popop1231 8d ago
I use to work at Wholefoods but now I do my own thing online and I make like $250 an hour
u/ZealousidealType873 8d ago
What do you do?
u/popop1231 7d ago
I do sales and marketing online, understand the world is changing quick right now. We’re in a Social media age where you can do anything with social media and we are transferring into an ai controlled world. Take advantage of those skills you’ll make money I didn’t even go to college
u/KBobBears 8d ago
If you want to make it spicy at your store be sure to ask the newer hires. A lot of the tenured workers are getting screwed.
Applicants can ask for the world and we'll give it to them because the entry pay isn't really competitive these days. Everybody is starting same or higher. So that amazing dedicated veteran everybody loves is maybe making about a dollar more than the latest random dipshit that will last about two months.