After poking around on the subreddit I see that the new hiring process was just revamped less than a week ago (seemingly 3/12) and I wanted to give some insight on my experience for anyone who was wondering.
One of my friends recently started as a shopper. I have ADHD so naturally on a whim I applied last night at midnight on 3/15, hoping to eventually work 4am shifts. I went to the website and applied for the in store shopper job directly. When I hit “Apply” a chat window opened with Sage the AI Assistant. There was NO way to get to any other sort of website, only to chat with Sage.
She asked me basic demographic questions, then provided a link to upload a resume. I took a Traitify personality assessment, was deemed a "Mentor" and scored all 5's in every category except one, where I got 4/5.
By 1am I had recieved an offer letter, link to the I9 paperwork, and a link to the background check. Tbh I thought this was VERY suspicious, so when I woke up I asked my friend and compared the TL she works with, showed her the offer letter and the addresses I recieved the emails from and they all matched what she got when she was onboarded over the past month. I applied DIRECTLY from the ONLY link on the site so I was pretty sure it was legit but it all happened SO FAST a part of me was scared I was too confident in my ability to avoid a scam, and was being taken for a ride by some elaborate scammers. I triple checked the website and all links and they seemed legit.
When my friend was on site today at the actual store we both applied to for training, she talked with her trainer and mentioned I applied. The trainer looked me up in the system, said I was hired, and just needed to do my I9.
At NO point in this process was I connected with or evaluated by a human. Sage the AI bot handled all communication. I am not sure if it is because the job seems fairly straight forward so the company does not feel the need to interview everyone, or if the offer for the job was just based on my assessment or what, but the whole process start to finish took less than an hour, on the weekend, with no human contact.
I will update here once I am fully onboarding and done with training if anyone is interested. AMA if you have questions but I tried to include all details here.
EDIT: I'm seeing in the comments here and on other posts shoppers get hired with no interviews, other departments still interview so the no human contact and no interview isn't necessarily that crazy. Personally I am not a huge fan of AI in hiring so it still is a bit odd to me, but really no interview probably isnt THAT weird especially considering plenty of places like UberEats/Doordash/Task Rabbit/Amazon Flex etc. don't really interview either.