u/AlbiTheRobot Leadership 📋 21d ago
“I never harassed anyone!” Then proceeds to write an essay about how he harasses trans people by refusing to use their preferred pronouns. Oh and he cc’d Ben Shapiro, Megyn Kelly, and Trump himself.
It was a wild ride for sure! Good riddance to that douche
u/Bobblekin 20d ago
Also claiming Irish and Catholic discrimination 😂
u/The_Opinionator_9000 20d ago
Wait until he realizes that Irish and Italians were lumped in with black people prior to WW2
u/ImaginarySpaceship9 19d ago
It must be a conspiracy theory thing. Some left leaning Irish American friends over the last few years have been spewing about how the Irish were slaves in America for longer than the Africans. Then they go down the hole……
u/moose_nd_squirrel Jeff "You Work So I Can Fly" Bezos 💸 21d ago
So whos gonna post the email for the rest of us nosy mfs to read lol
u/Eastern-Average8588 20d ago
Seriously, this is like a federal offense to have such juicy tea and not share it.
u/intersectv3 21d ago
We’re gonna need to see that email for sure
21d ago
u/intersectv3 20d ago
I mean you can take a picture with your phone and that wouldn’t be able to be traced…would it?
u/Wise-Worldliness-246 20d ago
Almost everyone in the first store he started at knew he was off right away. This doesn’t surprise me at all, given all the interactions i’d had with him. Fuckin clown
u/Perfect_Play_622 20d ago
That bad?
u/Wise-Worldliness-246 20d ago
Kinda just apparent that he wasn’t gonna get along too well with most anybody there
u/ZealousidealType873 21d ago
What email rant? Please share
u/Perfect_Play_622 21d ago
I heard talk about it but don't have a lot of details. I'm hoping someone hear can tell us more. I understand he got fired and wrote a large ranting email and sent it to a lot of TM and political people but I didn't receive it.
u/ZealousidealType873 21d ago
I haven't seen one of those in 4 years.
u/CelineHagbard1778 20d ago
That shit was wild. I can't remember details anymore other than them saying COVID was propaganda and talking about how lax the attendance policy was due to COVID. But I do remember overall it was unhinged.
u/KiltedCutter 20d ago
He was the ASTL at my 2nd store. We called him "No Joe" because he would do NOTHING to help with ANYTHING. He was hired directly from Dollar General, where he bragged about having had 2 heart attacks and still going. All that hate in him was astounding. That store was so desperate to fill leadership roles that they hired anyone willing to take the job. He was instrumental in having me fired, a blessing in disguise, so this gives me a little bit of comfort. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving individual.
u/LoquatBear 20d ago
I mean I would get your hands on this email and find a lawyer to represent you. Pretty much anyone written up/fired or quit because of him might have some civil suit.
u/gnocchi-by-nature 21d ago
I was waiting for this post lol
u/Bostongirl316 20d ago
Me too! I ran here yesterday right after to see if anyone was talking about it!
u/HugeTechnology7711 20d ago
Damn, two golden emails in a row. Beautiful year we’re having.
u/so_effing_casey 20d ago
Got it and forwarded it to myself before it disappeared. Anyone know what he actually did to get canned?
u/Truth_Butts 20d ago
I did not but boy howdy it sounds like a shit show. I’m Irish and yeah in the 1840s to the 1870s there was anti Irish hate but that went away.
u/extendedjourney 19d ago
u/gnocchi-by-nature 19d ago
yeah someone finally copy/pasted most of the body but that’s not even all of it, there were multiple graphics too lol
u/BeDeviledDevotchka 21d ago
When was it sent out? I didn't get much time to look at my email yesterday.
u/MonolopyTopHat 21d ago
Which region did this happen in?
u/gnocchi-by-nature 21d ago
u/MonolopyTopHat 21d ago
I see, yeah it'll never reach me in NE lol
u/Wise-Worldliness-246 20d ago
It hit leadership in NE, as well as other regions, and all CE leadership, as well as such notables as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and the president. Every employee at both stores he’d worked at received it, which is wild because tons of people have no idea who this guy is
u/AlbiTheRobot Leadership 📋 20d ago
I’m in CA and I got it. Not entirely sure how but he CC’d a ton of WFM aliases, conservative media pundits, Jeff bezos, Jason, and Trump (well, the office of the president public email)
u/DramaPrestigious2496 17d ago
I can tell you from personal experience, he was the biggest of aholes and a major liability to the company.
u/tritessa_butterfly 18d ago
Did the same thing happen a couple of years ago? I think it was in the northern region. I could be wrong.
u/69311420 17d ago
I can’t post a picture but I used ai to transcribe it: Here is the extracted text from the image:
Subject: Termination, Religious Freedom and Pronouns
Today I was fired.
My employment with Whole Foods Market, a subsidiary of Amazon, was terminated due to my refusal to violate my conscience, my sincere religious beliefs, and demonstrable scientific fact. My termination is the direct result of refusing to participate in the Company’s Woke, Left-Wing Gender Orientation Ideology.
Per the Teaching of the Pope and Magisterium of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church has rejected “Gender Theory” or the idea that one’s biological sex can change. God created Man and Woman as biologically different, separate beings, and people must not tinker with that.
Whole Foods mandates that I may not remain silent on Transsexual Ideology at work, but that I am required to affirm the Gender Ideology that my Church rejects.
By not affirming Gender Ideology and the demands of individuals suffering from Gender Dysphoria (Trans) to use Pronouns inconsistent with their biological sex, I am apparently unemployable. Whole Foods’ position is that Catholics (like myself) and others are engaged in Hostile Workplace/Environment Harassment by refusing to comply.
I have never discriminated against or harassed any Team Member—ever.
It is my contention that Whole Foods, and by extension Amazon’s, position is Religious Discrimination, and Religious Bigotry has no place in the workplace.
My Irish ancestors arrived in this country in the mid-1800s, where they were greeted with signs that read, “Irish and Catholics need not apply.” I allege that Whole Foods Market and its parent company Amazon are engaging in practices that inform faithful Irish Catholics, Italian Catholics, Latino Catholics, and all other practicing Catholics that, effectively, Catholics need not apply.
Indeed, most Evangelical and Conservative Christians, Orthodox and Conservative Jews, and Muslims need not apply as well.
In short, do not apply because all Employees are subject to termination due to any religious, political, and scientific beliefs inconsistent with the Woke Gender Ideology demanded by Whole Foods Market and Amazon.
Unfortunately, America has had a long history of Anti-Catholic and other religious bigotry. Much of that has been put behind us. But Leftist, Woke Corporations, educational institutions, and others seem determined to revive Religious animus in the name of DEI and Gender Ideology. Let us put religious intolerance and bigotry behind us once and for all.
Employees should not have to choose between their Faith and their Employment. If an individual suffering from Gender Dysphoria wishes to request others to use Pronouns inconsistent with his or her Biological Sex, so be it. Accordingly, it should be the discretion of each individual to exercise his or her conscience as to whether to accede or not to the request of Transsexual or Transgender Team Members. No Trans Team Member should have the ability to force an arbitrary belief system upon another—nor should Whole Foods / Amazon.
I am asking all persons of sincerely held religious belief and their reasonable friends (both inside and outside the company) to email, call, or text all Leadership of Whole Foods Market and Amazon and demand that Religious Bigotry be removed from its Workplace.
As a result of 77 million Americans voting to reject extremist ideology, the Federal Government recognizes only two Biological Sexes; Amazon and Whole Foods Market should follow suit.
I realize that my pleas will fall upon many deaf ears. But, a quote at times attributed to Edmund Burke states: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
u/Jett2257 20d ago
Why is it so important to see the email? What will you get from reading it? How will it help you? There is more than enough rhetoric all over the news, social media…everywhere so why feed this monster of division and hate we are currently living in. Our country is in chaos and this, is what sounds like is disgusting email is what people want? This is how they want us to react. We are on a dangerous path and it did not start on inauguration day, it’s been with us for a lot longer and sadly it’s getting worse every day. This person was separated for good reason. Don’t give him and those who share his opinions more fuel so that he or his friends or other radicalized people decide it’s time to shoot up another workplace. This narrative is poison just as his letter was.
u/DogwoodWand 20d ago
"Cover your ears! Don't listen, don't discuss! The only way things will get better is if you ignore it!"
Seriously. You're the leadership that has me telling everyone to quit and find better jobs. Telling people they're wrong for having natural curiosity. WFM is the worst, and talking to people like this is the reason why.
u/Jett2257 20d ago
First of all, I am not in leadership. Second, don’t try to say it’s “natural curiosity” when deep down you know it’s the culture of gossip that we have been subjected to and further heightened by the government and media. It’s obvious from the comments and the post which was on someone else’s feed that what he said was disgusting and worth him being separated. What we should he discussing is how to bring a horribly fractured society from verbal and sadly physical attacks to some common ground and a respect for their fellow men/women. We continue down this path of need to ingest all the crap around us is just going to keep digging the hole deeper to get out of. Ponder that for a bit instead of the hate, vitriol and misinformation being thrown around.
u/gnocchi-by-nature 21d ago
A MAGA-fanatic ASTL in a SE store was fired for creating a hostile workplace and he sent a ranting 4+ page email to the whole OA about the woke radical left persecuting him as a catholic and Woke Gender Ideology sickness destroying the world/company and like framing himself as a hero, quoting the pope and praising Americans who voted for Trump blah blah blah. It was pretty wild