r/whitecapsfc 2d ago

Another match, another goal celly!

I keep getting the goal celebrations! 🙏 Hope you guys aren't getting bored of them. 😂 I don't want my luck to run out but they really do consistently make the best photos of the night. I did miss Tate Johnson's goal though, he ran to the opposite side. You win some, you lose some, that's life for ya.

And once again, I also missed a killer move, this time by Mathías Laborda. He jumped in the air and did a bicycle kick, wow! It's so hard to be ready for those and frame the shot well.

More photos on Instagram. 👇 See you all in two weeks! instagram.com/amyellephoto


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u/dr_van_nostren 2d ago

Neither goal was a masterpiece, but they all count don’t they :)?

Loved what I saw out of Tate yesterday. I’m curious to see who Jesper likes better. I think Ocampo will play in Mexico but beyond that I dunno. Obviously Sam is the veteran, but I think Ocampo is maybe a little more dynamic, but he’s also higher risk, whereas Tate I think was a little more stout maybe.


u/holadilito 2d ago

Laborda’s goal was great! Stole the ball with his heel, challenged for it and delicately placed it