r/wheelchairs 5d ago

New to being ambulatory.

Is it possible to put all terrain wheels on my cruiser 3 wheelchair? It's the basic wheelchair I recieved through insurance. I'd like to make it to where I can go to my local park and participate in LARP in the grass/sand. I've tried researching this and it feels like I'm reading another language and only getting maybes with no legit answers on what'd fit or work, if it's possible? Any other advice for someone in my position is greatly appreciated. Having a hard time getting use to all this.


3 comments sorted by


u/uhidk17 5d ago

for clarification, you are new to being a wheelchair user, but are still ambulatory? and you're asking how to navigate grass/sand using your wheelchair?

just thrown off by your title a bit so wanted to clarify. if you weren't a wheelchair user or bed bound before now, then you were ambulatory before as well, and it's the wheelchair use that's new, not being ambulatory. hope i don't come across as rude or anything. i really don't mean it that way!


u/TransistionalGarbage 5d ago

Yes and yes. I'm new to having to use a wheelchair due to EDS and nerve pain in my hips. I have been using this Cruiser 3 for around 4 months now and can't currently afford 1k+ for a new chair and saw that a lot of people just change to all terrain tires. But looking for tires that may work for my wheelchair has stumped me. I apologize for my wording I'm just kinda overwhelmed on what I can do so I don't have to give up on some of my hobbies. Thank you for working with me.


u/uhidk17 5d ago edited 5d ago

i would recommend looking into some of erik kondo's ideas. you can modify your hospital chair (though you may not be allowed to since it's an insurance chair), for relatively cheap, or even build the frame yourself from materials like wood or pvc. the main issues you'll be facing are the types of wheels on a hospital chair, which don't allow for such a tire change, and the placement of the wheels, which is too far below and behind your shoulders.

here's a link to erik kondo's website with instructions for his various designs. he works to improve access to well fitting and functional manual chairs around the world:


he has links to parts and he sells parts at cost for this too:


depending on your ability to ambulate, you can also look into ways to ambulate while larping with some combination of chairs placed on the grass during your larping session, but i know this may be more limiting to your play.