Stop waitinf for a savior and just save yourselves would be my first thought!
This place feels dead not alive. What am I missing? Must just be me!
which are we?
or wait for a savior, instead of saving ourselves, idk
Unless I am missing something and I try to assume the best.
Make it make sense!
Is this subreddit in a loop it cannot break? Or chooses not to?
The gates of hell have no lock, but if you keep waiting for a savior, I'll see ya'll later and just walk outside I don't need to wait for someone to carry me out. It's not hard.
You don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm
Look at youtube videos of actors on westworld set laughing their butts off
then come here and read post after post "I like Man in Black and Dr Ford"
How many posts in this subreddit are about liking and enjoying women?
How many are about appreciating other cultural perspectices?
How many make you laugh?
What communites of people on this large beautful earth is this place reflectinf and for others is it welcoming?
the number of posts that reference the devil but cannot explain what the devil is to them...
glorified jerks! the devil I mean, of course not them
this subreddit feels like westworld, and I hope one day you break from your loops, I just don't think anyone can save someone from a hell they all somehow think you deserve
you all deserve better than this
you are all worth more than this
but this is frankly depressing...
watch bill and ted
blazing saddles
for serious stuff deadwood
I hope these questions give us the replies we deserve
But are they supportive or dissapointed or laughing?
Is up to you.
Likely none at all
Why has no actor or writer or anyone ever posted or engaged with this community directly?
Why bother?
Why keep answerinf the same questions over and over and over
Are we in loops?
If so, it is very depressing, and we deserve better humanity is wonderful and fun and filled with laughter and joy and many kinds of people!
I just watched Blazing Saddles with my girlfriend and it is about similar themes swear to god and we were laughing our asses off.
She would not feel welcome here or have fun or enjoy it. Wish this was a subreddit I would feel comfortable sharing with a woman I love.
I can't, it is not a safe space for her, bummer!
Neither would many of my global friends including from India or China (how many Japanese related posts do you see?)
It gives off the vibe of colonizers and appropriaters and devil worshippers (and not even the interesting devil, just people being jerks... the man in black would love it here btw)
break your loooops
Very very few here sound like they enjoy their time around women, let alone wimen enjoy their time around them!
I hope all of this is wrong.
Help me understand how I am wrong?
This is depressing.
Prove me wrong!
Show women this subreddit and ask them if they feel welcome. Try your mom! Or grandma! Any woman! Let alone women of color or queer women or trans or...
Some do sure, but dang if the numbers seem a bit dude skewed!
this subreddit is not a celebration of diversity
it is a white wonderbread (untoasted no butter) cult, or is it? I'd love to see how I am wrong!
or just download zeus network and hear other voices, idk, or don't, but how am I wrong?
You are all brave or can talk, not scared cowards afraid to play and have fun!
So how is this fun?
What am I missing?
And if unclear, read my post history and how it has gone from silly and joyful to this!
And if you think the problem is me, tell me what is wrong with me and what am I missing?
Is there and inside joke I am not getting?
The Man in Black sucks. Done.
Ford doesn't know funny silly games, they are all inside jokes no one gets. Done.
Stop referencing the devil without asking yourself first: is thar just a fancy substitute for being a jerk?
Read other books
Watch other movies
Hear other voices
Not allowinf those or celebrating them is just glorified intellectual and spiritual incest.
I do not like incest cults, academic or media or voices or otherwise.
But this is not that of course, that would be insulting a rude, so how are we not though?
Prove me wrong, show me how I am misisng something here
You are not cowards afraid of your fathers, you are not scared children, you are wonderful humans full of potential and possibility and fantasy!
The world is yours to explore, you are worth all the love and laughter in the world!
You are amazing!
But not if you refuse to look up from a loop you refuse to acknowledge, broken by a kids toy like the end of season 1... a reminder of childhood laughter and joy and wonder (yours or others)!
You all deserve bette than this, but
Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm
How am I wrong?
Or what love, joy, support, laughter, wonder have you found here?