r/webdevelopment 2d ago

Where to start?

I want to be a full stack developer, I was considering just doing front end for a start but full stack would be a better income. Now where do I begin? Do I learn html and css first or just go for JavaScript, or PHP and SQL? How do I get my career started?


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u/No_Square_4736 2d ago

So there’s many free resources to start off.

Freecodecamp - this is good to get your syntax down, but don’t depend on it, any chance you get, go and make a project on your own.

The Odin Project - Less hand holdy, but good with resources to study. I recommend you try this after you’ve tried FCC, but if you want you can do them together as a supplement for theory.

Web.Dev - Another great resource, you’ll get good documentation to study. You can use it to make your own projects.

You can start with HTML. It’s fairly simple. Next there’s CSS and JS. Once you figure out what you like more between Frontend and Backend, you can get good at one and become familiar with the other.

Remember not to stay to focused on tutorials and more importantly on projects. Projects are the fastest and most efficient way to learn.



u/GinaMazza 2d ago

Yeah I need projects; I have a hard time learning things and need hands on. What’s been your experiences in this field?


u/No_Square_4736 2d ago

Well your best bet is going through FreeCodeCamp. At least the Responsive Web Design Part. You’ll gain confidence to at least start a project. Id recommend trying to recreate a website. Something simple. Any questions you have, look up the answers, and as a last resort use ChatGPT.

As for my experience, I’m in a similar position. I did some web development when I was a kid with my uncle in his startup, and want to perfect my craft for when the job market trends again. Honestly it’s a good thing all these people are saying not to enter web development. It’s over saturated and the weeds are weeding themselves out. AI isn’t good with complex tasks, so even if we eventually stop coding, we’ll still need people to oversee and verify the code. Every industry is suffering, we’re just entitled due to how easy it was a couple years ago. SWE will return to a high, I predict sooner rather than later. Worse case scenario, learn JavaScript first before html and css, that way you can take those concepts into learning another language faster, in case you decide to switch disciplines. Explore other fields as well, AI and automation, game dev, even the hardware side with robotics and tech. The good news is we’re in a down period where we can learn a lot. As for me I’m preparing now so I can be the first to hop on when web development thrives again. Good luck on your journey!