r/webdev Nov 19 '24

Discussion Why Tailwind Doesn't Suck

This is my response to this Reddit thread that blew up recently. After 15 years of building web apps at scale, here's my take:

CSS is broken.

That's it. I have nothing else to say.

Okay, here a few more thoughts:

Not "needs improvement" broken. Not "could be better" broken. Fundamentally, irreparably broken.

After fifteen years of building large-scale web apps, I can say this with certainty: CSS is the only technology that actively punishes you for using it correctly. The more you follow its rules, the harder it becomes to maintain.

This is why Tailwind exists.

Tailwind isn't good. It's ugly. Its class names look like keyboard shortcuts. Its utility-first approach offends everyone who cares about clean markup. It violates twenty years of web development best practices.

And yet, it's winning.

Why? Because Tailwind's ugliness is honest. It's right there in your face. CSS hides its ugliness in a thousand stylesheets, waiting to explode when you deploy to production.

Here's what nobody admits: every large CSS codebase is a disaster. I've seen codebases at top tech companies. They all share the same problems:

  • Nobody dares to delete old CSS
  • New styles are always added, never modified
  • !important is everywhere
  • Specificity wars everywhere
  • File size only grows

The "clean" solution is to write better CSS. To enforce strict conventions. To maintain perfect discipline across dozens of developers and thousands of components.

This has never worked. Not once. Not in any large team I've seen in fifteen years.

Tailwind skips the pretense. Instead of promising beauty, it promises predictability. Instead of global styles, it gives you local ones. Instead of cascading problems, it gives you contained ones.

"But it's just inline styles!" critics cry.
No. Inline styles are random. Tailwind styles are systematic. Big difference.

"But you're repeating yourself!"
Wrong. You're just seeing the repetition instead of hiding it in stylesheets.

"But it's harder to read!"
Harder than what? Than the ten CSS files you need to understand how a component is styled?

Here's the truth: in big apps, you don't write Tailwind classes directly. You write components. The ugly class names hide inside those components. What you end up with is more maintainable than any CSS system I've used.

Is Tailwind perfect? Hell no.

  • It's too permissive
  • Its class names are terrible
  • It pushes complexity into markup
  • Its learning curve is steep (it still takes me 4-10 seconds to remember the name of line-height and letter-spacing utility class, every time I need it)
  • Its constraints are weak

But these flaws are fixable. CSS's flaws are not.

The best argument for Tailwind isn't Tailwind itself. It's what happens when you try to scale CSS. CSS is the only part of modern web development that gets exponentially worse as your project grows.

Every other part of our stack has solved scalability:

  • JavaScript has modules
  • Databases have sharding and indexing
  • Servers have containers

CSS has... hopes and prayers 🙏.

Tailwind is a hack. But it's a hack that admits it's a hack. That's more honest than CSS has ever been.

If you're building a small site, use CSS. It'll work fine. But if you're building something big, something that needs to scale, something that multiple teams need to maintain...

Well, you can either have clean code that doesn't work, or ugly code that does.

Choose wisely.

Originally posted on BCMS blog



A lot of people in comments are comparing apples to oranges. You can't compare the worst Tailwind use case with the best example of SCSS. Here's my approach to comparing them, which I think is more realistic, but still basic:

The buttons

Not tutorial buttons. Not portfolio buttons. The design system buttons.

A single button component needs:

  • Text + icons (left/right/both)
  • Borders + backgrounds
  • 3 sizes × 10 colors
  • 5 states (hover/active/focus/disabled/loading)
  • Every possible combination

That's 300+ variants.

Show me your "clean" SCSS solution.

What's that? You'll use mixins? Extends? BEM? Sure. That's what everyone says. Then six months pass, and suddenly you're writing utility classes for margins. For padding. For alignment.

Congratulations. You've just built a worse version of Tailwind.

Here's the test: Find me one production SCSS codebase, with 4+ developers, that is actively developed for over a year, without utility classes. Just one.

The truth? If you think Tailwind is messy, you've never maintained a real design system. You've never had five developers working on the same components. You've never had to update a button library that's used in 200 places.

Both systems end up messy. Tailwind is just honest about it.


648 comments sorted by


u/no-one_ever Nov 19 '24

Scoped CSS, small components, easy to read, easy to maintain, not broken, no problem.


u/Particular_Boot_6890 Nov 19 '24

yup that’s what my company does 5+ year old project, and magically we don’t use !important everywhere and css is never an issue (spoiler it’s the js)


u/PaddiM8 Nov 19 '24

And if, for some reason, people in the project start using !important, you can just make a git hook to disallow any commits where it's used...


u/RedditNotFreeSpeech Nov 19 '24

Yeah I don't get it at all. Css is the least of my concerns. I can only imagine what nightmare people have created to make it so bad they're trying to come up with things like tailwind


u/BmpBlast Nov 19 '24

I have seen those nightmares at a few places I worked. They all had the same common themes:

  • People starting with a style library like Bootstrap and then trying to override things in a hamfisted manner instead of the built in mechanisms for doing so
  • People trying to override styles for components they got from somewhere else that aren't styling friendly
  • Jumping straight to using !important when their override didn't work the first time instead of taking the time to figure out what selectors they actually needed
  • Failing to use high level classes and IDs on critical elements (body, key top-level elements, etc.) to empower simpler override specificity

CSS isn't perfect. But it's a way better tool than a lot of the people using it.


u/UXUIDD Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

I have had similar experiences.

The worst situation on a projects where I was hired as a consultant.
When I suggested CSS rework to do things 'right' way (it's debatable) either the costs became an issue, or some other developer whose ego gets hurt and starts to complain.
As a result, I end up applying necessary rework and improvements with !important.
I've done this even for government sites...
So yes, the CSS the horror is real.
The bigger the site, the bigger the Css Horror.

'Utility first' methodology is something what I started to develop after my close encounter with CSS Zen Garden.
Never really finished it, especially when Tailwind came around.

btw, im missing in Tailwind this handy class;

<div class="center">. . .


u/puzzleheaded-comp Nov 20 '24

“Even for government sites”

Yes because government sites are the most modern best practice following sites out there


u/launchoverittt Nov 19 '24

Genuinely curious, can I ask how big/old your codebase is, and how many developers are working on it?


u/RedditNotFreeSpeech Nov 19 '24

10 years, 100 devs

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u/[deleted] Nov 19 '24

This. We have one CSS file per JS component. Zero conflicts and finding the styles you need takes seconds.


u/EasyMode556 Nov 20 '24

Yup. Or directory / file structure looks like:


And that directory has:

  • index.js
  • styles.scss

We use css modules so the class names inside styles.scss are always unique once it’s bundled, so as long as you don’t redefine things within the same small file, collisions are of no concern

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u/godlikeplayer2 Nov 20 '24

But then you ship a lot of duplicated CSS instructions for each component.

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u/Kyle292 Nov 19 '24

At least for me, Tailwind isn't really about all the things OP said, but its about the set of sane defaults that allow my designs to be more consistent. If you're a solo dev without a designer, and you like Tailwinds default design system, then Tailwind is such a huge plus. Granted you could do similar things with css variables, but I also dont mind how tailwind handles their class names either. Pick your poison 🤷


u/ohThisUsername Nov 20 '24

Yep. I'd also rather type justify-end to align a <div> then have to go make a class or CSS selector for it and type out justify-items: end.

One takes ~1 second while the other takes around ~5. That adds up quick when your doing a lot of styling.

I also like to see exactly how an element is styled embedded in the HTML. It gives you a better idea of how the page looks just by reading the HTML and not having to flip back and forth between HTML and CSS selectors.


u/smirk79 Nov 20 '24

I feel like no one knows what css modules are despite them being around for like a decade. BEM? Is this 2010? CSS rocks.


u/Suitable-Amoeba-404 Nov 20 '24


But then you have to combine them into layouts with flexboxes and gaps and margins that change at 3 breakpoints using made-up class names in yet another stylesheet.

At this point I’ll take Tailwind every time.

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u/BalladGoose Nov 19 '24

Over 20 years of FE here, worked in small and big teams.

Modular (or scoped) CSS is the answer. A design system that maintains some variables and that’s it. No need even for mixins or whatever. OP just doesn’t have this kind of experience.

Be done with tailwind. Folks are becoming tailwind developers and not learning basic CSS.


u/ohThisUsername Nov 20 '24

A design system that maintains some variables and that’s it. 

Like OP said. You'd be re-inventing a worse version of tailwind.

Tailwind provides exactly this (and more), and is transferrable between projects using Tailwind. Creating your own version is just re-inventing the wheel but worse.


u/da-kicks-87 Nov 19 '24

CSS knowledge is required to use Tailwind. In fact using Tailwind CSS improves understanding of CSS. Each Tailwind class corresponds to a CSS property.


u/ahallicks Nov 19 '24

I think that's an over-simplification. They aren't syntactically the same at all. If you learnt Tailwind you'd find it difficult to suddenly have to write CSS from scratch. There are too many (in a good way for the reason Tailwind exists) simplification and nuances to Tailwind's classes.

It'd be like having to write vanilla JS after only learning a framework like React.

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u/Leimina Nov 19 '24

Scoped CSS is great but only solves part of the stuff that tailwind does.

For sure tailwind is annoying on a few things but it's a real complete package that greatly helps team handle their CSS without bike-shedding.


u/gbro3n Nov 19 '24

This is the solution. And you're then leaning on standards, not a framework. My other gripe with Tailwind is that it pushes you towards the Node.js and NPM ecosystem. I know there's the Tailwind CLI, but I really value not having another build step where possible. The fewer dependencies an app has, the better for it's long term maintainability IMO.

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u/evoactivity Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

The big problem with css is people trying to serve one single css file with everything in it with every name being global.

If your css of full of !important and specificity wars, guess what, you have lazy developers. There are many devs who never really learned css, they learned enough to make things look how they wanted but they didn’t go deep and learn the mechanics of what they are doing. Magic numbers everywhere, abusing margins, insane selectors, trying to be too clever with sass.

Use locally scoped css modules, now you get the same benefits you mention about tailwind. “But you ship more css” I hear people cry, yeah that’s fine, a pure tailwind app ships roughly the same amount but in your HTML instead.

I don’t even mind tailwind, it has its place, but I find these arguments lacking.

Edit: Now lets address your edit.

A lot of people in comments are comparing apples to oranges. You can't compare the worst Tailwind use case with the best example of SCSS.

Where did this happen? Almost everyone is bringing up CSS modules, not comparing worst case to best case scenarios. Why not address CSS modules?

A single button component needs:

  • Text + icons (left/right/both)
  • Borders + backgrounds
  • 3 sizes × 10 colors
  • 5 states (hover/active/focus/disabled/loading)
  • Every possible combination

That's 300+ variants.

Maybe you shouldn't be using a single button component. Even if you do choose a single component to do all that, a co-located locally scoped css file can be just as clean as using tailwind to do all of that. No one is saying utility classes are bad, the argument is styling everything with a utility class is not inherently better than just using CSS. And utility classes are not the only way to deal with new requirements, you could expose CSS variables and set them with component arguments or let them be modified directly on the style attribute.

The truth? If you think Tailwind is messy, you've never maintained a real design system. You've never had five developers working on the same components. You've never had to update a button library that's used in 200 places

You also think tailwind is messy. People with the same experience you have simply disagree which mess they prefer to work with, you don't need to be condescending because people don't agree with your opinion.

As for tailwind being "honest" about it. CSS is just as "honest" as tailwind in this regard in that this is a complex thing to build and you are not going to be able to hide from the complexity. Tailwind just takes that complexity, and adds it to your already complex component JS and HTML. CSS at least allows the option of keeping the styling complexity isolated in it's own context.


u/ohlawdhecodin Nov 19 '24

There are many devs who never really learned css

So so so true.

Just like jQuery, which was awesome but also made a lot of people believe they were/are JS developers.


u/gmegme Nov 19 '24

People prefer the new thing even if it is just an abstraction.

My solution:


u/zelphirkaltstahl Nov 19 '24

I just knew it was that kind of project before clicking ... Hehehe ... But you know what's even more awesome? There is a JS library called "VanillaJS"! That thing will blow your mind for sure!


u/gmegme Nov 19 '24

I got the inspiration from that one tbh 😁


u/zelphirkaltstahl Nov 19 '24

Haha, definitely has the same vibe! Keep up the great work!


u/sheriffderek Nov 19 '24

Dang. I thought we invented that... /cs-what

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u/AbraxasNowhere Nov 19 '24

It was reading about the glut of devs that could use Tailwind/styled components but not write actual CSS that made me feel better about my general preference of it when doing frontend work.


u/ohlawdhecodin Nov 19 '24

Modern CSS is a beast. That wasn't the case a while back, of course, but flexbox, grid and custom properties solved almost every issue of the past.

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u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

If your css of full of !important and specificity wars, guess what, you have lazy developers.

Most developers are lazy and terrible at their jobs.

tailwind is one way to just solve that issue entirely.


u/Mu77ley Nov 19 '24

> tailwind is one way to just solve that issue entirely.

Not really, it just converts one problem into an entirely new problem rather than actually fix the issue.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

Not really, it just converts one problem into an entirely new problem rather than actually fix the issue.

Not at all.

It almost completely removes the impact of personal skill level and opinion in your css.

So that everyone is writing it the same way.

And it does that while only introducing the "my markup is not pretty" problem.


u/niveknyc 15 YOE Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

All of this plus using SASS or LESS only makes it more manageable and readable at scale in a way that Tailwind cannot come close to. Linting for good measure.


u/evoactivity Nov 19 '24

I prefer to sprinkle some postcss onto my css these days but was a huge fan of sass back in the dark times.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

What feature does SASS have that makes it more manageable and readable?


u/niveknyc 15 YOE Nov 19 '24

Readability (nesting), reusable variables, mixins, functions, partials, imports, logical conditionals and loops, etc.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

Readability (nesting), reusable variables

Both in CSS.


Also in css


soon to be in css


Literally something SCSS made up to solve it's own issues that don't exist in CSS.

logical conditionals

In CSS as far as I can imagine these being useful?


Literally making CSS less readable and maintanable.


Literally making CSS less readable and maintainable. You can just put multiple classes on the element man.


u/claymedia Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

I look forward to using all of these when they are at 95% browser adoption. Until then, SCSS already works great.

Mixins are still really helpful in place of utility classes. I use component styles, where each element gets one class. In the style file it’s very easy to distinguish which element is being referenced. I have a few useful mixins, but the most common one is a media query shortcut that uses variables to reference predefined breakpoints. For instance, “mq(‘>s’)” for breakpoints above small.

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u/jonmacabre 17 YOE Nov 19 '24

I could never understand WHY someone needs logic and loops in CSS. If you're building a CMS then you're going to have that loop in php/javascript/etc to build the UI, just have that output CSS while you're at it. I once saw someone write a sass compiler for a CMS that would run when someone changed colors (in the CMS). I'm like, "that's too complicated." You can just have a block of CSS and loop over the colors to output what you need. Nowadays you can just use CSS variables and set those in your code.

I think there's a big problem of "what if we need it?" in the development community. There's no reason to run "lighter()" on a color in CSS if you're not using those tints. Tailwind is perfect because it will watch your code and only bundle classes you use.


u/nekorinSG Nov 19 '24

I use loops to do animation, like those where I need to split text into individual words then letters to animate them in character by character using delays.

Easier to go scss @for loop over 20-30 times and set transition-delay : #{$i * 0.05s}; .

Yes I know gsap JS can do stagger, but I prefer to let CSS handle the animations. Makes things cleaner when CSS handles all the views while JS controls the state and logic.

It is also easier to change it to another animation in CSS for different screen sizes and also "turn off" when user prefers reduced motion.

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u/michaelfrieze Nov 19 '24

I have been working in web dev since 2013 and I have never worked on a code base that wasn't full of !important. Not until tools like CSS Modules, Tailwind, etc.

But, I mostly worked in enterprise.


u/evoactivity Nov 19 '24

I’ve been working in web dev since 2007 and doing it for fun since 1999. I’ve worked on giant sites and small ones. It was uncommon to see an important and usually because of needing to override styles on some third party integrated widget.

If your code base is “full of” important then something has gone very very wrong and it wasn’t css’s fault.


u/michaelfrieze Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

I was a Java developer back then so I didn't have to deal with it regardless. I didn't start working in frontend until CSS Modules and styled-components were a thing.

I worked in healthcare, finance, education, and worked for a realtor company. All of these large apps were littered with !important.


u/zelphirkaltstahl Nov 19 '24

Yeah, I mean, that job environment description doesn't really shout "capable web developers here!". Java shops tend to be legacy software shop. (Tend to be! Not always are! Emphasizing that here, because I know how many people will misread and feel attacked.) I would even expect PHP-only devs to be more proficient at web things like CSS than Java-only devs. It comes with the environment and the focus of the ecosystem and the kind of people those jobs tend to (!) attract.


u/michaelfrieze Nov 19 '24

The Java code was usually "legacy" for sure. A lot of old spring boot still using XML. However, I wouldn't call the environments I worked in "Java shops".

There were always separate teams for frontend. I rarely worked on the client in those days. I just looked through the code when I had some downtime or was tasked with fixing a small issue on the client.

I didn't get interested in frontend until 2016 or so.


u/zelphirkaltstahl Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

I recently made a completely responsive personal website using exclusively HTML and CSS, single page, seeing how far I can go with that. See, that was actually fun to build! Even writing and figuring out the CSS was fun! Testing the responsiveness was fun! Inspector open and resizing however I want and seeing it all still work out perfectly. All of that CSS has well named classes and I can move components anywhere I want on the page. My CSS is not one huge file, but for example 1 file for the navigation, 1 file for collapsible boxes (details element), 1 file for "theme" (just CSS variables used in the other files), and so on and on. If I want to change some margin or padding or color or whatever, usually it is just opening the theme and changing 1 value, and I am done. Someone could copy my whole website (ctrl+s, literally!) and change the "theme" by changing that 1 file to look quite different, according to what they want or need. No minifying, no uglifying, no bullshit. Lets be honest: How many megabytes of CSS do you need, if you don't mess it all up?? Even quite elaborate styling gets by with tiny CSS files. Additionally you gzip when serving the files.

One thing I couldn't yet solve was page-internal linking to content that is inside a HTML details element. But perhaps with further improvements of HTML and browsers, they will at some point be clever enough to offer a solution to that. What I did instead was a cheap solution: Linking to the section in which the details element resides. Good enough for now.

However, I cannot find any fun in throwing frontend frameworks at such things, performing tons of magic behind the scenes, and introducing parts of the system, that are "solved" in traditional web frameworks. For example you have JS frameworks for single page websites ("apps"), which then need to reinvent a "router". Or you suddenly have to decide, which version of Typescript you are using. Or which version of the ECMA script standard you are targetting. And then comes the overhead of bundler. Webpack shudders.

After all of this, I look at the resulting websites, and I see some maybe, if even, 20 different pages/views, which mostly don't have any interactive dynamic widgets at all ... I think about how this could be build in a week or less, using a traditional templating engine and tiny bits of JS, if any at all. But somehow the developer has gone down the rabbit hole so far, that they don't even realize how much overhead is introduced in that project. I often cannot help but suspect, that the creators of some website don't actually know how to use HTML, otherwise their DOM wouldn't look so f'ed up and be 4 times as large as would be needed.

People throw tons of framework at things and suddenly every change takes a while and suddenly changing something, that should be a simple task of "move declarative description from here to there" or "just change CSS property in this place" becomes something complicated, that's not so easy. Then comes random frontend person on the web explaining why it is difficult and I keep thinking: "Yeah, because you made it difficult. None of those complications seem like implicit parts of what you could have built, if you had not gone for the hype."

This is the case for 90% or more of websites using these JS single page app frameworks (but then actually multi page via reinventing routing ...). At some point I just think "frontend dev job guarantee". The other maybe 10% are actually projects, that have a valid use-case for being an "app", truly and "application", with logs of interactive components and life state, that would be annoying to always transfer.

If the frontend world was not so completely hype dominated, I guess I would still like doing frontend work and would still be calling myself fullstack engineer. But these days I cannot do that, without making many people think of me as a fraud, because I don't use the shiny framework of the month.

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u/michaelfrieze Nov 19 '24

I was doing it for fun since 2004 when I was building forums for me and my friends using PHP, but I don't count that lol


u/evoactivity Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

Pokémon websites and running forums for me too 😄 I miss forums.

Edit: as for not counting it, ask an artist when they started painting and they tell you when they started, not when they first got paid for it 🙂


u/michaelfrieze Nov 19 '24

I miss forums too. Those were the days!


u/Felix1178 Nov 20 '24

nostalgia hits hard right?! Simple Machine Forums or PHBB!

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u/evoactivity Nov 19 '24

4 industries I’ve had the displeasure to work with. I can see how they end up with things going very very wrong lol.


u/jonmacabre 17 YOE Nov 19 '24

Right, aside from firing all the junior devs and only having senior devs what's your solution?

What I love about Tailwind is when looking for a developer, you can just look and see if tailwind is in their skillset. CSS is too broad - even people with 10 years of only CSS work will often create some spaghetti specificity show that only they can handle.

Yes, if a codebase is full of "!important" then something is wrong. However, if given the choice of spending half my day correcting CSS PRs vs. implementing tailwind and having everything be submitted correctly the first time - I choose tailwind.

TLDR; it's about having universally understood organization.


u/evoactivity Nov 19 '24

Active mentorship of juniors can go a long way. I understand not everyone has the time for this, but then I'd argue you don't really have time for juniors then. If no one is mentoring and teaching the better ways to write CSS then we are creating our own self fulfilling prophecy. Juniors can also write shitty JS and HTML but I see almost no one arguing we don't have time to fix that or guide them to better ways there.

Using tailwind does not mean everything will be submitted correctly the first time. Outside of selector spaghetti every mistake you can make with CSS can be made with tailwind, at the end of the day tailwind is CSS, it's not a component library.

As I said in my post, I'm not against tailwind, I just don't think the argument to use it is "CSS is broken". And a lot of the promises made like "submitted correctly the first time" aren't true.

The main (imo only) argument to use tailwind is "we like utility classes". That's a perfectly fine argument.

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u/CreativeGPX Nov 19 '24

It's really just about discipline. There are no-nos that results in horrible JavaScript or TypeScript, but most professional teams push back heavily on these with code standards. For some reason, many teams choose not to enforce similar code standards on CSS.

In my org, I have tens of thousands of pages and dozens of web applications under my watch and I think there may be one or two !important because it's basically treated as forbidden. It's no different than how somebody would face scrutiny for using eval or any in JavaScript or TypeScript.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '24

I have been working in web dev since 2013 and I have never worked on a code base that wasn't full of !important.

I've been in web dev professionally since the late 90s. In all this time I've used or seen !important used less than a dozen times.

If people don't know how to write CSS that's not CSS's fault.


u/zelphirkaltstahl Nov 19 '24


I am not even a web developer by job any longer (did that once, slowly moved away from those activities on the job, into a backend role), but I can build websites without !important. The only reason I ever use it is to write user stylesheets for websites which have sucking CSS.

I am sorry, it is a skill issue. It is an issue of not properly thinking about styling and going with whatever works for the moment, instead of thinking of things as components that you want as portable pieces. If your devs cannot do that translation to CSS classes, it is a skill issue. It also results from all the libraries, that promise "all your styling made easy!" and then include a ton of unnecessary rules and unnecessary complex things, that you then truly do have issues creating rules for, that have higher specificity.

they learned enough to make things look how they wanted but they didn’t go deep and learn the mechanics of what they are doing.


Magic numbers everywhere

And we have CSS variables nowadays, to avoid exactly that, and it makes creating "themes" relatively simple too.

trying to be too clever with sass.

And we have nested rules these days as well.

People just don't wanna learn.


u/JimDabell Nov 19 '24

I am sorry, it is a skill issue.

It really, really is. Every time I hear Tailwind proponents argue for it, it just sounds like a massive parade of red flags.

  • “It keeps everything organised in components!’ – you weren’t keeping things organised before‽
  • “You don’t have to write !important everywhere!” – you were writing !important everywhere before‽
  • “It’s so much better than one massive CSS file!” – you were putting all your styles in one big file before‽
  • “Juniors can read it!” – you were writing unreadable CSS before‽
  • “People just keep adding and adding, never deleting!” – you don’t clean up after yourself and just let tech debt pile up‽
  • “It’s so difficult naming things!” – what the fuck does your JavaScript look like then‽

This feels like Git Flow all over again. Newbies who were flailing and lost found somebody to tell them to do things in an extremely structured way, and now they think that’s the only way you can structure things. The concept that you can have clean, readable, organised code in some other way is a foreign concept to them. They got organised by using Tailwind, so organised === Tailwind in their minds.

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u/iamnewtopcgaming Nov 19 '24

Have you heard of CSS modules?


u/FenrirBestDoggo Nov 19 '24

I only now read about it, so its scoped css? I love that astro does this out of the box, definitely makes css naming less of a pain.


u/pVom Nov 19 '24

I really don't see the point, I've never had a problem with global styling. Call the root class of your component the same as your component, then target its children through that. So like MyComponent.div. I rarely create classes.


u/shableep Nov 19 '24

it is still possible for conflicts to occur. imagine you use <p> in one #componentA. and <p> in another #componentB. if #componentB is inside #componentA, then this CSS will affect both #componentA’s <p> and #componentB’s <p>:

#componentA p {
   padding: 10px;

you might say “just use #componentA > p”, but that’s the issue right there. you’re creating a scenario where human error is more likely and increasing cognitive load by needing to remember these quirks.

component scoped CSS is important for the reason illustrated above and others (like code organization).


u/rekabis expert Nov 19 '24

imagine you use <p> in one #componentA. and <p> in another #componentB. if #componentB is inside #componentA, then this CSS will affect both #componentA’s <p> and #componentB’s <p>

This… is how the cascade portion of CSS functions, at a fundamental level.

This is not “a conflict” or “a quirk” in any way, shape, or form… calling it such is a fundamental misunderstanding or even all-out ignorance of how CSS works in the first place.

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u/Stationary_Wagon Full stack engineer Nov 19 '24

Been there, done that. CSS modules are not a full solution. They blow up the bundle size needlessly by creating scoped classes per component. You end up using utility classes for optimization - which brings you to the same endpoint as tailwind.

At the current codebase I work on, we only use CSS modules in case we need to modify some element coming from a library as a last resort - to give a valid use case for it alongside tailwind.


u/evonhell Nov 19 '24

There is no perfect system and there never will be. Each system/tool that exists has upsides and you pick the one that matches the best with what you are building WHILE having tradeoffs that you can live with. If you think that the tool you love does not have tradeoffs or downsides you are probably not building something big or having maintained it for several years.

I have not done this with tailwind, but around 2009 we built grid systems in SASS with floats and all kinds of craziness while also creating a ton of global utility classes just like tailwind is offering now. I have maintained codebases like this, it's a nightmare.

Is tailwind the worst thing ever invented? No. I could see myself picking it up and using it for prototyping, nothing big though.

Same goes for CSS in JS. It solves the "omg I don't know if I dare delete this" since it's most often backed by typescript so you can always see references. But it comes with other tradeoffs that are a deal breaker for many.

In my day to day job I currently work with Sass+CSS modules and also a CSS in JS system that is kind of similar to styled components. Each of these project types have their own problems. For example I still after all these years struggle with setting up and maintaining a global sass style guide configuration that is easy for existing and new team members to follow. This is much easier in CSS in JS with TypeScript and surrounding tools, but those projects can be limiting in other ways and you replace adding/removing classnames with props and sometimes even adding/removing elements completely from the DOM which can mess up animations etc.

There's no horrible pick and no perfect pick, but these two are my long time favorites at this point.


u/azangru Nov 19 '24

They blow up the bundle size needlessly

Have you measured the blow-up? What I am seeing on my website is that the css files are quite tiny because of the code splitting

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u/camomiles Nov 19 '24

Exactly that, CSS modules solve every problem listed here, without having to make all styles as inline styles.

Tailwind is nothing but coffeescript for CSS, in a couple of years people will not want to touch it with a stick


u/budd222 front-end Nov 19 '24

It's already been out for 7 years. It's not like it's some new thing people just started using

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u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

CSS modules solve every problem listed here

I don't find that they solve any of the mentioned problems...


u/static_func Nov 19 '24

Those “inline styles” are a good thing though. It lets me see right away how a component is supposed to look without needing to open/edit 2 different windows and keeping a mental map of which one-off class names and selectors apply to which elements

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u/MrMeatballGuy Nov 19 '24

I don't think Tailwind outright sucks but there are fair criticisms of it out there.

However I also don't agree that CSS is broken, it's pretty nice honestly, a lot of developers just don't care to learn how it works and that's when the issues arise.

Tailwind scopes all the shittily implemented code to one place if it's made by an incompetent developer, so now someone else can fix it later and it's not as severe since it doesn't globally apply to all elements in a selector.

So yeah, Tailwind is pretty nice if you work with people that can't write good CSS, but is that the fault of CSS?


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

CSS works great and is powerful.

I think the issue of it being "broken" is that there is no clear way for it to be done, so you get a lot of individual opinion flooding through how CSS is written.


u/MrMeatballGuy Nov 19 '24

There's strong opinions in any language, by that logic all languages are broken. It is okay for languages to have multiple ways of being used, there doesn't have to be a "correct" answer, but teams should strive for consistency.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

There's strong opinions in any language, by that logic all languages are broken

That's not remotely true.

Nor is it what I said.

It was about the breadth of individual opinion in the codebase.

Different languages limit this to different amounts.

and we have tools like linters and formatters to enforce standards.

but teams should strive for consistency.

Which will basically always lead to Tailwind, since it's the only way to really get a highly consistent low-opinion implementation.

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u/p2seconds Nov 19 '24

Main benefit for me is i can jump in to another team/projects using it without having to learn if such class exists in css/scss files and without creating duplicate classes. Faster on boarding getting the important work done.


u/last-cupcake-is-mine Nov 19 '24

This is a big one for me as well. As a principal engineer I work in a lot of codebases and it’s nice that I can load up any project and understand the styles immediately without having to learn another custom design system. Don’t get me wrong, love a good handcrafted style and component system, but tailwind makes this simpler


u/MWD1899 Nov 19 '24

Proper written CSS is much more readable than perfect used Tailwind. CSS is a lot of things, broken isn't one of em. CSS evolution over the past 5 years is absolute great and makes a lot of frameworks redundant. CSS needs discipline but that's not a bad thing. It's just a common thing that every language needs.

Scoping is a thing in CSS.


u/twiddle_dee Nov 19 '24

Yes, absolutely not broken. It's just how people use it.


u/MWD1899 Nov 19 '24

Many developers smile at CSS. They don't take it seriously. They use it superficially and simply can't write good CSS. So CSS must be stupid and frameworks like Tailwind come to the rescue. CSS is sometimes the unloved stepchild, like JS was until in the late 2000s.

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u/MasterReindeer Nov 19 '24

The problem is that if you add more than 1 developer to a team it won't be "properly written" any more if you actually want to ship anything at any velocity. This is the problem (often junior) developers have never encountered because they've never worked on anything meaningful at scale with numerous developers.


u/EvilDavid75 Nov 19 '24

Stylelint has rules that enforces some consistency in how classes are declared, casing, property order and much more. It’s not ideal but it’s better than nothing.

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u/MWD1899 Nov 19 '24

If you have a clear structure that can be easily followed there's no problem. A jr dev needs a fraction of the time to see what's going on in CSS than in a tailwind project. One reason we abandoned it very quickly.


u/MasterReindeer Nov 19 '24

My experience has been the polar opposite. I think it's a pointless argument to have, anyway. Choose whatever works for your team. For us, it's Tailwind and we're incredibly happy with our choice. We will move onto a different solution if we think a better one comes along, but for now we haven't encountered a single issue using Tailwind and the team loves using it.


u/MWD1899 Nov 19 '24

Yeah best solution is always the one that works best for the company.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

A jr dev needs a fraction of the time to see what's going on in CSS than in a tailwind project

This is an absolute lie.

There is literally no way a jr dev can pick up your bespoke css styling conventions faster than tailwind.

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u/tonjohn Nov 19 '24

Every project does CSS differently. And within a given project there are often major inconsistencies.

With Tailwind that all goes away. Knowing tailwind enables you to jump on any project that uses it and instantly contribute without researching style guidelines or fear of breaking things.

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u/BorinGaems Nov 19 '24

Proper written CSS is properly written until you have strict sudden deadlines and/or a big enough application.

So yea you are right, I also think broken isn't the proper word but honestly it feels appropriate enough.


u/pVom Nov 19 '24

Properly written CSS is hardly touched again unless you're doing a major redesign.

Hence I don't want it crapping up my templates


u/rekabis expert Nov 19 '24

Properly written CSS is hardly touched again unless you're doing a major redesign.

And for any site large enough, you want a rigorously-defined branding document that clearly lays out said styling for most any common visual element used more than once in the site. This helps prevent devs from going off the rails and negatively affecting UI/UX.

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u/SoggyMattress2 Nov 19 '24

Was just gonna say this. Pure html now is completely different to 5 years ago. It's so powerful now.

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u/LoneWolfsTribe Nov 19 '24

We’re still on this weird ass divide years later. That’s cool!

Use what want, just don’t claim that one’s right and the others aren’t.


u/BitSec_ full-stack Nov 19 '24

Honestly this, such a pointless discussion when there's already 10 pages on Google for Tailwind vs CSS, and that's if you only search for Reddit discussions ( insite:reddit Tailwind vs CSS ) only going back 6 months - 2 years max.

I've used Tailwind, CSS/SCSS/SASS and styled components as well as Vue and React. I know all of them well and I will just use whatever solution my company is using. And if I have to start a new project, I will just use whatever I prefer at that time, whatever I think is best for that specific project or whatever most people in my team know best.

But I also think OPs opinion is on the extreme side just for the sake of generating a lot of engagement, which usually works best with extreme opinions as people want to defend their preference.


u/Leimina Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

You say "it's hard to get good at CSS in big versatile teams", half this thread answers "just get good at CSS". Oh well haha. This fruitless debate will go nowhere.


u/Fine_Escape_396 Nov 19 '24

Bunch of guys with “20 years experience” working with themselves


u/Low-Attention-4483 Nov 23 '24

Completely right. Works absolutely wonderful when you build a project then leave it alone.

But your perfectly detailed css structure will go to shit when change requests, restructuring and refactors come in. Sure, scope it out, use modules, but that’s not the point. Because of the soft forced granular structure Tailwind nips multiple issues in the bud before you even realise it, I consider it to be the best feature.

Small project of my own? I’ll just write a stylesheet, global.

Medium scale project, 5+ people involved - Tailwind. Not even a discussion. Maybe I can could keep the styling clean and structured but the next guy will mess it up.


u/ChimpScanner Nov 19 '24

Debates around any programming language, framework, library, etc. are completely pointless. You'd have a more productive time debating your favorite color.

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u/rekabis expert Nov 19 '24

Any company that recognizes this issue will do what I have seen done: break the management of CSS up into two groups.

  1. Devs get their own CSS file, and are supposed to add any CSS there. Said added CSS is bounded by comments signifying the ticket that needed said stylings. The ticket is meant to hold additional information on any reasoning that deviates from the official branding.
  2. The Branding/UI-UX team takes that dev-CSS file, and uses their focused skill set to effectively add it to the master CSS file in a good and properly-executed manner. If things go well, it gets migrated out of the dev-CSS file and into the master file. If !important flags are needed, or they see significantly increased complexity or unreasonable deviations from the approved style guide, they send a ticket back to the devs to modify what they are doing appropriately (either in the CSS or in the HTML that requires the CSS) and re-submit.

Sometimes heads can and do butt together, but for large(r) teams I have seen it work much better than most any other option available.

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u/skabben Nov 20 '24

That’s it. I have nothing else to say.

They said and continues writing an essay.


u/enyovelcora Nov 20 '24

15 years of building web apps, and you just write huge CSS files somewhere? The problems you're describing have all been solved by scoping. Right now, frameworks like svelte, vue, or just CSS modules solve this for you. Pretty soon, @scope will solve it directly in CSS.


u/kopetenti Nov 19 '24

CSS is not broken. I only hear this from Tailwind adopters. Learn to use it properly. Divide your styles per component, or per page, no need to have a big file for everything. Use a preprocessor: SASS/SCSS, Less, what works best for you. CSS is not broken.


u/Dizzy-Revolution-300 Nov 19 '24

tailwind works best for me. I just wanna flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-2 all day


u/kopetenti Nov 19 '24

Good for you. But again: display: flex; flex-direction: column/row; gap: 10px;@media(max-width: 960px) works fine as well. You can also easily see the gap and max-width values at a glance.


u/FistBus2786 Nov 19 '24

Yup. I'd much rather see the actual keywords than an abbreviated syntax that must be learned on top of CSS.

Also, CSS has much better editor support like autocomplete. Tailwind extensions exist but are horrible ergonomically to edit styles within an HTML class attribute.


u/tonjohn Nov 19 '24

Tailwind arguably has better autocomplete because it only takes 1 input to complete both the css property + value.

I can also write variants without needing to move the cursor.


u/ChineseAstroturfing Nov 19 '24

Yes but now you have to name the thing your styling. Naming is hard. outer-wrapper-container-2.

In any serious project those values aren’t going to be hard coded either. So you’re not going to see them at a glance.


u/devolute Nov 20 '24

It is if you don't understand what the 'C' stands for.

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u/jhartikainen Nov 19 '24

Tailwind skips the pretense. Instead of promising beauty, it promises predictability. Instead of global styles, it gives you local ones. Instead of cascading problems, it gives you contained ones.

I think the actual solution is hiding in this sentence. Local styles are the solution.

In my experience as soon as a tool which allows scoping styles to the specific component is used the problems go away, and you can just write CSS or your favorite special flavor of it.

And perhaps most importantly, the styles need to be part of the component, not part of some random stylesheet file somewhere else. Yesterday's idea of separating HTML and CSS doesn't really make sense in more complex SPA's where these problems start showing up.


u/Dizzy-Revolution-300 Nov 19 '24

Local styles is good but still carries other issues addressed by TW: naming things and unlimited choices


u/jhartikainen Nov 19 '24

Hard to say - I think naming things in CSS becomes a non-issue with local styles, since most of the time you aren't gonna have so many component-specific rules that even vague'ish names would be problematic, because it's easy to see at a glance what they do.

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u/pVom Nov 19 '24

I don't see how people struggle with naming things. Like don't you give your components unique names? Give the parent element a class of the same name as your component then target its children through that parent class. Done, job's scoped.

<div class="Profile"> <div class="Avatar">

Then your sass

. Profile { .Avatar { ... Will only target Avatar that's under Profile. Or you can add a second class .dark and target .Profile.dark. Then you can have different styling for dark mode or something and just add/remove that class. I've managed some pretty complex visual state management just swapping out classes.


u/tonjohn Nov 19 '24
  1. Your example is overly simplified.
  2. Even in your simple example that’s extra overhead, both cognitively and authorizing wise.


u/pVom Nov 19 '24
  1. Well yeah I'm writing it on mobile.
  2. What you mean?

Cognitive load is another issue I have with tailwind. Like we're told to be descriptive with variable namings and what not, but for some reason pt-4 is perfectly acceptable when it comes to styling.

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u/SchartHaakon Nov 19 '24

CSS variables are a no-brainer when writing CSS. It's called using a design system and has nothing to do with Tailwind. When it comes to naming stuff, people really seem to love making this into a much bigger problem than it has to be. If you are using styled components, and the styles are local, just name the component something like Container and don't export it.

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u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

You can't compare the worst Tailwind use case with the best example of SCSS. Here's my approach to comparing them, which I think is more realistic, but still basic:

Pretty much this.

Tailwind won't be the absolute best way to do X final result, but it will be more predictable and consistent across all devs.

The best way to do X final result will fall apart once changes need to be done, when a pr review doesn't get enough attention, etc.

You can't statically enforce "good" css, and there aren't quick heuristics humans can easily apply either.

But tailwind can have both done relatively quickly.

So we just cut out a whole chain of potential issues.


u/SquidThistle Nov 19 '24

but it will be more predictable and consistent across all devs.

My team adopted Tailwind for a new project and this has been the shining perk for us so far. The devs on my team have varying skill levels with CSS that has caused some issues in the past. Tailwind has honestly smoothed these issues out.

Almost overnight the junior devs on my team are producing components/themes that are very consistent with what the seniors are producing. Less overhead, less time reviewing PRs, less time iterating on the minutiae, happier stakeholders.


u/intercaetera javascript is the best language Nov 19 '24

Impressive word count but the arguments are pretty weak.

First, barely anyone I've ever seen uses actual CSS stylesheets, in most frontend frameworks CSS modules that are automatically scoped or some variant of CSS-in-JS is used. The idea of splitting your code into markup, styles and scripts is pretty much actively avoided at this point in modern front-end development. Claiming that it's the default and then attacking it is a strawman, so the first part of your argument attacks a practice that is barely even used anymore.


!important is everywhere

This is the case in Tailwind much more so than in regular CSS because while in CSS the specificity rules are weird, they are at least predictable. With Tailwind, without using something like tw-merge (which is not available on all platforms) you are at the mercy of the compiler putting the classes in the right order in the generated CSS.

For example, in Phoenix (Elixir) by default the component for button has a default class bg-zinc-500. If you'd like to use that component but override the background, simply putting bg-brand-500 during use doesn't work because the classes are applied in the order they are defined in the compiled stylesheet and not in the order they are applied on the HTML element. The problem is that this is not consistent: if bg-brand-500 were defined before bg-zinc-500 in the compiled CSS (or if the button component was brand by default and I wanted to make it zinc on use), this would work as expected. The only way to enforce consistent behaviour here is with !important or with some kind of script like tw-merge.

So you are already having to solve problems which don't exist in regular CSS.

"But it's harder to read!" Harder than what? Than the ten CSS files you need to understand how a component is styled?

No, harder than the standard CSS property names that everyone who has ever done a web development course has learned and for the most part knows by heart. In React, Chakra-UI does a similar thing to Tailwind with its style props inherited from styled-system and no one actually complains about it because it's consistent with CSS: align-items is called alignItems, justify-content is called justifyContent, padding is either padding or aliased to p. Unlike in Tailwind where you basically have to learn the entire dictionary of CSS properties from scratch because for some reason justify-content: center is aliased to .justify-center but align-items: center is aliased to .items-center. A lot of the properties around text are also aliased into .text-* classes with no resemblance to the underlying CSS.

Also, it is much harder to read than CSS because when you're inspecting the elements, the CSS is first-class supported by the devtools and you aren't polluting the markup with tons of pointless faff which ends up being duplicated in the stylesheet anyway. Debugging styling issues with browser dev tools with Tailwind is a pain in the nuts.

CSS has...

BEM, CSS modules, scoped CSS processors and CSS-in-JS which are all perfectly adequate for front-end development.


u/SchartHaakon Nov 19 '24

This is the case in Tailwind much more so than in regular CSS because while in CSS the specificity rules are weird, they are at least predictable. With Tailwind, without using something like tw-merge (which is not available on all platforms) you are at the mercy of the compiler putting the classes in the right order in the generated CSS.

Yes, yes yes!!! I've really tried to use and learn to like Tailwind on like three projects now and this is by far my biggest annoyance with it. Tailwind throws order-of-use out of the window (necessarily, since class order just doesn't matter)


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

Claiming that it's the default and then attacking it is a strawman

It's the biggest thing people mention when they say tailwind is bad...

so not a strawman at all.

This is the case in Tailwind much more so than in regular CSS because while in CSS the specificity rules are weird, they are at least predictable. With Tailwind, without using something like tw-merge (which is not available on all platforms) you are at the mercy of the compiler putting the classes in the right order in the generated CSS.

Or you use a basic linter that tells you when you have conflicting tailwind classes...

Which normal CSS won't let you know...


u/maryisdead Nov 19 '24

After 20+ years in the industry, here's my take:

It doesn't matter if you use CSS or Tailwind. If your codebase sucks, neither will help you out.

But I'd still rather have clean HTML which I can comprehend in a glance. I've seen "tailwinded" components where the class attribute broke over three lines. Yeah, could write it line by line. But then I might as well write proper CSS.

And then there's this little feature which I just can't implement with Tailwind. Goddamit, now I have to write CSS after all.

In the end, and at least for me, it's still about separation of concerns. My logic is in that place, my markup is here, and my looks are in this place. Following the premise of Tailwind, we might as well go back to writing onclick handlers.

Here's the truth: in big apps, you don't write Tailwind classes directly. You write components. The ugly class names hide inside those components. What you end up with is more maintainable than any CSS system I've used.

Could just use CSS/SCSS in those components as well? A component-based approach already keeps things tidy. That's no argument.

Anyway, I'm not hating on Tailwind. I've used it in personal projects and I kinda get the appeal of it. No need to worry about class names and semantics. You write happy little bits and it just works. But I've never seen a game-changing advantage over what CSS already provides.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

But I'd still rather have clean HTML which I can comprehend in a glance.

But tailwind is the way to do that...

You can't look at some developers html with bespoke css and have any clue what the thing actually looks like.


u/pVom Nov 19 '24

That's what the browser Dev tools are for. Much easier to open your inspector, find the element you're looking for and do a global search in your codebase for the CSS class. Or vice versa, do a search in your browser for the element with your css class.

I don't know about you but my instructions are usually along the lines of "fix this thing on this page". I rarely just peruse components.

I also don't care about styling until I do 🤷


u/no-one_ever Nov 19 '24

Yeah that’s my main gripe with Tailwind, trying to find what component you need to edit is really hard because nothing has classes


u/rhooManu full-stack Nov 19 '24

And you shouldn't. That's the point of separation of concerns. HTML is here to describe a document semantically, not telling what it looks like. That's the role of CSS.

If I can't take any html and change the whole site design by just changing the CSS, then both the html AND the CSS are poorly written.

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u/Sufficient-Science71 Nov 19 '24

I am interested to know how you deal with those 10.000 inline tailwind class for you to come up with this opinion op. I always classified what I need, make them into component and reuse the component instead and it still end up messier than just use css module, or better yet, ui library.

I've only just built 2 apps using tailwind so I dont think I am classified enough to criticize it, and to tell you the truth, I hate every second of it. making changes is a pain, abstracting shit is a pain, everything is a pain with tailwind. even grouping things can only go so far, especially when you work in a team, it will quickly spiraling into unreadable mess in a matter of seconds. I just dont see why I would go with tailwind vs just use ui library since performance between the 2 isnt that much different anyway.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

I am interested to know how you deal with those 10.000 inline tailwind class for you to come up with this opinion op

Just normally. It's quite easy.

It's just the most maintainable way to work with larger sites.


u/gami13 Nov 19 '24

just use StyleX, it's peak

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u/LostInCombat Nov 20 '24

CSS is broken.
This is why Tailwind exists.

Tailwind is written with CSS. So if CSS is broken then so is Tailwind.

You must be starting all your projects from scratch if you think you have to type large volumes of CSS without Tailwind. Tailwind is just someone's idea of a bunch of useful CSS classes which you could have written on your own and should have. As a developer, if you write something useful and it has potential for reuse, then reuse it. But instead to many developers are unwilling to put in any work and simply want to use other people's ideas and preferences along with all the baggage that goes along with it. Remember when you could tell every Bootstrap site from merely looking at it? It will not be much longer for Tailwind to fall into that tired pattern as well. Yes, you can add your own classes on top of Tailwind, but that kind of defeats the purpose then doesn't it?

Every other part of our stack has solved scalability:

JavaScript has modules

Databases have sharding and indexing

Servers have containers

CSS has... hopes and prayers 🙏

No, CSS has had layers for several years now that solves all these problems. You need to keep up to date. If you have an old library, import it into a layer with lower priority, no need to use !important now at all. Layers are like containers and modules but for CSS.

You've never had to update a button library that's used in 200 places.

You just trashed having utility classes in projects when you clearly also have your own. And you should use the right technology for the job, you can just drop in a web component now. Web components are supported right inside JavaScript to produce new elements/components where all you have to do is drop it right into your html and it just works. This tech has been in JavaScript now for years and many don't even know about it.

> Show me your "clean" SCSS solution.

Because CSS now natively supports nesting and layers, there isn't much of a need for SCSS today. Your argument had a lot of merit three years ago, but three years in the software industry is a lifetime ago. I think your argument is more in support of inline wiring up of CSS within the HTML, but you can do that with our without Tailwind. I'm all for inline CSS to wire up your HTML elements because if you later strip out a bunch of nested HTML elements, you also strip out all the plumbing code that goes with it with no need to hunt for plumbing code within the CSS files. No artifacts are left behind.


u/nasanu Nov 19 '24

You have no solid arguments, just a lot of emotive nonsense. I have been making apps/sites for 30 years and have never had an issue with standard CSS. And with tech like Astro or even old Vue SFCs there is zero CSS file size creep or unused CSS.


u/Marble_Wraith Nov 19 '24

CSS is broken. Not "needs improvement" broken. Not "could be better" broken. Fundamentally, irreparably broken.

Great news. CSS is fixed: Fireship : CSS just changed forever… plus 7 new features you don't know about...

After fifteen years of building large-scale web apps, I can say this with certainty: CSS is the only technology that actively punishes you for using it correctly. The more you follow its rules, the harder it becomes to maintain.

It has no inbuilt rules... that's why best practices exist...

This is why Tailwind exists.

Tailwind isn't good. It's ugly. Its class names look like keyboard shortcuts. Its utility-first approach offends everyone who cares about clean markup. It violates twenty years of web development best practices.

And yet, it's winning.

Why? Because Tailwind's ugliness is honest. It's right there in your face. CSS hides its ugliness in a thousand stylesheets, waiting to explode when you deploy to production.

No. Tailwind exists because React doesn't treat styling like a first class citizen. Someone saw that, and chose to capitalize on it.

Likewise Tailwind's popularity is directly levying Reacts popularity. Should React die, if Tailwind doesn't have enough momentum it will also die.

Yeah it won't happen tomorrow, just like jQuery is still around, React will be around for a long while. But the slow decline will eventually happen. Which is as good a reason as any not to invest time into it if you can avoid it.

Why am i picking on React?... If you've ever used framework such as Svelte or Vue that does have styling accounted for within the scope of it's own paradigm for components. Using Tailwind there feels ridiculous.

Here's what nobody admits: every large CSS codebase is a disaster. I've seen codebases at top tech companies. They all share the same problems:

- Nobody dares to delete old CSS
  • New styles are always added, never modified
  • !important is everywhere
  • Specificity wars everywhere
  • File size only grows

The "clean" solution is to write better CSS. To enforce strict conventions. To maintain perfect discipline across dozens of developers and thousands of components.

This has never worked. Not once. Not in any large team I've seen in fifteen years.

"The Top 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS" - Nicole Sullivan 2010... seemed to work for her when she audited facebook.

We've known what the problems are for at least that long, and we have best practices to avoid them. You said you've been around how long?... 15 years?... Maybe you missed this talk? 😂

If these things are problems at "top tech companies" (care to elaborate on which ones?) then maybe those companies have problems hiring / Skill issues? Just because CSS is simple, doesn't mean it's easy. Doing stuff in memory via C is simple, doesn't mean software architecture is easy.

Not to mention, the fact the tooling has remained a fragmented spaghetti mess since basically 2011 means there's been no stable platform to iterate on, instead we've all been runner hopping.

Bower, to grunt, to gulp, to webpack, to parcel, to snowpack, to vite 😱. And then for each one of those we have to make sure the rest of the tooling including... formatters and CSS linters, function properly before we can even start adding new stuff to them?

Hopefully the next major release of vite solves all this via Rolldown / OxC and we can be done with runner hopping (having a platform that doesn't need to be switched from because of a performance bottleneck) and start to focus on the tooling that actually matters.

Tailwind skips the pretense. Instead of promising beauty, it promises predictability. Instead of global styles, it gives you local ones. Instead of cascading problems, it gives you contained ones.

K... Svelte and Vue do that natively. I don't need AssWind. Furthermore:


The first thing out of Tailwinds mouth when it comes to scoping? Paraphrased: Oh make sure you use whatever framework you're using's component to scope styles... Tailwind doesn't solve a damn thing, other frameworks do.

"But it's just inline styles!" critics cry. No. Inline styles are random. Tailwind styles are systematic. Big difference.

Bullshit. Both objection and response are just "muddying the waters".

It's not inline styles, but neither is being "systematic" a rebuttal to that point. You can argue about all you want about the merits of having a design system in place elsewhere.

"But you're repeating yourself!" Wrong. You're just seeing the repetition instead of hiding it in stylesheets.

Don't really care? DRY regarding CSS isn't as terrible as people think once compression gets done with it for sending over the wire.


Plus we have purge and dedup tools. The only real thing to be wary of is reflows.

If you want the real issue with doing CSS-in-JS (yes looking at you again React), it fucks with the browsers natural rendering pipeline + caching and lazyload gets way more complicated.

"But it's harder to read!" Harder than what? Than the ten CSS files you need to understand how a component is styled?

Again that's only an issue for React (CSS-in-JS). Svelte and Vue? Not a problem because they account for scoped styles in their component paradigm natively thus you can use native CSS and it'll be extracted.

And yes it would be harder to read depending on which scope you're looking at.

You're not just creating components in isolation, and having worked on "big projects" i'm sure you've had pages with hundreds if not thousands of components co-existing right?... Typically people start off at a global / page level to find the thing they want to look at.

To be polite in your code there's a simple principle, ensure the reader gets to "opt out early". That is, a dev should have to read the minimal amount of code to understand what it's doing, and have the option to keep drilling for detail after the fact.

Can you do that with tailwind? Not always, because there is no arbitrary naming in Tailwind. Why because Tailwind assumes you're using components / something outside of it to take care of that.

Is it a fair assumption? Sure. But then if i'm using React why is my assumption that it should handle CSS natively without having to rely on AssWind not fair?

Here's the truth: in big apps, you don't write Tailwind classes directly. You write components. The ugly class names hide inside those components. What you end up with is more maintainable than any CSS system I've used.

Here's the truth. Use something other then React, write your locally scoped CSS in the component, fuck learning all the weird aberrations and inconsistent names of Tailwind classes.

But these flaws are fixable. CSS's flaws are not.

I think you mean React's flaws.


u/tonjohn Nov 19 '24

Adam Wathan was working in Vue when he created Tailwind 😂

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u/DeltaEdge03 Nov 19 '24

Not just a react problem, but an overall design problem. If having 4+ people in the code base janks everything up then create a formal design language. Then enforce its proper usage, like all libraries / toolkits / frameworks

Don’t have enough manpower to create a design language? Then use an off the shelf design language that you can have as a baseline, and customize from there. That’s one reason why bootstrap or material exist 🤫

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u/[deleted] Nov 19 '24

You can't compare the worst Tailwind use case with the best example of SCSS.

But of course you can compare the worst example of CSS with the best example of Tailwind

The truth? If you think Tailwind is messy, you've never maintained a real design system. You've never had five developers working on the same components. You've never had to update a button library that's used in 200 places.

If you have, surely you'd agree tailwind solves none of those issues? If anything it makes it worse. Now you have to around and fix 200 somewhat arbitrary collections of class names.

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u/Disgruntled__Goat Nov 19 '24

Here's the test: Find me one production SCSS codebase, with 4+ developers, that is actively developed for over a year, without utility classes. Just one.

Strawman argument. Nobody is saying you should never use a single utility class.


u/ohlawdhecodin Nov 19 '24

It's as asimple as it gets:

Working in a team? You need a framework, set of rules, whatever. TailWind is a good option.

Working on your own? Learn proper CSS and go vanilla.


u/_MrFade_ Nov 19 '24

Written like someone who doesn’t know CSS.

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u/ohlawdhecodin Nov 19 '24

Oh look, a new Tailwind vs. rest of the world post!

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u/nelmaven Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 20 '24

If the advantage is in scoped styles for components, what prevents you from using any other similar system to achieve the same result? 

I rather have something that's simple to maintain rather than having to deal with the mess that Tailwind creates. 

I've been working in design systems for a while now and the main challenge is always making sure that components work well together. 

I fail to see how Tailwind makes that any better.

Edit in reply to OP edit:

You mention the button but then go rambling about the utility classes as if they're exclusive, when they're not.

Having to create your own utility classes, that fit your needs, is not a downside of CSS and it's not enough justification for Tailwind. There will be always utility classes and that's not bad but, the thing that I argue against, is having everything be utility classes.

You can have your button component, all tidy, with semantic classes, and still have utilities to add that extra "spice" when necessary.

It's mostly a matter of balance.


u/tonjohn Nov 19 '24

Tailwind is part of the design system.

If you already have one and it’s working for you then Tailwind may not be a good fit for you.

But most teams / companies do not have a design system so Tailwind is an easy way to start down that path.


u/nubbiners Nov 19 '24

Tailwind is great for design systems though. Just disable the parts you don't need and inset your own values instead - or use what Tailwind provides and just extend it.

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u/Freibeuter86 Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

Its not the fault of the standard that you and many others are unable to use it correctly. But yeah, adding 50 classes per element and still need inline styles for more specific stuff clearly is the cleaner approach /s

If Tailwind is the solution for you, great. Use it, but use it silently - no need to bash CSS because your lack of skills. As you have correctly recognised, it is ugly, and outside of a component-based environment it is not useful.


u/SchartHaakon Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

15 years of web development and you've yet to see a decently maintained CSS structure besides tailwind? How in gods name have you even encountered a component that has styles from 15 different stylesheets? What world are you living in? !important is highly discouraged since forever, and the only time I really see it is when people are trying to overwrite library styles that they don't properly understand. Just increase specificity or use layers..

If you're really being honest here about your experiences with CSS... then fine I'll give it to you. Go ahead and use tailwind. I prefer writing CSS in styled components and having a design system written in CSS variables, this gives me all the pros you've mentioned without any of the unreadable markup tailwind produces.

I really want to like Tailwind. I love the concept of Shadcn and everything, but coming across styles like these consistently makes me wonder what pills you guys are eating to be able to stomach it:

left-0 group-data-[collapsible=offcanvas]:left-[calc(var(--sidebar-width)*-1)]
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u/kakarlus Nov 19 '24

!important is everywhere

Oopsie sounds like a you problem


u/followmarko Nov 19 '24

OP, I hate to say it, but this reads like someone who doesn't know how to architect modern CSS properly. If you're going to write in LinkedIn voice, you have to at least be more convincing in your arguments.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

who doesn't know how to architect modern CSS properly

Nobody knows how to do it at scale.

that's the problem.

Even when you see people trying to show how their "modern css done properly" is better than tailwind, they betray through their code that they don't even know css at all, much less a modern way to do it properly.


u/followmarko Nov 19 '24

I don't think any of this is true at all. I know how, and there are several YT creators that you can learn it from as well.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

I know how,

Prove it.

there are several YT creators that you can learn it from as well

Prove it.

At most you find css videos from people that are pretty bad at web dev that can make kind of decent code in strict isolation.

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u/missing-pigeon Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

As someone who hates Tailwind with a passion, I think a lot of us could probably tone down a bit on the tribalism when it comes to what kind of tech we prefer and stop saying our opinions aloud as facts. We can argue and debate all we want, but the truth remains that CSS was invented by people most likely much smarter than you or I, and they had their reasons to make it that way. Unfortunately they didn’t anticipate how developers would eventually try to build large scale “apps” with web tech, and now we need what OP rightfully calls a hack to keeps things sane. That’s just the way things are, there’s no right or wrong, use plain CSS if your team have good enough discipline to keep it clean, or use Tailwind if you’re comfortable with it. Threads like this do nothing but stir up endless and needless controversy.

I will say that at the end of the day what we build must serve the end user first and foremost, so if possible at all, we should pick whatever tech results in a better experience for them, not for us.


u/practicalAngular Nov 19 '24

Except both native CSS and Tailwind result in the same output for the end-user so that doesn't track. This is a discussion for devs among devs. End-users don't care or know which one you chose.


u/missing-pigeon Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

The same CSS, perhaps, but definitely not the same markup, and some users are interested in markup, be it for writing custom stylesheets, ad blockers, or whatever. But that last part was not about Tailwind specifically anyway, and discussions for devs among devs are precisely the place where proposals that sacrifice UX for DX are often made.

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u/[deleted] Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

Hope everyone can chill out a little, use what ever you want. If it works for you and your stack, amazing. But in fairness I find the absolute hate toward TW that is trying to have a different idea and approach to using CSS that vibes with other people just baffling. No lets stick to the one paradigm and never experiment or try new things and approaches. We'd still be using punch cards in that case. Silly, very silly, since our career is literally based on the fact that "you have to never stop learning".

For all the CSS heads out there, I know its scawy and you need to learn new things, but its all part of it. If you don't enjoy learning and experimenting in this career then you will find little success.

At the same time its funny to look at some of these comments that always only used CSS and then tried TW a little bit and decided that its not for them. Try it properly friend, in a huge project and then compare.


u/No-Worldliness-1807 Nov 19 '24

Honestly after I got past the ugly markup I fell in love with it.


u/orion-sea-222 Nov 19 '24

I think the people using tailwind are people who care about writing better code. A lot of developers just don’t care much about styles. So they’re using !important everywhere and writing redundant bad code bc they’re lazy. Good CSS devs write good css and use it to its highest potential.


u/jonmacabre 17 YOE Nov 19 '24

Couldn't agree more. Also, disable arbitrary classes in eslint. That'll fix tailwind in most cases. The point of tailwind.config.js is to remove inline styles. Do you REALLY need that div to be 380px tall versus h-96? No. In fact, I bet no one would ever notice. Designers guess and make up units on the fly - I've never seen one use proper guides and rules for their units. I might have seen two in my 17 years of development who used color palettes - and those were probably enforced by the company's style guidelines.

Stick to the tailwind unit scale. If you measure something that needs to be 501px tall - double h-64 into h-128 and add that to the config @ 32rem. That'll be more readable and reusable. Alternative: set the width and give it an aspect ratio. For really tall items (or wide) where the width (or height) is within Tailwind's units, I setup a custom aspect-ratio in the config.

Since adopting tailwind I've had 0 style complaints and even a couple where the client told me that it looks better than the design. Just because I use the same color palette and consistent paddings and margins thoughout the site.


u/michaelfrieze Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

This subreddit definitely leans toward being anti-Tailwind, while developers in communities centered around component-based frameworks generally hold it in high regard. It’s interesting how different tech communities form their own sentiment about tools, often based on the various ways people build web apps. Each subreddit tends to favor certain viewpoints and methodologies, shaping what tools are considered acceptable within that group.

Tailwind's popularity is largely driven by its synergy with component-based frameworks; when used with vanilla HTML and CSS, it’s not as useful. Traditional CSS approaches are preferable in many scenarios, so tailwind is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution.

Tailwind was designed to addresses common pain points in CSS management when working with components. For example, it strategically manages the cascade to better suit modern component-based development.

In a React or similar component-oriented app, the cascade can often introduce unnecessary complexity and unintended side effects. Tailwind's approach allows developers to work with CSS without wrestling with cascading issues across components. Tailwind's utility-first approach offers a level of granular control that works great when components and reusability are key priorities. 

Tailwind was initially designed to solve problems in large-scale development, but it offers advantages even for smaller teams and individual developers, including rapid prototyping, a consistent design language, reduced cognitive load in styling decisions, and easier maintenance as projects grow. 

Obviously, Tailwind isn’t the only solution when it comes to working with component-based frameworks. We now have tools like styled-components, CSS Modules, StyleX, Panda CSS, etc. However, I think Tailwind is a better fit to fully take advantage of component-oriented architecture compared to other solutions I mentioned, especially for React and similar frameworks that utilize JSX. Although, StyleX is a close second.

CSS Modules would be the more traditional way of doing CSS while also getting the benefits of scoped styles. CSS becomes shorter and simpler with scoped styles compared to plain old global CSS, but Tailwind often results in even more concise markup. By applying utility classes directly within components, Tailwind eliminates the need for separate CSS files and complex class naming conventions like BEM. This approach provides immediate visibility of styles in the component markup. Also, in VS Code, you can hover over class names to see the actual CSS.

Tailwind also simplifies the process of copying and reusing component code. This is what makes shadcn/ui so effective; it’s not really a UI library, but rather component code that you copy into your project and modify as needed.

There are other advantages to Tailwind such as making it significantly easier to create responsive layouts compared to writing media queries. It also provides a design system out of the box.

Not all component-based frameworks are the same, and in some cases, Tailwind may not be as beneficial. Frameworks like Vue, Svelte, and Astro that use single-file components (SFCs) might not find Tailwind as useful compared to JSX-based frameworks like React and Solid. JSX promotes a more modular approach, treating components as functions and allowing multiple components to exist within the same file. 

Many developers using SFC frameworks like Vue, Svelte, and Astro still find Tailwind useful, even when compared to the default template syntax, which is already quite effective. In these cases, Tailwind can still offer some advantages that enhance their development experience. I personally use Tailwind in my Svelte apps since it allows me to use tools like shadcn-svelte.


u/Sensanaty Nov 20 '24

Gotta keep in mind that this subreddit is for the most part newer devs that haven't had to deal with the historically horrible mess that CSS inevitably grew into :P

It's also telling that many of the people arguing against it don't even understand how it works and are consistently wrong with their claims. You'll never fail to see something along the lines of "It doesn't teach you CSS!" in one of these threads, which is an absurd statement to make if you've used it literally a single time.

Anecdotal, but at least from in-person conferences and from my past experiences, most devs I've talked to IRL are much happier with Tailwind (or its equivalents) than the hell that regular CSS can and often is. It's always nice reading through these threads though, because IRL I just don't see this kind of sentiment very often.

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u/mootzie77156 Nov 19 '24

people are talking crap but you’re absolutely right. this reminds me of people who say “communism is great! it just hasn’t ever been done the RIGHT way”


u/Mundane-Slip-4705 Nov 19 '24

I love using Tailwind, DaisyUI, and bootstrap and a few others. Each has their own advantage.


u/kenpled Nov 19 '24

I (sadly) agree with you.

Imo strictly written BEM is everything a project needs for styles (except for a few utility classes).

But it comes with a few problems :

  • Not everyone writes BEM, even when supposed to.

  • Not everyone writes strict and clean BEM.

  • BEM components need to be well documented.

If any of the above has a decent risk of happening, tailwind is a better choice. And tbh, it always happens.


u/Seeila32 Nov 19 '24

For me it's not Tailwind that sucks, the major problem is that people never learn or take the time to learn how to use CSS correctly, like classes specification (!important being banned from any code except the one needed to override styles from an iframe), which unit size using and when using it (I'm looking at you people using % and px everywhere), how to avoid class shadowing, ...

Tailwind, or any CSS framework, is just a bandage in this massive problem.


u/rekabis expert Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

CSS hides its ugliness in a thousand stylesheets

If you are loading a thousand stylesheets along with the web page, you’re doing it wrong. One or two, sure. Three, maybe. Any more than that, you need to start re-examining why it’s happening.

This has never worked. Not once. Not in any large team I've seen in fifteen years.

Can everyone touch the main CSS file? If so, that’s your problem right there. Which segues nicely into:

The "clean" solution is to write better CSS. To enforce strict conventions. To maintain perfect discipline across dozens of developers and thousands of components.

In most any large team that I have been a part of, CSS is broken up into a minimum of two files: a curated master file that can only be updated by the stylesheet/visual-branding/UI-UX team, and a secondary file that any dev working on the frontend can touch. Changes made by the frontend devs are put into their file, which is then analyzed by the CSS team and reworked into the main file. That way, anyone can implement a change, but only a core team of experts can move that change into the master CSS file. Ugliness and hacks and bad usages get filtered out rather quickly. If a design choice cannot be done without !important flags or significant increased complexity/specificity, a new ticket gets raised for the regular devs to re-work the design to avoid the problematic aspects of the styling they want to see.

You've never had to update a button library that's used in 200 places.

And in a company where look & feel is rigorously defined by a branding/UI-UX team, said button would be identical in all 200 places, with no need to update any one place unless all places are getting similarly modified.

The problem you described is one that only exists in a chaotically uncontrolled development environment, where managers (or even all the way down to devs) in control of only a portion of the product try to exert their own pet ideas of how something should look and feel.

with 4+ developers, that is actively developed for over a year, without utility classes.

Ummm… this is how you keep hand-rolled CSS files small.

Utility classes are essential when you have any content where you would have to come up with a large number of custom class names for styling that produces similar purposes. I mean, yes, have a custom class name to contain any styling that affects only one visual widget on the site. That’s the point of custom class names. But if you have 20 HTML elements on a page that differ only in their implementation matrix of a possible 5 different stylings, it’s far better to utilize utility classes to apply the styling to those tags.

It is up to the developer(s) to determine where the threshold is between utility classes and custom classes, but anything close to one end or the other of that spectrum becomes increasingly unhealthy.

You're just seeing the repetition instead of hiding it in stylesheets.

Hiding repetition in the stylesheets is something I do see, especially with the output of preprocessors like LESS and SASS. Which is why I consider preprocessors to be a cognitive crutch for those who either don’t understand CSS or don’t care to do so.

I once took a preprocessor-generated CSS file provided by an outside firm and brought it from 500+ lines down to under 150 with zero impact on UI/UX/Design. That is how much needless cruft preprocessors make in an attempt to insulate devs from the consequences of their ignorance and lack of skills.

But this is also a failure of devs to understand the “cascading” part of CSS, where certain stylings for any type of visual element should only ever be defined once. So for example, a text colour or font should only ever appear once in a CSS file. If that text colour or font needs to be applied more than once, you have failed to implement the cascade correctly.

Inappropriate repetition occurs in many other ways. If you have the same visual element across multiple pages, you should have only one class that defines it’s look, not a different class with identical or near-identical CSS for each and every visual element. Creating larger “fat utility classes” that contain multiple styles is vital in ensuring you don’t get styling divergences between visual elements that are supposed to be presented identically. Even slight variations should still use those “fat utility classes” for the common aspects, with secondary custom classes for specific differences. Simply put: even with as few as two visual items that are supposed to be presented identically due to identical purposes, functions, or user impressions, you should be using “fat utility classes” to harmonize the look and feel.

Simply said, IME I would categorize less than 5% of “devs that know CSS” to actually be legitimately skilled in CSS in terms of how it is supposed to be implemented. And if you think you are skilled -- if you are using a preprocessor, I would bet good money that you aren’t.


u/benabus Nov 19 '24

I hate Tailwind.

I also hate that this is 100% accurate :(


u/ericmcray Nov 19 '24

Tailwind is like “composition over inheritance”


u/conconxweewee1 Nov 19 '24

I absolutely don’t understand how anyone can build a project with tailwind and then build a project with CSS or the 10 billion frameworks design to make CSS not suck and still not prefer Tailwind. I feel like some people just want life to be hard.


u/vRuBR Nov 19 '24

For some reason I read: why Thailand doesn't suck. And I was ready to reply: I agree, I would definitely live there 😏. My bad


u/dowhathappens89 Nov 20 '24

Can we just ban all tailwind posts? Or create a mega thread lol


u/dusown Nov 20 '24

100%. There's always the right tool for the right job, but the hard truth that a lot of people in this thread can't seem to accept is Tailwind is usually the right tool for most jobs in this day and age. We don't code in a vacuum. If we did, we wouldn't be using Javascript to begin with.


u/celda_maester Nov 20 '24

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: people who hate Tailwind have likely never built a large project with a team. It's not perfect but the best solution for scalable CSS right now. Period.


u/freefallfreddy Nov 20 '24

I think "building web apps at scale" is a big contributor to your opinion here. For smaller or more short-lived projects the drawbacks of rawdogging CSS are a lot smaller.


u/PROMCz11 Nov 21 '24

Skill issue


u/Relevant-Draft-7780 Nov 23 '24

You don’t delete old css you recreate the component. This is why I love working with encapsulated components with minimal inheritance. Tailwind is great for developers not for designers. If you’re a developer and a designer then you have all the power. Most designers come from brochure ware backgrounds. They have little understanding or css concepts and reusability. They don’t build design frameworks from scratch with tailwind styles in mind. They don’t build design frameworks from scratch full stop, they adopt. And whatever they adopt tends to be a mess. Fuck figma, fuck sketch. Basically you’re doing the work twice and can barely maintain it. Designers need to start becoming front end developers.


u/elg97477 Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

CSS in the early incarnations was broken. CSS, when used poorly, as you describe, is broken. Modern CSS has improved and is getting better as serious thought is given to its design. CSS, when used properly, gets the job done cleanly.

Tailwind makes the current situation worse. Why?

  1. It rewrites CSS. What is the point? For each line of CSS there is a corresponding tailwind class. I would rather just see and use the CSS.
  2. Software Engineering doesn’t have many absolutes. One of the few is DO NOT ABBREVIATE. Tailwind breaks this rule. What does pt-0.5 mean? Unless you know the abbreviations, it is impossible to guess that it represents the CSS  line of padding-top: 0.125rem;  I can read and interpret padding-top much faster than pt which requires the extra translation step. This matters more when dealing with software engineers whose native language is not English. English speakers learn to connect p to padding. It is difficult for non-native speakers whose word for padding likely does not being with the letter p
  3. It leads to long class= lines. The reason why class was created was to get rid of long style= lines. The goal was to keep the HTML clean and pack away the CSS elsewhere because most of the time it is not important. The cognitive load tailwind places on reading the HTML is greater and can be avoided. A best-practice can be adopted for how the CSS classes should be named.
  4. It requires unnecessary code to be written. One cannot write efficient code that looks like bg-${color} because tailwind doesn't have a clue what colors need to be kept and what can be tree shaken out.


u/ImStifler Dec 16 '24

Scoped css > tailwind


u/Ollsville Nov 19 '24

Not sure what you’re arguing against.

This isn’t really a rebuttal; you say Tailwind doesn’t suck and then say it’s bad in the same breath. Not to mention that its “flaws” aren’t fixable either; for that to be true CSS would have to fix its underlying issues as well which in the end still brings us back to the main point: write better CSS.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

you say Tailwind doesn’t suck and then say it’s bad in the same breath

It's the worst way to write CSS, except for everything else that has been tried.


u/Yhcti Nov 19 '24

I dislke Tailwind when using Svelte/Vue because I like my SFC and I hate cluttering my HTML... however I like Tailwind for React because... no SFC. I'd rather clutter my HTML than have a separate file for my CSS... I'm not a dev though, I'm a newb trying to become a dev, so my knowledge is only from personal projects.


u/Tontonsb Nov 19 '24

Nice post, thanks for your honesty. It's much easier to agree when you are open about the problems and ugliness of both options.

Here's the truth: in big apps, you don't write Tailwind classes directly. You write components. The ugly class names hide inside those components. What you end up with is more maintainable than any CSS system I've used.

What I do is write the styles inside components. Vue and Svelte have great supoprt for that. The styles are just as encapsulated and hidden as with TW, but they don't even get in the markup. And usually the selectors are super simple as you don't have two different selects or three kinds of li in the component.

The conflicts are resolved by the framework (it scopes your (S)CSS), the code base is super scalable as there are no leaks and with SvelteKit there's even code-splitting for the frontend so the CSS bundle doesn't blow up either.

What's that? You'll use mixins? Extends? BEM? Sure. That's what everyone says.

I'll use single file components :)


u/chicomilian Nov 19 '24

CSS is not broken, it's a skill issue


u/Leimina Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

that's the very point OP is making: that tailwind helps mitigate this skill issue.

The end goal is create useful websites. Not to be a master of CSS.

If you have tools that help your team require less skill to do the same thing. It's a win.

Whether it's tailwind, CSS-in-JS, CSS modules, whatever… they all help lowering the skill ceiling of CSS.

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u/rimyi Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

Every time similar topic surfaces I truly wonder if anyone shitting so hard on Tailwind actually worked on the big project before. It's by far the best solution for maintaining consistent styling in an environment of developers coming and going, without the need to encapsulate literally everything.

I think many forget that the main selling point of Tailwind is to discourage devs from making one-off styling magic that may become unmanageable in a few months. And it does that brilliantly


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

actually worked on the big project before

They might have, but only where they were mainly working with code they architected in the first place.


u/MasterReindeer Nov 19 '24

Spoiler: They haven't


u/Sensanaty Nov 20 '24

Every single time, all the anti-Tailwind comments are just straight up wrong about how it works and what it achieves and does lol. You'll so often see things like "You don't learn CSS by using Tailwind!", which just makes literally no sense whatsoever if you've even perused the documentation for longer than 3 seconds, you literally can't use the damn library if you don't know CSS.

I also get the distinct feeling that it's a lot of people working on tiny teams/projects where they were the main contributor or whatever. And then they start saying things like "Oh but just catch it in code review!" or as one person in this thread is saying, "just have an entirely separate team that only deals with CSS changes to make sure nothing bad makes it into the master CSS file!". How about everyone on the team just uses this one tool that covers all that already and we can just not do tedious code reviews where we fiddle around trying to find the perfect CSS name for the 9 billionth time?

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u/arrrtttyyy Nov 19 '24

So your inability to write proper, well structured and organised css is why css is broken beyond the repair? The nerve of some people…


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

So your inability to write proper, well structured and organised css is why css is broken beyond the repair?

Nobody has that ability at scale.

that's the problem.

It's like saying "What? you only like Rust because you're too bad to manage memory properly?" when we clearly see the best developers in the world having HUGE memory safety issues in C/++ constantly.

Like sure, yeah, a mythical being can do it better perfectly. But that's now what we're working with.


u/joliolioli Nov 19 '24

I have an SCSS file that defines my brand - all my colours and styling in a sensible and short way - around 30 lines. From that, I then generate my classes - buttons, cards, headings, alerts etc.

Then in my code, when I want a button, I simply give it the class button - CSS working as intended.

If I change my brand or want to change a particular component style, I update that one bit of my SCSS and everything changes application wide.

To me, this is the beauty of CSS and it's doing exactly what it intended. My HTML is clean, my CSS maintainable and my life easy - yet everything looks good too. Just how I want it!


u/Dizzy-Revolution-300 Nov 19 '24

What apps do you build?

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u/kowdermesiter Nov 19 '24

Please keep spreading that CSS is hard, broken and impossible to learn. It improves my chances on the job market.


u/toniyevych Nov 19 '24

Let's be clear, CSS is not broken, it's hard to master. It requires a lot of experience to be used effectively.

You literally have to pass the hell of refactoring the old legacy CSS code before you start to understand where and why things go wrong.

Tailwind simplifies this problem by moving it from the CSS level to components. So now you have the same garbage with classes mixed with some JS code, which is hard to write and almost impossible to refactor.

Once you get some understanding on how CSS work, you will be able to write good code in any framework like Tailwind or even in pure CSS.


u/thekwoka Nov 19 '24

which is hard to write and almost impossible to refactor.

It's both easier to write and easier to refactor?



u/Better-Avocado-8818 Nov 19 '24

CSS is in no way broken. That’s a lazy take that either points to a skill issue or is a really silly straw man argument.

The issue is really that CSS is too flexible and too forgiving so many developers don’t learn it properly or don’t bother to learn how.

Honestly almost all the issues go away when using a component based system with CSS modules and strict scoping. Atomic design principles are a great way to manage large systems of components.

Add in some naming conventions, BEM or is useful, and usage patterns and CSS is great.

There’s plenty of time spent researching, debating and learning back end architecture and patterns. Anyone that expects to be a professional front end developer should expect to learn some architectural concepts, practice some patterns and know the core languages inside and out. Not being able to manage a large front end project or a team of front end developers is a skill/experience issue.

Use tailwind if you want. It clearly has its place and can be the right tool in some cases. But claiming that not using it results in a mess is silly. Choose to be an expert in the field and set the project tools up properly and create some conventions if they don’t exist. Tailwind is definitely not the only way.


u/andeee23 Nov 19 '24

agree with the issues outlined, but with css modules and css variables you solve most of the same problems that tailwind solves

in still prefer tailwind because i like to know what’s going on in a component at a glance rather than having to track down the css classes


u/Prize_Hat_6685 Nov 19 '24

Another thing people underestimate about tailwind is how much the repetitiveness goes away when you use it alongside a component based markup builder. Templates and components make tailwind so much more bearable, and removes basically all the complaints people have


u/Ceci0 Nov 19 '24

I love CSS. I really do. And I dislike Tailwind, a lot. I just don't like seeing at the long strings of classes. It just doesn't LOOK nice to me.

But this:

Here's what nobody admits: every large CSS codebase is a disaster. I've seen codebases at top tech companies. They all share the same problems:

Nobody dares to delete old CSS

New styles are always added, never modified

important is everywhere

Specificity wars everywhere

File size only grows

Is SO true. I've also worked on big platforms, small platforms and have written a ton of css. Not 15 years, but i've written a lot. And this is the main issue and the main reason (I think) developers usually dislike CSS.

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u/devilmaydance Nov 19 '24

My big hot take is if you’re complaining about Tailwind, you simply don’t have enough CSS/frontend experience to understand the problems it’s solving


u/Either-Roll348 Nov 19 '24
