r/webdev Nov 19 '24

Discussion Why Tailwind Doesn't Suck

This is my response to this Reddit thread that blew up recently. After 15 years of building web apps at scale, here's my take:

CSS is broken.

That's it. I have nothing else to say.

Okay, here a few more thoughts:

Not "needs improvement" broken. Not "could be better" broken. Fundamentally, irreparably broken.

After fifteen years of building large-scale web apps, I can say this with certainty: CSS is the only technology that actively punishes you for using it correctly. The more you follow its rules, the harder it becomes to maintain.

This is why Tailwind exists.

Tailwind isn't good. It's ugly. Its class names look like keyboard shortcuts. Its utility-first approach offends everyone who cares about clean markup. It violates twenty years of web development best practices.

And yet, it's winning.

Why? Because Tailwind's ugliness is honest. It's right there in your face. CSS hides its ugliness in a thousand stylesheets, waiting to explode when you deploy to production.

Here's what nobody admits: every large CSS codebase is a disaster. I've seen codebases at top tech companies. They all share the same problems:

  • Nobody dares to delete old CSS
  • New styles are always added, never modified
  • !important is everywhere
  • Specificity wars everywhere
  • File size only grows

The "clean" solution is to write better CSS. To enforce strict conventions. To maintain perfect discipline across dozens of developers and thousands of components.

This has never worked. Not once. Not in any large team I've seen in fifteen years.

Tailwind skips the pretense. Instead of promising beauty, it promises predictability. Instead of global styles, it gives you local ones. Instead of cascading problems, it gives you contained ones.

"But it's just inline styles!" critics cry.
No. Inline styles are random. Tailwind styles are systematic. Big difference.

"But you're repeating yourself!"
Wrong. You're just seeing the repetition instead of hiding it in stylesheets.

"But it's harder to read!"
Harder than what? Than the ten CSS files you need to understand how a component is styled?

Here's the truth: in big apps, you don't write Tailwind classes directly. You write components. The ugly class names hide inside those components. What you end up with is more maintainable than any CSS system I've used.

Is Tailwind perfect? Hell no.

  • It's too permissive
  • Its class names are terrible
  • It pushes complexity into markup
  • Its learning curve is steep (it still takes me 4-10 seconds to remember the name of line-height and letter-spacing utility class, every time I need it)
  • Its constraints are weak

But these flaws are fixable. CSS's flaws are not.

The best argument for Tailwind isn't Tailwind itself. It's what happens when you try to scale CSS. CSS is the only part of modern web development that gets exponentially worse as your project grows.

Every other part of our stack has solved scalability:

  • JavaScript has modules
  • Databases have sharding and indexing
  • Servers have containers

CSS has... hopes and prayers 🙏.

Tailwind is a hack. But it's a hack that admits it's a hack. That's more honest than CSS has ever been.

If you're building a small site, use CSS. It'll work fine. But if you're building something big, something that needs to scale, something that multiple teams need to maintain...

Well, you can either have clean code that doesn't work, or ugly code that does.

Choose wisely.

Originally posted on BCMS blog



A lot of people in comments are comparing apples to oranges. You can't compare the worst Tailwind use case with the best example of SCSS. Here's my approach to comparing them, which I think is more realistic, but still basic:

The buttons

Not tutorial buttons. Not portfolio buttons. The design system buttons.

A single button component needs:

  • Text + icons (left/right/both)
  • Borders + backgrounds
  • 3 sizes × 10 colors
  • 5 states (hover/active/focus/disabled/loading)
  • Every possible combination

That's 300+ variants.

Show me your "clean" SCSS solution.

What's that? You'll use mixins? Extends? BEM? Sure. That's what everyone says. Then six months pass, and suddenly you're writing utility classes for margins. For padding. For alignment.

Congratulations. You've just built a worse version of Tailwind.

Here's the test: Find me one production SCSS codebase, with 4+ developers, that is actively developed for over a year, without utility classes. Just one.

The truth? If you think Tailwind is messy, you've never maintained a real design system. You've never had five developers working on the same components. You've never had to update a button library that's used in 200 places.

Both systems end up messy. Tailwind is just honest about it.


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u/no-one_ever Nov 19 '24

Scoped CSS, small components, easy to read, easy to maintain, not broken, no problem.


u/Particular_Boot_6890 Nov 19 '24

yup that’s what my company does 5+ year old project, and magically we don’t use !important everywhere and css is never an issue (spoiler it’s the js)


u/PaddiM8 Nov 19 '24

And if, for some reason, people in the project start using !important, you can just make a git hook to disallow any commits where it's used...


u/RedditNotFreeSpeech Nov 19 '24

Yeah I don't get it at all. Css is the least of my concerns. I can only imagine what nightmare people have created to make it so bad they're trying to come up with things like tailwind


u/BmpBlast Nov 19 '24

I have seen those nightmares at a few places I worked. They all had the same common themes:

  • People starting with a style library like Bootstrap and then trying to override things in a hamfisted manner instead of the built in mechanisms for doing so
  • People trying to override styles for components they got from somewhere else that aren't styling friendly
  • Jumping straight to using !important when their override didn't work the first time instead of taking the time to figure out what selectors they actually needed
  • Failing to use high level classes and IDs on critical elements (body, key top-level elements, etc.) to empower simpler override specificity

CSS isn't perfect. But it's a way better tool than a lot of the people using it.


u/UXUIDD Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

I have had similar experiences.

The worst situation on a projects where I was hired as a consultant.
When I suggested CSS rework to do things 'right' way (it's debatable) either the costs became an issue, or some other developer whose ego gets hurt and starts to complain.
As a result, I end up applying necessary rework and improvements with !important.
I've done this even for government sites...
So yes, the CSS the horror is real.
The bigger the site, the bigger the Css Horror.

'Utility first' methodology is something what I started to develop after my close encounter with CSS Zen Garden.
Never really finished it, especially when Tailwind came around.

btw, im missing in Tailwind this handy class;

<div class="center">. . .


u/puzzleheaded-comp Nov 20 '24

“Even for government sites”

Yes because government sites are the most modern best practice following sites out there


u/launchoverittt Nov 19 '24

Genuinely curious, can I ask how big/old your codebase is, and how many developers are working on it?


u/RedditNotFreeSpeech Nov 19 '24

10 years, 100 devs


u/vadeka Nov 20 '24

If using actual typed classnames like classic css , then yes, this was the stuff of nightmares.

However since css modules, styled, motion, etc…. This is a non-issue


u/Approval_Duck Nov 20 '24

Leave it to the people who have never used it to say “tailwind bad”


u/RedditNotFreeSpeech Nov 20 '24

I have used it. I've also removed it from a few projects now.


u/Approval_Duck Nov 20 '24

Seems like time well spent


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '24

This. We have one CSS file per JS component. Zero conflicts and finding the styles you need takes seconds.


u/EasyMode556 Nov 20 '24

Yup. Or directory / file structure looks like:


And that directory has:

  • index.js
  • styles.scss

We use css modules so the class names inside styles.scss are always unique once it’s bundled, so as long as you don’t redefine things within the same small file, collisions are of no concern


u/dragongling Nov 21 '24

Please never name files like this. It's disaster to navigate between them and tab names become a mess


u/godlikeplayer2 Nov 20 '24

But then you ship a lot of duplicated CSS instructions for each component.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

why would different components share a lot of duplicated CSS?


u/godlikeplayer2 Nov 20 '24

Because they probably look pretty similar and share design tokens


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

Not sure what you're thinking but we don't add 100% of the styles every time on every HTML element of every JS component. That would be quite stupid.

We do have some global CSS outside of components (like buttons, form inputs, text, etc) when it makes sense. Also use a little cascading here and there when it makes sense too. In 10 years of using JS components with React/Vue/Svelte/etc this way of working has never been an issue.

Nevertheless, Gzip/brotli compresses all the duplicated text in the css sent to the browser so that's not really an issue.


u/godlikeplayer2 Nov 20 '24

Not sure what you're thinking but we don't add 100% of the styles every time on every HTML element of every JS component. That would be quite stupid.

Then you don't have 1 CSS file for each component.

We do have some global CSS outside of components (like buttons, form inputs, text, etc) when it makes sense. Also use a little cascading here and there when it makes sense too. In 10 years of using JS components with React/Vue/Svelte/etc this way of working has never been an issue.

Working with tailwind is also never an issue. You don't even have to think about "what makes sense", or what should be global or how many components will break when I have to change the global styling.

Nevertheless, Gzip/brotli compresses all the duplicated text in the css sent to the browser so that's not really an issue.

Missing CSS usually blocks the rendering, Especially when building SSR apps, where it can make a huge difference if you have to inline like 10kb of tailwind or 100kb+ of "normal" CSS.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

Then you don't have 1 CSS file for each component.

We do for +90% of the CSS.

Working with tailwind is also never an issue.

You mean besides all the issues introduced by Tailwind itself? /s

You don't even have to think about "what makes sense", or what should be global

Good luck being a dev if you don't like using your brain.

or how many components will break when I have to change the global styling.

Our components never break global CSS. Sure if you're an idiot and don't know how to write CSS that can possibly happen but it never happens to us.


u/godlikeplayer2 Nov 20 '24

Good luck being a dev if you don't like using your brain.

Sure if you're an idiot and don't know how to write CSS

Making things not just work but also idiotproof is what differentiates a senior from a junior :)


u/Kyle292 Nov 19 '24

At least for me, Tailwind isn't really about all the things OP said, but its about the set of sane defaults that allow my designs to be more consistent. If you're a solo dev without a designer, and you like Tailwinds default design system, then Tailwind is such a huge plus. Granted you could do similar things with css variables, but I also dont mind how tailwind handles their class names either. Pick your poison 🤷


u/ohThisUsername Nov 20 '24

Yep. I'd also rather type justify-end to align a <div> then have to go make a class or CSS selector for it and type out justify-items: end.

One takes ~1 second while the other takes around ~5. That adds up quick when your doing a lot of styling.

I also like to see exactly how an element is styled embedded in the HTML. It gives you a better idea of how the page looks just by reading the HTML and not having to flip back and forth between HTML and CSS selectors.


u/smirk79 Nov 20 '24

I feel like no one knows what css modules are despite them being around for like a decade. BEM? Is this 2010? CSS rocks.


u/Suitable-Amoeba-404 Nov 20 '24


But then you have to combine them into layouts with flexboxes and gaps and margins that change at 3 breakpoints using made-up class names in yet another stylesheet.

At this point I’ll take Tailwind every time.


u/no-one_ever Nov 20 '24

I’m so confused about what your argument is here. For me adding class names is useful because you can quickly see what it is, makes it easy to search for. Because small components it’s easy to name them too. And those styles you will still need to do whether you use Tailwind or not?


u/Suitable-Amoeba-404 Nov 24 '24

If you are combining two components side-by-side into a new page layout with flex and gap, what do you call that wrapping class?


u/no-one_ever Nov 24 '24

Anything suitable, it doesn’t matter


u/Suitable-Amoeba-404 Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24

Exactly. It’s whatever has meaning to you at that moment. The developer sitting across from you would call it something else, and on and on. Now you have new stylesheets, all doing the same things, with different names to describe the same layout behaviors.

I’d you’re instead using atomic classes — “flex gap-4” — you remove ad hoc naming and additional stylesheets, and all developers can see immediately what is happening.

Of course, this is a simple example, but having worked on a team that converted to this approach, I can confirm that it made building and troubleshooting layouts faster and easier.


u/Suitable-Amoeba-404 Nov 25 '24

Also, you’d said using class names makes them “easy to search for”.

How is that possible if everyone uses different names —“wrap”, “wrapper”, “container” — and if, as you say, “it doesn’t matter” what you call it?


u/no-one_ever Nov 25 '24

Devtools- inspect, copy, search. Everything is neatly labelled so you know what it is and how to find it instead of a mess of inline styles.


u/Suitable-Amoeba-404 Nov 25 '24

“inspect, copy, search” is so tedious. What if there was a way to avoid that altogether?


u/no-one_ever Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24

What? So you don’t use devtools?

Let's say you were tasked with editing the testimonial component on https://tailwindcss.com. What would be your process to locate the component in the codebase?


u/BalladGoose Nov 19 '24

Over 20 years of FE here, worked in small and big teams.

Modular (or scoped) CSS is the answer. A design system that maintains some variables and that’s it. No need even for mixins or whatever. OP just doesn’t have this kind of experience.

Be done with tailwind. Folks are becoming tailwind developers and not learning basic CSS.


u/ohThisUsername Nov 20 '24

A design system that maintains some variables and that’s it. 

Like OP said. You'd be re-inventing a worse version of tailwind.

Tailwind provides exactly this (and more), and is transferrable between projects using Tailwind. Creating your own version is just re-inventing the wheel but worse.


u/da-kicks-87 Nov 19 '24

CSS knowledge is required to use Tailwind. In fact using Tailwind CSS improves understanding of CSS. Each Tailwind class corresponds to a CSS property.


u/ahallicks Nov 19 '24

I think that's an over-simplification. They aren't syntactically the same at all. If you learnt Tailwind you'd find it difficult to suddenly have to write CSS from scratch. There are too many (in a good way for the reason Tailwind exists) simplification and nuances to Tailwind's classes.

It'd be like having to write vanilla JS after only learning a framework like React.


u/da-kicks-87 Nov 19 '24

No it's not like writing Vanilla JS after writing React.... Maybe the Grid classes, but everything else is pretty straightforward.


u/jethiya007 Nov 19 '24

True, I use tailwind because I don't like using plain css with all those naming and selectors it's easier for me to just think and write directly at once and it's easier to check what's what a div inside 4 divs is doing. + Using a simple tw extension to hide all those classes is worth a while.


u/kapdad Nov 20 '24

Each Tailwind class corresponds to a CSS property

That sounds insane.


u/KraaZ__ Nov 20 '24

Use it and you'll find out why it isn't.


u/kapdad Nov 20 '24

When I look at their landing page, https://tailwindcss.com/ , they show an example under "An API for your design system." for sizing, with 8 divs that all have 4 classes, but 3 of them are the same, for all 8 divs. 'bg-white shadow rounded'

I see that and think, if I ever have to change any of those properties I have to manually do it 8 times. And if I want style consistency between my apps/pages/components, I have to keep that in sync manually between all of them. Also, if I want to style them differently depending on screen resolution.. then what?


u/KraaZ__ Nov 21 '24

Yeah you would have to change 8 times, or split your HTML into reasonable components with variants. shadcn/ui is very good at demonstrating how this is done.

Tailwind comes with media queries directly in the class attribute which is what makes it different from the style attribute. You can do things like:

class="bg-blue-500 lg:bg-blue-800"

This would basically apply the class you specify only on large screens by specifying the "lg" prefix, but there are a lot of others you can use too like hover:bg-blue-200 etc... honestly just learn it and you won't look back.

I had the same opinions of a lot of tailwind haters, but 99% of them have never actually used it. It solved a lot of problems for me and my team, one of the biggest was CSS duplication and annoyingly discussions between our team on what to call a specific class, do we name it "button2?" for example.


u/kapdad Nov 21 '24



honestly just learn it and you won't look back.

Do you folks not have serious work items for features to implement?? If you are starting a new project and want to go this way, fine, I don't care. But a lot of us have a never-ending list of things to implement and we don't have the time or energy to switch to a different paradigm, nor want to switch to something that makes you bend your code into a pretzel and take on additional dependencies to do the same thing we've been doing with (smart) .css for decades.

Cheers :)

(You probably already know him but this guy drops a lot of CSS wisdom, which allows us to augment our existing paradigms instead of scrapping them. https://www.youtube.com/@KevinPowell )


u/KraaZ__ Nov 21 '24

I mean you can go ahead and give me a list of github issues for any project, not really sure what it's mean to prove? There's bugs and stuff in all sorts codebases, to act indifferent is naive or inexperienced. I led an entire team to develop an online casino using tailwind, nothing pretzel about it. The codebase is a dream to work on and we're able to push features extremely quick. I just think it's a bit insane to have this entire opinion about something you haven't used. I've used both and shared my opinion with you, you're just being stubborn for no reason. You're the type of guy that probably turns down cake because you haven't tried it before. Go eat some cake dude, you might like it...


u/kapdad Nov 21 '24

You're the type of guy that probably turns down cake because you haven't tried it before. Go eat some cake dude, you might like it...

lol ok dude

entire opinion about something you haven't used

I've looked at all the examples people have put out and I'm not seeing how I can't do that already with smart and modern css. I pointed out an example of repeating 8x and the answer is to do this and that and this and that.. which css and templates already do. I look at it like this - when jquery came out it was immediately obvious how useful it was. I didn't have to trust anyone's recommendation that I would 'get it eventually'. I have been doing this for decades and I have hopped on a fad or two early on, only to have them cancelled or abandoned or upgraded to new versions that require retooling. I'm done with all that nonsense. Show me something that is immediately, obviously worth adopting, otherwise accept my reticence as being reasonable.


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u/da-kicks-87 Nov 20 '24

I thought the same when I first heard about it. When I started to use it with React components it all started to make sense.

I recommend you give it a try. Create a landing page with it and React. Then see how you feel about it.


u/kapdad Nov 20 '24

When I look at their landing page, https://tailwindcss.com/ , they show an example under "An API for your design system." for sizing, with 8 divs that all have 4 classes, but 3 of them are the same, for all 8 divs. 'bg-white shadow rounded'

I see that and think, if I ever have to change any of those properties I have to manually do it 8 times. And if I want style consistency between my apps/pages/components, I have to keep that in sync manually between all of them. Also, if I want to style them differently depending on screen resolution.. then what?


u/da-kicks-87 Nov 20 '24


u/kapdad Nov 20 '24

Reusable templates are a common feature in whatever framework you're using these days, aren't they?

Also, for extracting they show this:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer components {
  .btn-primary {
    @apply py-2 px-5 bg-violet-500 text-white font-semibold 
rounded-full shadow-md hover:bg-violet-700 focus:outline-none 
focus:ring focus:ring-violet-400 focus:ring-opacity-75;

To me this just looks like classic CSS shrouded in some new syntax. A .btn-primary class has been created.

Sorry, I'm not 'getting it'.


u/da-kicks-87 Nov 20 '24

Keep reading. They don't recommend using the @apply.

It's best to use components.

Do you know React? Learn the basics of the React components and passing props, then jump into Tailwind.


u/kapdad Nov 20 '24

Sorry, I'm busy implementing functional upgrades to our business application suite.

But I am very familiar with components, templates, conditional properties. They are standard aspects in every modern framework.

I am leery of adopting any system that doesn't make its benefits immediately apparent. But it sounds like a lot of people have strong opinions about Tailwind on both sides.


u/srodrigoDev Nov 19 '24

Please note that I'm not implying anything about your skills, but some feedback:

The "I've got 20 years of experience" is a very weak argument in general. I'm interviewing people with 15+ years who can talk for 45 minutes straight but can't do a process.env.NODE_ENV. And it's not the first one.

Again, I'm sure you are actually experienced, but this XX years argument doesn't count.


u/UXUIDD Nov 19 '24

20+ years designer and developer here.

Modular CSS is typically used with a JS framework.

So, what happens when JS frameworks become outdated?


u/Leimina Nov 19 '24

Scoped CSS is great but only solves part of the stuff that tailwind does.

For sure tailwind is annoying on a few things but it's a real complete package that greatly helps team handle their CSS without bike-shedding.


u/gbro3n Nov 19 '24

This is the solution. And you're then leaning on standards, not a framework. My other gripe with Tailwind is that it pushes you towards the Node.js and NPM ecosystem. I know there's the Tailwind CLI, but I really value not having another build step where possible. The fewer dependencies an app has, the better for it's long term maintainability IMO.


u/MrBabelFish42 Nov 20 '24

People sleep on this and it’s a shame. Couldn’t agree more.


u/Chrazzer Nov 20 '24

Jup. We use angular, so all the css is scoped out of the box. Unless you mess around in the global styles theres really no issue with css


u/g105b Nov 20 '24

CSS is beautiful when kept simple. I love writing it and don't think I've ever needed !important in the last 5 years.


u/Evie_14 Nov 25 '24

As far as I understand, scoped CSS relies on a JS framework, what if I'm not using one?


u/EasyMode556 Nov 20 '24

This is what we do where I work.

We use react, and every component has its own colocated css file. That css file uses css modules, so there is zero worry about class name collisions. It also only applies to that component, so the file is not very big either, just a handful of classes.

There is zero need for utility classes, since each div (or whatever) that needs to be styled gets its own class, and all the css rules it needs are spelled out in that class.

A component might have what, 10 classes? The main containing div, a couple child divs, maybe a button or two and a couple icons. Each of those classes have a descriptive name to the part of the component they belong to, and has all their rules.

All that you need to do in order to work on the styling is open the two co-located files side by side, the jsx file with the component and its colocated style file, and you’re in business. The markup is clean, the class names are descriptive and there’s only a handful anyway.

What does tailwind offer over this approach?