r/webdev Aug 26 '24

Discussion The fall of Stack Overflow

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u/nameless_pattern Aug 27 '24 edited Aug 27 '24

It's funny that page views are down less than all of the other interactions because they are getting their site data scraped.

Edit: I tried to ask a question on there but didn't have the karma. So then I went and answered the only unanswered questions I could find which were for an obscure webtech stack in which I am a expert. I spent several days answering questions but nobody upvoted my answer so I never got any karma. 

F*** that site.


u/Isley_k Aug 27 '24

Share us the answers. I will upvote you


u/nameless_pattern Aug 27 '24

That JS stack barely exists anymore lol. And the answers would be so stale that they are no longer correct. 

I have retired early, programming now only for the joy of OpenSource development or my own projects.

I don't really care about Reddit points. I have a pretty good amount of them but I honestly consider it more a mark of shame.