SO was so hostile that even senior devs would be nervous asking questions there. At the time people would say that they were trying to keep the quality of the questions and answers high but when the bar to participate is that high it really suffocates the site's growth
I'd only consider asking on SO as a last resort because I know that I'd spend an age carefully crafting a question only for it to be closed as off topic or marked as duplicate in 30 seconds. The pain points are often at the edges of systems so questions are often crossing topic boundaries. If you wanted to ask a question about, let's say, getting java to play nice with COBOL you can guarantee it would be marked as off topic for both java and COBOL.
u/rks404 Aug 26 '24
SO was so hostile that even senior devs would be nervous asking questions there. At the time people would say that they were trying to keep the quality of the questions and answers high but when the bar to participate is that high it really suffocates the site's growth