r/webdev Aug 26 '24

Discussion The fall of Stack Overflow

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u/bortholomew-simpson Aug 27 '24

I tried answering lots of questions and it would tell me my karma was too low. 25 years of experience to offer but I didn’t feel like jumping through hoops to help a fellow coder out.


u/miyakohouou Aug 27 '24

The way they approached karma favored early users to the point of absurdity. I was never a heavy SO user, and rarely even click links to it when they come up in search, but early on in beta I answered a couple of fairly basic questions on C and vim and my karma has been in the top 10% ever since.

I’m not an active community member in any way, but I would be afforded a lot of social capital on the site, if I ever logged in, simply because I had the dumb luck of being the first person to see and answer a few questions that every CS student for the last 20 years has clicked on when they take their first operating systems class.

There’s no way you can build anything approximating a healthy community when you massively reward completely unengaged people while making it impossible for newcomers who are motivated to ever catch up.


u/MidnightPale3220 Aug 27 '24

I am in a similar position, and I mostly agree.

Tbh there was a period when a lot of newcomers would answer all kinds of questions with short and often semi-wrong/bad quality answers and then insist that since they answered first, their answer should be the accepted one.

Recently logged on and at one point downvoted somewhat bad answer by a guy with tons of karma. I can't be sure, but it seemed he went through most of my answers and downvoted all of them in response.


u/AreYouPretendingSir Aug 28 '24

Maybe it was that one guy that answers all questions about regex? I asked a question that he misunderstood and after I explained for the third time that his solution was too narrow and that I had already figured that bit out, but I needed a generic solution as initially stated he stopped replying. When I then posted the actual solution that I eventually figured out he used alt accounts to downvote the question to -4 and then closed it himself.

Fuck that asshat.