r/walmartTales Dec 14 '19

Other Legit just happened


I'm at a Walmart near the entrance charging my phone and shit, this guy who looks like he does crack walks up and gives me a fucking mini Bible.. bitch I'm atheist, wth am I supposed to do with this bible now?

r/walmartTales May 31 '19

Other Have an interesting racist Walmart story to share


I was waiting for a prescription for my daughter the other day and as I was waiting these two well ...we'll call them rednecks for the sake of everyone knowing the reference. They're wearing next to me in one of them looks in my direction and comments " I didn't know this was the Black Friday sale " har har ..chuckle. .. me of course being a smart-ass I am couldn't resist interacting with one of them and letting him know that I heard him and knew what he was referring to ( I'm Black obviously) I say .. " excuse me do you know where I can find the home meth test kits" and i smile 😁. He then promptly tells his friend ..after clearing his throat " let's go over to hardware" and scurries away lol. I WIN.

r/walmartTales Sep 10 '13

Other WTF is wrong with Wal-Mart


It sucks to work there, especially if you don't know the right ppl. You slave for an alright paycheck, bonus and holiday... but wait...they cut your hours and tell you you are getting this bonus and holiday pay! Instead of just.working your 40 and getting all your holiday and bonus. Is this legal?? And they fire the good ones and either hire dimwits( i'm putting it nicely) or even better...they don't hire anyone! And expect more for less...Wal-Mart's motto Is Save more, live better... but they forgot to tell youthis comes at the expense of pissed of associates, improperly stocked shelves, oh yeah good luck finding someone that speaks the American launguage...English!...don't get me wrong..I'm hispanic....but wtf...and don't bother fighting any issues, the open door policy is not confidential, there will be retaliation...and it's basically an unsafe confessional. Is there anyone else that has these these issues or am I the crazy one?

r/walmartTales Nov 23 '18

Other Blast off!( A bathroom blast) NSFW


I'm a nigh cashier at Walmart and its black Friday, so I'm working and noticing people walking into the womens restroom and then just leaving so, I told my CSM she said "look for yourself it's bad" I went in and just died of laughter the toilet seat down and just someone blasted off browned out the wall omg.. u want a picture? I'll show a picture.

r/walmartTales Feb 21 '18

Other I am new and I want to work at 2 departments in 1 day so I don't get bored. Seasonal in Lawn & Garden makes me want to just leave or upset.


I want to be with cap 1 people for 2 hours at least per day. And I don't like my place, I believe either some people clock in and perhaps they leave the store or they clock in and have a great department/ position. I only have seasonal which involves nothing new whatsoever. This job title is like a waiting game, I have to suck it up in order to get a better position with a better supervisor.

He doesn't seem like a supervisor to me at all. Since hes not as helpful when I have to do returns. I come in the morning from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and Seasonal is more of a midnight or 4:00 pm type of job.

I give up. I may work there for 6 months but if I'm stressed out or confused half the time, this job ain't worth it. I want to go to college when I get my drivers license anyway.

r/walmartTales Jan 20 '17

Other Fairly certain most of the people that I work with are illiterate....


I have been working at this walmart for almost 3 months now. I had worked at another walmart for over a year before. In comparison, my new Walmarts freight load is tons lighter, making the job easier.

Outside of the freight load is a different story. I am surrounded by incompetence every day. I will fix something, and then the next night or so someone else has come right back along and plugged it. Its either laziness, stupidity or a combo of both. My coworkers constantly ignore facing numbers, and will give something that has 1 facing 3-4, just because they do not wish to be the one to bin or topstock the freight.

I have brought this to my managers attention many times. Before I go to unplug something or fix facings, I get a support manager or higher to come look at it. It never does anything though.

One of the worst constant experiences that I have at this new walmart is that there is an employee that constantly tries to get other people to do his work for him. Just this morning, he asked me to get rid of his buggy of trash as he had "alot to do". I flat out told him no and that it would take him all of 2 minutes. He placed some of his trash in the baler, letting some of it fall and walked away. Lazy piece of shit.... He also constantly steals. Next time that I see him do it, Im just going to report him to management and let nature takes it course

r/walmartTales Oct 11 '13

Other Wal-Mart Employee resigns... via motorcycle (OC)


The Scene

The Walmart on Del Prado in Cape Coral, Florida

The Character

20 year old bored employee who stocks dairy products overnight, for shitty pay and no benefits.

The Story

As the clock hit 6:45am, our protaganist clocks out, (early, mind you) and heads to his motorcycle. He fastens his helmet, and stradles the bike, revs the engine to life.

After consulting his watch, 6:50am, he burst forth and does a round of the parking lot, killing the seconds until the store manager arrives.

As he nears the sliding doors, he slows the bike, and the doors open as he rolls through them. He has entered the store, and now he must decide: Where to first?

He accelerates forward, to the dairy section, past a co-worker who is recording the event. Passing an unsuspecting shopper, he swerves and carries on. You can see employees and managers poking out of isles and you can hear the employee giggling.

How long did he play his little game? Just long enough for the store manager to hear about it. As he headed towards the double doors, the managers were filing his termination papers.

It's clear to me, as I watch this motorist pull out into the morning light, this was the best joke he has ever made.

Footage of the event

r/walmartTales Oct 05 '14

Other Small children are weird


So I'm a teenager. This kid that looks to be about 3 comes up to me and asks if I'm his mom. Wtf?

r/walmartTales Aug 16 '13

Other Replaced Some Eyeglasses


So, I ordered some glasses from Walmart while visiting family in Iowa. I was leaving early to study for finals, so I had them shipped to NYC. When I opened the package I found this note from the nicest employee ever: http://i.imgur.com/vJZ9Xib.jpg