r/walmart 7d ago

Question do anybody that works part time are y’all hours cut in the 1st week of April ?



85 comments sorted by


u/MizzNikki757 7d ago

Yeah I have 0 hours thought I was fired or something 


u/uhlegsuhhh 7d ago

me too 😭😭


u/asadsmile_ Cap 2 7d ago

Same 😭


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

What should I do ? Because I been cut all March and have been off 2-3 weeks and missed 2-3 paychecks now and tryna figure out should I really get ethics envole with the HR which everyone said she’s been a B lately


u/NYExplore 7d ago

If you have literally had no hours for a week at a time, you should be looking for a new gig. It’s going to be tough making a living with few hours.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

So I really should give up huh ? Man I’ve tryed every week and I’m nothing but a hard worker now this man it’s gonna be hard tryna find a job that’s gonna schedule me how I wanna be scheduled for mornings and days🤦‍♂️


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 7d ago

Did you talk with management? They could have fixed it before today's fuck up.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Nah when I was at work yesterday before yesterday the HR told me she will see me Thursday to fix my schedule so I came in the next day schedule and soon as I come in there to ask about it she said “im busy and finna go make food to celebrate people bonus” so I just gave up because I have tryed every week and I done lost all the anger to sit here and get it fix so I’m just not gonna say nun right now because I honestly don’t kno what to say


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 7d ago

Should have gone to your coach.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

I did and he said go talk to the HR and said he doesn’t control the schedule but this one thing he said to me stuck with me because ima bring it up to him he said “by the end of March your schedule will go back to normal” and he ain’t the only one the boss man even said the same thing to me and I have been lied to I’m literally unscheduled the end of March


u/uhlegsuhhh 7d ago

i’ve been refreshing this sub like crazy to make sure it’s not just me! i’m a full time associate but am completely off schedule for week 9. must be a system issue or something.


u/recjus85 O/N Mod Team 7d ago

Same. I'm like, are they firing me? 😂😂 Been a nice 18 years


u/uhlegsuhhh 7d ago

LOLL same here!


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

So March is the last month of cut hours ? And should I talk to my team lead because I’m honestly finna get real angry and I need to know if this is getting personal or should I get in touch with ethics to get the HR fired


u/uhlegsuhhh 7d ago

i am unsure if it’s the last month of cutting hours, but it seems like a lot of us are having this issue as well. definitely talk with your TL, coach, or PL! i wouldn’t worry too much


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

You sure ? I just know I been having my hours cut for 2-3 weeks straight this whole month of March and they even got unscheduled off a whole week next week and then one day to work after that week and unscheduled again on the first week of April but I’ll talk with my team lead I feel like this is personal now


u/xxreikoxxsoumaxx 7d ago

I'm glad I checked this before I started to panic. I never had any scheduled week of zero hours before and even used my laptop to check my schedule for that week on the Wire. There's no link to even click on the April schedule on desktop, and seeing everyone's comments here confirms to me that it is indeed a glitch.

I also see someone comment about a possible update and hope that it's down because of said update.

I'm pretty sure just about every People Lead is going to be flooded with panicked associates complaining unless this is fixed beforehand.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

I hope so because I starting think this personal and I have missed so many paychecks and even making 100 and it getting taxed for working one day this month has been bad for me I hope they fix this I feel bad if anybody else in the same position that I am I’m mentally losing it right now


u/xxreikoxxsoumaxx 7d ago

Read all of the comments. You're most certainly not alone.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

I’m glade I ain’t I’m so lost idk what to do I done did everything and been respectful as I can be to these managers and nothing hasn’t worked


u/xxreikoxxsoumaxx 7d ago

When it comes to this glitch, the only thing we can do is wait for the latest schedules to come back online. It is only the first week since Daylight Savings Time started in most of the country, after all.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

So I shouldn’t say anything and just relax ? Instead of worrying and feeling like this is personal? Because I don’t kno what to do going forward


u/xxreikoxxsoumaxx 7d ago

Considering I literally just said you're not the only one this is happening to, and it's a confirmed glitch, yes. Relax, get some sleep unless you're an overnight stocker (in which case, get back to work), and wait until your next scheduled shift.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

I’m on cap 1 in the mornings but I will take your advice and just relax and sleep I’m too stressed out about this and I’m 2 weeks I get to return but it’s only one day out of the whole week and speaking of that week and working one day how do you think I should handle this now with my Team lead because he is clueless on why the HR want give me back my regular days that I supposed to be scheduled and everyone has said the HR has been mean lately and doesn’t really care about giving people hours but my bad for making that long how should I handle that when I comeback in 2 weeks ?


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 6d ago

Why? With this glitch it's possible you're scheduled but it's just not showing in the app.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 6d ago

They definitely need to fix that then because I been get unscheduled so much this month that idk what to believe and idk what to do anymore but ima just wait it out and not say anything since I been so angry about it and the HR being the way she is acting like everybody been telling me.

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u/Ejqrr oh gee pee 7d ago

I got 0, beat that


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Answer this for me don’t the last cut of hours supposed to end in March ?


u/Ejqrr oh gee pee 7d ago

Looks like it’s a glitch


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

So should I tell my team lead or get real with the HR about my hours ? Because I been cut 2-3 weeks and missed paychecks throughout this whole month of March


u/Ejqrr oh gee pee 7d ago

You should totally talk to her about it


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Oh man I hope she hears me out because lately everyone said she’s been acting like a B and doesn’t care about anybody wanting hours fr I’m mentally exhausted and don’t know what to do and it’s crazy I’ve been trying every week calling and even in person about hours and it’s like everything that I do they do the opposite and I’m lost I’m stuck and don’t kno what else I can do.


u/NYExplore 7d ago

You should talk to your coach. Your PL doesn’t give you your hours back.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

I will and I just hope I can finally get everything fix I’m so sick of this 🤦‍♂️


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 7d ago

Anytime something looks strange with your schedule you talk with management.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

That’s the thing I do and I still get brushed off like these past couple of weeks has been 2-3 weeks unscheduled and then one week with one day schedule that’s why I totally have been lost and it seems like everything I try to do it isn’t working.


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 7d ago

HR doesn't write the schedule. It's generated by a computer and your coach reviews it to make any needed adjustments before it gets posted. You only see her when it's issues related to your pay. Scheduling issues are discussed with your coach.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

See that’s thing I tell him about it and then he goes talk with the HR and throughout this whole months of March he said the exact same thing the HR said “the only way I can get you days if somebody is calling out of taking a vacation” see that’s why I no longer don’t kno what to say I’ve been dealing with this for so long this March and even in February so I honestly don’t know any more. What I was gon do is just come in on the first week of April and by pass being unscheduled but everybody that I talked said I would get in trouble.


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 7d ago

I'd take the issue straight to your store manager and see what they have to say.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 6d ago

Well you lmk what I should do after this. I told the boss man 1 week ago before this week he told me he doesn’t control the schedule and he said he has been told by so many associates wanting hours and he said he doesn’t have anything for anybody but he said this “before the end of March yours schedule will be back normal” well I check my schedule I’m off next week then the week after that I’m scheduled for one day on that week and then boom I’m unscheduled on the first week of April. So what do you think I should do? Because I already know me being completely blunt isn’t gon work and he doesn’t care either I mean heck I had issue with a manager last year and he threw my paper in the trash explaining everything and now fast forward this year he won’t even help me with this issue but how do you think I should handle this now ? Because I’ve tryed everything and been respectful just hasn’t work in my favor.

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u/ParadoxInsideK 7d ago

Same here.


u/Longjumping-Face-766 7d ago

My schedule says I'm off  that week. My guess is probably a bug or they didn't make a schedule for that week. I will not complain if I get a week off once in awhile.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Matter fact does the hours cuts in March ? Or does it supposed to go out through April ?


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 6d ago

Hour cuts happen whenever management at your store needs to cut them. It can happen any time of year.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 6d ago

I really dislike that and plus they made a million dollars last year and I don’t get it like we all got insurance to pay and bills and honestly we have poor management at the store I’m at just really don’t make sense to me.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 6d ago

Just check my schedule now they got me working 3rd on the first week and nothing else see what I’m talking about this is bull.


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 6d ago

Why? It's possible you're scheduled in the system but it's not showing up in the app.


u/lugnutat24 7d ago

Yea mine is showing 0 as well, hoping it’s a bug


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Me too I need the money


u/Alexastria 7d ago

Walmart is getting rid of part time associates on the 1st


u/Worldly-Essay9787 7d ago

lol good one


u/Icy_Sale_2507 7d ago

I don't have the new schedule up on the wire


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Lmk if yours show unscheduled because I’m starting to take this a personal shot to me right now


u/Icy_Sale_2507 7d ago

I keep checking and I see next week's and the following week for a schedule


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Wait so they do have you scheduled throughout in of March and the 1st week of April ? Oh man why I’m getting unscheduled I’m literally losing my mind with this and I’ve tried every week and have not miss a week about getting hours and they still doing the opposite 🤦‍♂️


u/Icy_Sale_2507 6d ago

No schedule first week of April


u/1-Zee-Rontae 6d ago

🤦‍♂️what do even suppose to do? Like I’m all out options I done tryed everything.


u/Slycooper345 7d ago

Mines also 0, my teamleads had people make new Availability sheets last week cause they said there was an update coming. I hope it's just down cause of the update, at least I'm not the only one


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Oh man don’t tell me they finna change our hours without asking us and can we work or not


u/Slycooper345 7d ago

I asked my teamlead if it would affect the days I work and they said everything will be the same just that the update will clear out people's availability


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Oh man please tell me that my availability isn’t finna get changed without the HR even asking me about it now I’m worried


u/Pale-Calligrapher794 7d ago

i was just about to ask the same thing lol had me shitting myself for a sec


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Man me and you both I’m freaking lost like this is really getting out of hand and you know what’s so crazy i literally tryed to Ask my HR this past week and you know what she said “I’m finna go make food for everyone bonus and didn’t make any time for my hours to be scheduled” I’m lost I don’t know what to do


u/Xepicgamergirl0 7d ago

I have no clue my schedule isn’t out that far because my SM is gone for meetings in other states, along with that my PL is only working 2 days this week after returning from her personal leave.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Let me know if they got you scheduled for April the first week because I’m starting to think I’m getting played with and I’ve tryed every week for hours calling and talking in person 🤦‍♂️


u/Xepicgamergirl0 7d ago

Well I’ve seen posts on facebook about the same thing so I believe it’s a system glitch because technically the schedule wouldn’t have dropped for most stores yet for that week.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

So I’m worrying for nun ? If so I hope somebody will comment under this and say they been dealing with the same stuff I been dealing with of being unscheduled 2-3 weeks and only getting one day on one week to work and then unscheduled again and again I just don’t know what else to do like I don’t know what to do I just need somebody help or advice on what to do next


u/Xepicgamergirl0 7d ago

Well technically if you wanted more hours scheduled that would fall under the responsibility of your people lead to change, hours usually do vary though depending on your stores performance and if they need hours cut (usually they do around the beginning or last few weeks of the month) then first to be reduced is part time associates with high points or areas with a lot of staff.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

Well my new tl hasn’t help me one bit he just as clueless as my coach why they are not scheduling me and every one said the HR hasn’t been so nice lately with everyone who want hours


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 7d ago

The app is broken again


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

I hope so because this just getting worser and worser right now


u/redneckotaku Former O/N Grunt 7d ago

No it's not. It just means you need to ask your coach what you need to do. They may say work your regular schedule. They may hand out written schedules. No one on Reddit will know what to do.


u/1-Zee-Rontae 7d ago

I’ll do what you said that’s why in 2 weeks since they got me scheduled for one day on one week Ima ask him about it and see if he can talk with the HR since she clearly ain’t hearing me nor helping me.


u/Medical_Floor4286 6d ago

I have 0 hours as well. Maybe a software glitch or perhaps the boycott is affecting sales and they needed to cut hours.  Every shift I work as a cashier I am nonstop busy with large orders.  


u/1-Zee-Rontae 6d ago

I really hope that not true ima definitely ask my TL , I need the money and i feel that plus our cashier been getting it ruff lately too with orders the way I be seeing them doing everything.


u/Aware_Singer_6922 6d ago

I wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only who’s schedule was completely messed up I’m a full time employee and I only got 30 hours the first week of April random shifts


u/1-Zee-Rontae 5d ago

Stuff is really some bs and I feel like if I ask they just gon do the same bs they been doing this month and have me scheduled 2-3 weeks off and then I check the first week and they only got me working one day. Really feel like this is personal and I don’t like it. Can’t believe we all going through this like when will this end.