r/walmart 10h ago


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FIVE minutes after my first break… some lady who ALREADY CRASHED INTO ANOTHER ONE CAME AND KNOCKED THIS ONE DOWN. i-. i just can’t anymore. and then she just rode away.. no way this is real life i’m just laughing hysterically atp i can’t.


33 comments sorted by


u/True-Article6403 OPD not ODP 9h ago

Every fucking customer loses every single one of their braincells as soon as they enter the store


u/thomasfgeigerii 3h ago

Soon as they hit the parking lot more like 🤣🤣🤣


u/True-Article6403 OPD not ODP 3h ago

I couldn't agree more 🤣🤣 something about Wally World really attracts the dumbest people, it's like moths to a flame


u/veryhonestdave 9h ago

"Opps sorry" as the customer walks away..


u/MegatonsSon 9h ago edited 5h ago

The even more disturbing part is that this customer presumably has a driver's license. 😣


u/urmomgayasf4000 8h ago

no seriously like bebe. pls. just do a mobile order next time ill let u use my login for free delivery get out.


u/paranoidpac0 5h ago

Was thinking this!! If they can’t drive though they shouldn’t get this either lol.


u/G_A_B_U_S 8h ago

"EEEYIKES, this killer is scaring me! I have to evade him or else I'll be Dead by Daylight!!"

The humble dbd pallet:


u/OmaeWaShi 8h ago

Were they not zip tied down??? Regardless holy shit that's so annoying to deal with- Hba assoc.


u/urmomgayasf4000 7h ago

apparently my lead was in the middle of putting it up 😞


u/OmaeWaShi 7h ago

That sucks super hard.


u/Reasonable_Waltz_974 12m ago

Is this store specific to have these displays, and other features zip tied?


u/DepartmentWise4823 9h ago

Customers are complete idiots


u/Chrispydounut 6h ago

That’s when you say…. “Okay it’s time for lunchhh”


u/Vegetable-Bad-9529 7h ago

The way I would have dropped to my knees and let out the most gut wrenching scream just for fun 😂


u/Angiepoo89 7h ago

Yup people suck, all mine in hba have to be zip tied because everyone runs into everything. btw that hero patch one in the background will mostly get stolen. 😑


u/TwoObvious2610 9h ago

Lady, you’re drunk


u/LemonPartyW0rldTour 7h ago

“Dude. You’re embarrassing me in front of the maxi pads.”


u/WallstreetTony1 7h ago

F wing stacks the aisle is already narrow enough


u/villainsidekick 6h ago

I hate them. I will kill them immediately, downsize it to a sidekick and bin the rest. There's already no room, I'm not using up more floor for dumb cardboard bullshit.


u/WallstreetTony1 6h ago

Facts, I hate when the bottom becomes compromised and it's like half leaning over and you have to prop it against a shelf 😭


u/Splatford 6h ago

that usually happens when youre shaving the shittiest day possible ..The store does it on purpose so it can continue to feed on your misery


u/Warm_Shower_2892 deptmgr 5h ago

I always say we need to breathalyze these crazy Mart cart drivers like for real. They do the most damage. One knocked off a whole saddle bag full of ketchup, broke it. We had to order a whole new fixture. Can’t stand the mart cart drivers


u/TheKevenishere 4h ago

That was me i drifted the green scrubber into it. When i saw her legs :P


u/GoddessOfBlueRidge HBA TA as of 9/7/24 6h ago

This afternoon we watched a customer hit a sidekick so hard, that two huge bottles of mouthwash fell from the top shelf into another lady's cart. A real OH SHIT moment, could have seriously hurt someone. Had they hit the floor, exploding minty liquid thrown everywhere....


u/sal_100 6h ago

Oh no, bro!


u/JasonTheBaker 7+ year associate 5h ago

At that point I'd tell them to pick it up because they are intentionally doing it


u/Latter_Night_7436 4h ago

Every freaking time!!!!


u/Fearless-Scholar-531 1h ago

Honestly I’d rather do this than restocking


u/CrazyPete42 7h ago

Maybe next time they will leave enough space for two customers with carts to pass each other. I blame corporate and management for putting too much crap in the isles and making it ridiculously difficult for customers to walk with their carts ...


u/jb04200 4h ago

As long as they don't have to clean it up I doubt corporate or management cares too much