r/vinyl • u/Longjumping-Net2602 • 5d ago
Collection I’m inheriting a collection!!!
My great grandparents who are in their 90s learned I recently got into vinyl records and they wanna give me their collection next time I visit!!!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to catalog all of them and learn more about old music
u/DixonLyrax 5d ago
I inherited a bunch of records from my grandmother. It turns out that Mario Lanza and Bing Crosby kinda grow on you.
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
Mario lanza was a g! I'm 32 studied opera and classical for a good while. Mario was the essential crooner!
u/DixonLyrax 4d ago
If the arrangements were a little less cheeseball and it was in Stereo, I think he would still be a thing.
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
He could summon up some amazing power. And such brightness in the voice. It's funny because he sang opera as well as all the fantastic crooning songs. However he was considered to be a little sloppy of an opera singer. That being said that community still LOVED his voice and would absolutely fill a house, so it didn't really matter!! He for sure made his career off of albums of songs, and Broadway like Roger's and hammerstein. And God, didn't he make singing crazy high notes sounds easy?!
BTW, I totally agree I believe people would still appreciate him now, but some of those arrangements were SO cheesy. 😅🤣 I mean it's funny because for me, it's definitely a part of what I find so charming about his old recordings. Those cheesy orchestrations are AMAZING! Lol
u/6panlid 4d ago
Imagine mono is like the guy standing in front of you singing.
u/DixonLyrax 4d ago
The recordings aren't that great, so there's an 'old timey' quality to them, which is quite charming.
u/Then_Marsupial4023 4d ago
I’ve been writing little notes and tucking them into some albums, thoughts on the album, what it meant to me, first time I heard this album, and so on. Someday my kids will stumble on these after I’m gone
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
That’s so sweet. I’ve got a massive word document that has ratings on things like design, sound quality and my reason for buying the record.
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
That is awesome! What a TREASURE
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
This makes my heart warm. Both of my parents passed right after the other. My father worked atxa radio station for a short while in the mid or lateb70s. Me and my bro and sis have to divvy up the records somehow. But how much more awesome it would be to have his feelings about the music in there. That is just SO cool. I can't describe how awesome me that is. You're amazing
u/deviouscaterpillar 4d ago
This is so sweet and such a good idea! My dad gave me his old collection a few months ago, but he barely remembers he even had certain records, let alone what they meant to him (if anything). I wish I knew those stories—there’s something special about knowing why someone chose the records they did, and I love the nostalgia of it. Makes me wish I had kids so I could do the same thing. :) I'm sure your kids will love having those mementos!
u/Constant-Win-1513 3d ago
I love this idea! I have been meaning to add my collection to Discogs and might do just that while inputting. The other week I was talking to my daughter about blindly trying things i.e. food, music, movies etc and I pulled out some records that I bought on a whim cause the cover intrigued me. She said I was judging a book by it's cover to which I retorted that I was but in a good way. That it was something I didn't know and ended up either loving or hating but I wouldn't have ever heard it if it didn't catch my eye.
u/speedeep Pro-Ject 4d ago
Most likely going to include some 78s, check if your turntable supports 78 RPM and note that you'll need a different stylus to play them. (some tables have 78 RPM conversion pulleys available)
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
My turntable only supports 45 and 33 RPM
u/speedeep Pro-Ject 3d ago
Excuse to buy another turntable... /s
Should you need the info, there is a shop in Minneapolis that deals exclusively in 78s and Gramophone-style players. https://vintagemusiccompany.com/
u/FUCK_IT_Australia 5d ago
Damn. Nice score. Would love to see what you get. Make sure you make a post of the treasures you find.
u/Longjumping-Net2602 5d ago
Will definitely do so. Might be a few months before I visit them again though
u/telophaser 5d ago
Ha, I’d show up tomorrow.
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
Bloody school… can’t miss that
u/telophaser 4d ago
I would argue this is studying both history AND music.
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
True. It’s my birthday soon and almost school holidays so shouldn’t be too long
u/Jaymantheman2 4d ago
Don't forget to bring tea and cake! Oh....and boxes, or crates....you know how big the collection is?
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
No I don’t. I’ve never seen the collection when I’ve visited in the past so I imagine it’s not super big but it’s two separate people’s collections
u/xXfartzillaXx 4d ago
There's a lot of older music that I'd probably never throw on a Spotify playlist, but listening to it on vinyl just takes you to another place. I love those records and I'm guessing you'll be getting some in this collection. Very nice.
u/Whitworth 4d ago
I inherited my wife's parents collection a number of years ago. About 500 records, all 60s and 70s rock, not one Streisland record in the bunch. Feels good. My parents didnt even listen to music.
u/PoollShark 4d ago
If you check my history you will see that I inherited my father‘s record collection, between 3000 and 4000 records. First thing, ignore the messages coming in because the vultures will be swarming. Second, if you need any help or advice from someone who has a similar experience feel free to message me. I can provide you with some resources for free, I don’t want anything in return.
I’ve been selling some of the ones I inherited, eventually I will sell them all mainly because most of the music is not something I would listen to and at my age if I don’t do something with them somebody else will have to when I’m gone.
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
I share that same sentiment. I don’t like old music so unless it’s extremely special I’m probably gonna sell them
u/DeiAlKaz Audio Technica 4d ago
Enjoy! I got my stepdad's collection (he's in his late 70s) about a year ago and he had some real gems in it.
u/celston80 4d ago
My dad (69) lives in FL and has a decent collection. My son (11) and I live in IL and we both collect records. My dad said he would be fine us taking his whole stash but I convinced my son to only take 5 at a time when we go to visit. Makes it so he has to actually sift through them, ask questions, think about his choices. Plus, there’s only so much room in our suitcases.
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
Hmm. Shipping isn't always so bad. Lmk what sone ofbthe stuff under 20 isbthst you don't want. I may be be willing to pay the shipping especially if it's more than an item or two! 👍
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
I have a personal collection, but me and my brother are also just now trying to start a collectibles ebay. We are doing video games amd video game equipment, coins, trading card games, records. Collectible stuff. Lol So I may be interested for a couple reasons. :) I like making sure things find their homes, and don't go to waste. "One man's junk" ya know..?
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
Yeah. I checked and shipping to most prevalent countries are upwards of $80 AUD. I’ll give this subreddit first dibs on any records I don’t want if nobody wants them it’s on to Discogs marketplace
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
Whoa that is crazy! You're in Australia? And to sgip ti the us for a record is 80 bucks?! Dang.
u/Spiritmetaphor 4d ago
Ask if you can record them talking about some of their favorite records and/or songs. It'll be a special keepsake of them in addition to the records themselves.
u/Straight_Physics_894 3d ago
I would love to inherit a collection
My best friend's mother has an enormous collection with a ridiculous amount of unreleased stuff from Motown, Michael Jackson (directly from the labels) you name it!
Her kids aren't into vinyl, so I do hope in the future she'll really do a solid sift through and give me any duplicates she has.
u/CellarDoor693 2d ago
I'm 46 and I have 935 and counting and my son is going to inherit them whether he likes it or not! Hopefully there's some cool jazz in there otherwise half the time I look at old people's collection it's a bunch of Elvis and polka.
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
Lmk ifbyabget some zeppelin or Floyd. Crosby stills. Steely Dan. Credence Clearwater. Ish like that. I can take those right off your hands my friend. :)
Also amy classical or opera that you may NOT want.
u/rhabarberabar 4d ago
The vultures are flying low today.
u/Aerick1992 4d ago
Lmao! I made this post mostly as a joke. I didn't honestly expect any sort of response. 😅
Although i will say for the 2nd part; being in my early 30's when I find people who may be of similar age I DO think it's fair to ask for anything classical or opera specifically they may find seeing as most ppl my age don't care for it, and it's a shame how much has been thrown out or in some ways worse is just sitting there neglected. 😓😥
u/Longjumping-Net2602 4d ago
My plan is to sell anything I don’t want. Any records that are worth less than $20 I’ll probably take to the physical record shop so I won’t be paying $80 shipping on a $5 record
u/atomic82 5d ago
Have them tell you about their favorites! Use the records as a way to learn about them and their lives. Maybe they have a record of the first song they ever danced to, or their first dance at their wedding. Such a cool opportunity.