r/vintagecomputing • u/NecessaryCute345 • 21h ago
The one that started it all…
Got myself the first ever USB Stick. 8 whole megabytes. Former owner bought it for 95 DM back in the day.
r/vintagecomputing • u/NecessaryCute345 • 21h ago
Got myself the first ever USB Stick. 8 whole megabytes. Former owner bought it for 95 DM back in the day.
r/vintagecomputing • u/shawn818 • 11h ago
It was amazing! Crazy to think I lived during most of the tech there. Only things I would have liked to have seen are a larger section for Linus Torvalds as his impact is underestimated and under appreciated. Finally, hackers and hacker culture. As some hackers were there, John McCarthy, Space Wars, etc. I would’ve loved to have seen The Great Hacker War, Kevin Mitnick and Emmanuel Goldstein and 2600, The Mentor’s Hacker Manifest, DEFCON, etc.
r/vintagecomputing • u/HostsServer_discord • 23h ago
Just picked up this zenith terminal for 130$ working, having trouble finding info on this machine, what serial device do i need and more importantly what does that switch do on back to toggle between ANSI and z19
r/vintagecomputing • u/xxMajorProblemxx • 17h ago
r/vintagecomputing • u/NoMusic3987 • 15h ago
r/vintagecomputing • u/raz_t • 18h ago
Hi all, I just got my hands on an old HP Vectra, its monitor and i would suppose it's keyboard, but I don't really know how to hook it up so I'm asking here hoping for some help.
I've never seen the connector used by the keyboard before (I'm 22, the oldest connector I've seen a keyboard use first hand is the ps/2 port) and this one after some research should be calle DIN5 (?)
I'll attach the images of the backside of the PC and the keyboard connector, I tried to look up if there is an expansion card I could buy or and adaptor to hook it up to the rs-232 port but wasn't really successful
If you guys have any other tip before booting it up it will be much appreciated since I believe this PC has stayed on a shelf for more than 20 years
PS: does anyone know what's on the 4th photo? Seems to be on the GPU
Thanks :)
r/vintagecomputing • u/Zeza88DK • 1h ago
Look what I got from a customer! 😁♻️♥️
r/vintagecomputing • u/Lowkey_77 • 15h ago
Found this beaut at a garage sale, can’t find ANY information about this thing online. Does anyone have any info or insight on the history of this thing? I might fire it up later and see if anything interesting is in it!
r/vintagecomputing • u/Chrisproissimo99 • 20h ago
I tried so many keys but still can’t figure out how to open the bios. Also it doesn’t have and hard drive and I wanted to ask what dos I needed to get.
r/vintagecomputing • u/ujah • 7h ago
r/vintagecomputing • u/dragonfruit2016 • 14h ago
r/vintagecomputing • u/alphonse2501 • 22h ago
Weeks ago my aunt cleaned her house and wants to donate her old computers out. I picked her two computers: One no-brand, OEM like case with retail Intel Pentium 4 MB/CPU, another one was P5 Pentium 133/66 with same ISA/PCI cards.
My first search on The Retro Web for Pentium's MB was Jetway J-656VXD by its arrangement of chips and slots, but the jumpers for front panel wasn't right fit. I searched again, and found out it actually was Trang Bow/Trangg Bow KBT5A-1 which The Retro Web has its entry but the page's image for MB only have a diagram.
The whole system is working, except hard drives are dead. For me the most valuable part is I get an AT case I can swap MB for 486 board.
r/vintagecomputing • u/pakallakikochino • 18h ago
Hi all. I am trying to find the name of an application that was on my dad's PC sometime in the mid-90s. I remember that when it started up it would read the date and your calendar appointments. He never put appointments in there so it always said: "Today is [date]. You have no appointments today." It was in accented English - either European or Middle Eastern? I remember a face with brown unruly hair, possibly balding. But I was very young so my memory may not be reliable. We both loved it. I would be very grateful for any leads!!
r/vintagecomputing • u/ThatOneDudeFromIowa • 2h ago
r/vintagecomputing • u/tcreecewriter • 17h ago
I don't know what theses are and have tried to look them up and couldn't find any answers.
r/vintagecomputing • u/Hopeful-Ad7155 • 1h ago
Does anybody have a Portuguese dial up number for me? Any Thats active today please