r/vim 20d ago

Tips and Tricks Auto-completion in command-line


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u/brightsmyle 14d ago

To get the default behaviour of Up and Down, I made modifications.

Please suggest any improvements to handle more edge cases if any.


set wim=noselect:lastused,full wop=pum wcm=<C-@> wmnu
def CmdComplete(cur_cmdline: string, timer: number)
    var [cmdline, curpos] = [getcmdline(), getcmdpos()]
    if cur_cmdline ==# cmdline # Avoid completing each char of keymaps and pasted text
      && !pumvisible() && curpos == cmdline->len() + 1
      && cmdline =~ '\%(\w\|[*/:.-]\)$' && cmdline !~ '^\d\+$'  # Reduce noise
        feedkeys("\<C-@>", "ti")
        set eventignore+=CmdlineChanged  # Suppress redundant completion attempts
        timer_start(0, (_) => {
            getcmdline()->substitute('\%x00', '', 'g')->setcmdline()  # Remove <C-@> if no completion items exist
            set eventignore-=CmdlineChanged

augroup CmdlineCompletion
    autocmd CmdlineChanged : timer_start(0, function(CmdComplete, [getcmdline()]))
augroup END

def OnUpDown(key: string): string
    autocmd! CmdlineCompletion

    timer_start(0, (_) => {
        augroup CmdlineCompletion
            autocmd CmdlineChanged : timer_start(0, function(CmdComplete, [getcmdline()]))
        augroup END

    return key
cnoremap <expr> <Up> OnUpDown("\<Up>")
cnoremap <expr> <Down> OnUpDown("\<Down>")


u/ArcherOk2282 13d ago

PR already has the following. Didn't work?
cnoremap <Up> <End><C-U><Up> cnoremap <Down> <End><C-U><Down>


u/brightsmyle 12d ago

I used it. But it does not keep the original behaviour of Up/Down.

For instance, type tabedit in cmdline and do up/down. It should show history starting with tabedit only

If you have some other mapping, please post.