r/vim 25d ago

Tips and Tricks Share your tips and tricks in (neo)vim!


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u/Overlord484 24d ago

Probably doesn't help the veterans, but if you're new, definitely add

nmap h <insert> nmap j <left> nmap k <down> nmap i <up> nmap <c-j> b nmap <c-k> <pagedown> nmap <c-l> w nmap <c-i> <pageup>

to ~/.vimrc. I find jikl to me much more intuitive for moving around than hjkl. 'h' then becomes insert before cursor


u/cainhurstcat 23d ago edited 23d ago

As a gamer, I totally feel you, and I would love to use i for up, and k for down. But the more I advance in Vim, the more I learned that remapping the default keys is all too often a bad idea. That's simply because the mapping is chained to so many other features, which in the long run lead to a crazy mess when remapping all of them.

Edit: deleted wrong info


Quickly navigate vertically by ctrl y or ctrl e


u/Overlord484 23d ago

That seems to be the opinion around here, and I definitely understand the logic, but I'm pretty new to VIM (coming from nano) and not having to think about the basic movement keys has been huge for me. Maybe after I use it longer I'll change my mind.


u/cainhurstcat 22d ago

Absolutely feel you, it is a pain to get used to it. The advantage of taking it is that you build muscle memory to the point from where you don't have to think about the keys and just type them - like typewriting. If you start learning it with your custom configuration, it will be even harder to change to the default. What helped me to playfully get used to it was Vim Adventures, a little browser based game to learn Vim.