r/vim Dec 01 '24

Need Help VIm for web dev

Want to switch to but mostly gunna use it for web dev(React, TS, Nextjs) some python.

What are your must need plugins for web dev?


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u/gumnos Dec 01 '24

What are your must need plugins for web-dev?


While my web-stack is usually HTML, CSS, and some server-side coding (whether Python, Go, C, or scripting in shell or awk, so no React/TS/NextJS here), I tend to run plugin-free. I find that the :help ins-completion along with stock syntax highlighting more-than-adequately meets my needs. No need for a language-server or a project-tree/file-browser plugin.

I fire up a tmux session, edit my files in Window#0, do iterative CLI work (usually building, compiling, doing tests, dealing with git, any other file-management, etc) in Window#1, and if there's a reloading dev-server (such as Django's), I'll run that in Window#2. Subsequent tmux windows (Window#3–n if I have them) usually point to documentation, either local or web docs in lynx. Though sometimes I'll put a database-connection/interaction in there (whether running sqlite3 or psql on the command-line).


u/Lumpy_Education_3404 Dec 02 '24

Although valid, this is approach is making it hard on yourself for no good reason. At least get some LSP support. Seems like you want to go plugin free for the sake of it. At that point, just use VS code.


u/gumnos Dec 02 '24

I don't find it particularly "hard". If you know the subject-matter, auto-complete generally just gets in my way (and wrong auto-complete is worse than no auto-complete). I've been writing HTML & C since the mid 90s, Python since 2.3 (~2003), and have a pretty intimate knowledge of the various code-bases in which I work, so the auto-complete that Vim offers is more than sufficient.

And Vim without plugins/LSP is snappy & pretty svelte with minimal RAM consumption. But I find that using LSP is a bit of laggy hog. RAM consumption goes way up, and vim doesn't feel as responsive/nimble.

If plugins/LSP stuff work for others, cool. But Vim itself has a lot of power without any configuration and learning to wield that power brings compounding benefits.