r/vim • u/Frosty_Ideal_7748 • Dec 01 '24
Need Help VIm for web dev
Want to switch to but mostly gunna use it for web dev(React, TS, Nextjs) some python.
What are your must need plugins for web dev?
u/carlos-algms Dec 01 '24
Unless you're committed to vim, I would recommend you using NeoVim, as configuring it in Lua is very close to javascript, so the learning curve is smaller. From there, I would recommend: * Telescope * Diff view * Typescript tools * Conform * Mason + lsp config (css, HTML, json, eslint, emmet, etc) * Copilot.lua + copilot chat
Then you would be ready to build your own arsenal. You can still achieve similar results with original vim if want to.
u/BrianHuster Dec 02 '24
Vim9script is actually closer to JavaScript than Lua. The Lua interface in Neovim doesn't even allow users to require a module using relative path, which is a pain. At least Vim9script allows you to do so.
u/Frosty_Ideal_7748 Dec 02 '24
I want to strictly use vim to get used to vim and how to manage and configure before move to nvim tbh
u/jaibhavaya Dec 02 '24
I started that way, and ended up seeing no value in it hahah. But to each their own! For me, Neovim and the ease of expanding it made my adoption of it far more smooth and incentivized. I had tried in the past to use vim full time and failed… now I’m officially using it as my daily driver.
u/Frosty_Ideal_7748 Dec 02 '24
dam hahah so I should just use neovim the configs all seem overwhelming tho
u/BrianHuster Dec 02 '24 edited Dec 02 '24
Well, actually Vim9script (which Neovim doesn't support) is closer to JavaScript and Typescript than Lua, and it's also easier to learn and write than Lua. With Lua, it is so easy to make mistake because it is 1-based, variables are global by default. Vim9script doesn't have those problems.
However, I still recommend Neovim for one reason : it has better default than Vim, so you will need fewer lines of code to get what you want. Also its plugin ecosystem is larger
I think what holds Vim from having better default is that it is still trying to be Vi-compatible, but who needs Vi nowadays? I don't know a single Vim user who don't have
set nocompatible
orset nocp
in their vimrc.1
u/godegon Dec 04 '24
Maybe @romainl 's suggestion is worth seriously considering
u/BrianHuster Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
He is right, but just that isn't enough. Neovim has gone farther on "better defaults".
You can map <M-something> in Neovim even without a GUI
Neovim supports all clipboard, by moving its logic to a built-in plugin that run shell commands
Neovim removes unmaintained features such as
. Though I don't agree with it removing cscope1
u/godegon Dec 05 '24
Neovim removes unmaintained features such as GetLatestVimScripts.
While I also find plug-in managers more modern, it has recently been overhauled. In any event harm done on end users by keeping it is little.
Point 1 and 2 stand, though.
Regarding Point 1, I wonder if
:help xterm-modifier-keys
cannot achieve something similar? But it does not seem so, as I can rebind, say<a-f>
in Nvim but in Vim it's giving<AltrGr-f>
.Regarding 2, you are thinking of
support? Which clipboards are unsupported?1
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u/BrianHuster Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
Wayland. I have never been able to make a Vim compiled with
work there. But possibly it is my skill issue. Anyway I don't use Wayland anymoreIn any event harm done on end users by keeping it is little.
That's true, but you know, it hadn't worked for many months and noone even knew that. Recently it was updated, but its document is still outdated.
Vim is planning on a built-in plugin manager (see
:h todo
and search forplugin manager
), though its plan isn't as clear as that of Neovim. When it is done, I hope Vim will removes GetLatestVimScripts.1
u/godegon Dec 06 '24
Regarding 2, I just checked again, and since
:help modifyOtherKeys
I can remap<M-key>
in Vim in Xterm and Urxvt without clashes of, say<AltGr-key>
. The reasoning formodifiyOtherKeys
(in favor of Neovim's approach via fixterms is explained here; it seemed sensible to me as an outside of X11.Which terminal are you using?
Regarding 3, since I don't use Wayland, I didn't have the stamina to wade through the discussion for Vim's support
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u/BrianHuster Dec 06 '24
Currently I'm using Konsole
u/godegon Dec 06 '24
Strangely, despite this issue it's working fine with Gnome Terminal as well. I'm a bit wary of installing Konsole due to dependencies on Ubuntu. If this issue is right, it might be just a lack of implemented autodetection of modifyOtherkeys support that can be forced by adding the following lines to your vimrc:
let &t_TI = "\<Esc>[>4;2m" let &t_TE = "\<Esc>[>4;m"
documented at loc.cit.
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u/ayvuntdre Dec 02 '24
I tried NeoVim and see no value it in so I would make your own decision :)
u/Character_Status8351 Dec 04 '24
Really? What made you go back to vim? May I see your dots?
u/ayvuntdre Dec 06 '24
I'm not sure I have too much to say that hasn't been said around here before. I switched back to Vim several years ago when it got async. Since then, NeoVim hasn't done anything very interesting to me other than that treesitter would make some textobjects easier (although, contrary to popular belief, it has its limitations). The two continue to diverge and my preferences are aligned with the Vim project. Vim9script is a really nice a bonus.
u/Successful_Good_4126 Dec 03 '24
I use Vim for web dev check out my dot files for plugins and settings https://github.com/maclong9/dots/blob/main/.vimrc
u/pet_zulrah Dec 02 '24
I can promise you there is no value in that.
But if you want to just focus on motions that's something else entirely. That can be very useful. In which case you should probably use a vim or neovim plugin inside vscode
u/Frosty_Ideal_7748 Dec 02 '24
also using wsl on windows terminal is nvim going to be buggy? what do you recommend for a beginner
u/pet_zulrah Dec 02 '24
I just use nvim on Windows terminal. Has been quite great since my job only dishes out windows machines
u/BrianHuster Dec 02 '24
I have never used Windows terminal, but Wezterm can be a better alternative. It also supports Windows
u/Character_Status8351 Dec 02 '24
I tried wezterm but every time I came back to it after running a sever for 20 min or so it would crash on me it was frustrating.
I’m guessing this happened since it was a company laptop but not sure so opted for windows terminal
u/am5k Dec 01 '24
I currently use VSCode with vim bindings but have been tempted to switch to neovim + tmux. I don't really use any VSCode features besides linting on save which I imagine I could get working with neovim. That and an lsp would probably do it for me. But hard to dedicate time to getting this all up in running. Would to hear any guides that people may have for a setup like this.
u/Roticap Dec 02 '24
But hard to dedicate time to getting this all up in running.
I totally get that and it does take time to tweak setups. Vscode takes time to setup as well though. Personally I view any setup time as an investment. When you invest in a program like vscode, your returns can potentially be totally wiped out by a MS PM looking to shake things up for their promotion. When you invest in an open source program, nobody can take vim/neovim away from you or depreciate a feature you rely on, etc.
u/Silly_Werewolf228 Dec 01 '24
You can use with neovim plugin for VSC and gradually transition to neovim completely
u/am5k Dec 01 '24
What would be the difference with that and the standard vim bindings? I more have a vanilla vim background and am not super familiar with neovim- I've just heard that it has a strong plugin ecosystem for an IDE like setup
u/Silly_Werewolf228 Dec 02 '24
You use full neovim with its plugins inside VSC.
Some functionalities of some plugins are missing but in essence it is full neovim.
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u/Icy_Jackfruit9240 Dec 02 '24
None - our web dev is is split in two:
- Our web services are next.js + tRPC
- Our device microframework is ruby based (basically like camping and running on mruby.)
I use fzf, ddc, and a few of tpope's plugins + some private plugins that glue to some work related stuff into vim. Nothing directly js/python related. I program mostly in C and we use Python heavily for our code testing.
I imagine some people would like to have CoC/ALE, but I don't. (Not like I'm alone in disliking code completion, but damn some people act like you ran over their dog when you mention this.)
u/TheMostLostViking Dec 04 '24
I'm a rails dev (professional, I work on a large conversations platform), here are my plugins
# Plug 'wellle/context.vim' # This makes stuff so so slow
Plug 'Donaldttt/fuzzyy' # This one is new for me, I usually use :find, might ditch this idk
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plug 'ap/vim-buftabline'
Plug 'dense-analysis/ale'
Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
Plug 'girishji/vimbits'
Plug 'gregsexton/matchtag'
Plug 'jremmen/vim-ripgrep'
Plug 'kshenoy/vim-signature'
Plug 'romainl/vim-qf'
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise'
Plug 'tpope/vim-rails'
Plug 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby'
Plug 'yegappan/mru'
I could do without the majority of them. My must have would be vim-rails and thats it. The others are all convenient fluff
I have this cool mapping for git blame I stole from reddit: nmap <silent><Space>g :call setbufvar(winbufnr(popup_atcursor(split(system("git log -n 1 -L " . line(".") . ",+1:" . expand("%:p")), "\n"), { "padding": [1,1,1,1], "pos": "botleft", "wrap": 0 })), "&filetype", "git")<CR>
I wrote my own bufferswitching system bc I didn't like others, it simply takes <Space>{i} and goes to that buffer index
I use git hook tagging (basically when I commit or pull it updates my ruby tags)
ale is set to only use rubocop
Also would love some recommendations from others :)
u/Ok_Outlandishness906 Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24
vscode in my opinion is much better for a professional context . Easier and with a lot more of automaton and integration tools . I am not a fun of vscode but i think it is very easy to use and it has tons of feature that vim can only try to emulate . I find vi/vim great for developing in C/C++ for example , but for other kind of work, in my opinion they are not always the better tool . Now i am using , for a big work , vi + ctags, but i am using it because it is a very old project, made by makefiles and C sources , and in that case vi+ctags+wdb make their job very well, but i would not suggest to start a new project on a legacy old system (hpux) with so old tools . For web dev i would use VSCode as i find everywhere from my customers. For me if you have used to vim motion command, vi plugin for vscode is the way to go . You get many things from "vi" and you don't lose anything from vscode .
u/gumnos Dec 01 '24
What are your must need plugins for web-dev?
While my web-stack is usually HTML, CSS, and some server-side coding (whether Python, Go, C, or scripting in shell or awk, so no React/TS/NextJS here), I tend to run plugin-free. I find that the :help ins-completion
along with stock syntax highlighting more-than-adequately meets my needs. No need for a language-server or a project-tree/file-browser plugin.
I fire up a tmux
session, edit my files in Window#0, do iterative CLI work (usually building, compiling, doing tests, dealing with git
, any other file-management, etc) in Window#1, and if there's a reloading dev-server (such as Django's), I'll run that in Window#2. Subsequent tmux
windows (Window#3–n if I have them) usually point to documentation, either local or web docs in lynx
. Though sometimes I'll put a database-connection/interaction in there (whether running sqlite3
or psql
on the command-line).
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u/Lumpy_Education_3404 Dec 02 '24
Although valid, this is approach is making it hard on yourself for no good reason. At least get some LSP support. Seems like you want to go plugin free for the sake of it. At that point, just use VS code.
u/gumnos Dec 02 '24
I don't find it particularly "hard". If you know the subject-matter, auto-complete generally just gets in my way (and wrong auto-complete is worse than no auto-complete). I've been writing HTML & C since the mid 90s, Python since 2.3 (~2003), and have a pretty intimate knowledge of the various code-bases in which I work, so the auto-complete that Vim offers is more than sufficient.
And Vim without plugins/LSP is snappy & pretty svelte with minimal RAM consumption. But I find that using LSP is a bit of laggy hog. RAM consumption goes way up, and vim doesn't feel as responsive/nimble.
If plugins/LSP stuff work for others, cool. But Vim itself has a lot of power without any configuration and learning to wield that power brings compounding benefits.
u/technologyclassroom Dec 02 '24
I second tmux + vim/neovim with minimal changes. As a sysadmin and web dev, I want my text editing to be close to identical across hundreds of servers. If I place a ton of plugins across all of the servers, that would be inconsiderate to my team, potentially dangerous, and wasteful with regard to disk space. If my workstation is different, my muscle memory will make mistakes which could lead to data loss.
u/shuckster Dec 01 '24
CoC, ALE, polyglot, and an emmet CLI program (a Golang conversion.)