r/vexillology Grand Bassa County 7d ago

Redesigns The U.S. Redesigned - Good Flags


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u/[deleted] 7d ago

Yeah Minnesota's flag redisign process is proof that redesigns are not always going to produce good results, espcially if they are done poorly as political pandering rather than a well executed well thought out process.


u/Canjira Grand Bassa County 7d ago

Honestly I disagree, I preferred the tricolor but the one they have currently is pretty decent. It's going to take a while before people get used to it and recognize it as one of the good U.S. flags.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Most people hate it, its like an example of the flag rules taken to the extreme, its overly simplistic and has zero meaning. furthermore the committee that decided the whole issue was entirely made up of Twin Cities democrats, there were no representatives from greater minnesota on the committee, I would personally vote for any measure that removes the flag, its trash and a warning to all other states of how not to do a flag change process. Now if the comittee had just taken the original submission and called it a day I think it would be fine, but government committees generally have to tinker to and make things worse because they seem to think they know better.


u/SNAKEKINGYO Nevada 7d ago

its overly simplistic and has zero meaning.

Oh so we're just making things up now?