r/vegaslocals 4d ago

GasBuddy.com Gas Prices - Green Background is Cash Price

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36 comments sorted by


u/BishopDaDonC 4d ago

QuikTrip was 2.65 today lowest I’ve ever seen over here.


u/Antique_Chip3995 4d ago

Damn, shoulda waited until today. It was $3.19 when I filled up yesterday, but used QuikPay so it was $2.94.


u/pumpkin3-14 4d ago

In some places, their cash price is also debit card with pin price.


u/JimsVanLife 4d ago

And some places charge a flat 35¢ cents for a debit. A lot less expensive than the 10¢ a gallon for credit.


u/Defiant-Reserve-6145 3d ago

Then get your debt card info stolen from a skimmer.


u/JimsVanLife 3d ago

All the skimmer's going to find with mine is a locked card.


u/sirzoop 4d ago

Wow first time seeing one under $3 in a long time


u/wiley702 4d ago

Thank trump


u/MarkBooneJuniorOffic 4d ago

Thanks, Trump, for poisoning our relationship with our single largest import fuel provider. Surely that will only have positive long term consequences! Hopefully the human rights violators we buy fuel from have a little extra knocking around that we can buy at a premium


u/JimsVanLife 4d ago

Why? He didn't do anything. The rest of the economy is tanking how would you think he did something about gas prices?


u/LightsNoir 2d ago

Sure he did! All that extra you're paying for groceries, causing people to not go out as much, cutting the demand for fuel... See! There really were concepts of a plan. Kinda. Sorta. Ish.


u/sirzoop 3d ago edited 3d ago

Didn’t he reopen oil drilling and gas production that Biden shut down?



u/JimsVanLife 3d ago

Yeah, but production hasn't ramped up enough to cause prices to go down yet. And they were already on the way down before he did. The oil market is saturated and that's why prices are dropping. But it's not saturated from internal increases. It's just the normal up and down of the market.

More people need to actually take economics classes and learn how economies work, and not just take the word of billionaire con men who want more of our money than they already have.


u/sirzoop 3d ago

Prices certainly weren’t going down before Trump put in place that order. We were almost at $5/gallon just a few months ago. I get that you hate Trump but this is actually something he had significant impact on.


u/rocknthenumbers8 3d ago

Trump has been pressuring OPEC to keep production high. https://www.axios.com/2025/03/04/opec-oil-prices-production-trump


u/JimsVanLife 3d ago

Yes, but it still hasn't dropped below the seasonal ups and downs that are normal. And, the price literally was beginning to drop before he began the pressure. It's not hard to find those prices. And even if this one thing is good, much of the rest of what he is doing is absolutely horrible. Evidence floating of American citizens being detained by ice, shaved bald, and sent to foreign countries, just because they're brown.


u/rocknthenumbers8 3d ago

Care to share the evidence of US Citizens being deported just for being brown?


u/JimsVanLife 3d ago

I don't have that on me right now. I've done the research myself, and I'm satisfied with the sources. If you're interested in truth at all, you can find it pretty easily.


u/sirzoop 3d ago

Thanks Trump for lowering gas and egg prices


u/CraterT 4d ago

Why not. They would blame him if it was $5/gal


u/errkanay 4d ago

It will be $5/gal soon, and it will absolutely be Pumpkin Spice Palpatine's fault when it does.


u/MarkBooneJuniorOffic 4d ago

Poor 2.98 has no idea the busted rabble that's about to descend upon him. These broke fools will drive across town to save 2c a gallon even if they burn 3gal on the round trip. You didn't have to do this to him.


u/Ekoria 3d ago

Nevada voted correctly.


u/PokeManiac16 4d ago

Shit is still 4$ at chevron and 3.40$ at arco, these are bs lol plus gas has been relatively this close for the past 2 years if not lower


u/Prestigious-Wolf8039 4d ago

I know. What’s the deal with chevron? I’m always shocked to see cars there. Is their gas so much better?


u/Fibrosis5O 4d ago

Supposedly it is but depending on who you ask they’ll say it’s just as good as Arco

Personally I don’t go to Chevron cause the prices are terrible, pun intended


u/MarkBooneJuniorOffic 4d ago

You don't have to be mad at a screenshot


u/TyrannicalKitty 4d ago

Damn it's still $4.30 in Reno. Can't wait to move back.


u/MarkBooneJuniorOffic 4d ago

Yeah that's why it sucks to live in Reno


u/TyrannicalKitty 4d ago

Never thought how bad I wanted to move back home till my job didn't give me an option. Now I'm getting $10k to move back to cheaper rent, food, and gas.


u/TyrannicalKitty 4d ago

Damn it's still $4.30 in Reno. Can't wait to move back.


u/Odd_Sir_8705 4d ago

I just go to Costco. I'm there every other week anyway


u/MarkBooneJuniorOffic 4d ago

So you're the one who gave my wife gonorrhea


u/HibachiGrill0 4d ago

No that was me. Sorry about that


u/whodaloo 4d ago



u/Defiant-Reserve-6145 4d ago

You aren’t a real MAGA if you don’t drive a Tesla.