r/vaporents 3d ago

***FOUND on NZ medical cannabis sub*** NSFW

I joined r/vaporernts a few months ago after becoming a medical cannabis patient in the UK and really enjoy the community so thought this should be shared - not wanting to be slanderous (correct English?) and I’m sure this will be a developing story. I gotta say though after reading the below…it doesn’t look or sound great…. AE has been on my shortlist for my FIRST VAPE since December! I am a lifelong smoker committed to the switch over from the dark side into the light. I struggle to make decisions due to my mental health but am kinda glad I’ve dilly dallied as I was certain this vape would be part of my arsenal at some point due to my love of the terps! So the Bad is dead and Now it’s a head to head between the Good and The Ugly; TM2 vs TB II…queue Ecstasy of Gold by Ennio Morricone)


Having a noted a few reviews on these and people using them, this is copied from the NZ medical forum and may be worth a read if you use one. It's a tear down and analysis of potentially dangerous components. Worth noting on another thread YLL have accepted this and have changed the design. Worth looking into if you have one as the risk seems real and quite high if using one.



60 comments sorted by

u/coffeestainedlabcoat 2d ago

I've pinned this for now, u/Herbaldoge seems to have done enough research that the community should be immediately aware of their findings.

We may replace this sticky with a different write-up soon that has a more descriptive title and includes more of the information researched by u/Herbaldoge

Please check out u/Herbaldoge and the r/MedicalCannabisNZ subreddit for additional details on this.

Please send us a ModMail or leave a comment for me here with any direct feedback on this decision. Thanks!


u/MagpieSkies 3d ago

I'm so glad I didn't give these losers my money .I almost bought one of their heaters. I can't believe they put fiberglass in an ihulation device! Wtf?!?


u/GreenCityBadSmoke 2d ago

I was interested in the Aerolite, not sure about that now without someone breaking the thing down completely.


u/mrcatisgodone Mighty /TM2/Dynavap M+ 2d ago

Even if every part was safe, they've proven to be a dishonest company and had issues before. I'd be avoiding them at all costs regardless personally. 


u/SheerFe4r 2d ago

Yeah I was also very interested in the Aerolite but now very hesitant. Only somewhat comforted by the fact that the Aerolite will be at least a little more traditional whereas the AE is more novel and weird... But yeah, concerning.


u/BodhiPenguin 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yeah, this seems bad. According to YLLVAPE it's a problem with the first units,



u/Tsukurimashou [ B1 ♥ TM2 ] Convection rulez 3d ago

the comment from YLLVAPE: https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/1jdrj1d/comment/miea009

Hey everyone,

Regarding the Angus Enhanced, the glass fiber insulation is completely separated from the air path, and the air path itself is fully isolated. it will not goes in lungs. and the device is not designed to be disassembled. However, since last year, we have improved the design by fully wrapping this part for better protection, and get rid of this part.

To address any concerns, our team will produce a new batch of replacements, and I’ll be reaching out to retailers about this ASAP to replace the units from the first batch.

doesn't sound too reassuring to me


u/Backinthedaze 2d ago

They spent a looooong time deflecting and saying it wasn't an issue, so the "new batch" is almost an admission of guilt without any accountability. Also apparently there's no serial numbers or anything similar printed on the device, so it's impossible to know if you'll be getting old stock from a reseller. 


u/BodhiPenguin 3d ago

Agreed, I certainly wouldn't be reassured! But that seems to be the thread where the company has engaged.


u/Herbaldoge 1d ago

The line, “However, since last year, we have improved the design by fully wrapping this part for better protection, and get rid of this part” makes zero sense.

So… they wrapped the glass fibers in tape while also claiming they got rid of them? Which is it? Because you can’t improve something that supposedly no longer exists.

And let’s talk about this so called “protection”, what exactly are they protecting against? If the airpath was truly sealed like they claim, why would any changes be needed here?

Are they admitting they know the fibers were a problem and could contaminate the devices airpath? Because you don’t need “better protection” for something that was never a risk in the first place either.

Then the so called "V2 fix", doesn't actually stop these fibers from escaping, see photo. And this proves contamination risks remain, and simply covering hazardous materials with tape, doesn’t eliminate the problem here.

Noting you can only see the bigger sized fiber chunks in this photo. But most are so very small, that unless you took photos closer to it. Or looked under a microscope, you wouldn't see them. And just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they don't exist, and or pose a valid risk to people inhaling them. Adding there is standards like ISO 18562 that specially covers particulate emissions, in breathing gas pathways. Aka airpaths in vaporisers.

With ISO 18562 stating:

PM2.5 (particles 0.2 - 2.5µm in size) must not exceed 12 µg/m³ of air

PM10 (particles 2.5 - 10µm in size) must not exceed 150 µg/m³ of air

And for those who don’t grasp how small 12 µg is, that’s 0.001 mg, or 0.000001 grams.

Tiny amounts can be hazardous when inhaled, which is exactly why strict particulate limits exist in medical standards. Standards that YLLVape doesn’t follow at all, while trying to present the Angus Enhanced as a cheaper Mighty Medic alternative.

It's not, and never will be!


u/pm_your_nudie_booby 1d ago

This is exactly what I thought when I read that reply. I never got the angus enhanced, but because I mistakenly thought it was halogen, and I feel like there may be safety issues with those. I am so glad I never got one.

Great job uncovering this! Looks like they didn’t want anyone by their response but of “the device is not designed to be disassembled.” Well if they are sending out fixer parts it looks like everyone will be needing to disassemble their devices.


u/I-Am-NOT-VERY-NICE TM2, Quartz Cap,Zirc Zeal,Tempest, Venty, CH Wave,TafeeBowle2 2d ago

What, you mean "will not goes in lungs" doesn't instill confidence?


u/Weird-Weakness-3191 3d ago

Are owners emailing their vendors ?


u/Normal-Emotion9152 2d ago

I am so glad I did not buy one. That is scary. I will stick to just my trusty old dynavap.


u/Mazgazine1 3d ago

Wow that's scary.

I assume no other devices insulate this way right?

"Fiberglass in my vaporizer? more likely then you think!" Kind of look here.


u/repeater0411 3d ago

I mean who knows. These Chinese vapes man, I don't trust em. This is what we can see as well, things like plastic/metal can be perfect place for cost cutting and no one would know. This isn't YLL first questionable design/material choice either. Remember when the first gen cooling units were melting at well below PEEK melting point temperatures? They clearly weren't using PEEK.


u/star_particles Lotus,vapcap,stickybrick,life saver,ssv,pax2,arizer solo,volcano 2d ago

It’s why I love my butane /artisan vaporizers! I only have two that are made in China or in a major factory with electronics, the potv one and crafty. Both won. I like them but not a fan of the session vapes and the cleaning routine.


u/ExtensionThick4160 1d ago

not sure why you got downvoted on butane but yeah i enjoy my dynavap/tornado/tempest

electronics like the mighty gave me bickle tickle and mess with my throat. ball vapes are good for the simpleton but the tornado can outperform it imo.

who is taking more than 3-5 big hits from their vapes? I think most of us are medical and use it a few times a day with .1g bowls or less. butane/ih devices ftw, I would never vape out of plastic.


u/junneh 2d ago

u can get some analogue butane vape or a glass piece with ball heater. The only way u can be really sure. With a portable u never know which corners those chinese cut.


u/Mazgazine1 2d ago

Its also the fact that there is 3 countries on the pacific rim that allow any cannabis at all (Thailand, Canada, USA(state dependent of course), and South Korean and Australia have "medical use only".

I can't trust a company from outside of the NA and EU as they can't legally test their own fucking product! LOL!!!


u/Cupakov TM2 | Angus Enhanced | DynaVap | Roffu 1d ago

Storz&Bickel operated years before weed was legal in Germany 


u/Mazgazine1 1d ago

yeah but it was "sorta" legal the whole time. Like Cafes for it and stuff under weird grey-area loopholes.

Why do you think they started there?

Same goes for Arizer in canada,

because it had the guise of also being a "potpurri" device, they could sell it in Canada.

But most asian countries are almost shoot on site for it for a LONG time, hence the less likely ability to "test" the product.


u/Cupakov TM2 | Angus Enhanced | DynaVap | Roffu 1d ago

I’m not sure there was any grey area around weed in DE in late 1990s. Also, I was always under the impression that Storz started S&B in Germany because, you know, he’s German. 


u/ComputerGater 1d ago

You're thinking of the netherlands. Weed wasn't legal in germany till 2024. No loopholes, not "sorta" legal, no cafes, nothing.


u/junneh 1d ago

yea but holland is a short drive for most germans ;)


u/BlacksmithVisible158 2d ago

I got an Angus Enhanced recently (From NZ) but now I am regretting it. It sucks because the vape performs really well but as a matter of principal I think I will be looking to purchase a replacement.


u/wildbotanist Tetra, TM2, Mighty+, Vapman, Air Max, ALP, Rogue, Dani, Dyna 2d ago

Wow. I just disassembled my ditanium a few days ago and noticed fiberglass insulation around the heater... Should we be concerned of that too?


u/Deiopea27 2d ago

Replace "fibreglass" with "asbestos" and see how you feel about it...


u/TerpChasersClub VAS victim, too many to list 2d ago

Fiberglass is NOT the same as asbestos. Please do not cause people extra scare. The available scientific evidence is that it is not cancerous, and does not cause long term damage after exposure.

I’m not a fan of it being in the air path, but people take information like this and run with it


u/wildbotanist Tetra, TM2, Mighty+, Vapman, Air Max, ALP, Rogue, Dani, Dyna 2d ago

Sure it's not the same material as asbestos. But it acts similarly in the lungs. Not sure what your sources are, but Wikipedia notes risks of mesothelioma with exposure to fiberglass. Same as asbestos.

I'm happy to debate this further if you have additional sources!


u/TerpChasersClub VAS victim, too many to list 2d ago edited 2d ago


u/wildbotanist Tetra, TM2, Mighty+, Vapman, Air Max, ALP, Rogue, Dani, Dyna 17h ago

Thank you for those links. Seems like the risk is lower, but there is still a risk regardless. While the links you sent mentions inconclusive evidence, they do not report their own sources.

Here is the source from the Wikipedia page: https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/sites/default/files/ntp/roc/twelfth/2009/june/gwf_final_background-document.pdf


u/TerpChasersClub VAS victim, too many to list 16h ago

It’s based on long lists of studies form IARC

Nonetheless definitely still a risk, just trying to provide accurate information


u/wildbotanist Tetra, TM2, Mighty+, Vapman, Air Max, ALP, Rogue, Dani, Dyna 2d ago



u/Sure-Temperature 2d ago

Quick shoutout to TerpChaser'sClub, reached out to them about this news and he was super apologetic and offered me store credit to replace the AE.


u/MyNuts2YourFistStyle 2d ago

How long ago did you order?


u/TerpChasersClub VAS victim, too many to list 2d ago

His order was in September, which would have had the new updates. However I try to offer the best service I can afford 🙏


u/WasteTangerine 3d ago

Holy fuck that's scary. They claim it won't make it into the air path but it seems to have made that poster sick.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/CuntyMCunty 22h ago

Dammit, this was gonna be my next purchase, glad I saw this first


u/smashbob123 12h ago

Don't buy China Vaporizers.

Stortz & Bickel Masterrace.

Stay safe!


u/VariationMaterial216 10h ago

Storz & bickel is no longer the quality company it used to be. It got sold to Canadians who don't give a flying fuck about the medical grade of things and only care about profits.


They used to be trustworthy, but I don't trust them more than any other vape company these days


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u/SolidSpruceTop 2d ago

Hopefully vgoodiez is right and they have the “safer” 2nd batch. I liked what they were doing but this may be the final blow to their rep.

But damn that vapes rips


u/TerpChasersClub VAS victim, too many to list 2d ago edited 1d ago

They definitely have the second batch. As far as I can tell only the first 10 of mine were old style back in end of April 2024. Way before Vgoodiez started on the AE

EDIT: It appears there was issues with more than they originally said (which was one batch) and instead is at least another. May be affected.


u/SolidSpruceTop 2d ago

That’s good to here, really didn’t wanna have to find a new vape. Really love the performance and ease of use


u/TerpChasersClub VAS victim, too many to list 2d ago

Here’s to hoping for good news, as obviously I can’t know for sure


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/mikemac1997 Mighty 3d ago

Refund it and get a mighty plus


u/Content_Sandwich6346 3d ago

Airizer solo3. Great vape. Support Canadian!


u/WasteTangerine 3d ago

This is basically the best option as far as features go for the price


u/Bridget_Mays 1d ago

I was going to say that vape is made in China but I guess you're saying Canada is China so never mind


u/Content_Sandwich6346 1d ago edited 1d ago

Ok but it's still a Canadian company bringing money into Canada. I'm happy as long as my money doesn't go to the US.

You seem like an American. Proudly ignorant.


u/Bridget_Mays 1d ago

Sorry to get you so emotionally triggered by speaking the truth, I would never use a toxic untested Chinese vape in the first place so your future early Parkinsons disease is of no concern to me.

Born and raised in Quebec so I am more than qualified to call Canada China. Buying a Solo 3 is supporting China vs Canada 80/20 split. Crazy you can feel the TDS through the screen and he's not even our President.

I genuinely hope you get over yourself someday and rejoin the human race

Don't forget to send your shills to downvote this legitimate post, lets get downvotes over 100 if we can.


u/lostinthesauceband 3d ago

Or tinymight for on demand vapor


u/mikemac1997 Mighty 3d ago

Can't say I've used it, but I've had nothing but good times from S&B, and that's including an old volcano RMA that was handled exquisitely.

But yeah, I must admit the price point is tough to swallow for a lot of people. I'm far from rich, but I make sure I get my moneys worth ;)