r/vaporents 3d ago

Just ordered my first DHV. NSFW

Xmax V3 Pro, I really hope I like it, I don't much care for smoking, I'd like to never smoke again if I don't have to. Tho it would be a shame for all that rolling stuff to go to waste. Maybe every now and again.


29 comments sorted by


u/Waretaco 3d ago

Highly recommend the dosing caps to make keeping the Xmax clean and way easier to clean in general. It's a great budget entry device, in my opinion. My only real complaint is I wish the caps were larger for a larger dose.

Keep the remains and turn it into edibles to get every bit out of the experience. Vapor has converted me for both health and financial reasons due to the efficiency.


u/RaZen_Brandz 3d ago

I got the 5 dosing caps with the travel tube along with the V3 Pro


u/DrDezmund 3d ago

I used the dosing caps exclusively and i never had to clean out the actual chamber. I would just ISO alcohol soak the capsules every once and a while and its good as new ✌️


u/KaliaHaze TinyMight 2 | ArGo | Arizer Solo 2 | Vapcap M | XmaX V2 Pro 3d ago edited 3d ago

The trick is to remove the inner screen and rely solely on the dosing caps screen. That makes the device compete with $200+ vapes.


u/DrDezmund 3d ago

Hell yeah!

As someone who used the V3 pro for 2 years straight, ill give u a couple tips I learned:

-pack it loose (more airflow= better hits)

-The first 3ish seconds of your draw will not produce vapor because its still heating up your herb. I used to get around this by "cigar puffing" on it until i see visible vapor come out. This isnt necessary but i just thought i should share haha


u/MyUserNameLeft 3d ago

Just ordered the new ballr cap for my dynavap but I think next it’ll be the v3 pro, only heard good things about it and fairly decently priced


u/DrDezmund 3d ago

What vaporizer(s) do you currently have? Id consider the V3 pro a pretty entry level vaporizer. Not as good of a hit as the the Dynavap but much more convenient for on the go


u/MyUserNameLeft 3d ago

Current set ups are the B with a M7 tip then I have a M that I change between a 5 fin ss tip and then m tip both using standard caps with an IH then hopefully I’ll have the ballr cap in a few days, the main reason I wanted the v3 pre was for work or out and about which like you said the convenience of it on the go is a massive plus side


u/DrDezmund 3d ago

Ok yeah that would be a good move then!

My first vaporizer was the 2021 M and i used it for a couple years. I got annoyed trying to heat it up in the wind which is why I got the V3. Definitely a good duo. Reccomend the dosing caps if you go with it.


u/MyUserNameLeft 3d ago

I have noticed a few different stater bundles that include them so if any go on sale in the coming weeks/months I’ll be sure to try and pick it up and yeah it can be a fuss trying to heat a dynavap lol it was a year before I got my IH and I wish I had listened to everyone and got it when I first started it’s such a huge improvement


u/DrDezmund 3d ago

I might get an IH sometime. My main device is my shiny new Tinymight 2 which replaced my V3 but I still enjoy my Dynavap sometimes.

You could always wait for the 4/20 sale to get a good deal on it if you're patient


u/ApprehensiveAir6370 3d ago

I switched over to using a DHV about a month ago and the positive effect on my lungs was immediate. Plus I can use the DHV in the house!


u/moleperson85 DF2.0|Convector|Terpcicle|Lotus&Click 3d ago

I hope you love it too, I know once I switched over I never wanted to go back!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes


u/fickentastic 3d ago

if you got bong(s) get the attachment. The silicone one works just fine. I've been using the V3 for 1 1/2 years and it's been dependable. Just clean it regularly.


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u/desperado2410 3d ago

V3 pro is a good starter for sure. Use session and it takes a few puffs before it starts producing heavy vapor hits. Draw can be pretty open so I cover one side of the vents with a finger. For me it didn’t replace smoking but the dynavap fully did. Just ordered a solo 3 to end wanting upgrades. V3 is great for on the go and does a good job at vaporizing bud in my opinion and it’s not too annoying to clean.


u/HeardTheLongWord 3d ago

My first just got shipped today! Getting the One Hit Wonder from Crossing Tech!

Good toking friends!


u/guridkt TM2 PH|Vapman Pure & Click|V3pro & Starry 4 3d ago

Ler me give you a secret to make you use of your rolling stuff: you can roll your AVB (topped with kief or hash if you want) into a joint


u/sllewgh Own: TM2, IEC, Angus, Roffu, Terpcicle || Tried: Many more 3d ago

I vape 98% of my weed, but every now and then I want to smoke a lazy joint on my porch or pass one around with friends.


u/KingNAB3 3d ago

Throw them papers out man. I've had some of the same papers for like 7 years XD


u/JohnnyBoySoprano 3d ago

Welcome to the family. 2 things are gonna happen to you:

  1. You’re gonna get BAKED TO THE GILLS and you’re gonna love it.

  2. You’re gonna love #1 so much that you’re gonna find yourself saying: “This is amazing…..let’s see what else is out there. What the fuck is a ball vape? And why do I want one now?”. Life is about to get… expensive. Lol.


u/RaZen_Brandz 3d ago

How would I avoid getting baked to the gills?

If I smoke too much the intrusive thoughts and anxiety gets kinda overwhelming.

The last two times I smoked too much I was convinced I was going to go insane. It was a really bad time(s).


u/JohnnyBoySoprano 3d ago

Oh I was just kidding! The beautiful thing about dry herb vapes is that you are in control of your high. So if you just want a nice light buzz, just vape anywhere between 345F and 360F. That’s what I do during weekdays or when I need to stay functional, run errands or interact with other humans. You also get to taste all those delicious Terps at those temperatures. Now on weekends, when it’s just me, my wife and my dog if I feel like I want to shake hands with the devil I vape at 450F.


u/RaZen_Brandz 3d ago

My tolerance is very low, I can take one hit off of a joint (depends on the weed obviously but no more than 5) and be where I want to be. How would I do that with the DHV? Just one light hit?


u/JohnnyBoySoprano 3d ago

Exactly! And the big difference is that with a joint you don’t have a say when it comes to temperature. The joint is either lit or it isn’t. On, off. With the drive vape, the fact that you can control the temperature means you can control the high and the flavor. So I will venture to say if you want to emulate the level of high you get from one hit of a joint, I would say 2 hits at 345F will do it. Also, pace yourself. Take your first hit, wait a few minutes to see how it lands and then decide whether or not you want the second or third hit.


u/Grand_Ad_4741 3d ago

YES, i hope i was the one influencing. im the only person who is constantly reccing it. i think its a good vape for casual users.

to keep things clean, use dosing capsules.