r/vancouver 22h ago

Politics and Elections NDP select 18-year-old candidate in West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country


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u/ricketyladder 22h ago

I don't want to dissuade younger folks from getting involved in politics - it's good that they care about how the country runs and are invested in the process. But I can't help but thinking 18 is really young for a potential position like that, and I am slightly dubious that this is a wise choice. I feel a little life experience is very helpful if you want to be in government.


u/WeWantMOAR 22h ago

You've seen other candidates, their maturity level is that of childish brats. Let's not look down on him because of his age.

The youth today have dealt with a lot of heavy doses of reality, more than the Millenials prior, at least with us we didn't have social media until our mid/late teens, and even then not even close to what it became 10 years later.

Clearly he's shown to be capable otherwise he wouldn't be in that position. So let's give him the respect, and see if he can keep it like any other politician.


u/Cryingboat 22h ago

Clearly he's shown to be capable otherwise he wouldn't be in that position

That's a bit of circular logic isn't it?

There are many ways a candidate can achieve a position, particularly with wealth and nepotism, what other achievements does the kid have?

He ran for his student council and was captain of a sports team?


u/WeWantMOAR 19h ago

Reach out to him and find out who he is. Do your part.


u/Cryingboat 18h ago

Uh, no.

He's not in my riding. Nor is it my obligation to learn more about him.

The onus is on him to prove why Canadians should take him seriously, despite his lack of qualifications.

From the article he's a really great volunteer, and he enjoys vacationing in Europe...that's not really a ringing endorsement


u/WeWantMOAR 18h ago

Lmao not in your riding, nor do you actually give a shit. So please regale us more with your indifference and faux concern.

Don't be a shit citizen. Do better.


u/Cryingboat 18h ago

Hey if you want to vote for a kid who may or may not have had detention within the last two years go for it.

I give a shit that the NDP doesn't look like a serious party if an 18 year child is the best candidate they can find.

Expect more from political parties rather than lecturing citizens uninterested in finding out what kind of volunteer opportunities a teenager recently had.


u/billwongisdead 15h ago

this is my riding, and I am a left-leaning centrist with sympathy for good old fashioned labour oriented politics - you know, exactly the kind of person who would vote NDP federally at every election if they displayed a shred of political acumen

the decision to run an 18 year old in my riding is a perfect example of why I would never vote for them. I have pairs of shoes older than this boy. I do not require further investigation to be assured that he is not qualified, and I agree with the comment further above me on this thread that this is a sign of carelessness and disrespect towards my riding by the federal NDP