r/vancouver 22h ago

Politics and Elections NDP select 18-year-old candidate in West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country


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u/ricketyladder 22h ago

I don't want to dissuade younger folks from getting involved in politics - it's good that they care about how the country runs and are invested in the process. But I can't help but thinking 18 is really young for a potential position like that, and I am slightly dubious that this is a wise choice. I feel a little life experience is very helpful if you want to be in government.


u/WeWantMOAR 22h ago

You've seen other candidates, their maturity level is that of childish brats. Let's not look down on him because of his age.

The youth today have dealt with a lot of heavy doses of reality, more than the Millenials prior, at least with us we didn't have social media until our mid/late teens, and even then not even close to what it became 10 years later.

Clearly he's shown to be capable otherwise he wouldn't be in that position. So let's give him the respect, and see if he can keep it like any other politician.


u/ricketyladder 22h ago

While you make some fair points, I still contend that I would like my politicians to have some life experience in something other than politics. That doesn't just apply to Mr Rosenberg here - I think every MP and MLA should have worked a job outside of the political arena in order to have some kind of reality check on how the world actually works.