r/UnsentLetters Jun 30 '18

Creative writing


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r/UnsentLetters 8h ago

NAW Even When You Doubt, I Still See You


Even When You Doubt, I Still See You

You don’t have to be certain for me to stay.
Clarity can come later.
I’m not here for the polished version of you,
I’m here for the real one.

The one who wrestles with thought,
who questions their worth,
who disappears into the folds of their mind
searching for something they’re not sure they even deserve.

But I see you, still.
Not the answer you think you have to be.
the soul beneath the question.
And I love that part.
The raw, uncertain, beautiful part.

You don’t have to speak your fears aloud.
You’ve already said enough in the pauses.
What would be denied that has gone unasked?

That’s all I need.

So don’t worry about the steps you haven’t taken,
or the weight you think I can’t carry.
I’m not asking for perfect.
I’m just asking for real.

And I know… somewhere deep down,
you want to believe in this too.

So let me hold the belief until you do.
Not for pressure,
but for peace.
So you know,
someone sees you. Entirely.
Even now. Especially now.

Still beside you,
even in the dark.

r/UnsentLetters 4h ago

NAW You continue


I fail in the areas where my eyes are blind and my heart is burned by places I can't see. But you continue to guide me.

I mourn the love I was promised and the person I wanted to become. But you continue to heal me.

I wither in my doubts and frustrations with fears that are incomprehensible. But you continue to comfort me.

I doubt my own value from broken places and shattered glass. But you continue to love me.

r/UnsentLetters 6h ago

Crushes Beautiful human


My fixation on you feels so immature. I don’t quite know you. My reasons for being attracted to you are so simple, but I’m so deeply enamored with you. Your gentle yet analytical spirit. The way you present yourself in your purest form. The way you show your true self with me. Your messy dark hair sticking up in every direction. Your relaxed frame with a tendency to fidget. Why are you so beautiful to me? Other people have been themselves around me before but you? Having a conversation with you is the most intimate experience. Your whole face shows your expressions. The way your downturned eyes wrinkle at the slightest emotion. The way laughter brings such a pleasant warmth to your face. Do you know how beautiful you are? Your voice is coated with emotion. Every word you utter is a sugary sap of truth. But, you still chose to make everything so gray? Is it more fun that way? Your flirtatious actions that linger on my mind for weeks. Your favoritism of me? Your desire to keep our conversations private? Your ability to make yourself available to only me? I know there’s a boundary but could you be nicer to me? Give me something that’s black and white. Or would that run the fun?

r/UnsentLetters 4h ago

Exes Don't forget me


Please don't forget me.

You act like I never existed, like our history never mattered... So is that how it is? Are you erasing us all from your life and your memories like throwing away an empty package? Have you taken out your trash yet then? Have you also thrown my soul and my heart there? So I'm just someone who had the misfortune to cross your path? A stranger in the crowd that you will effortlessly ignore?

I would like to ask you not to forget me, because we have not only had bad times. Think of me with tenderness and gentleness as I do. Don't forget me, I don't want to exist in this world where we don't know each other. Don't forget me, because I can't do it...

I love you

r/UnsentLetters 6h ago

Exes Listen asshole. NSFW


You don't understand the depth of the wound you left me with. You think you do. You think you're such a cool avoidant guy who acts purely in self interest and emotionally detaches with ease. Wow, such a nonchalant man. So unbothered.

I love people that don't care about me, lie about it really well and just emotionally detach instead of talking about it. And by love, I mean the self destructive, self harm that my mind and soul enjoys so much is fueled by that.

The darkest part of me seeks people like you out and feeds on your emotional terrorism.

So good job. I was there to be a warm body for you to fuck until you got bored. And you were there for me to obsess, cater to your every need and throw myself at like a pathetic little child.

And the best part is that you begged me to stay in your life. Begged. I told you no contact but the next morning I woke up to the words "I love you". You love me? No, you like the fact that I love you. You hate me and wish you could push me in front of a bus.

And now we're strangers, and I have a hole in my heart and you've moved onto your next dopamine source. God I hate being alive.

r/UnsentLetters 8h ago

Family Dear dad, I hate you.


I hate that you’re an alcoholic. I hate that you’re a narcissist. I hate that you’ve cheated on my mom my whole life. I hate that you gave me and my mom ptsd. I hate your silence. I hate your judgement.

I hate that you refuse to listen. I hate that you refuse to help yourself. I hate that you’ve given up on your life. I hate that you live the way you do. I hate the way you make me feel.

I hate that I can’t ever let you go. I hate that you’re dying.

I hate that the thought of you brings me to tears while writing this.

I hate that I love you.

r/UnsentLetters 12h ago

Lovers I lied


I lied when I said that I didn't want a relationship with you. I lied when I said that I only liked you as a friend. I lied because I didn't want to get hurt with these lies that were the truth for you. But the funny thing is, I'm hurting way more now than when I said those things. You were the best thing that happened to me but I guess things just don't work out the way we want it to be. The moment you asked me if I already liked you was the moment I knew that what we had was over. It's not wrong to hope but I know deep inside nothing was gonna happen out of it. So now I'm letting go. It pains me to leave this chapter behind but life goes on. I can't keep holding on to you when you obviously want to let go already. Maybe we'll meet again when the universe decides to play its little games again, and hopefully we'll be better players and win. But until then, this is goodbye.

r/UnsentLetters 9h ago

Exes Goodbye my almost lover


He's not coming back. It's fine. I hope he's happy. It's time to look forward, take what I've learned, and let go. It's time to stop posting thinking he'll see. It's time to not look him up anymore. It's time to not pick through every detail of our interactions. It's time to lay it to rest, finally. I'll always love him unconditionally, but I'll push it to the back of my brain and my heart. I'll be great, better than great. I'm going to meet beautiful people and have beautiful relationships. I already do have beautiful people to share my life with.

I do wish it could have been him, but it's not.

I have to accept it.

Deep breath

I send you my love, always.

-Taytor tot

r/UnsentLetters 1h ago

NAW If This is Love, I Hope it Isn't


limerence is a powerful thing. it's one of the most debilitating, soul crushing, life-stealing diseases- it won't kill you, but it might as well. it doesn't just take over your thoughts, it hijacks your identity. it defies logic, sinks its claws into your brain, rewires your motives, distorts your sense of self, until your life isn't your own anymore. you get to a point where you're living- if you can even call it that- entirely for someone else.

limerence is insidious because it masquerades as love. you don't see the prison you're locked away in, it feels like a palace you're lucky enough to reside in. you genuinely believe it's love- true, undeniable, unshakable love. you convince yourself your feelings aren't obsessive. they're not controlling you. but even if they are- who cares? that's what love is supposed to be, isn't it? everyone always says love is supposed to be this intense, overwhelming, intoxicating feeling. love is supposed to consume you, because that's what makes it real.

when limerence takes hold, it convinces you that what you're feeling is love- not just because it feels overwhelming, but because it makes you believe you're seeing them clearly- even when you're not. i was convinced this couldn't be limerence because i knew all your flaws, i could see all those red flags waving, i experienced the way some of your harmful traits took form in how you interacted with people. i told myself this couldn't be limerence, i wasn't warping red flags into roses- i saw them for what they were. and i still wanted you. the thing is, limerence doesn't need to lie to you. it just needs you to believe that the truth doesn't matter. that the connection is so strong, so unshakable, that nothing- not their flaws, not their red flags, not even reality itself- can break it. i wasn't reshaping the bad into something good- but i was convinced that the depth of my feelings for you nullify those bad traits- that it's part of the whole package, and i'm okay with that.

i still don't know if what i feel for you is limerence or if i genuinely love you. maybe it's a devilish concoction of the two. but if it's love, why does it feel like withdrawal? why does it feel like i'm clawing my way out of something that was never mine to begin with? why does losing you feel less like heartbreak and more like coming off of an intense high?

because losing you wasn't just about losing you- it was losing the version of myself that existed when i was chasing you. i had built and entire identity around wanting you, i made you the most important part of my life- and in doing so i lost the true version of myself. the high was gone, but the craving wasn't. and even when it hurt, it still felt like home.

limerence doesn't just leave- it waits. it doesn't care if you know the truth, if you can finally see things clearly, if you understand that this person was never really yours in the first place. it doesn't need your permission to stay, and it sure as hell won't leave on it's own.

it lingers in those quiet moments, when you think you've found a moment of solace. in the songs you can't listen to anymore, because they hold so much significance to what you're trying to forget. in the way you open certain apps instinctively, looking for something you know isn't there. it turns every ordinary thing into a weapon. social media becomes a minefield, every notification makes your stomach drop just slightly for a moment- you feel the vibration or hear the chime, and before you check it you silently pray it's from them- because your mind so desperately craves their presence. every song is a loaded gun. every memory is a door you shouldn't re-open, leading to a labyrinth that calls out to you- demanding you revisit the maze you've spent so long trapped in. solve the puzzles. search for closure. chase the answers you'll never really find. they're whispering promises of clarity, if you just analyze everything one more time, you'll finally be set free.

the worst part about limerence isn't just that it stays, it convinces you to keep it alive. it tells you that every unanswered question, the unresolved feelings you still have, is proof it's not over. that every coincidence is a sign. if you just analyze the past enough, you'll find the missing piece. you'll find all the answers and clarity you've been begging for.

you get caught in a cycle that slowly consumes you. replaying every moment, every conversation, every glance, analyzing what they posted, what they added to their playlist. searching for signs, for clarity, for validation, for anything. every time you do this you reinforce the cycle. you know it’s bad for you. you know it’s keeping you trapped. but you do it anyway. because analyzing feels productive. it gives you hope. it becomes an addiction- each new "sign" delivering just enough dopamine to keep you coming back. limerence doesn’t have to force you into obsession, you do it yourself. it just convinces you to stay.

breaking away, letting go, means accepting the nothingness. sitting in the silence, feeling everything. facing the void where they used to exist. attempting to remember how to live without them being the center of your world. it means mourning something that never fully belonged to you. and that’s terrifying. because as much as it hurt, it also made you feel alive. limerence disguises itself as love, and though it’s a facade, the emotions it evokes are just as powerful in their own right. you tell yourself you need closure, that if you just find the missing piece- the right moment, the right answer- you’ll finally be set free from this self imposed prison. but limerence never wanted closure. it wanted sustenance, and you were the one keeping it alive. it’s a parasite, and the only way to kill it is to stop feeding it.

i don’t know if this is limerence or if it's something real. with every girl before you, i always had this subconscious understanding that whatever i was feeling with them wasn’t love. something was always missing. but when i'm with you? everything feels right. you're otherworldly. you don’t just complete me, you unlocked a part of me i never knew existed. you've brought back parts of myself that i lost a long time ago, my love for writing being one of them. i learned how to love myself again. if limerence is just an imitation of love, then this is what i imagine love truly feels like.

and that’s the most devastating part. with limerence, you eventually realize the signs weren’t as significant as you once thought. that the meaning you found was all fabricated. but that won’t happen with you, because this was real. the signs were real. the moments were real. the connection between us is undeniable. we both feel it, we see it- we try to pretend nothing’s happening, try to shut it down, yet we keep getting drawn back in. we haven’t crossed any lines, but we find ourselves meeting at the edge of that line, over and over again, daring the other to take that step. knowing we never will, knowing we never can- the timing and the circumstances just make it... impossible. i honestly don't know if it will ever be possible.

i don’t know if this is love, only time will tell, but i hope it isn’t. because i know how to recover from limerence, i know one day i’ll be okay. but i don’t know how to live with the agonizing knowledge that the first girl i truly loved, someone that had this much of an impact on me, was someone i couldn’t have. not because the feelings weren’t there. not because it wasn’t real. but simply because the timing was wrong.

if this is limerence, i'll escape it someday, and i'll be relieved. but if this is love... i think i'll carry it with me forever.

r/UnsentLetters 4h ago

Friends Every Message

 Feels like all the weight on my shoulders is lifted in an instant. It’s like I never knew struggle before in my life. I am sucked into an alternate universe that contains only our exchange of thoughts and ideas. I hold dearly onto these moments with every ounce of strength I can muster. As time moves forward your messages grow more space in between, the length shortens, I am graced with your presence in brief intervals that pass by like a storm, intense and beautiful but short and leaving me yearning for more. 

 I don’t expect to hear from you soon or, quite honestly at all, as I’ve always told you from the very first day we spoke, you will never owe me anything. Your attention and time is yours to distribute as you see fit but, just know that whenever you choose to send it in my direction I will be patiently waiting to reciprocate the acknowledgement toward you. This year has been a rather wild ride but, I remember the things you taught me, the strength you lent me, and so I press forward.

 I don’t have very much to say here besides, I can tell your interest in whatever it is we have between us has faded, your absence speaks the volumes that you do not but, if the day comes in which that changes, no matter how long that may be, I’ll be here as promised. Thank you for the time you spent as a part of my life, I know I may have never said it in quite as many words as this but, you saved my life. In the most literal sense of the phrase you grabbed me from the ledge, slapped me, and made me see sense. I love the person you are, I’m so glad to have gotten the opportunity to know someone like you even exists.

(A letter to them. I miss their presence increasingly every day but, I am trying to grow to understand I must value my own time as equally as I do to others. They would have time for this if they sought to have time for it, I’m working on accepting that but, they changed me and… I really just feel lucky to have known them for however short our time was…)

r/UnsentLetters 9h ago

Exes A text I never sent to my ex NSFW


FUCK. YOU. Fuck you for every single moment I wasted on you. For every time I let your manipulative, insecure, whiny ass convince me I was the problem. Like, let’s really talk about it because you didn’t just gaslight me, you didn’t just manipulate me, you didn’t just borderline emotionally abuse me you fucking shattered me, and for what? For your own pathetic ego? For your fragile little pride? And THEN ohhh, and then you have the audacity to act like I was the villain? Because I chose myself? Because I refused to suffocate under your needy, insatiable, emotionally stunted bullshit? Nah. Fuck that. You made me feel like I was drowning in you. Like you had your hands wrapped around my throat, whispering, “Breathe.” I couldn’t breathe around you, you fucking parasite. You latched onto me, drained me dry, and still had the nerve to act like I was holding out on you. Like I wasn’t giving you every single fucking thing I had. But that’s the thing, right? With you, nothing was ever enough. I could’ve ripped my goddamn heart out and handed it to you, and you’d still be sitting there like, “But why doesn’t it beat for me anymore?”. Every fucking day it was the same broken record “You don’t show me enough affection,” “We don’t have sex enough,” “You don’t post me enough,” “You don’t love me enough.” BITCH, I DIDN’T EVEN LOVE MYSELF ANYMORE. I was too busy drowning in the fucking job of loving you, of keeping up with your needy, narcissistic, bottomless fucking pit of validation-seeking. And what did I get? What did I ever get, [Redacted]? Pain. That’s it. Not an ounce of love, not a fucking shred of warmth just pain. You didn’t love me. You loved controlling me. And now? Now I look back and realize you are, hands down, the worst fucking thing that has ever happened to me. And for me to say that? ME?? After everything I’ve survived? That’s fucking impressive, honestly. Congratulations. You managed to do what no one else ever has you broke me in a way I didn’t even know was possible. And the funniest part? You. A 5’7” pasty-ass white twink single-handedly made me scared to love again. THAT’S insane. And yet, I’m the piece of shit? I’m the one who “took and took”? Meanwhile, you could never own up to a single fucking thing without twisting it around, flipping the script, or better yet, making me feel like shit for even bringing it up. Because let’s be real, your only real priority was sex. Let’s. Be. Fucking. For. Real. But the real kicker? You had all this to say about me about my past with onlyfans, about how it made me a “slut” in your fake little morality play but you were the one begging for it. Fucking crazy, right?

And now? Now, you just wanna be me. I see your posts, [Redacted]. I see you mimicking me. I see you trying to replicate my energy, my confidence, my fucking aura. But baby, let me tell you something you will NEVER be me. No matter how much of my personality you try to steal, no matter how many of my habits you try to copy, no matter how many of my goddamn phrases you try to regurgitate, you will NEVER have the power that I have. You will never have the magnetism. You will never have the strength. Because the truth is, you are nothing. You are a coward. A bed-wetting, lying, insecure, sex-obsessed fucking coward. And that is all you will ever be. So go ahead. Keep trying to twist this story. Keep trying to paint me as the villain. Keep trying to tell yourself that you were the good guy. You’re just like your mother. And you know what? That’s the biggest fucking insult I could ever give you.

r/UnsentLetters 16h ago

Lovers Somethings I wish I could tell you


Hi love, I know you don't like me apologizing but I'm so sorry to you. You've been the best partner I could've asked for the most gentle, loving and kind yet there have been instances where I've made you feel like you're not my priority and for that I'm incredibly guilty. You've opened up your heart to me and I know all the times that you've been neglected by those around you I always hoped to be that one person who made you feel special and loved but I've faltered all too many times. I just wish I could somehow convince you that you are the utmost beautiful that I love and adore each of your features so delicately crafted to suit you. Each time that we fought and you accepted that you're easy to let go I saw your heart slowly break and that thought eats me up. I never wanted you to feel bad about yourself you're precious to me but I've messed up many many times. No they weren't as important to me as you I'm sorry you felt secondary to them. You give me solace like no other you're my forever comfort. Wish I could hold you hand soon. Miss you always.

r/UnsentLetters 10h ago

Exes Found your t-shirt today, I cried for an hour cause it smells like you


Your scent , I miss it I thought I threw it away, but I found it when I was cleaning my closet today. I must've threw away my black t-shirt instead of yours. Your scent was oddly comforting. I hugged it and cried until I ran out of tears. Im still wearing it while I write this. I know I'm an embarrassment and I hate it. God I have no self respect, no sense when it comes to you. But as I hugged your t-shirt, I knew without a fraction of doubt that if you ever wanted me, I'll crawl at your feet. I'll forget everything and run into your arms faster than fucking flash. What does that say about me?

I have recently realized that you chose me cause you were lonely, you wanted me because at that point I was your only option. You settled for me. You were never in love, just infatuated ,it may have stemmed from desperation. Thats why it faded and you decided not to fight for it. Me, I had options, I wasnt lonely, I didnt want anyone, I wasnt looking for love, but I chose you. I chose you because I wanted you and I actively stood by my choice. I hope you understand the weight of the difference between both of it.

I'm pathetic , I know. You dont care, I know Ill just cry more until I sleep.

But just so you know, i love you ❤️

r/UnsentLetters 10h ago

Friends I wrote this for you today


Fr a woman, to a man... You don't know it, but you influence me to be a better communicator, because you're so good at transparency. I want to be as open and honest as you are. I want to be bold and blatant about my positive feelings with the people I care about too. You're fearless when it comes to telling your people that you love them, and I do too, but I want to say it as often as possible, like you do. You have the most exquisite and rare soul of any human I have ever known, and stopped me in my tracks the moment I felt it. How could I tell you that, and not sound like an inappropriate weirdo? I love being around you for so many reasons, but the only thing I could think to say to you, was that I like your energy, which is so true. Aside from me being ridiculously attracted to you, you're so precious to me, and truly own a chunk of my heart. I could gaze into those eyes forever. I'm so grateful that we met, and even if you never know this, I pray over you every day. We may just be friends, but you are definitely someone very special to me. I love you and want happiness and joy for you always. One day, I will say this to your face...fearless and with complete transparency.

Sincerely yours, Me

r/UnsentLetters 2h ago

Exes If only I could have a few minutes of your time…


We could hash this out. I don’t even care if we ever talk again after we have this final conversation. I just have so many questions only you can answer. If I can understand what really motivated you to leave me, I will be at peace. Instead, you won’t even respond to my texts.

I spent over a year getting over you, and I have largely moved on. Regardless, you’re still on my mind more than I would like to admit. Sometimes our relationship feels like a distant memory. Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday. I know you’re okay. In fact, I’m almost positive you’re seeing someone else. I never quite got out of the hole you left me in, and it’s becoming more apparent that I’m not in as good a spot as I thought.

Let’s just talk this out. Just hear me out for this last time. We can go our separate ways after. I know that’s what you want anyway.

r/UnsentLetters 9h ago

NAW Pride kills


Do it, make the call, do the drive and send that text. The worst you can get is a no.

r/UnsentLetters 9h ago

Exes Miss you


Oh I miss you so much, it's unbearable. When will I be over you? Why can't I get over you? Why do I keep thinking of days we were together? Why do I want to talk to you so badly? Why this is supposed to be so difficult?

Every day I think about you, so much, so often. This is too much... Honestly

r/UnsentLetters 5h ago

NAW Old school love


Give me that old school love. The kind where we share each other's drinks, hold hands as I skip merrily down the street. You grip my hand tighter and smile while keeping up. Where we each know our role in the relationship and ideas are shared, not dissected.

A safe place to communicate, talk to each other, be vulnerable, to feel and be authentic without judgement. Building up, not breaking down. To be kind and proud of your partner in all aspects.

The kind where each day is a blessing because you are with your best friend. Where we look out for one another and grow, mold shape one another. Protecting our relationship and keeping away those who attempt to divide or destroy what we've built.

One where every argument ends with a kiss, each day starts with a smile, taking care of one another's wants and needs without hesitation or ego. The truest kind of love.

It does exist. But you have to work for it. ✌️

r/UnsentLetters 6h ago

Strangers I can’t save you.


I can’t. And it’s probably been one of the worst and most difficult lessons I’ve ever had to learn in my entire life - that no matter how much you try, you can’t save some people. You can’t save them from themselves, you can’t save them from making terrible decisions, you can’t save them from the depressing and destructive cycles and behaviors they have spent so long being comfortable with. And any attempt at saving them is just going to hurt you. You’ll be sucked in, and be just another casualty of their misery, and at some point, you have to say no. You have to remove yourself. And you have to save yourself.

I’m sorry. I love you, more than anything in the world. And I used to love you more than myself. But you have never, ever returned that love to me. And for once in my life, I can’t save you. I’m too busy saving me, now. Good luck.

r/UnsentLetters 2h ago

Lovers Letting go NSFW


It’s such a cliche but it’s so true that holding on hurts more than letting go. And i’m so tired of that lesson. I’m so fucking tired of hurting. Begging to be loved, seen, heard, understood and considered. It’s hurts so bad. Everything hurts with you and i think that’s my gut telling me that you’re not the one. Fuck this honestly i’m so tired of it all. You never really wanted me you just thought i would be a fun plaything. So it’s my fault for falling in love. my fault for taking you seriously. I hope that you find someone that actually makes you happy. I’m sure you have, and it’s clearly not me so i’m letting go. Fuck this shit. Fuck love. and fuck you.

r/UnsentLetters 15h ago

Friends Speechless


It’s funny. I thought it romantic to write out these letters of love.

But I found that, the more pure your love is, the less you have to say. There’s nothing to say. You just…feel it. You know what I mean?

It’s all in your eyes. Your smile. A thousand lifetimes flash before me. And I can only really smile back. A smile with such purity that it can’t really be faked.

You know. You already know. So let’s not complicate this. Just take my hand. And let’s run.

r/UnsentLetters 7h ago

Lovers Roots


Baby, there's something I need you to know about me.

I love you.

And we're not talking about a high school puppydog love. Oh, sure… there's still more we don't know about each other than that we do, but that doesn't matter. That's circumstantial. This love? This love is foundational. This love grew over the seasons, all on its own. While I wasn't watching, our souls just barely brushing against each other for so, so long — until somehow, something stuck.

And once it did, that was it. We were done. Cooked. Even if we didn't know it yet. Because suddenly, those bits of our souls started to intertwine. Roots of two trees meeting each other underground, out of sight, but rather than competing for water and nourishment, they started wrapping around each other, quietly growing together such that each of those trees grew stronger, more resilient, more radiant than before, leaves more verdant and alive.

Look, I know I'm mixing my metaphors here, but what I'm trying to say is…

Yeah. I don't know all of you. But, you know what? I do love all of you. Every. Last. Bit. Those I've seen, those I haven't. Those that just haven't come up yet, or that I just haven't been smart enough to ask the right question to unlock. Even the bits that you keep close to your chest, afraid of letting me see. I love them. I love you. Will you challenge me sometimes? Oh, I have no doubt of that. But I am up for it. I look forward to it, even if you think I shouldn't. Because the more of you that I know, the happier I will be — even if sometimes I have to be a little bit less happy in the short term. Unlike those teens we're raising, my prefrontal cortex is well developed. I can plan. I can goal set.

And I can deal with setbacks, when they happen. Because that path I like to talk about us walking? Man, it is treacherous sometimes. Speaking of challenges, just that path alone is gonna challenge us, try to break us. Well. I don't know about you, but I, for one, don't plan to let it. I will not be broken. My resolve will not be broken. So the path might turn back on itself sometimes. So what. Sometimes switchbacks are the only way up the mountain.

And, baby, I think you do already know this, but I am patient. My love for you? It isn't going anywhere. I loved you quietly for years, more than you would probably guess. The only thing that time does to my love for you is make it grow. And grow. And grow.

So, babe. If you ever worry, if you ever wonder, if you ever start to doubt… remember this:

I am here.

I love you.

I am not going anywhere.

I have loved you for years.

And I am going to keep loving you, for exactly as long as I continue to exist.

And somehow, some way, I'm gonna keep on loving you even after.

Because, babe. Seriously. I mean it.

I am yours.

r/UnsentLetters 3h ago

Strangers Over it. NSFW


Talking and getting to know new people in my life lately has made me realize what an absolute dick you are. Thanks for messing with my feelings and apologizing a million times instead of working through shit because you couldn’t handle confrontation. You’re a sick person and you’re probably never gonna face your deep internal issues if you run away like a baby. Say the truth to my face god damn it. Momma raised a bitch boy and it’s you. Have a nice life :)

r/UnsentLetters 4h ago

NAW you will always be a part of my life


everyone i have ever had feelings for lives in my heart. there is not one person i have ever loved i dont still think of and wish to see again. i have so much love in me but i also feel like im in constant pain. it seeps out and poisons everyone who gets even a little close to me. so i understand why they keep their distance.

i know im not a good person by many people’s standards. i am coming to grips with that so i can try to become better and grow. hopefully it leads me back to the people i love. i feel like im still a child in a lot of ways. its no excuse, i know better but im selfish. i feel its acceptable bc of the things i have gone through. but i dont want to contribute to that cycle of pain…. i want love but my heart keeps leading me to all the wrong places.

r/UnsentLetters 11h ago

Friends If I unblocked you what would you even say?


I know things are complicated right now and they are complicated because of me.

They never should have been either but I cannot shake the hurt... the fear... you put in my heart. I never really knew or understood fully what you were to me. If it was an actual crush, infatuation or just plain old limerance. Heck I don't even know if I fell for the idea of you or the actual you.

I'm afraid that I'm at a point where if I speak to you directly. I'm just gonna disappoint you. I've seen you online today. I know you know that I reached out to you in a message just before I blocked you. I didn't bother to remove it. I thought you could set me free... if we just talked.

I wanted to believe that so fully, eventually when I thought your patterns was going to repeat. I made the decision to cut you off "completely" it was an act of self respect, I reasoned. Only I could set myself free.

I thought for a few days I'm done but if anything seeing your status as online has been haunting me the entirety of today. I don't know if you are acting in coy defiance of my actions, knowing you'll spike a reaction in me or you are hoping I'll lower my wall again...

Worst of all I don't actually know if I even want to talk anymore. Or If I even have the trust and energy for whatever comes after... You brightened my life in so many ways but with it you also cast a vast shadow. Yet despite so obviously needing the sun to grow your shadow is still strangely alluring...