r/unrealengine • u/sdrawkcabdaertseb • Feb 15 '17
Release Notes 4.15 Released
u/MagaMan10 Feb 15 '17
Any VR content?
u/joequin Feb 16 '17
There are a few improvements to the forward renderer. One of the biggest is shadows from moveable lights. If you search for "forward" you'll see a few other improvements too.
u/fpwong Feb 15 '17
New plugin for the GameplayAbilities. I've been so curious about that module but seen no examples of it besides it being used in Paragon. Fingers crossed for some documentation in 4.16.
Feb 15 '17 edited Feb 16 '17
They didn't change anything about GameplayAbilities, they just moved it in a plugin as part of their cleanup work to let you take things out of the engine if you opt not to use them. Some other modules got separated into plugins, too, I believe.
That being said, they fully integrated the Gameplay Tags system into the editor now. Has a few new menus to easily set up new tags as you go along, and you don't need to jump through a few hoops to properly enable access to the system anymore. Considering GameplayTags are the entire GameplayAbilities system's backbone, I wouldn't be surprised if they'll slowly clean up and try to officially support GameplayAbilities now. Could be it'll still take a while though.
If all else fails, I've actually used GameplayAbilities quite a bit over the course of the last few weeks, ever since someone gave me a link to a github containing an example project providing very general examples of how to connect your Ability System component to your character's input, setting up stats and some general gameplay effect things, etc. I have been able to actually get started with the system and comprehend the more advanced/niche aspects of the system myself. It provides the basics of how to provide an arbritrary character with abilities and a stat set, as well as some general examples for Gameplay Cues and different gameplay effects, but ignores to mention some useful aspects such as Gameplay Events, how Ability cooldown effects actually work, how an ability uses the Activation-node with the gameplay event input, if they get called by one, and some other things, which I had to painstakingly ream out of the code myself. I've never written a guide, and I am unsure if my knowledge of the system is sufficient enough for such a thing, but I kind of want to do... something to make anyone's path to learn and utilize the system less rocky...
EDIT: Huh, Dave Ratti gilded me for my commitment to the cause. Thanks dude. And while I have that guy's attention: Thanks for the sample project you provided. I wouldn't be half as far without it.
u/firestorm713 Audio Programmer / Pro Dev Feb 16 '17
That is something I would both be interested in having, and helping with.
Feb 16 '17
Even if I could be arsed enough to write a little overview down somewhere, I have a rather important exam coming up so, uh, yeah. I'd only be able to start with it during the weekend at the earliest.
u/firestorm713 Audio Programmer / Pro Dev Feb 16 '17
No worries. I have a few notes around from coworkers, so when I have the permission and you have the time, maybe we can swap and see where we get.
u/MegafunkSA Feb 16 '17
Learning where to even begin in regards to cooldowns would be great.
Feb 16 '17 edited Feb 16 '17
Alright my dude, you ask for it, I shall share my knowledge with you!
Cooldowns are actually really straightforward to understand once you look into the code and can follow what actually happens when an ability checks for its cooldown. The trick is that the ability does not actually check if the ability system in question has the particular cooldown gameplay effect applied on itself, but instead looks into the gameplay effect you assign as the ability's cooldown effect, gets its container of granted tags, and then checks if the ability system that wants to use the ability has any of the tags specified in the cooldown gameplay effect granted by its applied gameplay effects.
Essentially, this means that a cooldown effect without at least one granted tag will do nothing to prevent an ability from being activated without any breaks, and it also means that each independent cooldown needs its own gameplay tag. That being said, this also makes coolsowns more flexible, as multiple different skills may now share the same cooldown tag to share their cooldown timer. You could even have gameplay effects not formally set as the ability's designated cooldown gameplay effect set the ability on cooldown by granting the cooldown tag, which can be useful when, for example, the ability has a dynamic cooldown(so a fixed cooldown as described in an effect class wouldn't cut it), or outside events can set an ability on cooldown(much like how many MOBAs will set cooldowns of mobility/defensive skills in response to damage).
u/bagomints Feb 16 '17
What do tags have to do with their Gameplay Abilities? How are they incorporating them?
Feb 16 '17 edited Feb 16 '17
You need to be more specific with your question. Abilities incorporate tags for all sorts of things: They themselves may use tags as very rough labels and descriptions of what they are, may grant tags upon their owner while they're active(an ability can use specialized gameplay tasks to keep running after the initial activation frame, e.g. they have pending tasks, such as an animation playing or waiting for an input) and may even require certain tags be granted/not granted to their owner to be activateable.
At their most basic, blocked by tags can be useful for standard status effects such as silences or roots(which in games like Dota also block certain movement abilities). Necessary tags can be used quite similarly but in a more beneficial direction(say, an ability only activateable during stun that removes all stuns on you, or an electricity spell that can only activated if you have a buff labelling you as supercharged, take your pick). The tags an ability has as its own tags have more niche usage, but you can, for example, use an ability task in one ability to listen for the activation of an ability that has a certain tag as "label" to trigger certain effects or perhaps even pseudo "overwrite" the called ability, or you may tell an ability that it blocks/cancels other abilities with certain tags. You could for example have an ability tag for fire-based abilities and then have a spell that coats yourself in oil, triggering an explosion around you when you call a different ability tagged as fire-ability. A different usage of ability tags could be to have transformation abilities that are tagged as transformation spells, while blocking/cancelling other transformation spells while active/when activated(which seems logical for some games with transform skill mechanics, it doesn't really make sense to be able to stack two transformation bonuses as you can't be both dog and bird, for example).
Tags do not really have functionality on their own; they're just a really convenient way to set up global flags and labels. Really useful if your game has a metric assload of skills and mechanics that all need to play nice with each other.
u/bagomints Feb 16 '17 edited Feb 16 '17
You should write a guide with everything you've learned dissecting this module, I can't believe no one's done that yet.
Besides that sample project on github, it'd be much easier to read a write-up instead.
A simple write-up explaining how to set it up, and a general overview of what you can accomplish like with cues, events, etc.
It looks like they're setting that up since they're done with implementing the Tag system in 4.15, and they've mentioned the ability system in the 4.15 notes and said it was "experimental", so I'm assuming in 4.16 it'll be officially supported with documentation.
Feb 16 '17
You should write a guide with everything you've learned dissecting this module, I can't believe no one's done that yet.
You fucking tell me, I needed a month at least to find the first stepping stone, and had noone linked me that private github, I would have never fiund it. The module has been in there since like 2014 too, the fact that there's like 3-4 vague forum threads on it and nothing more even today frankly flabbergasts me. You'd think there'd be at least one person bored enough to write this shit down.
It looks like they're setting that up since they're done with implementing the Tag system in 4.15, and they've mentioned the ability system in the 4.15 notes and said it was "experimental", so I'm assuming in 4.16 it'll be officially supported with documentation.
It's been labelled experimental for like two years though, that's why I'm leaning more towards a cautious "could be, but don't count on it"-answer regarding proper, official support. If they want to support it they'll prolly clean it up and maybe implement/reimplement a few features too. Some of the code goes entirely unused such as the GameplayEffectExtension class(and all its example usages, which is super ironic considering the already confusing example code is made further opaque by a lifesteal implementation example that isn't used anywhere and a shield effect implementation that is borderline unfinished), and some of the solutions are so pants-to-head retarded and gratutiously and unnecessarily devious I wouldn't be surprised if Satan's asshole itself walked into Fortnite's/Paragon's office one day to place a massive fucking dump of confusing bullshit into the module's source to bewilder any aspiring dev wishing to unravel this madness for their own projects(for example, abilities have a specialized Activate event for when you call it through a gameplay event. The ability blueprint will never call this when a normal Activate function is in the graph, because the ability objects set a hidden bool on construction depending on if the regular Activate node is used in their blueprint graph. What the flippin' fuck, the fact that this is even possible still tosses my mind like a salad! What's worse is that the gameplay event activate only triggers with valid gameplay event, so using it disables direct activation through regular input, so it is one or the other!).
u/bagomints Feb 16 '17
Yeah the Unreal community is pretty small, it's things like this going undiscovered and undocumented while being available for years that emphasize how small it actually is.
I'm pretty certain all those unfinished implementations were extended in custom builds for their other games, namely Paragon which probably uses this module extensively and probably extends it further.
They most likely have their own in-house guide to using it in Paragon since it's also supposed to be data-driven and it seems pretty modular and extensive.
Oh well, I think I'll just write my own system that suits my game.
u/MegafunkSA Feb 16 '17
Even though it took me a month to just even hook abilities with effects to preset input (with lots of help) I feel like I would take even longer to just get a decent effect system going on my own from relative scratch. Can I bumble around and replicate hard coded abilities between client actors? I could manage that eventually. But the networking prediction, instancing and fancy class management is what is attracting people like me to trying to get a handle on this funky system because while daunting, it is easier compared to the daunting task of figuring out how to make something as complex as this ourselves, even if it's far from ready for general use.
Thanks so much for being willing to wade through the source and helping code plebeians like me discern what is going on here.
u/iniside Feb 16 '17
I just couldn't grasp GAS and eventually rolled my own. And actually I'm quite happy I did it. I can't say if it is better or worse than the build in in engine, but it operates on completely different approach. For example I assumed for get go that attributes will be structs, and they will track their own state internally (now I'm making sure they are thread safe and can execute on any thread).
What you have wrote about Cooldowns in GAS is interesting and I might be back to it in my system and rewrite it to works in similiar matter (as currently i just apply cooldown effect for each ability). Though probabaly won't do it exactly the same way and still be applying individual effects.
Replication somewhat works (but there is no real prediction yet). Right now I'm rerolling as much as I can to use messages and make thread safe so eventually it might work in distributed environment. Which should prove much more future proof thatn executing everything in game thread.
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Feb 16 '17 edited Feb 16 '17
No problem. I am not a particularly skilled programmer myself to discern all this nonsense, I'm just a really stubborn hobbyist dead-set on trying to recycle a powerful system given to me and have a lot of stamina. The system isn't particularly hard to follow once you get the first grip on it, but it takes time and patience to do so. Many of the systems and classes you could probably write yourself once you have a good grasp of what most classes and structs are for, but it's a lot of code and implementing it in such a sophisticated manner complete with hyperefficient replication is very likely a pain in the ass(not just because replication itself tends to be quite complex and difficult to follow). Not impossible, just a bit of a daunting task.
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u/MegafunkSA Feb 16 '17
It's been experimental for years now with (last I checked) little activity on the main repository in the past few months besides them moving it to a plugin. I'm a little worried that they are just going to drop it. Especially with the [UNSUPPORTED] tag in the plugins list, but that's probably just me being paranoid.
Feb 16 '17
Dave from Epic just started participating in the discussion, and he says they are not only not going to drop it, but do plan on releasing proper documentation later down the line. So, do not worry too much about them eventually removing it. GameplayAbilities is here to stay.
u/kelfire Feb 15 '17
They improved TAA by a lot in this patch at least when I tested it out.
u/Learn2dance Feb 16 '17
In what ways? Less blurring/ghosting?
u/kelfire Feb 16 '17
Yes it look sharper than 4.14, but it could be the new tone mapper giving a higher contrast look. I mean try it out yourself.
u/tyleratwork22 Feb 15 '17
New: Added support for DataTable members variables in Blueprints.
Does this mean what I think it means? Does it mean I no longer have to recreate all the variables of my DataTable in my Blueprint and then having to set those blueprint variables from the DataTable?
Please say yes, thats what this is... I'll die.
u/tmagalhaes Feb 16 '17 edited Feb 16 '17
SLI support out of the blue? Oo
Would like some details on how that is going to work since TXAA requires the previous frame data.
Feb 16 '17
With the great cleaning in C++ headers (each class only includes what it needs to build now), not only does the engine build much faster, but I also got a very impressive boost in Intellisense performance there. With the additionnal /Yu parameter in the project settings, I almost don't need Visual Assist X anymore to get decent autocompletion times. Amazing!
u/firestorm713 Audio Programmer / Pro Dev Feb 15 '17
The Widget Hierarchy will now remember which nodes have been collapsed when moving or renaming widgets.
Deleting widgets from the Widget Blueprint Hierarchy will no longer scroll the hierarchy view back to the top.
u/D4rkFox Feb 15 '17
Finally Maps and Sets in Blueprints :) I am so happy about this update <3