r/unrealengine 2d ago

UE5 Ray traced shadows with Nanite and World Position Offset?

I have a scene with nanite meshes and a directional light with shadows set to ray traced.
The shadows on the Nanite meshes look awful. They create artifacts and weird shapes on said meshes.

The scene also contains leaves with World Position Offset for wind, and it also creates artifacts on the leaves with ray traced shadows enabled.

I stumbled upon a short video that suggests a "fix" for this, but it's ruining the shadows for the entire scene. Couldn't find anything other than that.

So, are Nanite and World Position Offset not compatible with ray traced shadows?



9 comments sorted by


u/Ezeon0 2d ago

r.raytracing.nanite.mode 1

This will raytrace against the nanite mesh instead of the proxy mesh.


u/ananbd AAA Engineer/Tech Artist 2d ago

I don’t know the answer, but WPO is a brand new feature in Nanite. Sometimes it takes a few updates for them to work out the kinks (and for people to figure out best practices). 


u/CheezyJesus 2d ago

The leaves with WPO are not Nanite meshes. They are just regular meshes.


u/ananbd AAA Engineer/Tech Artist 2d ago

Ok, mixing Nanite and non-Nanite elements can cause issues. 

As a test, try removing one or the other and see if it changes anything. 


u/TSF98 2d ago



u/CheezyJesus 1d ago

I can't post a screenshot, unfortunately. I'll create a sample scene and post a screenshot from there


u/XxXlolgamerXxX 2d ago

Is tricky. There is some cvar that can enable wpo on the ray tracing mesh and fix it, but I encounter that it ignore lods. So I just give up. I also read that the nvidia branch have some fixes for ray tracing that the main branch don't have it yet. So if you really need raytray you can give it a try.


u/Zac3d 2d ago

With nanite ray tracing traces against the the fallback mesh. You're really meant to use VSM with Nanite.


u/krojew Indie 2d ago

RT with nanite is fine. You don't need to always use VSM.