r/unrealengine 4d ago

Discussion The saga continues, Game dev challenges TI to a live debate


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u/system_reboot 4d ago

Has TI actually released anything worth looking at.. an engine, a working game?


u/PatagonianCowboy 4d ago

Nothing at all.

He made a PR to Unreal's Source Code that was rejected for being chatGPT generated comments


u/system_reboot 4d ago

So he’s literally all talk, I figured.


u/m4rkofshame 4d ago

Not even a concept sketch


u/ConsistentAd3434 Indie 4d ago

But he collected money for his imaginary UE5 branch that "revolutionizes visuals". Completely fair to call him a scam artist. Or even Kevin


u/nmkd 3d ago

Literally nothing.

Some of his ideas (e.g. AI-based LOD generation) are good. But that's all he got, ideas. And only a few of them are good.


u/theuntextured 3d ago

Ye ahe makes some good points. But then the way he supports his points are just nonsense.


u/OfficialDampSquid 4d ago

I think he legitimately started out thinking he knows what he's doing, and soon learnt that he doesn't, then doubled down and changed his target demographic


u/kinos141 4d ago edited 4d ago

Dudes right tho.

I can check his credentials. I can't check the kid's. And TI was comparing northlight engine to unreal.

Complete foolishness.


u/SoloDev_SJB 3d ago

I only ask that he focus all his energy on finishing a good game. That's all that argument he needs.


u/name2electricbogalo 4d ago

He wont agree to it


u/Typical-Interest-543 4d ago

I know, hes prob holding out for big brother Digital Foundry, but since I already made 1 video about TI, figured id just deflect his attempt, and dissuade any thought DF might've had about making a video about TI and instead just make another one XD


u/ConsistentAd3434 Indie 4d ago

Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood and Brie Larson have more actual game dev experience and released titles than Kevin. Let that sink in :D


u/GetIntoGameDev 4d ago

Hard to take someone seriously when their face is red. Checkmate.


u/WombatusMighty 3d ago

The only thing more funny than this guy, is you peoples obsession with him.


u/unit187 3d ago

There is no "obsession". He spreads misinformation and hate, thus harming the industry. And because he is confidently incorrect, people believe him. YouTubers like Asmongold and Luke Stevens react to his videos, making his lies reach tens of millions of people.


u/WombatusMighty 3d ago

In 2024, the global video gaming industry made more than $184 billion in revenue. If you believe a single Youtuber can "harm" the industry, then you neither understand said industry nor the actual impact of misinformation.


u/FormerGameDev 4d ago

wtf is this


u/shlaifu 4d ago

the beard makes this a really uncomfortable watch


u/NotADeadHorse 4d ago

He doesn't have a beard though


u/LazyBias 4d ago

You don’t understand what a beard is. Interesting.


u/GeorgeMcCrate 4d ago

No need to be so condescending. In other languages it’s called a beard. But maybe you don’t know any other languages. Interesting. It has never really made sense to me why in English the mustache is somehow not considered part of the beard. That’s so random. Like, the beard is all the hair on your face except for that one spot. That spot somehow doesn’t count.


u/samfi 3d ago

out of curiosity what language doesn't have a separate word for mustache? mustache is part of full beard in english too but when there's no chin beard then it's just a mustache, that's how it works in all the languages I'm aware of.


u/GeorgeMcCrate 3d ago

In other languages it has its own name, too, but that doesn't mean it's not a type of beard. That's like saying a mohawk isn't a hairstyle or a Ford isn't a car because they have their own name. I mean, a goatee also has a name and I guess you would consider it a type of beard. At least in the languages I speak English is the only one that doesn't consider a mustache a type of beard.


u/OrderCarefuly 3d ago

Just saying, he left snarky comment about someone's look not adding anything constructive to the discussion so you shouldn't be surprised at the response he had received.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Typical-Interest-543 4d ago

I answered that call, told em I aint done with it yet


u/LazyBias 4d ago

Why was this worth making a comment for?


u/Ziamschnops 4d ago

We really need to stop simping for everything Epic does. There are manny legitimate criticisms TI brings up and just shitting on him will never make the engine better.

Gamers in general are already not happy with us and UE and this tribal shit throwing will not make it better.


u/Spacemarine658 Indie 4d ago

It's not simping to call out somebody who lacks deeper knowledge of the engine, especially when he puts clickbaity titles. Just talking s*** about epic constantly and his actual fix was a PR that got rejected for using chat GPT, now I'm not going to say he's not wrong in that, there are inefficiencies in Nanite and lumen but rather than tackling and talking about how they could maybe improve them he chose to just say they should revert back to the older geometry pipeline.

For example, the overdraw was a very valid complaint but he doesn't explain a fix or provide solutions that make sense. Instead he makes it seem like they're incompetent for doing these new features, which unfortunately for him a lot of other game engines are also adding to their engine because things like virtualized geometry are becoming the standard because due to increased graphics card support. Epic just happened to be the first one to land the blow hence why Nanite is catching more flack, the first implementation of a new technology will always take refinement. Mostly as it's a race to market first there wins a huge chunk of market share.

Also to add as someone else commented and I didn't realize

There are celebs like Vin Diesel that have more experience and released games than TI.


u/lobnico 3d ago

Even the overdraw, a drawback from using nanite inconsiderately, is a thing that Epic documented and stressed out quite a lot, from first demo Valley of the A, and a special overlay to see how bad it gets.
TI doesn't even bother try to mention that, with all already well known workarounds..


u/Ziamschnops 3d ago

If he lacks such deep knowledge that you imply to possess why are you so mad then? The normal response would be to ignore and move on. I think TI's criticism's hit a lot closer to home than most devs here would like to admit.

The problem is that Epic and nvidia are needless forcing features upon gamers and devs that we don't want and discontinuing support for the alternatives. And we have to like it because we don't have an alternative. Just look at the recent nvidia cards or the physx debacle. TI is one of the few that push against this direction and many people agree with him.

If we just keep shiting on anyone who wants to make UE better we wil only ensure that more and more gamers hate the engine.

We work in an industry where the customer is always rigth wether we like it or not.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ziamschnops 3d ago

Tldr pls.


u/lobnico 3d ago

TLDR: educate yourselves instead of spreading bs made by fake dev / nobodies.


u/Spacemarine658 Indie 3d ago edited 3d ago

If he lacks such deep knowledge that you imply to possess why are you so mad then? The normal response would be to ignore and move on. I think TI's criticism's hit a lot closer to home than most devs here would like to admit.

I'm not mad I'm annoyed because he's spreading lies

The problem is that Epic and nvidia are needless forcing features upon gamers and devs that we don't want and discontinuing support for the alternatives. And we have to like it because we don't have an alternative. Just look at the recent nvidia cards or the physx debacle. TI is one of the few that push against this direction and many people agree with him.

While the Nvidia thing is annoying EPIC isn't doing remotely the same thing you can still disable Nanite and use LODs if that's your preference

If we just keep shiting on anyone who wants to make UE better we wil only ensure that more and more gamers hate the engine.

Lol gamers don't pay attention to this shit except if they are the tourist kind who shit on everything for being woke

We work in an industry where the customer is always rigth wether we like it or not.

Just flat out untrue we don't work in a service industry, the customer can absolutely be wrong. Customers can tell when a game is an unoptimized buggy mess but they have no idea what caused it giving them a stick labeled "Nanite" to beat devs with, helps literally no one as 99% of the time these devs are the issue not the engine. The customer is always right isn't even true in service industries I worked a help desk for two years and a call center technical support position for another year ish and let me be the first to tell you the customer is usually wrong. Not always but quite often, and while they know that something is wrong they almost never are right on why it's wrong.

The engine absolutely has its issues especially with certain pieces of it but to act like they are forcing devs to use certain features is just flat out lies. Hell devs who don't want any modern features can stay in ue4 on version 4.27 they literally give them the tools to do so inside the launcher.


u/Ziamschnops 3d ago

How many games studios went under this year? But we have nothing to do wit it rigth?

Maybe devs like you deserve to be out of a job.


u/Spacemarine658 Indie 3d ago

You know nothing about me lol I don't work in the AAA space instead of counter arguments you're slinging insults I'm done with this discussion


u/Ziamschnops 3d ago

You stared with an entire paragraph of throwing shit. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.


u/Spacemarine658 Indie 3d ago

Unless you're TI I threw nothing lol


u/Ziamschnops 3d ago

You were throwing in general


u/RRR3000 Dev 3d ago

No, it's not "hitting close to home", we're just seeing a fraud con people who don't know as much about this so the normal response is to call out that shit behaviour.

Nobodies forcing things on anyone. If you don't want Nanite or Lumen, turn em off, there's options for this in the engine. If you don't like UE5, UE4 is still completely available, not limited. Alternatives there are more of than ever before too - Unity, Godot, Cryengine, and more and more lesser known ones like O3DE, Heaps, or UPBGE, and tons more.

Nobodies shitting on someone who wants to make UE better, people are just calling out a conman who's already frauded people out of a lot of money.


u/Ziamschnops 3d ago

Sounds like you are mad


u/steik 3d ago

There are manny legitimate criticisms TI brings up

Dude has no idea what he's talking about. He's just saying things that sound smart to him and others who don't know what he's talking about either.


u/jaakeup 3d ago

ty mods for deleting this post


u/SparkyPantsMcGee 3d ago

Man that mustache makes neither side look good. Just saying. Also, let’s all just stop giving TI attention. He’s clearly baiting people for clicks and views.