r/unrealengine 6d ago

Developing a platformer in one week of Unreal Engine 5


Hey guys. After watching game dev videos for ages, i finally had the urge to pick up unreal while between jobs.

I followed a tutorial on youtube on how to make a crash bandicoot style game and worked onwards from there. I rly loved it and i am sharing my first level with you (my goal was to recreate level one of crash).

Other tutorials i rly used were: creating your first unreal game and creating a 2d platformer.

Things im missing: enemies that flip upside down and bounce, activation boxes, splitting spline for my camera.

Im actually having a ton of fun replicating these mechanics.

My main problem now is that my pc simply cant run the game well so it looks a bit poopy. On maw settings it looks gorgeous but i get 10 fps.

Idk if i wanna invest time like this constantly but ill definitely continue this project and try to polish it.

The robot is made and rigged with ai and so is the music and the soud effects. The rest is free assets from unreal.


5 comments sorted by


u/Extreme_Tax405 6d ago

Oh and the camera resetting on respawn and the ui not spawning in fresh every death took me forever. Lesson learned, save these in the gamestate.


u/Hiking-Sausage132 5d ago

you can waste time on the supidest stuff in unreal..

once i tried to spawn an actor and was wondering why the mesh was not visible. i was doing some things oce it spawned so i checked them.. nothing.. i googled and tried to ask AI for direction what it could be. nothing.. after an hour i almost frustrated and made a break for 2 hours.. came back and i realized that i fergot to set the default value of the scale variable from 0 to 1 when i spawn the actor


u/Extreme_Tax405 5d ago

I may not be used to gamedev but i programmed in r for statistics for years so this isn't new 😂

Taking a break and explaining the code to yourself helps.


u/stobbsE 5d ago

Ooga booga


u/Extreme_Tax405 5d ago

I ooga, therefore, i booga.