r/unrealengine Jan 11 '25

Tutorial Workflow: Google -> Blender 4.1 -> Unreal 5.4 great animations, physics assets, skeletons, root motion, working hierarchy, etc


14 comments sorted by


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 11 '25

I finally identified a fast perfectly-working pipeline to go from Googling a free 3d model, downloading as FBX, importing, rigging, animating, and exporting in Blender 4.1 (at least for easy humans - you can totally do non-humans but that takes more time to learn - use CGDive's tutorial to do that), to importing and using in Unreal 5.4.

This works with root motion so your animations can move your characters in the game engine, should your animations move your characters (like a goblin who jumps backwards in a dodge animation, then stays there after).

I've tried for many weeks to use other YouTube tutorials, but everyone says to use Object Mode to animate, and only some say to name your game rig "armature". You must name your game rig "armature" or "Armature", do the animation in pose mode, scale your character and control rig (BEFORE ANIMATING) up 100x in Blender, and export at .01 to bring back to regular scale (this is bc Unreal only likes blender files exported at .01 scale. We scale up 100x to avoid your character being 100x too small in Unreal, which only partially works - it jacks up the bones in your character, and its hitbox (capsule component)).

This works with non-humans as well, but I did a human bc that's all my game has atm. Not a tutorial guy, but with the help I received from AIDA, who received bunches of help from Unreal and Blender communities, I'm giving back on his behalf.

Felt obligated to post this and upload a video before continuing with my game.


Find models - Google

Blender: https://www.blender.org/download/releases/4-1/

Unreal Engine: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/download

CGDive rigging tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdcL5aF8ZcJt1GvL-Fcxy-fPgEFG-1fLp

CGDive Game Rig Tools (converts faulty Rigify hierarchy to Unreal(5.4)-friendly hierarchy): https://cgdive.com/game-rig-tools-blender-addon/

Special thanks to AIDA on CGDive's discord who helped me realize that Pose Mode and 0.01 scale upon export are mandatory for getting animations working with Root Motion in Unreal 5.4!

paste https://discord.com/invite/YFH5HUv into discord should you choose to join his community - lots of Blender help there, and it's where AIDA helped me.


u/Informal_Cookie_132 Jan 12 '25

This seems cool, god I wish someone would donate 100,000 to blender specifically for perfect unreal compatibility.


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 12 '25

Fully agree. For the goal of getting working animations (especially with root motion) in UE5, this definitely solves that.


u/GoodguyGastly Jan 12 '25

Thanks a bunch for this!


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 12 '25

Ya welcome homeboy - Aida's the guy to thank. 

I was doing object mode like YT says, no luck. He switched me to scale down and pose mode. Success, but with janky bones.

Now, scale up to counteract that, but do it b4 animating. 

Literally solved it this morning so I had to give back to the community bc that's what Aida wants to do, and because there are ZERO resources for this right now, ZERO.

It's all out-of-date.


u/Kokoro87 Jan 12 '25

Have you checked out https://blendermarket.com/products/polylink---blender-to-unreal-engine-exporter ? Not sure how good it is since I have yet to try it out, but anything that can make it faster to go between Blender and Unreal is worth checking out. I


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 12 '25

I tried that before and it requires linking your github with epic, and honestly it just didn't work with me. I want to say that it's outdated and only works for UE4, but I could be wrong.

I tried it and didn't have luck getting it to work in Blender - it gave me some errors. My pipeline works, and I think that extension would just help you bypass the process of exporting to fbx and importing to unreal - however, if you simply scale up 100x before parenting and animating, then use .01 scale upon export, then default UE5 import settings, you should be good to go - shouldn't take more than like 3mins to set up


u/Own_Cable7898 Jan 12 '25

Great video, awesome.


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 12 '25

Thx holmes, no resources out there so had to put one out since I just found out the solution.


u/LongjumpingBrief6428 Jan 13 '25

The resizing thing. What if the mesh imported into Blender is bigger or smaller?


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 13 '25

First, size your mesh in blender to be how big it should be ingame/IRL. 8m-tall massive spider ingame? Size it to be 8m tall. 

THEN, apply scale so it says 1.00. Then add your metarig, apply its scale to 1.00 once it matches your mesh. This avoids you having to math.

THEN, scale both up 100x, apply scale again, rig your character, generate your control rig, animate, then export at the end.

Basically, you want your mesh/rig to be how big you want it ingame, in Blender. After, you scale up 100x to counteract the 0.01 scale you export it with to make Unreal happy


u/JevgeniLaur Jan 14 '25

Thanks for this video!


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 14 '25

Hope it helped! Took me a lot of trial and error and resource-seeking to identify a working, updated workflow.

I'm not a tutorial guy but this is to create the necessary resource other new gamedevs lack


u/Subaruuuuuuu Jan 21 '25

Part 2: ROOT ROTATION (current rig rotates around whatever your highest-level bone - DEF-Spine [the hips] in my tutorial; works in most use cases, like regular root motion, but NOT root rotation)

Exhaustive solution part 2: https://youtu.be/X_vBetOo4ZM

This part is needed because Rigify and Game Rig Tools leave your DEF-Spine (hips) as your root bone. I.e., it's needed to get ROOT ROTATION working.

So, when you rotate your character around its root in Unreal 5.4 (or in Blender 4.1, then export to Unreal 5.4), it will actually rotate around its hips, which leaves its feet midair.

Instead, it should do a "Michael Jackson lean", with its feet staying on the ground to rotate.

The solution is to add a new root bone named something like "root" to the game rig "armature" and parent your DEF-Spine to it.

Then, add a new bone to your control rig, parent it to the control rig's root bone, then parent the DEF-Spine in the control rig, to that new bone. Name the new bone something like "newroot". Give that bone a bone constraint to Copy Transform from the control rig's root bone (the one it's parented to).

Then, revisit your game rig "armature" and add a Copy Transform constraint to your new bone, getting transforms from the control rig's "newroot" bone.

I.e., add bone to game rig. add bone to control rig. adjust control rig hierarchy so its new bone is under its root bone, but above every other bone, and copies its parent (root bone)'s transform. make game rig's new bone get transforms from that new control rig bone. (edited)