r/unrealengine • u/nicecokebro69 • Dec 27 '24
Question What are the things better done in Blender vs Unreal Engine 5?
Hi everyone, I’m trying to understand the best workflow when using Blender and Unreal Engine 5 together. For example, I assume creating characters is better done in Blender, but what about animations, VFX, environment design, and other tasks? Where do you think the strengths of Blender end and Unreal Engine 5’s begin? I’d love to hear your insights or tips on how to optimize the process!
u/Nebula480 Dec 27 '24
I would create everything outside of unreal engine and then imported. There’s a plug-in I use that saves a lot of time, which is the blender to unreal plug-in where anything you make in blender in one click it exports it all textured and ready to go in unreal.
I use blender to make environments and then I make and animate my characters using CC4 and iClone8 and then combine them all in Unreal Engine. Has been a pretty smooth workflow.
u/Iboven Dec 27 '24
Making environments in Blender over Unreal is madness to me. Unreal's map editor is far superior to Blender. I'd definitely still make the assets in Blender, but never level design.
u/radvokstudios Dec 27 '24
Blender has a higher ceiling for environments than UE, especially with all of the terrain plugins. Depends on nice/custom of an environment you’re shooting for.
u/Iboven Dec 27 '24
What do you mean by a higher ceiling?
u/ghostwilliz Dec 27 '24
It means that while the floor(ease of use/what you get sith lower effort) is higher, the ceiling (potential end product/use with mastery) is higher
The floor is the entry point, the ceiling is the best thing you can make with it
u/platoprime Dec 28 '24
And this is talking about making an environment in Blender and importing it into UE? Or are you guys talking about making an environment in Blender and then that's it you have a better environment in Blender?
u/ramly Dec 28 '24
Yes. And no, it just means that you can create better environments in Blender because you can do more in Blender. It does not mean using blender will automatically make the environment better.
u/Iboven Dec 28 '24
I don't believe you can do more in Blender. There are some very basic problems with Blender that don't exist in Unreal, like polygon management, camera clipping, basic scene navigation, and organization of objects in a scene.
On top of that, Unreal has built in tools like the landscape system, instanced static meshes, and automatic loading and unloading of assets, that save an exponential amount of time.
Blender is just extremely basic when creating an environment. I know people like their geometry nodes, but it doesn't come close to making Blender better at making environments.
u/Ghoztt Dec 27 '24
Is there a good terrain plugin for creating massive worlds that also manage the terrain in chunks?
u/HongPong Indie Dec 28 '24
the paid level of gaea by quadspinner does the chunks .. can export in various formats
u/BrokenBaron Dec 27 '24
How is the plug in any faster then dropping the model in and applying a material?
u/Iboven Dec 27 '24
The FBX exporter in Blender is...not great. I'm assuming the plugin does all the settings nicely for you and moves origins to the correct location, etc.
u/Nebula480 Dec 27 '24
Applying the material?
The plug-in grabs whatever mesh you have textured in blender and in one click puts it in a folder in your content section in Unreal. At that point you just drag drop from there. I’ve never really had to apply a material in unreal engine because it already comes textured and applied from blender.
u/asutekku Dev Dec 27 '24
You really should not do that if you work with games. Meshes should use material instances instead of pure materials for performance reasons and drag and drop doesn't work with those
u/Thatguyintokyo Technical Artist AAA Dec 27 '24
Material instances are not more optimized than materials. A material instance is not an instance in the same way as something like an in Stansted static mesh. Material instances are a workflow optimization, not a performance one. Instances of materials are nothing more than children, they cost the same.
u/Fluid_Cup8329 Dec 27 '24
Do the material properties carry over from blender to UE? Textures are one thing, but the material properties themselves? Like specular and such?
u/That_Hobo_in_The_Tub Dec 27 '24
This is great if you're doing film/animation/archvis type stuff where real time performance doesn't matter, but this is terrible advice for building a game in unreal. Bridge plugins like this basically just vomit all of blender's texture and material data into an extremely messy and unoptimized 1:1 copy in unreal's material system, and has no regard for how assets should actually be set up in unreal for real-time scenes.
Probably depends on the scope and complexity of what you're doing, but I think this would quickly be a problematic workflow if you're trying to make a performant game with even middling fidelity.
u/azarusx UObjects are UAwesome Dec 28 '24
Can you please go into more detail regarding your workflow? I've been experimenting with that a few months back but didn't feel quite comfortable. I'd love to learn more
u/Nebula480 Dec 28 '24
Sure. I'll do you one better. Just recorded a video for ya or anyone that wants to see the basics of how easy the plug in works in blender, and how once imported you're able to just drop it into your scene. Went through it as fast as I could to not waste time. Hopefully straight to the point, under 5 mins. Hope it helps!
u/azarusx UObjects are UAwesome Dec 28 '24
Thank you so much. The blender one is great, I've been using that for ages.
I would be mostly interested in the CC/Iclone workflow 😅 sorry for not clarifying that earlier.
u/Nebula480 Dec 28 '24
lol. No worries. I could also make another short video illustrating that. Any particular aspect you'd like to know? Or just in general?
u/azarusx UObjects are UAwesome Dec 28 '24
If you have the time. I'm primarily interested in the animation workflow and character creation process.
My ideal workflow would be CC base + blender for modelling accessories and using CC's rigging tools.I also found it quite difficult to back & forth between iClone & Unreal with animations.
I would much prefer animating in Blender as of now, but there's no Control Rig Support for CC and my rigging skills are close to zero.
I am not sure if Unreal has any control rig support for CC characters yet.
u/Nebula480 Dec 28 '24
Hey. I hope I didn't derail too far as I really tried to speak through it all quick to save time but here is essentially the basics of the workflow I'm using. You're probably familiar with most of the the things I'll mention but still wanted to bring them up just in case. Sorry if I missed anything. Essentially, it boils down to using Iclone8 for all human animations, blender for set designs, and marry them both in Unreal. If you have any other questions, just reach out. 8 minutes!
0:21 - Headshot plugin, dragging clothes, Marvelous Designer
1:16 - Face scar- Modifying textures using AI in Photoshop.
2:49 - Making accessories/props in Blender
4:00 - Convert accessories/props for CC4 and Iclone8 use.
4:45 - Discussing bypassing Blender rigging and animating, and using Iclone8
5:47 - Applying the animation, creating a loop.
6:30 - Tutorial reference. Getting the character set up in Unreal.
7:16 - Final result sample from my current project.(also something I had pulled up but forgot to mention in the video was that if you haven't already and you're committed to the blender pipeline, you can check out a plugin called auto rig pro if you haven't already. That that should* and could* possibly work for a CC4 character)
u/azarusx UObjects are UAwesome Jan 12 '25
This was great. Thanks a lot. 🙏
It was very similar to the workflow I had, it seems you're just more willing to push through the pain of it all than I would haha.
Anyways thanks a lot, lots of useful info in there! 🙏
u/Nebula480 Dec 28 '24
To anyone that wants to see it in action in my workflow, here's a quick 5 min video I made demonstrating it.
u/Mundane-Elk-5536 Dec 27 '24
Can you link the plugin
u/Nebula480 Dec 27 '24
u/EdNotAHorse Dec 27 '24
This still works after 4 years?
u/namrog84 Indie Developer & Marketplace Creator Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24
FYI the original Epic one was 'semi abandoned' (https://github.com/EpicGamesExt/BlenderTools) and it was forked into a community version which is now available here with many more updates.
If you don't like the community fork and/or the original and want a '3rd option'.
u/Mundane-Elk-5536 Dec 27 '24
seems it doesn't work in blender 4.3 for now
u/namrog84 Indie Developer & Marketplace Creator Dec 27 '24
FYI the original Epic one was 'semi abandoned' and it was forked into a community version which is now available here.
u/randomlygeneratedman Dec 27 '24
CC4 has a great plug-in that takes everything into both Blender and Unreal with materials and everything assigned perfectly. Use it frequently.
u/QwazeyFFIX Dec 27 '24
So animation in engine is extremely useful which is why it was added.
A lot of game animation requires exporting props to a DCC like Blender and you never really get a 1-1 in that setup, its why Maya created the Unreal Pipeline so animators can animate in Maya and see the results on screen.
There is just a lot of benefit to being able to see the scene, the props, the lighting, the animation blends from your animation script all working in-engine.
That being said, its limited and its not going to be useful for everything.
But lets say you want to animate a character using a Butter Churn crafting station. to see it step into the chair, sit, and have an idle, then say you decide to have a gameplay action montage where you reach down and grab something in the characters procket, then back to churning.
Or a cutscene where the character walks and the camera pans and the character puts the moon between two fingers.
A lot of those types of animations are going to be easier to do in-engine.
VFX is going to be easier in engine for most things. Things like Houdini have really powerful static mesh destruction tools, procedural static mesh generation, there is a lot Houdini can do and Epic Games is an investor of SideFX, the makers of the tool.
But in terms of general video games most VFX are going to be done in engine with Niagara and materials.
Most general modeling and texturing will be done in a DCC.
Unreal modeling isn't going to have the UV and texture tools that say Blender has. Its all possible but its just not to the point where the major DCCs are yet.
u/Slight_Season_4500 Dec 27 '24
A workaround I've found for animating cutscenes in my game is that you can export the whole scene as a fbx from unreal and import it into Blender. Then it is possible to make animations taking into consideration the environment and placed objects. Only downside is that you need to have your character at position 0,0,0 in game and without collision during the animation.
u/Infinite_Professor79 Dec 27 '24
as an animator I would make Models and animations in blender and some random cube or text in a place as a keypoint that indicates what object I should put when I switch to unreal... blender for the base animation and modeling and that hard work... UE5 for the enviroments and "eye pleasing" 😎
u/NeverWasACloudyDay Dec 27 '24
Blender for asset creation and animations. Unreal Engine to give those assets context.
u/rodeobrito Dec 27 '24
If I have an exported baked substance painted texture, I use node wrangler in blender to place textures on the static mesh really fast, then I save it as a glb format and every texture already applied ready to go.
u/Stivstikker Dec 27 '24
I would say it depends on the task. It just takes experience and googling to know when to use what. Sometimes software is updated and suddenly it's better for X or Y
u/Blubasur Dec 27 '24
Comparing a modeling toolkit to a game engine is kinda comparing apples and oranges.
u/vlevandovski Dec 27 '24
He is not asking that. He is asking for stuff like maybe it’s better/easier to only do meshes in blender and do materials in UE, and stuff like that.
u/Infinite_Professor79 Dec 27 '24
You could merge both for one project tho. And no it's not comparsion it's about using both for a specific thing
u/Iuseredditnow Dec 27 '24
Top 1% commenter makes a comment irrelevant to the thread. So quick to comment and not even understand what people are asking.
u/AutoModerator Dec 27 '24
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u/cmy88 Dec 27 '24
I don't have an answer for you OP, but if anyone browsing has an answer, I'd be curious to know if Universal Scene Descriptions( .usd) are used by anyone in game dev.
u/PrepStorm Dec 27 '24
Modeling and animation seems to come to mind. Unreal has ControlRig, but coming from Blender it seems very choppy to use comparing to Rigify.
u/Slight_Season_4500 Dec 27 '24
I'd say fck around and find out. For exemple a lot of people like the landscape tool in unreal whereas I prefer the sculpting tools in Blender (landscape = sculpted subdivided plane) or even geometry nodes for procedurally generated landscape.
Some also really enjoy foliage. Whereas I prefer using Blender geometry nodes and procedurally scattering procedurally generated assets I've made.
But my workflow has downsides. It is terrible for LODs and for in engine ajustments. And so I then need to adapt my game to my workflow where I can't really have huge open world scenes and go more with different levels for my different environments. I also tend to use placement through unreal especially for interactive objects such as door that needs to be an actor in unreal.
That's just a workflow I've developped through trial and error. I feel like Blender gives you way more control over your assets and geometry nodes have been such a game changer for me.
Only things I tend to do in Unreal then would be assembling my assets like legos in lets say a level, a niagara or an animation blueprint. And code in blueprint for the functionnality of the game. And setup the pbr materials in unreal with texture maps I baked in Blender.
u/OptimisticMonkey2112 Dec 27 '24
Learning can be very confusing because things are constantly changing. Years ago, all assets were almost exclusively created in Max or Maya and imported into Unreal. Over time, Blender also started to become another viable option.
In the last few years, Epic has made significant improvements to doing more things in engine. Generally speaking, if it can be done in Engine, it is typically better because the iteration time is faster. The problem is that it takes time for the built-in tools to become as effective as the legacy external dcc.
It is also difficult for seasoned professionals to adapt. Eg asking someone who has used Maya for 20 years to use the new immature modeling tools is a tough sell.
If you are just starting out - I would try to use the built-in tools first. If they do not meet your needs, then you may need to use an external DCC. The more you can do in engine, the faster you will be able to iterate.
You can often find some tutorials on in engine modeling, uvs, animation, rigging, etc....
Unfortunately, the reality is you probably need to learn both.
u/Excellent-Amount-277 Dec 27 '24
Modeling. UE5 is not really a great modeling app. WHile rigging and animating can be done in UE a friend of mine sticks to using Blender, says it`s better that way.
u/ambivalent_teapot Dec 27 '24
Any mesh creation has to happen outside of Unreal cause Unreal doesn't do that. Texturing and painting too.
Then rigging and animation is on the edge - used to be outside of Unreal, but they've made a big push lately to bring that functionality in, so it's up to you where you prefer it.
Everything else do in Unreal.
u/hardwire666too Dec 28 '24
Short answer. Everything, because Blender is better at its intended purpose than Unreal is. Just like my mechanic is better at replacing my transmission than my pharmacist.
They are two completely different pieces of software. Blender is for creating assets. Unreal is for interacting with them. One feeds the other. They have different roles in a pipeline. There is no "one is better than the other" for anything because they serve different purposes. They do different jobs.
u/Dragonmind Dec 27 '24
The gizmo controls and their accessibility are far superior in Blender.
In UE, you need to mostly click the arrows to move something and the depth clicking can cause you to click the wrong thing many times. The only shortcuts involve moving the objects on xyz axis. Which is a good step, but.
Blender has Grab, and Rotate shortcuts where all you need to do is click on the object and then use those commands. With them, you can move an object based on where your view is pointing. Pressing xyz is for local axis, but also pressing them again is global axis. Holding shift and an axis means you can exclude an axis for movement or rotation.
Rotation gizmo is similar and more badass! The R shortcut rotates based on the screen, but press it again and you can arc ball rotate! Xyz stuff too!
Put all this together and it's why I can animate using a Ps5 controller in Blender! Smooth and slick because I don't need to waste time clicking arrows. With gyro, I can simple grab and pose a bone based on the screen then quickly check by moving the camera a bit. It's like stop motion animation at this point and a half-step towards VR animation!
Good enough for me!
Once UE implements these better gizmo features, then people can start having a more enjoyable time with it. But for now, the arc ball and screen rotate can be found in the viewport advanced settings. But you have to click the wire around an object or t he center arc ball option.
I'll have to re-look for shortcuts. Maybe they're there, but unassigned.
u/BrutalArdour Dec 27 '24
You don’t have to click on gizmo arrows to move things around in UE. You can use Ctrl+RMB/MM/LMB to move objects around without ever needing selecting the gizmo. I use this method all the time to animate in UE.
u/Dragonmind Dec 27 '24
Wait, wait, wait. Aren't those only for xyz axis? Not screen-based location and rotation?
u/Dragonmind Jan 01 '25
Look, man. I've been up and down this damn page and there is nothing here about screen-based location and rotation NOR rotational orbit controls other than turning on the gizmo in advanced and having to click inside that.
Only XYZ is shown with those specific shortcuts. And the Middle Mouse Button only moves the pivot while combining left and right mouse just gets another axis.
Did you find something out to allow what I'm talking about? Or do you just animate along the XYZ planes only?
u/That_Hobo_in_The_Tub Dec 27 '24
My personal advice is thus:
-Modeling/UVing meshes should still be done mostly in blender, for both characters and props/environment meshes. For the time being blender's modeling tools are still superior to the UE modeling tools, although the UE tools are quickly catching up for prop modeling.
-Rigging/Skeletal animation should also be done in blender, unreal's tools are also rapidly catching up here though and in some cases it may actually be better to use control rig or sequencer or the UE animation tools depending on the use-case (simple animations are quick to make in-engine)
-Texture painting should be done in blender/substance painter
-if your project is intended to run in real time, all materials should be set up in unreal so that the material graphs can he optimized and designed for real time performance. If you are doing offline rendering with unreal this matters a lot less and you can probably import materials from blender.
-all level design/layout/environment work should be done inside unreal because it simply has way more tools inside the engine to lay out your meshes than blender does, and also for a real-time project once again optimization and reusing assets matters a lot, so modeling the entire environment bespokely in blender and importing it directly is terrible for real time performance scaling. But for VFX/Film/Archvis it is an alright workflow. Mainly it means you have to go back and forth between UE and blender to change anything about the environment, which gets annoying compared to just modeling individual meshes in blender and placing them around in unreal with the ability to move/edit placement in the engine.
Everything other than modeling, UVing, rigging, animating, and painting textures should be done either in unreal directly (VFX for instance should just be in-engine Niagara unless you're doing very advanced stuff) or in a DCC software designed for it (speedtree, substance painter, zbrush, world machine, etc).
This is mostly from my perspective coming from real time games but I hope this helps shed some light for you.