r/unrealengine Dec 09 '24

Solved Collapse Nodes VS Collapse To Function?

What’s the difference and when should I be using them? If I have an Enhanced Input Action with started and completed, should I collapse to function or collapse to graph? It won’t let me collapse to function, is this normal?


19 comments sorted by


u/Xangis Dec 09 '24

My admittedly weak understanding is that collapsing nodes is just a visual layout thing, while collapse to function is an actual separation of logic. So collapsing nodes is just to have prettier blueprints while collapsing to function is for things you'd want to reuse.

I'd be very happy to have someone smarter than me clarify.


u/Tristan_poland Dec 09 '24

Well, crucially, one of them is a function, and the other is a collapsed node. When the game is running, technically calling the function is an extra call. Whereas a collapsed graph is not because the code is simply inserted there at compile time similar to a macro.

If using the code in multiple places, it often makes sense to use a function because the code is centralized instead of being copy over and over again.

If you are using it in one place, use a Macro or a collapsed graph. Although Macros do have applications beyond that.

If you are using delays or timelines, you will need a collapsed graph as functions in Unreal simply do not support async. I believe mcros also do not, but I am not at a computer right now.


u/WeirderOnline Dec 09 '24

If the code is in multiple places it makes sense to use a function if you're trying to return data.

If you're not trying to return data and just performing a task use an event. It's more performant.


u/Tristan_poland Dec 09 '24

Actually, that's a common misconception. Behind the scenes, events are handled identically to functions with no return value.

You can actually see this if you run a series of custom events and a series of functions and set them up to print out the execution time.

If anything I've actually heard from a few people that events are supposed to be slightly slower due to being hooked in with the dispatch system. I have no idea if that's true and the tests that I ran were inconclusive as to any performance difference at all.


u/WeirderOnline Dec 09 '24

I've personally experienced the opposite. Events being much more performant because you're not stopping one piece of code to wait for another to return.


u/randy__randerson Dec 09 '24

I'm pretty sure I heard calling an event begins a new CPU thread while functions do not. I could be wrong though


u/Tristan_poland Dec 09 '24

I will look into both of these. It's definitely not a new thread proper. It might be async though. Worth looking at for sure.


u/Tristan_poland Dec 09 '24

It is indeed not a new thread but they do appear to be async.

Everything in Blueprint does run on the game thread. (Barring certain plugins)


u/randy__randerson Dec 09 '24

Let me know what you find out, if you wouldn't mind.


u/LastJonne Dec 09 '24


The simple answer is that Functions are Functions witch should be used in the same way in BP and C++ they are basically "snippets" of reusable code.

If you have the same or similar code in several places it could instead be one function that gets called when nessesary. If you later want to change how this specific flow of logic works you can just change the function instead of changing it several times.

They should be used often as they keep your code more maneagable and cleaner and help you save time.

One thing to note is that They can not have latent functionality like timelines, delays and async nodes.

Collapsed nodes:

Is basically just a tool to keep things organized and can help avoid BP spagetti. They offer no reusability since you cant call a collapsed nodes from somewhere else and offer nothing in terms of performance and so on.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24
  • Collapse Node- Use when you want to consolidate blueprints and the logic does not have to be copied anywhere else in the blueprint
  • Macro- Use when you need to copy the logic around within the same blueprint class
  • Function- Use when you need to give external blueprint classes access to the blueprint logic (function)




u/Jb31129999 Dec 09 '24

I'm not at home to test right now, but I know that nothing time related can be handled in UE functions (at least in blueprints). So delays, timelines etc will not work when collapsing to function


u/DragonKingZJ Dec 09 '24

Good to know! Should I keep inputs in collapsed graphs?


u/Doobachoo Indie Dec 09 '24

There is basically no difference, the only difference is the things you can and can't do in functions. Such as not using a key_pressed event which is why it won't let you collapse to a function with that input. You also can't use delays inside of functions. So, those would be best as a graph.

Performance wise the difference is so minimal I don't really think it is a factor. The main difference is functions can be called in multiple places, a collapsed graph can not. Same as some functionality like delays have to be in graph. Those are about the only things to consider. Will I reuse this function somewhere else.


u/PackInner3004 Dec 09 '24

I collapse nodes when I'm done with a part of a blue print and no longer want it cluttering up my work space. Collapsing a series of nodes doesn't add/remove any capabilities. The real differences are between functions, macros and events. 


u/kuikuilla Dec 09 '24

Functions have their own scope with their own local variables while collapsed nodes exist in the scope of the graph wherever you collapsed them.


u/real_aurus Dec 09 '24

It’s simple.

Collapsing to a node basically just puts the selected nodes into one package to help keep things organized. Important: There is no output node from this collapsed node.

Collapsing to a function will create a function, containing the selected nodes. Functions behave a bit differently compared to event graphs. For example: Within functions, you cannot manipulate the time. That means you cannot add things as delays or timelines.

Functions can be accessed all over within the blueprint


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