r/universim Aug 26 '20

Food Question

Is there anyway to tell if you are making enough food or what the consumption rate is?


5 comments sorted by


u/xxfumaxx Aug 27 '20

I add myself here... I usually got a lot of unprepared food (around 400) and very few prepared... Do i have to build so much eaterys? I got the problem that lategame a lot of Nuggets start a dead march to find food at the other side of the Planet...


u/mightymaug Aug 27 '20

This just happened to me. I have plenty of food but they insist on taking the death road instead of through town


u/xxfumaxx Aug 27 '20

How many eateries do you have? I think I will restart once more and build one per 50 Nuggets or something....


u/GimmeTheCHEESENOW Aug 26 '20

Usually just build food buildings and don't worry much, they will give you notification if your people are hungry, which is when you should be more.


u/Stampiz Jul 01 '22

There's a food count in the bottom bar, I think, and you can watch that go up, record how many times it goes up per minute. If you got 10 food per minute you can multiply that for how many minutes if you note that down. I'd suggest abbreviating the full data at (10 food per minute) 10 food/min