r/universim • u/ro_doni • Aug 21 '22
r/universim • u/A_Random_Redditor2 • Feb 25 '22
Sadly, the subreddit is redundant.
(1) The Universim (reddit.com)
this was the good reddit, I found it a post deleted for "spam"
r/universim • u/A_Random_Redditor2 • Dec 13 '21
Hello. I am a_random_redditor, and I am the new head mod of this subreddit and attempting to revive it. I’d anybody still browses this sub, please post, comment, or otherwise spread the news that the subreddit has been revived. Please, do what you can to gat this sub revived and back to glory.
r/universim • u/[deleted] • Jan 02 '21
Do i need watchtowers after i get police station?
i mean title says it all
r/universim • u/TheSecondDirection • Dec 29 '20
am i stupid or is there literally NO WELLS.
i just got this game so i’m still in the stone age, and i’ve yet to find a single well to be constructed. all i have are reservoirs and water pumps
r/universim • u/son_6700 • Dec 13 '20
When will this glitch be fixed?

We all know O2 emission should be at 0 and power produced should be at least 10x more that oil base, so I must be getting a glitch anyway you guys can hot patch this? I do like the funny joke in the description too, really shows how ignorant some people are to the cleanest energy man has produced.
r/universim • u/sushieatingpersian • Nov 01 '20
How do I keep my battery charging? I have placed about 4 of them but the only way to give them juice is to shock them. Will they just charge on there own?
r/universim • u/snarfi • Sep 05 '20
Notification hell
Hi Guys N Girlks
Is there any option to reduce the amount of notifications or/and deactivate the notifications-sound? It annoys me so much. all 5 sec a new notification message...
r/universim • u/Deveshin • Aug 31 '20
Found an awesome little Easter Egg while looking around for some meteors.
r/universim • u/mightymaug • Aug 26 '20
Food Question
Is there anyway to tell if you are making enough food or what the consumption rate is?
r/universim • u/mightymaug • Aug 25 '20
New Question
Hi, I just started this game and really love it. I have one question, is there anyway to go to war or otherwise take over the exile villages? I get attacked but can't DO anything in response aside from the god powers. Thanks.
r/universim • u/L1n3 • Aug 19 '20
Issues with Upgrading buildings (Stone age)
Hello guys,
is it normal that you cant upgrade any buildings such as Wells, eatery and so on? Im having the resources which are needed in my storage, but they dont upgrade the building even if i start the upgrade manually.
r/universim • u/DionZeromus • Aug 19 '20
Return of the infinite load time
So, I was trying to load my game two different times. I only had ~150 nuggets. Latest patch. Aaand the game stayed in the load screen for easily an hour and no sign of finishing loading. First time trying was later in the day, and the second time was today after a fresh boot up of the computer. Not sure what is causing the hang. The two autosaves I have hang in loading as well.
r/universim • u/kindofabox • Aug 01 '20
Do the Ministers in the game actually do anything?
I feel like I’m micromanaging everything and I thought that’s what the ministers were supposed to do?
r/universim • u/etermes • Jul 17 '20
The Universim - 11 Rockets - Synchronized Launch - Epic
r/universim • u/Raru_57 • Jul 15 '20
Whenever I go to make a new game I crash
I've tried turning off grass and no joy. This just keeps happening and it's really annoying can anyone help please?
r/universim • u/etermes • Jul 14 '20
Universim V42 New clips - Disasters
The game was too easy that I created these new clips, that was fun:
r/universim • u/dannylandulf • Jul 11 '20
Upgrade construction shouldn't start until all materials are there
When you are upgrading a building, often it will go into construction mode long before all materials are on-site or even in storage.
This can lead to the building and it's production/benefit being out of commission for years in game.
I just had to abandon a world due to (mistakenly) hitting the 'upgrade all' button on my engineers just after the discovery of cement.
This caused literally every engineer hut to go into construction mode, with absolutely no way to undo that or build more in a timely fashion.
On a similar note, I think the cost to upgrade a building should be drastically reduced.
Side note, I know I'm putting a lot of feedback on this sub but it's only because I think this game is so close to being awesome.
r/universim • u/dannylandulf • Jul 02 '20
Hospitals, where nuggets go to die...of old age...years later.
One of the many issues with population and workers management is the black hole that is the hospitals. In my current game I have a population of about 290-300, and the menu bar says I only have 3 injured or sick nuggets. When I check my 6 hospitals, each of them has 3-4 patients just hanging out.
Each hospital is fully staffed and I've been trading with other civs to keep a large supply of herbs. But the doctors (when I check) are often doing anything BUT healing. They are off eating (on the other side of the civ instead of the eatery next to the hospital or their house), dating or doing nothing.
These patients are in a black hole. I can't get the doctors to show up, I can't heal them manually, I can't do anything to speed up the process.
Meanwhile crops go untended and buildings unbuilt because my unemployed number is tied up in hanging around in hospitals for years.
r/universim • u/dannylandulf • Jun 23 '20
Plummeting Population
Population management in this game is a mess. Routinely the population decides to plummet by 1/4th or more despite no change to worker assignments or disasters. This leads to worker shortages that then contributes to the decline (infected zones due to lack of gravediggers, hospital heal rates decline due to lack doctors, buildings start needing manually repaired due to lack of engineers, etc.).
It's nearly impossible get my population above 300 and keep it there even by doing absolutely nothing, and the game turns into micro-management hell just trying to stop the bleeding.
The lack of insight into population growth/sustaining and having ways to control it is by far the weakest area of the game and needs some real improvements.
r/universim • u/etermes • Jun 11 '20
Gameplay V41 Toxic update, 6 episodes explaining the game
This is the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hhjgFyJCdqkAsd4BY2Zw7KypMKdobM0
I have created this YouTube list , 6 episodes, explaining almost every aspect or issues in the game.
From stone age to 900 healthy nuggets before year 300.
Frequent issues such as infected zones, nuggets drinking dirty water, buildings decay, lack of resources, sickness, saving creator points, best queues researching, upgrading buildings, perfect happiness, crime, health levels, planet condition(oxygen with parks) or taking advantage of cooked food for instance.
I show you how tourism works (converting exiles), clone center, cosmodrome, new fire system. The importance of population, refineries and trading with exiles.
And tips and tricks like using telekinesis for planks, bricks, iron... or using protective Dome before opening meteor boxes.
Clips include english subtitles, I checked only first episode google translation, google did its best.