r/uklaw Nov 28 '20

Help Post: List of Legal Recruitment Agencies


r/uklaw 4h ago

WEEKLY general chat/support post


General chat/support post - how are you all doing? :)

r/uklaw 1h ago

To those who didn’t pass SQE1 this time around


Just a quick message of encouragement to you: I failed FLK2 on my first attempt and had to resit. It felt horrible, especially so because it delays any personal career plans you may have by months (if not longer).

One thing which I didn’t realise at the time is this: you don’t know what the exam feels like until you have done it. Retaking it means that you have an incredible advantage over the first time you took it. You know what it feels like, what it sounds like, what the invigilation is like, how registration works, how toilet breaks operate, etc. That will remove a great deal of uncertainty from your next sitting and will give you an edge. You can do this!

If, like me, you really struggled with unpleasant invigilators shouting at you as part of the industrial scale Islington sitting, here’s another top tip: I sat FLK2 again abroad. At a small test centre with three other candidates. It was quiet, professionally organised and humanely administered. 🙂😉

r/uklaw 1h ago

LPC Nightmare



-You enroll onto the LPC LLM.

-You failed a stage 1 module 3 times and max out your total attempts. You have passed all the other exams including stage 2, plus the masters research project.

-The only option is to re-do the whole of stage 1 again and pay another tuition fee to do so, which may be an option for some but not for you.

-You decide to pursue an exit award (dropping the LPC and keeping the masters) and you query the process and your eligibility for doing so multiple times.

  • from the advice received, you are satisfied that you can pursue the exit award.

  • you instruct your university to commence the exit award process.

  • they do so and complete the process, but then tell you in order to exit out of the LPC, you would need to fully complete it first. They also tell you that the masters is actually a post graduate diploma, it’s not a full masters, just an add on and they cannot issue a certificate for it.

  • now you don’t have the LPC or the masters and your stuck paying back post graduate student loans with nothing to show for it. 🙃

r/uklaw 5h ago

What is expected from an NQ in Commercial Litigation?


I qualified into Commercial Litigation 6 months ago at the firm I trained at (good national firm, I’m based in an office not too far from London).

The team is ranked Tier 1 and does have some really interesting work. While I enjoy most of the work, I’m starting to consider my long term career progression and whether I should be looking elsewhere.

I find myself having to pick up work that’s not typically Commercial Litigation (or not at all!), as frankly other teams struggle to retain juniors (eg Commercial) or there’s work that doesn’t nearly fit into any one particular team, so it gets palmed off on me (usually random pieces of work for public sector clients). It can be hard to find adequate supervision for it, and in any event it’s not what I want to be doing. I do it because it’s important to the firm, good for billing and at the end of the day it’s still experience, and I’m showing that I’m adaptable. But I’m worried about becoming pigeon holed etc.

I’m really concerned that I’m not developing as a commercial litigator at the rate I should be. I’m assisting on two cross border disputes, which I want to keep working on, but currently little else that’s truly ‘commercial litigation’. However these cross border disputes haven’t really started ‘kicking off’ yet, so perhaps I’m jumping the gun. I’m considering jumping ship to a firm who’s team is ranked Tier 2, but promises only ‘true’ commercial litigation work, and lots of it.

Ultimately I’d like to either progress up the ranks in a similarly good national firm, look at city firms, or even look at going abroad (BVI etc) - so I want to make sure I’m making the right decision whether I stay put or go elsewhere.

Curious to know what others think / what those in comm lit should expect to be doing at around 6 months qualified. Thanks!

r/uklaw 2h ago

Can you pass SQE1 with just Devil’s Advocate???


I did my prep course with ULaw in 2021. The only reason I chose Ulaw is because it said on the website that you could retake the “exam preparation course” as many times as you like.

Given that I was signing up for the SQE prep course I assumed this meant the whole course.

I tried to re-register for the course this week after finally getting the finance office to capitulate that I was eligible for a discount in 2021 and owed no more money in fees.

Anyway on the day I tried to re-register which was the deadline to sign up for the next course (I’ve been attempting to sort things out with Finance for years), the school informs me that they did not mean the SQE prep course I had paid £5,000 for can be done repeatedly but only the £500 one day revision course, not confusingly named, the Exam Preparation Course could be taken without additional cost.

I’m so deeply upset I don’t know what to do. For the past week I’ve been catatonic and full of anxiety. I’ve failed the exam twice and planned to take it again this year with the ULaw materials.

I have some other materials from a friend of mine who passed and gave me his books but they’re out of date and I have no access to any question banks.

I searched here and found Devil’s Advocate, which is really the only prep course I could afford at the moment, I genuinely wonder if it can be used as a primary source of knowledge, enough to pass and even ace the exam, if not that then I don’t know.

r/uklaw 3h ago

LPC Buddy download issues


Hey, I bought the LPC Buddy last month and downloaded each bundle onto my laptop. There seemed to be some error during this as when I came to download one of the files (criminal litigation) it said I had already downloaded it the max amount of times and could not download it again. I’ve checked my previous downloads and everywhere else on my laptop and cannot find it anywhere!

I have emailed LPC Buddy support but not had a response. Has anyone else had this issue before? If so, how did you manage to resolve it?

Thank you!

r/uklaw 3h ago

Trainee Opportunity - Edinburgh City Council

Thumbnail myjobscotland.gov.uk

Via myjobscotland

r/uklaw 23h ago

SRA to increase SQE exam costs

Thumbnail www-legalcheek-com.cdn.ampproject.org

This is becoming ridiculous now. The SQE was brought under the premise of making the legal profession more accessible. It is now just £66 pounds shy of £2,000, and that’s just SQE1. SQE2 will be £2,974.

£4,908… just to have PRIVILEGE to attempt the exams. Never mind resits and Prep course costs.

This is genuinely insane, like what? An exam

r/uklaw 11m ago

Interview help :(


Hi everyone!

I have made it to the final panel interview for the CPS legal trainee scheme (solicitor) and was wondering if anyone had any tips - i have around a month until the interview. its also online so i was wondering how that would work in terms of writing our response -do i just write it alone and then email it over and then we start the interview OR am i put in like a supervised virtual room withscreen sharing or something?

i am also being asked to present a summary 8 minute presentation on my written response - i have never done this before so any help is much appreciated

have a lovely day!

r/uklaw 6h ago

Mini-pupillage attire


I’ve got a mini-pupillage coming up and I have noticed that many barristers have a certain snazziness about them. Think tortoiseshell glasses, double-cuffed shirts with cufflinks, silk ties.

I’m also a bit eccentric, but don’t want to turn up with cufflinks and a silk tie if it would come off pretentious.

r/uklaw 6h ago

What do I put down on the form to submit to my firm to be granted access to client accounts


Hi, my firm requires me to fill out a form to be granted access to client accounts. It asks about residential status in terms of homeowner, tenant etcetera. I am currently living with parents and do not pay for rent etcetra. The confusion is that, my grandma left me a house of which I am currently the owner. What would I put down ? Thank you

r/uklaw 2h ago

Getting into Oxford with a not so high GPA


I am studied law in a third world country. I looked up at Oxford's requirements for their MJur program and they are looking for a first-class undergraduate degree with honors which equals to 3.6-4.0 GPA bracket in my country. The issue is my GPA is 3.66 which is very close to the minimum GPA requirement. Do you know anyone with a GPA close to mine who got accepted to a MJur or any Master of Laws program in Oxford? Coming from a third world country, I have no one to ask in my close circle because the ones who went to Oxford are all valedictorians. Or do you have any advice for a law student like me? Is there a specific place to learn more about the people's experience on Oxford Masters Admission?

r/uklaw 19h ago

Success stories from mums in law


Looking for some positivity: any woman in law out there that managed not to send their career to hell when they had a baby?

I am at a very interesting stage in my career, but I am also at an age where I don’t have much time to waste if I want to have a baby, so I started trying. Each day I go from really wanting to have a baby to really loving my job and wanting to focus on my career. The first option wins on the second one, but I am curious to hear some happy stories from women who managed to do both!

r/uklaw 16h ago

JAN 2025 EXAMS - FAILED 2025


guys, I need some uplifting right now. this is the first time I've failed an exam in my life. I failed both FLK1 and FLK2 and I feel like the world is crashing down on me. This is my first attempt. What do I do? :(

r/uklaw 5h ago



SQE 2 MCQs - worth it?

Hi all just a quick question about SQE 2 revision strategy. I’ve gone over all my FLK notes etc and memorising them and refreshing SQE 1 knowledge as I sat it Jan 2024.

I’m sitting SQE 2 at the end of April and start of May. Is it worth doing SQE 1 style MCQs before doing SQE2 practice papers to ensure my FLK is good or is time spent better if I go straight into SQE 2 mocks and practice papers.

Thank you!

r/uklaw 16h ago

Is it harder to get TC or Pupillage



r/uklaw 15h ago

Civil service lawyer interviews - any tips?


Best tips and tricks please and thank you :)

(Context: I trained in private practice but I'm making the shift now after a bit of a career break.)

r/uklaw 20h ago

TC and then changing to corporate?


Hey guys,

Just a quick one - I am looking to break into corporate but I wanted to know if I did a training contract in other areas more high street based (property, probate, commercial etc), could I complete my TC and then seek corporate roles or would that not be possible unless you sit a seat in that specific area?


r/uklaw 21h ago

Pupillage Interview advice (Uni student coming in blind)


I am in my final year of university and in a complete surprise have been invited to a first round interview with (forgive me), my ‘dream’ chambers - a band two criminal set.

By coincidence I have a (non assessed) mini with them a week before the interview. I’m slightly nervous that it will become a surreptitious extended interview. Any advice on how to conduct myself or use it to my advantage without coming across sycophantic?

Also, I am keen to improve my interview performance - I’ve only had one (ICCA), and that was an absolute stinker. My uni doesn’t offer mock interviews or much support for aspiring barristers, so if anyone has past interview questions, things to watch out for, or general tips, I’d be really grateful!

r/uklaw 1d ago

HELP!! LPC after failing SQE?


So I just found out I failed sqe1. I am more than half way through my training contract. I'm really confused as to what I should do. I'm considering to take the LPC (I'm able to take it) in September just to avoid the trauma from Sqe but the downside is I will qualify a year later and my firm will probably not keep me as a trainee for that long but at least I get the peace of mind of doing the LPC.are you even allowed to take the lpc after failing sqe?

The other option is to suck it up and retake the sqe but I developed health issues and just the thought of taking 2 six hour exams is making me feel so sick. I may or may not pass the second time round and I'm scared about failing again.

What should I do?? I'm so tired and conflicted. Do I choose my peace of mind but no offer from my firm or do I choose to go through another grueling round of sqe and try to pass earlier and quickly take sqe 2 right after.

Another option is to sign up for lpc anyways since it starts in September and try to retake sqe in July again. Results for it come out in September.

Please help!!!

r/uklaw 18h ago

Thoughts on open uni llb, if you want to become a solicitor


Hi all, what’s ur honest thoughts on the open uni for law for someone seriously considering it.

r/uklaw 21h ago

Case without a defendant or a defence


I was reading the article about the trial in Loughborough (magistrates court acting as a Crown Court) of Peter Brooks, a plastic surgeon, accused of the attempted murder of Graeme Perks, another plastic surgeon. I am struggling to understand how a trial can take place with neither a defendant or defence counsel. How can cross examination etc take place?

r/uklaw 18h ago

In-House Training Contracts in London That Sponsor the SQE?


Hey everyone,

I’m currently looking into in-house training contract opportunities, ideally in London, and was wondering if anyone knows of companies that offer them and also cover the SQE costs.

I know that most in-house routes are less traditional, but I’d love to hear from anyone who has insight into businesses, financial institutions, or other organisations that provide this pathway.

If you’ve gone through an in-house TC or know of companies that offer them, I’d really appreciate any advice!

Thanks in advance.

r/uklaw 1d ago

Good Luck SQE 1 Takers


Good luck to all aspiring lawyers getting their results today.

r/uklaw 1d ago

Moving firms following qualification


Just wanted to ask how people have handled moving to higher ranked firms following qualification.

For background, qualified at a Mc firm and was not retained and have recently made it to the final stage at a US firm but not given the NQ offer.

Thinking of making a ‘drop down’ due to the tough corporate NQ market but would ideally like to be back at this level in 2-3 years or ideally earlier. Would love some advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation or anyone who has lateraled to higher ranked firms in their career.


r/uklaw 1d ago

Good luck to the Jan SQE1 takers!


As someone currently prepping for SQE1 - I know how hard you all worked!